Game’s Dogma

Chapter 283

Chapter 283: Drinking Tea (1)

They had to be childish to insist that Zephyrwolf was only strong because he relied on his demon wolf king after seeing him fight.

Unable to breach his defence, the girl got agitated and commanded, “Moomoo!”

“Moo!” The bronze-green bull lifted its snout. Sparkles of green gathered at its horns.josei

“Enough!” Chau Yu took a step forwards. “Ching Wah, come back!”

Ching Wah curled her lips but still heeded Chau Yu’s orders. She glared defiantly at Zephyrwolf before saying, “Yes, spire master.”

The bull returned to its summoning token in a streak of light. Ching Wah grabbed the token, then stood behind Chau Yu.

“Ohoho, I apologise for the unsightly display,” Chau Yu greeted the others respectfully.

As everyone present was all the cream of the crop, they weren’t offended by Chau Yu’s feigned courtesy. It was obvious he didn’t wish to reveal the girl’s trump card. Still, they all had a refreshed view of Zephyrwolf and Empyreal Spire. Most saw Zephyrwolf as a thug who got lucky with his demon wolf and gloated about it everywhere, similar to Collis. However, his pure swordsmanship displayed in the previous fight forced everyone to see him in a new light.

Empyreal Spire’s strength was all the more unfathomable with the emergence of this unknown girl named Ching Wah. The girl completely proved everyone wrong when they thought they had seen all of Empyreal Spire’s cards. Ching Wah’s bull might seem bulky and sluggish, but it had overwhelming strength that allowed it to bulldoze the giant apes. It was on par with Zephyrwolf’s annoying demon wolf too; Ching Wah definitely had a powerful hidden class.

Chau Yu smiled and stepped back. With his hands rested behind him, he awaited the announcement of the second trial.

The wait didn’t last long.

“Stage 1 complete. Entering Stage 2.”

The residential quarters’ doors all creaked open simultaneously. One after another the residents entered the patio. They numbered merely a dozen or so, but every one of them radiated a terrifying aura.

Judge Chui, as an inner sect member of Heavenly Handlers, had an extremely high-level detection skill. Even with that, his skill merely returned “???” when he cast them on the newcomers. The only thing he was sure of was that they were NPCs, not players.

How are NPCs so powerful?

The NPCs varied greatly, be it their appearances or age. An elder carrying a sword even sensed that Judge Chui had cast a detection skill on him and stared back—the domineering feeling almost suffocated Judge Chui.

Chairs and tables appeared out of thin air. At the same time, four NPCs—two males and two females—walked out from the group. Everyone gasped. Their beauty was simply too stunning.

The male players instinctively placed their sights on the two ladies. The lady donned in a beige ancient Chinese robe had a graceful atmosphere around her, unconcealable even by her tightly wrapped robe. It was no exaggeration to call her a fairy.

The other lady was a stark contrast to the elegant fairy. Her pronounced facial features and foreign appearance, paired with her lengthy hair scattered behind her back, gave off an irresistible air of unruliness.

The two men also differed greatly. One of them was a handsome man with thick brows and vigorous eyes, and his gaze was as sharp as a sword. Whenever his gaze swept by someone, it seemed to pierce through them and made them shiver.

The other one was ordinary at best; “not ugly” would be a better description.

Despite wearing an elegant robe, he looked weirdly odd due to his bald head that seemed out of place. Moreover, the unruly beauty was wrapping her arms around his—an infuriating scene for the male players.

The baldy, unbothered by the almost murderous gazes from the guys, smiled at everyone sincerely.

“Everyone, please have a seat,” said the handsome man. His voice wasn’t particularly loud, but it reached everyone with clarity.

The NPCs all took their seats, leaving behind the players who were at a loss of what to do. Drako Yau nodded and took on the offer to have a seat. Seeing their boss sit down, the members of Dragon Alliance all followed suit and sat near him, presenting him as their leader with their formation.

The handsome man looked at Drako Yau with an indiscernible smile, and being on the receiving end of his stare was a terrible experience. To Drako Yau, the casual glance from the handsome man was two rainbow swords that pierced his eyes before he could react. The swords struck his brain, numbing him all over. The yin-yang symbol within him sensed the danger and whirled on its own to disperse the invading energy with waves of coldness.

The entire exchange took place in less than two seconds.

I can’t fight this man. No, I never should.

Drako Yau didn’t blame the man for striking him out of the blue because it wasn’t an intentional attack in the first place. Rather than assaulting his mind, the man merely sent him a probing gaze to test him out rather than assault his mind. He was sure it wasn’t a mental attack either, as he clearly sensed the razor-sharpness of the man’s sword aura.

This man is a master with swords, not mental attacks.

Once Drako Yau and the Dragon Alliance members started sitting down, others also took their seats with mixed emotions. Hundreds of thousands of players had gathered at the entrance, yet only around a hundred of them made it past the first stage. The elimination rate was brutal, but that also proved that everyone here was well-qualified.

Yes, they were all proud of their achievement deep down—they all had earned the right to feel so.

“Greetings, everyone. Thank you for accepting my invitation. My surname is Duen, you may call me Sir Duen.” His mouth curved gently into a smile, making him all the more amiable. “This is my brother, Sir Hui.”

The bald man nodded and beamed at everyone.

“Everyone who makes it here is an elite, qualified to drink the tea I’ve prepared.” Sir Duen pointed at a finger-sized teacup on the tables. Every player was presented with the same cup of tea. He took up the one in front of him and said, “Everyone, enjoy the tea!”

With a single gulp, Sir Duen downed the cup of tea.

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