Game’s Dogma

Chapter 230

Chapter 230: Sealed, and Sealed Again

‘Fleeing again?’

John appeared behind Drako Yau again, though this time Drako Yau was prepared for it. He turned around and kicked with his right leg. John chuckled and easily blocked the kick.

As his feet touched the ground, Drako Yau shot a complicated look at John and said, ‘How is this possible? You’re teleporting.’

John laughed again, this time with a wicked smile. ‘Blame the old geezer. It’s one of the rules here.’

‘No movement skills allowed.’

‘No weapons allowed.’

John then readied his stance and said, ‘Attack me with Dragon Seeker! Or else… I will kill you here. Even the Dominator can’t say a word about it.’

Drako Yau gritted his teeth and charged in to attack with his arms.

Drako Yau felt thankful that he had sparred with Val back in the Abyss of Durin, renewing his knowledge and proficiency with Dragon Seeker. Or else he’d be in great trouble now.

John’s attacks were simple with little variation, but he had terrifying strength, speed, and toughness. His attacks that missed the target smashed craters and holes on the walls of the laboratory.

If he couldn’t match John in strength, then he could only use technique to compensate. Dragon Seeker wasn’t known for its power in the first place; its strength lay in its variety of techniques that were compiled from various styles. Every attack could link up to many different follow up strikes or moves.

Still, he was starting to feel the pressure when John’s attacks got even faster. He felt like he was fighting against an improved version of Val which had similar variations in moves but much better strength and speed.

As the saying went, ‘Brute force can triumph over technique.’ Drako Yau’s variations and moves were failing to cope with John’s overwhelming strength and speed. His enhanced vision from Frost Form couldn’t catch up with John’s attacks either. He felt like a dam blocking tidal surges, but it would eventually crumble when a larger surge smashed against it.


Drako Yau nudged his head sideways just in time for the glowing white palm to brush past his nose, resulting in a scratch. John’s attacks were so quick that they were accompanied by bursts of air, and these bursts were getting stronger by the moment.

John smiled as he attacked. He seemed to be enjoying it as he said, ‘How’s this? Does my White Jade Hand feel good? When trained to perfection, White Jade Hand can even punch through boulders. Be careful, or you’ll lose your petty life in one hit.’

Drako Yau didn’t reply. Or rather, he couldn’t. It had been a while since he had been caught in such a desperate situation, and the reason for it irked him even more—his movement skills and spearmanship was sealed.

Without his spear, he couldn’t use a single one of his class skills! If he could use his spearmanship and the power of Flame Form, he was confident that he could fight toe-to-toe with John.

I can’t hold on… Despite his mental fortitude, he couldn’t help but feel despair for a moment.

John’s eyes glowed. ‘Gotcha!’ he yelled.

Drako Yau saw a rapidly enlarging white palm before he felt like he was struck by a mountain. Bam! He was smashed into the wall, forcing a mouthful of blood out of him. The armour he was wearing also shattered and disappeared.

John clasped his hands and walked towards him merrily. ‘Alright, I can leave after I kill you, right? I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long! Alice…’

John lifted his right palm, turned its edge into white jade, and swung it downwards. Once it struck, it would surely sever Drako Yau’s neck!


Just when the hand knife was about to reach Drako Yau’s neck, a colourful glow suddenly radiated from his body along with a buzz. The colourful glow materialised into a shell and shrouded him.

Colour drained from John’s face. He staggered backwards and said in shock, ‘This… This is the aura of the God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour! Impossible! How can you possibly be the host of such a divine item!’

Drako Yau felt himself submerged in a gentle warmth as though he was in a hot spring, the holy water cleansing his body. The place where John just struck him was rapidly regenerating.

John panicked and merely stood there with his eyes twitching as he watched Drako Yau recover. Drako Yau always wore two chestplates because Tattered Armour provided almost no protection at all. However, it was completely unscathed despite getting hit by John’s attack.

Drako Yau widened his eyes as the colourful glow faded away. Apart from his shattered outer armour, he felt invigorated and in his best condition.

‘Come, time for the second round.’ Drako Yau stepped his left foot forwards while keeping his centre of gravity at his rear right leg. His arms were also positioned similarly.

‘Hmph!’ John quickly noticed that God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour was damaged and had yet to be repaired. ‘It can save you once, but don’t think it’ll save you twice!’

John smiled coldly and attacked with his hardened hands. Drako Yau focused his gaze and flicked his palms. They barely evaded John’s palm strike and landed on his forearm.

Drako Yau was avoiding direct confrontation. It was like striking an incoming thrust of a sword on its flat side—easier said than done.

Enraged, John amped up his attack speed. White Jade Palm and Dragon Seeker were completely different and opposite in nature. If White Jade Palm was a halberd that struck with force and heavy attacks, Dragon Seeker would be a sword-whip, an agile yet sharp weapon with many variations.

As time went on, they had crossed another hundred blows. Drako Yau wasn’t at a disadvantage this time round.

‘How is this possible!’ John clenched his teeth. It’s only been a short while. He’s suddenly gotten so much stronger!

Drako Yau kept his dull, emotionless look. His eyelids were half-closed as if he was feeling drowsy. He no longer anticipated John’s attacks either; he didn’t even activate Frost Form. Now, he was fighting John with only Dragon Seeker!

The moment he was struck by John, he experienced a breakthrough.

Dragon Seeker had three tiers.

The first was ‘No style and moves’.

The second was ‘Thoughtless and mindless’.

The third was ‘Psycheless and formless’.

This had bothered him for so long. He could understand having no style and moves because it could give the enemy a way to predict his actions. By having no style and set moves, the enemy couldn’t figure out his fighting style.josei

However, thoughtless and mindless made no sense at all. How was he going to fight without thinking anything and letting his mind slip?


Description: Voice is the primary way of delivering messages. When paired with music, it can even be omnipotent. Singers completely sacrifice their combat capabilities to become the best support class. However, their lack of individual combat strength makes them easy targets.

Skill type: The class’s strength is dependent on the player’s singing technique, emotions, and the song’s lyrics and tune. It can either be extremely powerful or extremely weak—there is no in-between.

Skill tree: Summon Instruments, Hence I Sing.

Weapon type: Microphone.

Class progression: None.

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