Game’s Dogma

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: One-Sided

At long last, Drako Yau managed to persuade Gandalf.

Val the Balrog was granted permission to ride along on the frosty bird conjured by magic, though Gandalf’s brows kept twitching; it seemed he had a deep hatred for the Balrogs.

‘Let’s go.’

The frosty bird carried the three of them and soared up into the sky. As expected, while the glacial world appeared to be massive, it was merely a fixed space. No matter how hard the bird tried to ascend, they remained at the same altitude.

‘This is the place.’

Drako Yau opened his eyes. He had been using his five senses, enhanced by Frost Form, to detect their surroundings. It probably wouldn’t have mattered where they flew to, but because he and Val fell from the sky after breaking apart the silvery space, he thought it might be a good idea to break the sky this time and fly back up.

‘Brothers, wait for me!’

Drako Yau tightened his grip on his spear and activated his inner yin-yang symbol.

Thirty minutes went by since the City War between Empyreon and Yoda had begun. Like a sports match, killing an enemy granted one point, and the side with more points won.

The current score was visible to everyone who entered the battlefield.


Empyreon was leading by well over 30,000 points. Unlike the players from Yoda who were all gritting their teeth and fighting desperately, those from Empyreon were having a hell lot of fun.

It all boiled down to level difference. Although Yoda was crowned the number one city among the three cities, it was mainly because of its irreplaceable commercial value and unity. Empyreon was a place where various powerful forces gathered, albeit keeping the city divided. The average level in Empyreon was above Level 27 when most players in Yoda were below Level 25. Be it levels, strength, and equipment, Empyreon had the upper hand.

Not many Empyreon guilds sent their forces to the battlefield. The majority of combatants belonged to the Empyreal Alliance and some bored players who wanted to go on a killing spree. Both sides had similar numbers, but the disparity in quality was huge.

Many Yoda players who were observing the war had left the scene. Their plan was to rush in if the battle was stuck in a stalemate, but now that it turned out to be a one-sided massacre, they would only die futile deaths if they entered now. No one would willingly march to death for no reason.

Similarly, the guild masters of major Empyreon guilds also watched on the sidelines as the war unfolded, though they were more intrigued than anything. To them, just agreeing to initiate the City War meant taking a share of Yoda’s taxes for a month. They neither had to pay the initiation fee nor send their players to war. Why wouldn’t they say yes to such a great deal?

Meanwhile on the battlefield, a few players from Yoda were putting their brilliance on full display—they were the elite squad of Howl of the Tempest Wolves.

Idyllic Poet kept a chilly look as she ravaged the battlefield with seas of scorching flames. Zephyrwolf the ‘Wolf King’ was tearing players apart on his steed with unstoppable momentum. The dual-wielding Windstrider’s marksmanship was so spectacular that he was the nightmare of all mages and clerics.

Having maintained a low profile, Dumbgirl came as a big surprise for everyone. She was shrouded by a mystifying golden bell that was barely visible—the powerful epic skill Cloak of the Golden Bell which they had gotten from the Mount Soughslit encounter quest. Paired with Dragon Subduing Palms for attacking, Traceless Soaring Dragon for mobility, and Dragon Capturing Hand for control, she was an all-rounder. Every time she struck, dragons roared throughout the battlefield, leaving behind countless casualties.

Sasaki the Blade Master flashed his sword left and right; his swordsmanship alone spelt headache for the enemy warriors. The mysterious cleric Greenstone also provided unparalleled support from the rear.

The squad served as Yoda’s sharp blade, cutting down the enemy while defending against the most terrifying assaults. Yoda only managed to salvage 20,000 points thanks to their contribution.

However, Empyreon was too much for just the few of them to handle. Empyreal Spire also sent out its elites to pin down the Howl of the Tempest Wolves squad: Tripurity, Handsome Scholar, Slyfox, Hau Ngai, Man-of-Steel, and other elites!

Chau Yu looked at the ongoing battle and frowned unexpectedly; he wasn’t satisfied with the current score.

‘Contact Ling, it’s time.’

Clairaudiencer nodded, clearly a bit excited. He finally had the chance to witness the hidden trump card in action after so long!

At the battlefront where the most intense of battles were fought, the best players from both cities were engaged in brutal combat. Suddenly, a slim shadow stepped forwards. Donned in a long white robe, the player waved her long staff and sent out a wave of holy aura.

The players shuddered as the holy aura touched them.

‘Aura of Steel! Increase Defence by 10 per cent!’

‘Aura of Sharpness! Increase Attack by 10 per cent!’

‘Sacred Wings! Recover 30 per cent Health for allies in range!’

After the three powerful skills were cast, the battle became all the more one-sided.

Chau Yu might be a cleric, but he wasn’t the best cleric in Empyreal Spire. Ling Long, the number one player on the cleric rankings who was well worthy of her reputation, belonged to Empyreal Spire!

This was Empyreal Spire’s trump card. After Ling Long made her entrance onto the battlefield, Yoda’s already faltering battlefront started crumbling down.

Even so, a small portion of Yoda players continued to charge into the teleportation array in the city like moths attracted to a lamp. Some of those bystanders who were looking from the city walls muttered, ‘Why… Why fight so hard in a war that’ll end in certain defeat?’

A player halted his steps upon hearing the mutter; he had an emblem of a howling wolf on his shoulder. He turned to grin at the player, then said, ‘Many things in life are pretty much meaningless too! At least I’ve fought well—and I don’t, as well as won’t, regret it!’josei

He then immediately went through the portal and vanished.

‘Ahaha! When this war’s over, I can proudly tell Mask that I’ve done all I can.’ King-Hit chortled despite being caught in such a desperate situation. His spear, as if sensing his mental fortitude, also mustered the strength to block the brutal attack from Man-of-Steel and knocked him away.

Hexen also showed a rare laugh as he said, ‘Yeah.’

As Hexen was a tormentor, he stood behind King-Hit while dishing out damage from the rear. The two rivals somehow ended cooperating on the battlefield; perhaps such was the miracles of destiny.

Tripurity and the other Empyreal Spire members weren’t enjoying the fight as much as they had anticipated. The desperate looks they were all expecting were nowhere to be seen. Rather, the Yoda fighters were displaying their will of fighting for their beliefs, and that was a great mental blow to those who only fought because of Chau Yu’s orders.

Tripurity dodged Windstrider’s shot and rained his twenty levitating swords down upon Hexen and King-Hit. With the aid of several other players, Tripurity finally took down the two guild masters who turned into white light and disappeared. It’d take at least ten minutes to return to the main battlefield.

‘Hahaha! Ya mad?’

Zephyrwolf laughed like a maniac. He was the sharpest blade on the battlefield, cutting in and out of the Empyreal Spire formation seven times without anyone stopping him and Nene.

He charged into the crowd of enemies again and howled—Bear Howl, the epic skill obtained from defeating the Failed Rampaging Bear King!

Just when he was about to use his ultimate combo, he was knocked back and interrupted by a shield.

Zephyrwolf glared at Handsome Scholar in disdain. ‘It’s you, loser!’

Handsome Scholar calmly replied, ‘We fight for our masters and that’s all. Also, I lost to Mask, not you.’

With Handsome Scholar intercepting Zephyrwolf, ranged players could finally bombard him with all sorts of magic and projectiles in an attempt to kill him off in one go.

A white glow flashed around Zephyrwolf, and his Health was up to a relatively safe level; Greenstone had healed him at the perfect moment. Even the number one cleric Ling Long was amazed by the timing of Greenstone’s healing, though it also made her wary of the brawny healer.

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