Game’s Dogma

Chapter 239

Chapter 239: Divine Martial God Sword

Tigeroar felt the great power within him as he looked at Mask who was sent flying. He finally grinned and said, ‘Mask! This is the difference between us! You have cultivated well, but did you think that alone is enough to compensate for skills, equipment, and levels?’

Tigeroar swung his sword towards the ground—Cracking Wave! Drako Yau withstood the pain between his fingers as he quickly evaded the attack. Tigeroar didn’t press on either. He wiped his hand across the flat of his sword, and a bright glow exploded from the gigantic sword.

This crimson red glow… Drako Yau put on a grave look. Divine Martial Sword…

‘The legendary Divine Martial Sword. Do you think you can match up to me when I wield a legendary weapon? Oh, I’ll tell you that Divine Martial Sword’s effect is a bonus of 50 Strength. In short, I’m ten levels higher than you.

‘I’ll ask you again: do you really think you can match up to me?’ Rather than sounding arrogant, it sounded more like a serious question.

The gigantic sword’s rust also wore off like melting snow, revealing its true nature. It was just as wide and long, but it was now sparkling gold and decorated with golden-red dragon patterns. The blade itself was purely golden, terrorising those who dared to stare at it.

This was the first legendary weapon Drako Yau had ever seen. Tattered Armour was originally a legendary armour as well, but it had a battered appearance as it was damaged. It was simply no match for Divine Martial Sword.

Legendary weapons were powerful not only because of their attributes and bonus effects—they could grow stronger together with their owners by absorbing experience. Once obtaining a legendary item, the player wouldn’t have to worry about replacing it in the future, meaning Tigeroar could use Divine Martial Sword for as long as he wanted.

In other words, legendary items would never be outdated.

Tigeroar’s equipment was the best he could possibly muster. Drako Yau’s Shooting Star was already a top-notch weapon, but it was like a piece of trash in front of a precious gem when compared to Divine Martial Sword.

I can’t fight him head-on! Drako Yau immediately made up his mind. He then asked coldly, ‘Do you think your win is guaranteed simply because you can use your equipment?’

Tigeroar was unmoved by his words as he calmly replied, ‘I’m rather interested to know how you’re going to defeat me.’

Tigeroar split off from his white tiger and closed in on Drako Yau from different directions. Their speed wasn’t far off from that of Drako Yau, but Tigeroar’s buffs didn’t last very long.

‘Come get me then.’ Drako Yau plucked out a scroll from his item bag, tore it apart, and threw it onto the ground.

Poof! It was the Smokescreen Scroll, the recipe he had learnt from John. Smoke spread out from his legs and submerged his fiery red mask before Tigeroar could reach him. He quickly tore apart a green scroll, Agility Scroll, which increased his movement speed by ten per cent for ten minutes, further enhancing his speed.

Tigeroar frowned slightly. Three poofs from behind prompted him to turn around. Another three scrolls went off, and all four scrolls laying on the ground flooded the battleground with dark smoke. As the battleground was covered by a barrier, the smoke that was supposed to dissipate was instead trapped; the smoke should last for at least three or so minutes. 


The subclass that was looked down upon by many had turned the tide of battle.

No matter how strong Tigeroar was with his buffs, it didn’t matter if he couldn’t land his attacks. Drako Yau had the advantage in speed since he activated phase two of Flame Form, had the Wanderer skill, as well as Empyreal Dragon Step. Further buffed by an Agility Scroll and concealed by dark smoke, Drako Yau was like a phantom to Tigeroar.

Although Flame Form could only last for ten minutes in phase two, Drako Yau still decided to make a bet. He was betting that the fifty-point Strength buff granted by Divine Martial Sword would wear off soon. A difference of ten or twenty attribute points wasn’t particularly noticeable, but fifty points in Strength meant the difference between an average person and an elite weightlifter. There was simply no way for him to fight Tigeroar head on.josei

However, such an overpowered buff should have a very limited duration. As a game designer, Drako Yau was rather confident in the settings and design of a game.

Tigeroar’s face fell; the fifty-point buff only lasted for five minutes. Yet that pesky Mask started hiding and fleeing once he activated it!

Meanwhile, Drako Yau hid in a corner and deactivated Flame Form. Unlike Tigeroar, Flame Form originated from his internal forces. He could pause and reactivate it as he wished. When Divine Martial Sword’s buff was over, he would activate Flame Form phase two and defeat Tigeroar.

Three minutes went by. Despite Tigeroar and his white tiger’s efforts, Drako Yau who had enhanced senses with Frost Form activated kept eluding the duo. Suddenly, Tigeroar stopped cursing and snickered.

‘Mask, do you think you can hide from me?’ Tigeroar cursed his own foolishness; he should’ve recalled this method earlier! ‘Ahahahahahaha!’

Tigeroar let his Roar of the Forest Tiger roam freely as he laughed. In his previous attacks, he focused the soundwaves at Drako Yau. This technique was what the ancestors and ancient founders of his clan had devised, a secret technique passed down from generation to generation.

However, he wasn’t controlling anything now. Sound naturally travelled in all directions when free of any control. The soundwaves of his laughter struck the barrier and rebounded.

Found you! Tigeroar had a ferocious grin. Before he even moved, his white tiger had already sprung onto its prey.It howled and dashed towards Drako Yau in a flash of whiteness.

‘What?!’ Drako Yau was shocked. Flames and mist immediately surged from his feet as he quickly switched positions while his mind rapidly processed how Tigeroar managed to discover him.

‘Soundwaves!’ Tigeroar shouted. ‘Soundwaves are part of my powers, and I reign over them. When they rebound within the barrier, they become a radar! The arena’s barrier keeps your smoke around, but it also serves as my radar! You survived because of the barrier, and you’ll lose because of it as well!’

Tigeroar spewed every word by infusing his internal force into them. His voice tore through the arena like crackling thunder and struck the barrier with great velocity, granting him vision over the arena.

‘You can’t hide from me!’

The white tiger, Chun Tin, fixed its feral eyes at Drako Yau across the battleground before roaring. Air distorted as it shot out a ghastly invisible soundwave.

It’s using Roar of the Forest Tiger’s powers?

‘Didn’t you know pets can inherit their owners’ cultivation styles?’ Tigeroar’s eyes were just as vicious as his tiger’s. Through his soundwaves, he had locked onto where Mask was hiding, and his white tiger used the skill Roar to force Mask into a corner.

Tigeroar was suddenly shrouded in flames—he used the hidden Warrior skill, Dancing Flames!

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