Game’s Dogma

Chapter 209

Chapter 209: Listen To Me!


‘LISTEN! TO! ME!!!’ Drako Yau bellowed.

His voice was coarse; the shout had taken all of his strength. As he commanded, the two intertwined and battling forces suddenly came to a halt. Time seemed to have ceased flowing in the space he was in.

Battered, Drako Yau took in a deep breath and roared again, ‘Listen to me! Don’t move!’

The two forces shuddered, but they calmed down and froze in place the next moment. The skies were blue, the earth was red, while between them stood a battlefield of the two colours. As if they were sentient, the two forces silently awaited Drako Yau’s command.

Only then did he let out a good long sigh—he had won the bet!

He was very grateful for Fatty’s advice. It sounded like nothing important, but it served as a pointer in the vast, twisting maze he was stuck in. He couldn’t have ventured in the right direction and found its true meaning without it.

The first change had occurred during Age of Scholars’ deadly ambush. The subsequent incidents such as fighting Nin, duelling Ichor Hon, and getting struck by Val’s Dragon Seeker all had one thing in common—his life was in danger.

Drako Yau had been blinded by the apparent opposing nature of ice and fire.

Indeed, ice and fire opposed one another by nature. Fire couldn’t burn within ice, nor could ice form within flames. However, the two forces both originated from the same source—Drako Yau’s powers. They were antagonistic by nature, but they fundamentally stemmed from the same source.

This was why the forces would ravage and explode whenever Drako Yau was in danger—they were trying to protect him. It explained why he was unscathed when the heat could melt Moon Gazer. The forces didn’t fight intentionally, but rather, they hoped to defend their master.

Like two rowdy kids, they always fought one another, but they’d band together to defend their father when he was in danger.

Drako Yau looked at the inert forces. He could feel them directing goodwill towards him. The basic transmission of emotions was why he could control the two forces with his emotions. As they gained sentience, their emotions were effected solely by his own.

Rage roused the flames, while calmness froze his veins.

Drako Yau hadn’t made the bet on impulse alone. He already had a general idea of what to do if he won the bet. If he lost though… the forces would probably tear him apart from inside out, and there was no point pondering what happened after death.

The forces gradually regained motion under Drako Yau’s command. Flames and ice still clashed and eroded one another as they circulated, but it was at a tolerable level. He endured the pain that felt like tearing his body open and willed the forces to move; he didn’t know how long the two forces would remain under his command.

A father’s scolding could keep two kids in place for a while, but they’d fight again after a while. Drako Yau had to strike now and solve the problem from its roots once and for all.

The forces moved in spirals. The glacier of ice elemental force slowly melted down into a stream while the force of fire formed a flaming snake, both slithering towards the centre. He was commanding the centre to suck the two forces in and merge them into a whirlpool.

At first, the two forces still skirmished while swirling in the centre, but they no longer clashed when the whirlpool gained momentum and sucked in more of the forces. The dizzy kids didn’t have the leisure to brawl among themselves.

The whirlpool of red and blue started blending as it spun crazily; even Drako Yau was anxious despite activating the procedure himself. If something went wrong and triggered this massive bomb of elemental force… He didn’t dare imagine any further.

When the final sliver of ice and fire was sucked into the central whirlpool, it was already spinning so rapidly that the naked eye couldn’t notice its motion. Nothing but spots of red and blue could be seen.

Drako Yau held his breath as he fervently stared at the whirlpool. Faster and faster it spun, until the spots of red and blue blended into a mess of grey that stood out in the pitch-black space.

When the whirlpool reached its maximum speed, Drako Yau yelled, ‘Open!’

The whirlpool exploded. The explosion let out a loud bang and shuddered his insides.

The entire space itself exploded.

The pitch-darkness was replaced by radiant colours. Fiery red and glacial blue formed a brilliant painting in the once-dark space. Eight weird runes floated at eight borders of the space, encircling it. Some gave off a chilling glow, while others burned fiercely.

A giant ball was gently levitating in the centre. It stood above all as the space’s emperor, receiving praises and worship from all sides. It gave off the dignifying aura of an emperor, but it wasn’t domineering, as if it was elegant by nature and born to become a king.

The ball consisted of two colours—red and blue. Indeed, the levitating ball was the harmonised amalgamation of the two forces.

The two forces had a distinct boundary between them as they spun and pursued one another like two fish in the ball. Within the red force was a spot of blue, and within the blue force was a spot of red.

After the forces integrated, the space was now a soothing and charming place, unlike its former self that was on the verge of crumbling.

Drako Yau loved the new interior. He hadn’t planned for it to turn out this way, but perhaps the forces of nature had sensed that this was the best method for his ice and fire to integrate into one another. This was his true strength.

Everything was Tai-Chi, and Tai-Chi was everything.


Reference: Tai-Chi symbol (Source: Wikipedia)

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