Game’s Dogma

Chapter 241

Chapter 241: The Mastermind

Drako Yau left the Arena and went straight back to his home, took off his mask, and dropped onto his bed. He let out a long sigh; he was under great tension just now.

Tigeroar was indeed worthy of his title as guild master of the second-ranked guild in the game. With his luxurious equipment and all sorts of buffs, Tigeroar was even stronger than the mysterious golden-haired young man Drako Yau had fought before.

That was an unfair comparison though. In that fight, both Drako Yau and the young man couldn’t use their equipment. Who knew what sort of equipment and items he had?

Under normal circumstances, Drako Yau would unhesitatingly fight head-on. When had he ever been afraid of partaking in a contest of combat techniques? Dragon Seeker, the old geezer’s spearmanship, and Empyreal Dragon Step were all first-rate techniques. After going through countless battles, Drako Yau had the experience to back up his confidence.

However, Tigeroar was far superior after receiving bonuses from his equipment, furniture, and skills. Divine Martial Sword’s buff alone almost made Drako Yau’s hands crack with just a single attack, and he’d definitely drop his weapon after three exchanges. He had no choice but to engage differently by using his speed and scrolls to hide.

Drako Yau rubbed his tense face while recalling the battle. It was a habit he had for many years as reviewing his fights allowed him to do better in the next one.

The battle against Tigeroar also stirred his emotions. In a fair and equal duel, Tigeroar likely couldn’t defeat Drako Yau even if he had two clones of himself. Yet by utilising his dual class, buffing himself with Berserker skills, hidden skills, and all sorts of equipment, Tigeroar managed to corner Drako Yau.

Tigeroar was right: this was a game. Drako Yau won barely only because he had Flickering Headband as his trump card. Now that it was exposed, Tigeroar would be ready for it next time.

When it came to skills… Dying Precision, Wanderer’s hidden skill, was undoubtedly an overpowered skill, though its cost was just as great. Unless Drako Yau was entirely sure that he could win, he dared not to use it because it’d leave him defenceless afterwards. He had used it only when he was completely out of options. As a staid person, such a gamble didn’t suit him, thus he had never used it after his class progression and cultivating Cryoflame.

Drako Yau wanted to use Dragon Capturing Hand, but the battle was too tense for him to find the right moment. He had also used the skill when Empyreal Spire tried to kill him and in the battle of Mount Soughslit. Once the enemy was on guard against it, it was a lot less effective despite its outstanding skill effects.

Apart from levelling up Dragon Capturing Hand… Drako Yau then muttered, “Looks like I can only work on my equipment…”

Moments later, he fell sound asleep. Frost Form had consumed his mental strength as much as phase two of Flame Form had drained his physical stamina, not to mention the exhaustion of his internal forces.

Even after Drako Yau fell asleep, players who were keeping a keen eye on the battle didn’t disperse.

They were all curious about who was the victor. One was an unreachable peak on the Ranked Battles ranking, while the other was master of Dragon Alliance, Mask the “War God”!

Although they couldn’t receive first-hand news about the fight, some noticed that Roaring World’s player had silently slithered back to Empyreon! What did that entail?

“Damn… Did Mask really win?”

The Ranked Battles dwellers were all shocked. They had fought Tigeroar before, so they knew how overwhelmingly strong he was. With the Feral Rage set to back up his outstanding duelling techniques, he was an unparalleled existence, yet Mask somehow defeated him?

With rumours flying all over the place, Roaring World announced that the duel ended in a draw. Both parties recognised one another’s might, and they decided to end the match before a victor could be decided. Most players found it a more probable explanation of what truly happened and believed it.

The next day, Drako Yau woke up to the news of their “draw”. All he did was smile. He wasn’t there to prove himself or anything, and he could tell Tigeroar only announced their draw knowing that he wouldn’t openly challenge their announcement.

Far away in Empyreon, Chau Yu had his hands full of work. Empyreal Alliance, consisting of Empyreal Spire and three other guilds, was no weaker than any other first-rate guild now.

Lately, they had been busy recruiting and arming their alliance members, albeit with discretion. Others would discover their actions eventually, but a day later was a day earned nonetheless.

Chau Yu was greatly bothered by his dialogue with Mask, especially the last thing Mask said.

“If you really want to win, unite Empyreon first. Then we’ll talk.”

Chau Yu felt bitter, but he had to face reality. Mask was no longer the lone wolf he used to be. Starting with the similarly unremarkable Zephyrwolf, more and more were joining his ranks. Dumbgirl, Windstrider, Greenstone, Sasaki, Idyllic Poet… He even united Yoda and formed Dragon Alliance together with Assassination Coalition, Hot-Blooded, Corrupted Officials, and too many other guilds count.

At its current scale, Dragon Alliance wasn’t an entity a single guild could go up against. Empyreal Alliance was also a so-called alliance, but it wasn’t even worth mentioning when comparing it to Dragon Alliance.

Chau Yu was very dissatisfied with himself and the situation he was in. To play a game of chess with Mask, he needed chess pieces, but he felt that all he had was a rook and knight when Mask had all the pieces he wanted.

A phone call abruptly put an end to his contemplation. The notification read, “You have received a video call request from ???. Accept?”

Chau Yu smiled bitterly and tapped Clairaudiencer’s shoulder. “I’ll go pick up a call first,” he said before entering the room which only the alliance master of Empyreal Alliance could enter.josei

Chau Yu heaved a sigh. He felt shameful for feeling scared. It’s just Mask, have I, Chau Yu, ever feared anyone?

He put on a determined gaze and accepted the video call. A three-dimensional hologram appeared, showing the same old fiery-red mask.

“How can I help you?”

“How can you help me?” A cold voice came from Mask’s projection, seemingly cooling down the warm room slightly. “Chau Yu, I know you want to take over Empyreon, but I am no hatchet man. This is the first, as well as the last time. Once more and you’ll get a war declaration from Dragon Alliance.”

Chau Yu was surprised deep down, but he kept a composed look as he calmly responded, “You’ve guessed it?”

Drako Yau’s voice was just as calm and emotionless. “Many find Roaring World an eyesore, but few have the courage to make a move. And you’re one of the few.”

Chau Yu was the mastermind behind the dispute between Roaring World and Dragon Alliance. It wasn’t easy to pull off, nor was it particularly difficult either. All he did was order his spies in Roaring World to kill several of Dragon Alliance’s players and act haughtily, since he knew Dragon Alliance definitely wouldn’t let such a thing slide. After the spies were killed, they requested reinforcements through the guild channel. It was just that easy to pull off.

However, Roaring World was very stringent with player recruitment, and getting into the second-ranked guild was no simple task. After this incident, Chau Yu’s spies could no longer stay in Roaring World.

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