Game’s Dogma

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: The Laboratory Incident

The mysterious Barefooty Worldrunner was levelling up at a shocking pace.

Drako Yau levelled up four times to Level 34 within a month, but that was all thanks to the efforts of his high-level comrades in Dragon Alliance.

Goemon, Hexen, King-Hit, and Drako Yau’s companions rotated in shifts to level him up twenty-four hours a day in either dungeons or the wilderness. He’d either be crafting scrolls relentlessly or falling sound asleep on the ground.

Though tired, they all had no complaints. Mask was the king of Yoda, so his strength had to live up to his name, or else the alliance would crumble. It was a world where the strong preyed on the weak, and only the strongest among the strong ones were worthy of admiration. The only drawback was that they weren’t levelling up as quickly as before.

Another beneficiary was Moonnight who shot to fame with a single song. He was now one of the trump cards of Yoda; the ability to instantly buff all friendly players was a weapon of mass destruction in war.

Every time Moonnight left the city, he was guarded by at least two full squads of players from Dragon Alliance. There were simply far too many players from Empyreon who were trying to ambush him beyond the city walls every day.

Moonnight’s character was simply too extreme. Apart from the overpowered buff, he couldn’t fight at all! Given the proper opportunity, even an ordinary low-level player could easily kill him.

Drako Yau stood up with a sigh and stretched his body. He had finally levelled up scrollcrafter to Level 4, but levelling up the subclass was even worse than his player level. It took him a whole month and six digits of gold coins just to get to Level 4. This subclass was almost like a trap!josei

Anyway, he planned to exercise a little before returning to the city and have a look at what scrolls could he craft at Level 4.

He ran to meet up with his teammates. They were currently within the dungeon, John’s Laboratory (Hell difficulty). By the time he arrived, they were already fighting the final boss.

As Empyreal Spire publicly posted the guide to clearing John’s Laboratory (Hell), countless players had followed it to clear the dungeon successfully. It was almost considered an easy fight at this point.

The final boss was, as one might’ve guessed, John.

John was a scientist fixed on discovering a way to resurrect the dead. This laboratory was where he conducted his research; the monsters in the laboratory were disgusting zombies, and even John himself was an undead humanoid chimera.

At first, players didn’t know how to clear the dungeon because John always came back to life like a non-perishable undead. It was Chau Yu who discovered that by dealing the killing blow with a light, lightning, or fire elemental attack, John would stay dead.

Seeing Drako Yau approach them, they were all a bit surprised.

The current squad consisted of Greenstone, Dumbgirl, King-Hit, and Hexen. A standard squad with a healer (Greenstone), two damage dealers (Dumbgrl and Hexen), and a tank (King-Hit).

‘Heh, wanna work my body a little. Don’t attack, I’ll do this alone.’

Dumbgirl and Greenstone knew him well, so they had already gotten used to it. But Hexen and King-Hit weren’t.

Even though there’s a guide out there… I’ve never heard anyone taking on John alone…

Apart from its ability to constantly come back to life, John’s attack pattern was also very troublesome. For every ten per cent Health lost, it’d start splashing alchemic potions everywhere and summon twenty zombies.

The potions were test tubes with toxic-looking green smoke that spawned poisonous pools on the ground that lasted for five seconds. The poison was very potent as well, sucking away Health rapidly from players who came into contact with it. They could only survive by constantly receiving healing from their healer until the effect wore off.

Apart from poison, there were also various annoying test tubes that inflicted slowness, stun, curses, and many more. The most common tactic was to have the tank take on all of John’s attacks while the damage dealers do their work.

Taking on John alone… was an impossible feat.

Drako Yau cranked his neck left and right, then took out Shooting Star. He had gotten rather bored after refraining from fighting for a month.

‘Ahaha, become my test subject!’

The moment Drako Yau entered the aggro zone, John laughed like a maniac and tossed out test tubes. Drako Yau leapt and swung his spear sideways; the test tube was swept away by his spear and veered off.

Hexen and King-Hit widened their jaws in astonishment. What strategy is this?! He’s not avoiding the test tubes, but changing their trajectory mid-air!

Drako Yau took a step forward and thrust his spear.

He smiled. Looks like it’s my lucky day. His first attack had inflicted burning on John. Pressing on, he flicked his spear upwards and used Soaring Flames.


John, inflicted with burning, exploded from Soaring Flames due to its combo effects, taking a lot of damage. John shrieked and waved its tattered arm to summon twenty zombies from the ground.

Ten per cent Health in just two hits?

Drako Yau’s attack was so high that it made Hexen and King-Hit twitch their eyes.

He had already maxed out Spear Mastery which now gave a 30 per cent Attack buff when wielding spears. His spear Shooting Star was also an outstanding weapon that had excellent stats and special effects. Paired with powerful Godly Spearmaster skills and his furniture buffs, he could easily deal a staggering amount of damage.

Drako Yau didn’t even frown at the sight of twenty zombies emerging from the ground. He leapt and kicked John who was still in the air, then landed and pummeled the end of his spear into the ground.

Icy Bloom!

A dazzling, icy flower bloomed from the ground and froze all twenty zombies and John. Drako Yau continued his combo; he swung his spear and smashed it downwards and the frozen monsters.

Flames gushed out from beneath the icy flower like an erupting volcano—Flameblast!

Just like that, the twenty zombies were dead.

Fifteen minutes later, Drako Yau ended the boss fight by killing John with Soaring Flames.

‘Achievement accomplished: Not Holding Back Against Disgusting Enemies.’

‘Title obtained: Zombies? Bah!’

Suddenly, the entire laboratory started shaking.

‘What’s going on?’

Before they could marvel at Drako Yau’s feat of defeating John alone, the laboratory started transforming before their eyes. The operation table where John spawned from whenever players entered the boss room broke and exploded into smithereens from the tremendous shaking.

After the dust and rubble dispersed, a tunnel appeared where the operation table used to be.

A notification flashed across the global channel. ‘Players ???, Greenstone, King-Hit, Dumgirl, and Hexen have triggered the hidden dungeon, John’s Secret Chamber. All players are welcome to challenge it.’

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