Game’s Dogma

Chapter 252

Chapter 252: Grilled Erudite

Drako Yau strode towards Phoenyx with rapid steps. A rare flash of fear leaked from her eyes; she double-checked to make sure she was indeed lurking, but Mask’s confident charge towards her made her doubt her skill.

No way… He can definitely see me!

For so long, players who fell victim to her Invisible Shot inheritance were all assassinated. Even players who could see through lurking enemies couldn’t detect her invisible attacks. Her “fights” were more of one-sided slaughters than proper fights.

This was the first time she met someone who could both see through her Lurk and her invisible attacks. Like a butcher who had slaughtered thousands of pigs, she was now presented with a wild boar—the technique required was fundamentally different.

Seeing Mask’s rapid approach, she scurried backwards and fired a shot, this time at the ground in his path.

Level 30 Ranger skill, Freezing Arrow. It would freeze a player for two seconds when landing on players and freeze the ground for a two-metre wide circle if it struck other surfaces instead, similar to elementalists’ Glaciate.

Rangers had two skill trees to choose from: Physical Marksmanship and Magic Marksmanship. The former focused on damage output while the latter was more about controlling the enemy. Most non-hidden classes allowed players to invest skill points in both skill trees; it was a matter of leaning towards which one between the two. Still, levelling skills up provided much better damage output and effects, and it was up to players to decide whether to spend their points on mastering certain skills or expanding their arsenal. Every player could build their personally customised characters.

Phoenyx chose the way of magic arrows. Paired with Invisible Shot, the control effects of skills from Magic Marksmanship spelt doom for anyone struck by her debuffs. Her Freezing Arrow landed perfectly on the ground, blocking off the only path in his way that led to her.

But who was Drako Yau? He was one of Real World’s creators in a sense! The moment he saw the unique frosty blue arrow, he already knew what the skill was. As usual, he continued his charge and plunged his spear into the ground, bending it slightly as it propelled him into the air. Pole jumping with his spear had become his signature move for dodging skills.josei

Phoenyx’s Freezing Arrow had failed its purpose as Drako Yau descended upon her from above. The bandit warrior NPC made unrecognisable howls as it rushed to support her, but it simply couldn’t make it in time. Drako Yau’s movement speed was no inferior to a warrior’s Dash thanks to Wanderer and Empyreal Dragon Step.

Phoenyx, while not adept at melee combat, was a notable player who could make good judgements in battle nonetheless. She immediately chose the best possible move and fired Repelling Shot at Drako Yau in the air. As he was mid-air, Drako Yau couldn’t evade the incoming shot. She’d have time to reposition herself once he was knocked back.

Rangers could learn a passive skill named Hunter’s Senses at Level 25. Upon landing any attack on an enemy, rangers would receive a twenty per-cent movement speed buff for two seconds. It was the core skill to forming the kiting playstyle of the class; rangers would undoubtedly max out this skill regardless of their specialisation.

Once Mask was knocked away, she’d use her speed buff to gain distance. She was confident that she could buy enough time to wait out her skills’ cooldown.

Drako Yau nodded in his mind. The right choice, but… you’re underestimating me!

Phoenyx heard a thud and saw a dim glow beneath her. Got him!

The glow was an indication of the Hunter’s Senses buff. However, she found herself immobilised when she tried to retreat: a golden dragon had seized her with its jaws before she knew it. She felt a tug, and the next moment, she was already in the air.

Everything started with two silhouettes, one on the ground pulling its bow and the other one descending from the sky. Right before Repelling Shot struck its target, the silhouette in the air reached out its arm and released a roaring dragon which gnawed the silhouette on the ground. As the Repelling Shot sent the falling silhouette flying backwards, the dragon dragged the silhouette on the ground with it, sending them both flying.

Dragon Capturing Hand’s intended use was to drag the target to the caster, but its effects were relative and could be used in different ways. Even though Drako Yau was knocked back by Repelling Shot, the dragon still tugged Phoenyx as its pulling effect still applied.

Dragon Capturing Hand was a godly skill when the opponent wasn’t wary of it; it could even be called the nemesis of ranged class. Fighting while keeping distance? The dragon could pull ranged targets and present them straight to Drako Yau’s doorstep for him to decimate.

Phoenyx was visibly confused as she soared through the air. What’s going on? Didn’t I knock him back with Repelling Shot?

Not that Drako Yau cared what she was thinking. He thrust his spear—Soaring Flames, followed by two basic attacks.

Eh? Drako Yau had a strange look as he mumbled, “Guess you’re unlucky.”

His actions weren’t slowed by his thoughts as he glowed bright red and swung his spear down at Phoenyx. A blast of flames materialised out of thin air, engulfing the poor lady. The ensuing explosion was as loud as an exploding bomb. When the flames finally dispersed, a flash of white flickered out of existence in the air.

It was the Level 30 skill that he had neglected for so long, Grilled Erudite.

Passive: Burning is now stackable. Upon stacking three layers of burning, the target is inflicted with the explosive effect.

Active: Consume 10% of Health in exchange for fire-elemental damage and 10% Attack buff.

Explosive: The next flame-based skill that lands on a target inflicted with explosive deals 100% more damage.

Among Drako Yau’s current repertoire of skills, only Soaring Flames and Flameblast were fire-elemental skills. Godly spearmasters couldn’t learn new skills at Level 28 like other classes, replaced with new skills to be unlocked at Level 38.

This meant Drako Yau only had two skills that could inflict burning. He had no access to a third skill to apply the third layer, let alone a fourth to trigger the explosion, making Grilled Erudite an awkward passive skill.

Phoenyx was unlucky for a reason. The two basic attacks that followed Soaring Flames both coincidentally triggered Fiery Dance, the passive skill that inflicted burning on enemies at a pathetically low rate. Triggering its effects twice in a row was a miracle he had never seen before—and that led to the first explosive status he had ever inflicted on an enemy.

The doubled attack damage applied on Flameblast and the active effect of Grilled Erudite further increased his damage output; one attack was all it took to put an end to Phoenyx’s struggle.

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