Game’s Dogma

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: Six Idiots (2)

Chau Yu’s expression was marvellous when his gaze met Drako Yau’s. The two bitter rivals were now forced to join hands!

Chau Yu was no ordinary fellow—guild master of Empyreal Spire, as well as alliance master of Empyreal Alliance. Empyreon only managed to defend themselves during The Siege because of his troop deployment, strategies, and his discovery of the Castellan’s residence.

However, no one knew how good Chau Yu was in battle. Most only knew he was an ordinary cleric, and the only skill he had exposed to the public was Blessed Winds which increased allies’ movement speed within a certain radius.

Now, Chau Yu was also teleported over. Didn’t that mean the top players, both in body and mind, were all present?

“Ohoho… Now, this is interesting.” Chau Yu quickly recovered from the initial shock and smiled. “Didn’t think that there’d be six idiots.”

Everyone smiled despite being called idiots. They were idiots because they followed their hearts, and that was also part of their strength. At least, they had a strong way of the heart. No matter how difficult the situation was, it couldn’t bend them against their will.

Drako Yau clapped his hands, just like how he commanded his Dragon Alliance members. “Alright, we all know what this quest is about. Let’s discuss our strategy.”

Chau Yu chuckled at those words. Drako Yau turned his gaze towards Chau Yu and asked, “Is there something?”

Chau Yu laughed and said, “Mask, I admire your strength in combat. But, before we cooperate, we need to make it clear who’s the commander. If we’re deciding the commander based on combat strength, we might as well quit this quest right now.”

“Do you mean we can clear the quest if you’re in charge?” Drako Yau asked calmly.

“No,” Chau Yu responded right away as he waved his feather fan. “But our chances will be higher.”

Chan Ka Lok, Yim Ho, and Bloodless Bladester all put on bitter smiles. The bad blood between Dragon Alliance and Empyreal Spire was known by all, but Chau Yu was also well-renowned for his intellect. It was up to Mask to decide whether he’d let Chau Yu take over command. With Mask’s strength, Chau Yu couldn’t do anything if Mask insisted on being the commander.

When they were still racking their brains, Drako Yau already replied, “Alright, you’ll take over as commander then. Tell us what we should do next.”

Chau Yu wasn’t surprised at all; such was the intelligence of knowing oneself and one’s enemies. He knew Mask was an extremely rational person deep down. When faced with such danger, Mask wouldn’t disregard the situation and cling to authority that didn’t serve any purpose.

“I have to look around before I can decide on anything.”

Drako Yau looked at the time and said, “There’s fifteen minutes until the first wave begins.”

Chau Yu laughed confidently. “Five is enough.”

Five minutes went by in the blink of an eye. The six gathered once again, with Chau Yu drawing a map on the ground with a stick.

“This is the village. It’s fairly small, which serves as our advantage because of our numbers. We’ll be short on hands if it’s any larger. The village also only has three entrances. The fences surrounding the village might look fragile, but it’s a quest after all,” Chau Yu said with a casual smile, as if the unprecedented legendary quest didn’t bother him in the slightest. “As long as it’s a quest, it’ll leave us a chance no matter how slim it is. I tried attacking the fences, and they’re much more sturdy than they look. They function as barriers… Anyway, the enemy can only attack from the three entrances.”

Chau Yu then drew three openings on the village perimeter.

“All we have to do is defend the three entrances. The second good news is that the villagers aren’t that weak. Even ordinary villagers are Level 35, and they’ll help us with defending the village too. As for how difficult this quest will be, I can’t tell for sure until the first wave begins.

“Next is setting up our defences. Chan Ka Lok and Bloodless Bladester will defend the east entrance. You’re both weaponmasters. In case things get too rough, just guard the entrance and keep using ranged aura attacks.

“Greenstone and Yim Ho will take the west entrance. Yim Ho’s powerful in close-quarters combat and has Meteor Fist, an area-of-effect attack with great range. You’re our main attacker. Greenstone, your mission is to keep him alive.

“As for the south… Mask will take care of it alone.”josei

Upon hearing Chau Yu’s order, Chan Ka Lok, Bloodless Bladester, and Yim Ho all turned their gazes towards him.

Yim Ho even frowned and said, “Why is Mask all alone? Chau Yu, I approve of your intellect, which is why I have no problem with you being our commander. But now is not the time for this. You can fight among yourselves all you want after this quest’s over.”

Chau Yu replied nonchalantly, “You think I’m picking on him? It’s the opposite. I trust him, so I let him defend an entrance by himself. Have you not heard the saying, ‘Your enemy knows you best’? Apart from Greenstone, I’m probably the one who knows best about how strong he is. That guy’s a monster. He can handle an entrance by himself.”

Drako Yau looked at Chau Yu in silence, but he felt a chill down his spine. Knowing that Chau Yu was always noticing and plotting something against him was unsettling.

“As for me, I’m a cleric with Blessed Winds. I’ll stay in the centre of the village and help out whoever needs assistance with my buffed movement speed. Just in case anything happens.”

Drako Yau gave the plan some thought. Indeed, he couldn’t come up with anything better, so he nodded and walked towards the southern entrance alone. Chan Ka Lok and Bloodless Bladester exchanged a bitter laugh and went to the eastern entrance.

Yim Ho stood up. He sent Chau Yu a disapproving glare before heading for the western entrance. As someone who respected brave men with honourable minds, he admired Mask’s courageous display during the Three Days of Crazed Wolves incident. If he wasn’t used to roaming alone freely, he’d probably join Dragon Alliance too. He hated people who were calculating and always plotting something the most—and Chau Yu was exactly such a person.

Greenstone got onto his feet and glanced at Chau Yu. “If anything happens to him…”

Chau Yu simply shrugged it off. Mask, Bloodless Bladester, Greenstone… They were all the best of the best in the game!

Such powerful chess pieces… Can I pull this off? A purple glow flashed from his eyes as eagerness and battle spirit were written over his face.

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