Game’s Dogma

Chapter 279

Chapter 279: Three Types of Cultivation Styles

After a few twists and turns, Elder Ki was eventually fired and the other craftsmen no longer put up an arrogant front; what bargaining power did they have when even Elder Ki, the most senior craftsman among them all, could be dismissed?

At their age, it’d be hard-pressed to find another job. Ki Industries was in fact giving them a pension in the name of work. In the end, they all went back to Dragon Alliance and started manufacturing furniture for the alliance.

The Wyrm Bed naturally ended up in Drako Yau’s hands. He was sitting on it with his eyes closed, circulating the Cryoflame style within him. He had learnt a great deal after chatting with Hagrid.

During his recent cultivation sessions, he noticed that the Cryoflame style was circulating smoother within him. The yin-yang symbol within him shrank a bit, but its energy was more condensed and refined.

Drako Yau widened his right palm. A tiny flame lit up on his index finger and danced across his other fingers like a little fairy. He waved his hand, sending the flame flying for half a foot before it vanished.


Although he had picked up the Cryoflame style, it was just the beginning. Taking Tigeroar as an example; even though his cultivation style was inferior to Drako Yau’s, it had a much larger variety of usages, such as affecting the enemy’s mind, directly attacking with sound waves, detection, and a lot more. On the other hand, Drako Yau was merely using Cryoflame style to enhance himself. What he didn’t know though was that Tigeroar’s applications of his style were passed down through his clan and were the culmination of his clan’s intellect throughout centuries.

Drako Yau stood up. He decided he needed a walk.


“Why’d you visit me all of a sudden?” Fatty’s eyes narrowed as he smiled at Drako Yau.

“Got stuck on certain things, so I’m here to ask for your opinion,” Drako Yau replied. He then rambled everything he had in mind.

Fatty laughed in response. “You fella, you’re oversimplifying the profoundness of cultivation.” He pointed his chubby finger at Drako Yau and continued, “Your Cryoflame style is unprecedented. Two opposing forces have formed a perfect cycle of harmony within you, but that also makes it more difficult to materialise your forces to attack the enemy compared to styles that only have one element.”

Fatty lifted three fingers. “Cultivation styles can be roughly categorised into three types. Enhancement, Attack, and Control. Ichor Hon has an attack-type style, while Tigeroar has a control-type style. That doesn’t mean control-type styles cannot be used for enhancement or attacking though, just that it’ll be way more efficient and effective at controlling enemies.

“For example, a control-type style is a hundred per cent effective at control and only seventy to eighty per cent effective at attacks or enhancements. Tigeroar is actually not bad, but his techniques were devised by his ancestors and passed down to him, so he can use it for all three purposes.” Fatty paused to snicker. “That’s putting the cart before the horse if you ask me. His style is originally best at control, but their clan was so fixated on utilising it in attacks that they lost their focus. Now, his style is eighty per cent effective at attacking and only fifty per cent effective at controlling, which is completely missing the point.”

“I can’t really tell what your style is about, but from the looks of it, it seems enhancement-oriented. My suggestion is to figure out how to utilise it more on enhancements rather than exploring ways to attack with it.”

Drako Yau pondered about it before nodding. “I understand.”

Maybe I should look into Frost Form and Flame Form… and those techniques I’ve brainstormed.

“Putting those aside, let’s talk about some private matters.” Drako Yau’s face turned a little sly, bringing drops of cold sweat down Fatty’s forehead.

“What do you want this time?”

Drako Yau squinted his eyes and said, “That quest… You knew how dangerous it was, didn’t you? A bit uncourteous of you to drag me into it without letting me know, don’t you think?”

Fatty gulped. He was in the wrong, so there wasn’t much he could say to refute.

“So… shouldn’t there be some kind of compensation?”

Fatty answered carefully, “I… Didn’t I give Danting four pieces of the Nightwalker set! That’s already a lot!”

Drako Yau pointed at himself. “What about me?”

“For heaven’s sake, look at yourself! Feral Rage set, Devil King’s Cloak, and Shooting Star, which is a bit low-levelled but still powerful enough in terms of attributes. Those can last you till Level 40, what do you even want me to give you?”

This guy! Looks like an honest guy, ends up knocking on my door for stuff all the time! But I really did him good back then…

“How’d I know? You’re the Castellan, you know best what to do.” Drako Yau easily pushed the responsibility back onto Fatty’s shoulder.

Fatty felt himself crying deep down and dismissed Drako Yau by telling him to return for the gift at Level 40.

Drako Yau sat on his bed and took out an item bag. An item bag was a fist-sized cloth bag granted to players by the system to let them store a certain amount of equipment and items. 

However, item bags were fixed on every player’s waist and couldn’t be taken off. The one Drako Yau was fiddling with belonged to Tigeroar. After sizing it up a good while, he finally reached his hand into the bag.


“Unknown situation detected.”

The next moment, the item bag he was holding exploded like a bomb—instead of flames, it spewed up countless coins, items, and equipment. Lying in the pool of coins, Drako Yau thought, What the hell is this?

Soon, he realised it. Every player could only have one item bag; the moment he opened the second one, he caught the system’s attention, and the system automatically took away his extra bag. Everything in Tigeroar’s item bag ended up materialising in his room.

Drako Yau furrowed his brow and stuffed everything into his item bag. Tigeroar was indeed the guild master of a top guild to be carrying several hundred thousand gold coins on him. Tigeroar also had two Holy Blessing Scrolls, which Drako Yau fed to Tattered Armour without hesitation. The other pieces of equipment were distributed among his companions accordingly.

After sorting out Tigeroar’s item bag, Drako Yau received a message.

“Boss, got anything to do? It’s so boring!” Danting exclaimed.

Drako Yau chuckled at his “younger brother”. Danting was truly a simple man without even a tint of slyness in him, making him a popular one.

“Why, you’re not going to farm experience?”

“Hell no! Levelling up now is straight out torture! Took me way too much effort to get to Level 40 I swear. Is Barefooty Worldrunner even a real person?”

At that moment, a system notification interrupted them.

“Player Ip Ku-sing has triggered the large-scale quest: Tea Party of Swords.

Coordinates: XXXXX

Time: 12:00 noon tomorrow.

Reward: Various inheritances.

Every player within range will automatically enter the story quest.”

“Dan, did you just say you’re bored? We’ve got stuff to do tomorrow it seems.”

“Boss, are we going?”

Danting was dying to give the quest a go. This wasn’t the first large-scale quest, but since most had mediocre rewards, Drako Yau never really bothered with them as he wasn’t interested. The only time he participated was the quest at Mount Soughslit.

However, this quest was different when the rewards were inheritances. Items and levels could be obtained one way or another, but inheritances weren’t that simple to get. An outstanding inheritance could even change a player’s style drastically and propel them to greatness.

Like Mister Unfettered, he had been an ordinary weaponmaster until he learnt Tingling Fan Dance which granted him means of attacking at mid-range. Collis was another good example of players who became first-rate after receiving an inheritance. Considering his accuracy and shooting technique, it’d be hard-pressed for him to even be considered a second-line player without Weighty Arrow. There were also those like Danting, Dumbgirl, and Windstrider whose combat style completely revolved around their inheritance.

Having received Drako Yau’s approval, Danting cheered and said in excitement, “I’ll tell the others!”

Drako Yau was also interested this time around.

Tea Party of Swords, is it? I’m sure the inheritances aren’t that easy to get just from the quest name. There’s nothing to be afraid of though.

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