Game’s Dogma

Chapter 294

Chapter 294: Chan Ka Lok, To Battle!

Chan Ka Lok was rather excited—he finally found an opportunity!

He was an upright person, perhaps too much that some found him stubborn, but that was simply his charm. Due to his charismatic personality, Red Flower Society was composed of players who lived by similar ideals. While they weren’t the strongest players out there, their guild was reputable in the community. Some might call him stupid for abiding by pointless ideals, but more respected him.

Although Mask said the legendary sword was a quest reward, it was still a legendary weapon nonetheless. Chan Ka Lok was no spendthrift player; in reality, he was nothing but a wage earner in the Sixth Eastern City who never spent real-life currency on the game. He naturally didn’t have to work now that his income from the game was way higher than his salary.

The base price for legendary weapons was three hundred million, and that was a market with demand but no supply. For the middle-class and lower-class, that was an amount they couldn’t have earned in their entire lives, but for the filthy rich, it was merely a number. They could utilise their legendary equipment to expand their “business” in the game as well, potentially reaping even greater profits, so they welcomed legendary items with open arms.

Chan Ka Lok was sure his sword could fetch well over three hundred million if he sold it. In other words, Mask had gifted him three hundred million, and that weighed on his mind so much that he had many sleepless nights. He wanted to repay the favour, but the thing was, Mask didn’t seem to be lacking in anything.

As the king of Yoda, the first-ever commercial city, Mak was never going to be short on coins with the many hundred thousand coins flowing in and out of the city every day. Women… was something Chan Ka Lok never considered; still, he knew Mask didn’t need such a thing when he had Idyllic Poet next to him. Mask also had powerful subordinates already, so it wouldn’t make much difference for him to join Dragon Alliance.

The opportunity to repay Mask suddenly arose. Although Chan Ka Lok knew Mask had many who could fight in his stead, he still stood up and volunteered as a way to thank Mask. What he did was worth nowhere near a legendary weapon, but at least it’d make him feel better.

“Oh? Since when did Dragon Alliance annexe Red Flower Society? Looks like Evergrand isn’t as united as rumoured.” Pulchriture snickered and sent a mocking gaze at Hades. “Does that mean Evergrand is also under Mask now?”

The players gasped at her ruthless words. In no time, she had escalated the battle from an individual level to that of an alliance. If Chan Ka Lok or Hades wasn’t clear with their response, the consequences could be huge.

“Pulchriture, your mediocre reverse psychology won’t work on us.” Hades stared into her eyes and smiled. “Everyone knows that during The Siege, I and Mask—as well as the coalition of Yoda and Evergrand—defended Yoda together. It is also our squad that liberated Evergrand.”

“Is that not enough for you to see that Underworld has always been on friendly terms with Yoda? It’s exaggerating things to say we now work for Mask, but standing up for our friend isn’t too unreasonable, is it? If Miss Pulchriture only said such petty things because you’re afraid of brother Chan, will it suit you better if I’m the one who fights you?”

Players from the other two alliances, Empyreal Alliance and Myriad Blooms, put on concerned looks. Everyone knew Yoda and Evergrand had been on friendly terms ever since The Siege, but no one from either city ever stated it clearly, so they could dismiss it and feign ignorance. However, Pulchriture’s tactic backfired and instead instigated Hades to publicise their relations with Yoda, allying the entire city to Dragon Alliance and Yoda.

They had underestimated how close Underworld and Mask were. There was no way back the moment Hades made his statement. From today onwards, it was impossible to declare a City War on only Yoda or Evergrand.

As if Dragon Alliance alone isn’t annoying enough… Now there’s Evergrand too…

Before they knew it, Mask whom they saw as nothing but a parvenu had grown so much that opposing him now was an unthinkable mission.

Pulchriture regretted her words. She wasn’t the kind of woman who only had bodily charms and was an absolute blockhead; it took her only a few moments to realise in horror that her tactic had merged both cities into an existence that they all could only look up to.

Hades ignored all the gazes on him and kept up his smile. “Is Miss Pulchriture satisfied now? Brother Chan, looks like she has no comments to make about you being her opponent now. Fight as you wish.”

Chan Ka Lok sent a thankful look at Hades. He knew what Pulchriture was up to; she almost succeeded in driving a wedge between Underworld and Red Flower Society, and in the worst case, tearing apart the alliance between Evergrand and Yoda. Things would have spiralled into chaos if Hades hadn’t made himself clear.

Chan Ka Lok might be stubborn, but he wasn’t an idiot. Pulchriture had angered him by attempting such a nasty trick on him. He strode towards the sparring ground with his sword on his waist, emanating an aura of justice throughout the patio.josei

“I am Chan Ka Lok of Red Flower Alliance. Please enlighten me!”

Sir Duen who seemed disappointed showed an interested smile upon seeing Chan Ka Lok. The dazzling beauty sitting next to him covered her mouth and said for the first time, “This young man’s aura feels very suitable.”

Sir Duen grasped her hand and said with a chuckle, “Yes, indeed. But we still have to observe him more. Comprehending the sword is also a crucial criterion.”

“Hmph!” Pulchriture faded out of sight.

While she wasn’t the best female player, she was undoubtedly the best female assassin. Her widely-known Shadow Elusion, which could evade all detection skills, was a terrifying skill.

But now, she was in an open duel, not a surprise attack, and assassins were often at a disadvantage in such a setting. Not every assassin could fight like Hades after all. Everyone spectated the fight eagerly; what was Pulchriture’s approach to the battle?

Chan Ka Lok stood calmly despite seeing Pulchriture fading from sight. He didn’t even unsheathe his sword.

The standstill didn’t last long. An inconspicuous wave rippled behind Chan Ka Lok, revealing a semi-translucent figure holding a dagger—Shadowstrike, the trademark skill of all assassins. Chan Ka Lok turned around and drew his sword in one swift motion and struck with the flat side of his sword.

It was the Level 20 Weaponmaster skill, Spared from Death that stunned the enemy for three seconds. Who would’ve thought that he’d use this skill in response to Shadowstrike?

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