Game’s Dogma

Chapter 222

Chapter 222: Expendables

Old Florist nodded in satisfaction. ‘That’s settled then. Alright, time to go and rest. I have to return to my farmland outside the city as well.’

Drako Yau stowed Lunafilia into his item bag and left the store together with Old Florist.

There were different ways of setting up entrances and exits of a store. If a player was willing to spend the money, they could set their stores as an independent space just like a dungeon, and players couldn’t enter such stores without the owner’s permission. This protected stores whose owners were weak and couldn’t defend themselves against thieves, like Old Florist who was just Level 7. 

As such, Old Florist had set up his store as an independent space.

The moment Drako Yau stepped out of the store, goosebumps rose all over his body. An intense sense of danger washed over him—even more so than the time he fought Val the Balrog.

Voices reached him from all around. This is… Many mages are chanting spells together!

At the same time, barrages of arrows whizzed through the air towards him.

Drako Yau felt an explosion with him—then the flow of time stopped almost completely.

Only then did Drako Yau have the time to observe his surroundings, and it made him frown. Almost a thousand players had surrounded Old Florist’s store, two-thirds of which were ranged players such as rangers and mages.

Every mage was casting their most powerful spell while the rangers had all fired off their shots already. Although he had subconsciously activated both Frost Form and Flame Form upon sensing the impending crisis, he couldn’t find a way out of this encirclement. 

The 1,000 players had already surrounded him with a well-placed net. Their spells didn’t only target the store’s exit, but also sealed off all potential locations of evasion. All rangers also used the same skill, Triangular Entanglement. Once struck by the skill, they could easily finish him off with a bombardment. Assassins had also started lurking and were ready to pounce with Shadowstrike just in case their bombardment fell short of slaying him.

Apart from being shocked, Drako Yau also felt an endless rage burning within him. This was the greatest crisis he had ever faced.

Enter the store? No, I’ll need Old Florist’s permission, and he definitely can’t react in time. I only have time to analyse the situation because of Frost Form.

This is certain death… Just who is going to such extremes to kill me!

The players surrounding him were all expendables sent to sacrifice themselves for his life. Their levels weren’t high, but they had overwhelming superiority in numbers. They all had one chance as well; if they couldn’t kill him in one wave, the city guards would appear and send them all to jail the next moment.

Even the heavens and the earth leave me with no way out… Wait, the heavens? Drako Yau’s eyes glowed. Looks like this is the only way.

He took in a deep breath, his eyes giving off a ferocious gaze. He’d definitely make the one responsible for this pay for it if he survived!

The ambush was in fact perfect, but they couldn’t account for what they didn’t know —cultivation styles. When considering Frost Form and Flame Form as buffs in a game, they were undoubtedly broken skills.

A name naturally came to mind: Chau Yu.

If I survive this… Hmph.

Time started flowing normally again. Seconds before the countless skills struck their targets, a golden streak of light took off from the ground and struck a nearby building.

Various spells and Triangular Entanglements tore apart the ground, sending Old Florist to the resurrection altar as a lump of white light.

The golden streak of light howled like a dragon. Drako Yau, shrouded in flames, controlled the dragon aura with his left hand—Dragon Capturing Hand!

Dragon Capturing Hand wasn’t powerful enough to shatter rocks and metal across the air, at least not at Level 1. Since he couldn’t pull the building over to him, he was instead pulled towards the building. He had once again found a way out of a tough situation using the properties of Dragon Capturing Hand.

The carpet bombing of skills even destroyed the entire store, but that all happened behind Drako Yau who was already in the air. Many assassins who were quick to react immediately cast Shadowstrike at him.

As Shadowstrike was a lock-on skill, it would land without fail as long as the target was visible and within range. Countless assassins launched themselves from the ground like grasshoppers, leaping towards him.

Drako Yau grunted and started spinning in the air—Level 30 Godly Spearmaster skill, Blizzard!

He spun like a top in a torrent of chilly gale. Most assassins were knocked back to the ground as if their attacks were blocked, and the few that made it past the blizzard only struck the Devil King’s Cloak which reduced damage dealt from the rear.

The expendables weren’t high level players, nor did they own particularly decent equipment. They couldn’t possibly kill Drako Yau unless all attacks landed in quick succession.

When Blizzard came to an end, Drako Yau stood on a roof and looked down at the players from above like a devil king. The ambushers were puzzled as they thought, What the hell… It’s impossible to kill him!

Before the city guards arrived, he lifted Shooting Star and cast its ability.

Active Skill: Starry Rain. Rain down a meteor shower at a circular area with a ten-metre radius for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 6 hours.

The area was instantly covered by dark clouds as large, smoking meteors shot through the clouds and smashed into the ground. It was a scene straight from hell; many died, others fled for their lives, though most of them were sent to jail by the city guards who soon appeared. The players slain by Starry Rain also spawned in prison instead of the resurrection altar.

Drako Yau was also seized by two city guards who appeared out of nowhere behind him and they vanished together.

It was a shocking outcome. A thousand players were sent to jail, with over half of them dying to Mask’s mysterious skill. When they saw Shooting Star flickering, they could already guess it was the weapon’s active skill. Meanwhile, Mask was also taken away by the city guards, his fate unknown.

And a single person oversaw everything that happened.

‘Guild master, isn’t this too much of a price to pay?’

‘Everything’s worth it as long as we can kill Mask. Even though he survived, he’ll fall behind a lot in levels when he’s released from jail a month or two later. With Mask gone, we’ll gather every guild in Empyreon. This time, we’ll all strike Yoda unreservedly and take them down in one strike.

‘Mask—this man must die!’


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