Game’s Dogma

Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Extreme Control

The two entered a standstill across the spacious arena. One of them had bloodshot eyes of a devil, yet his mind was calm. Beside him stood a three-metre white tiger that glared at the man on the other end.

The other man stood upright with his back as straight as a spear. Flames surged and flowed around his arms.

They were none other than Tigeroar and Drako Yau.

Unable to hold back any further, the white tiger roared and lunged at Drako Yau.

It’s quick!

No matter how quick the tiger was, it still moved in slow motion for Drako Yau who activated Frost Form. The golden-haired young man was the only opponent whose speed was enough to overwhelm his enhanced senses.

Against the agile tiger, Drako Yau moved slowly like a snail, creating a stark contrast. 


His spear drew a cross in blue and red. Snowy Doorstep—a horizontal arc of snowy gale struck the white tiger, staggering it. A vertical flick then followed—Soaring Flames! The two skills were cast in quick succession, creating the cross.

‘Rah!’ Tigeroar wasn’t going to let Drako Yau attack his tiger freely; it was a two-versus-one after all. He charged in with his legs glowing red.

Level 20 Berserker skill, Blood Coagulation Step. Reduce current Health by 10 per cent to increase movement speed by 20 per cent for 20 seconds.

Paired with the Warrior skill Dash, Tigeroar appeared next to Drako Yau in no time and swung his greatsword heavily.

Drako Yau’s eyes glowed. Ever since he had made a breakthrough, this was the first enemy who could put up a good fight. Now was his chance to test himself.

Soaring Flames also suspended the enemy apart from dealing fire damage. After flicking the white tiger into the air, Drako Yau spun rapidly like a top—Blizzard!

Tigeroar immediately switched from offence to defence and blocked with his sword. Although he blocked most of the damage from Blizzard’s five hits, it couldn’t defend against Icefrost.

(Level 23 skill: Icefrost. Applies a layer of frost on the target each time an ice-based skill is landed.

First layer: Decrease movement speed by 20 per cent.

Second layer: Decrease cast speed and movement speed by 20 per cent.

Third layer: Freezes the target for 1.5 seconds. Once the third layer is triggered, frost can only be applied on the same target after 10 seconds.)

Drako Yau kicked the frozen Tigeroar and sent him gliding backwards. Tigeroar could see frost forming along the path… until a flower of ice engulfed him at where he stopped gliding.

Icy Bloom! This degree of prediction was a piece of cake for Drako Yau with Frost Form activated. After freezing Tigeroar again, he gave up on pursuing Tigeroar and switched his target to the white tiger.

The tiger had just landed after receiving Soaring Flames’ suspension effect. It was about to pursue Drako Yau when it saw him charging towards it instead! With its target presenting itself, it widened its jaws and snapped at him.

Drako Yau stepped sideways and swept his spear again. The tip of his spear grew frosty as he struck with Snowy Doorstep. As the first skill of the Icy Flame skill tree, it dealt mediocre damage but had quick draw and retract speed. More importantly, it was an ice-based skill that triggered the passive skill Icy Frost.

The white tiger was inflicted with two layers now. Its movement speed and attack speed had both lowered, robbing it of its mobility that was hard to follow with the naked eye, not to mention Drako Yau had Frost Form. Tigeroar could tell his beast was in danger, but being entrapped by  Icy Bloom, he could do nothing but look on.

Drako Yau thrust his spear thrice rapidly. It was so quick that it appeared to be one attack, but the three red glows suggested otherwise. His basic attacks that were buffed by Weakness Exploit, Spear Mastery, and Might weren’t that easy to take on.

Ah, it’s a shame it didn’t inflict burn. Soaring Flames would be a lot better if it did.

This didn’t affect him from chaining his skills though. Soaring Flames to knock it up, followed by Flameblast which smashed it into the ground.

(Level 25 Godly Spearmaster skill, Flameblast: A smashing attack to the front which triggers the power of flames. Deals area-of-effect and burning damage.)

An explosion went off in the arena as flames engulfed the white tiger. By then, Tigeroar finally broke free from the frozen flower and swung his greatsword at Drako Yau while roaring.

Tigeroar was enraged, but he was also startled. This was the first time he had fought others with his white tiger, yet they couldn’t trouble Mask even with the two of them. There was no room for ignorance and disdain now. As he swung his sword, the air trembled and vibrated with soundwaves.

Roar of the Forest Tiger specialised in soundwaves. Apart from the most obvious option of speaking, the soundwaves of swinging a weapon could also be used to affect the enemy!

Drako Yau saw Tigeroar approaching, but he calmly focused on the white tiger. He took one step forwards, swept his spear, and struck it with Snowy Doorstep for a third time, freezing it.

Only then did Drako Yau turn to face Tigeroar. While it was a two-versus-one, he made things even by freezing them in turns using his Godly Spearmaster skills. The battle turned into two separate duels which switched from time to time.

The greatsword drew a bright arc through the air. It was the Level 23 Berserker skill, Heavy Hack. An ordinary skill at first glance, its effect of lowering the target’s Defence by 30 per cent and short cooldown made it an irreplaceable skill for berserkers to chain skills together.

Drako Yau wasn’t going to just stand there. When he moved to evade, soundwaves ground against his eardrums.

It’s Roar of the Forest Tiger’s powers again! To think he can infuse his internal forces into the soundwaves created when swinging his sword!

In terms of knowledge and proficiency with their cultivation styles, Drako Yau was far from Tigeroar who had practised since he was a child. The usages and variations of Roar of the Forest Tiger, including the unique skill Glimpse of the Tiger and ways to infuse their internal forces into soundwaves, had long been studied thoroughly by his forebears. Tigeroar only had to take in his ancestor’s experiences and put them into practical use.

On the other hand, Drako Yau had no idea what he was getting into. When the old geezer had been training him, his cultivation style had still been Vitality Mantra. After breaking through to Cryoflame, the only usage he had discovered so far was enhancing himself. Though it was already plenty powerful as it was, that was only due to Cryoflame being a higher tiered cultivation style. How could he match Tigeroar, who inherited the intelligence of his ancestors, when it came to the utilisation of their cultivation style?


Sensing the demonic soundwaves’ effects, his ice elemental force started circulating throughout his body, clearing his mind immediately. While Frost Form could resist the soundwaves’ controlling effects, it couldn’t completely mitigate the effects.

Tigeroar cut through the air with his greatsword. Powers of Roar of the Forest Tiger were infused into the sounds of wind and cut Drako Yau together with the sword.josei

It was no ordinary greatsword either. Having received the skill Heavy Greatsword Mastery, all greatswords automatically transformed into heavy greatswords whenever he wielded one. Despite having slower Attack Speed, heavy greatswords packed a more powerful punch and generated more soundwaves as they cut through the air, synergising perfectly with Tigeroar’s soundwave attacks.

Tigeroar lifted his heavy greatsword high above his head and was ready to hack downwards. His demonic soundwaves also haunted Drako Yau like ghosts.

Hindered by the soundwaves, Drako Yau’s movement’s lacked its usual fluency. The white tiger had also broken free from its frozen effect and was lunging at him!

Tigeroar’s eyes glowed. He sent his sword downwards with unstoppable momentum and yelled, ‘Die!’

With Tigeroar’s sword slashing from the front and the white tiger pouncing from the rear, Drako Yau suddenly found himself caught in a wretched situation.

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