Game’s Dogma

Chapter 296

Chapter 296: Old Sir Cheung

Amongst the confused crowd, a selected few had the insight to see what happened at the end. They were none other than Drako Yau, Chau Yu, Bloodless Bladester, and Yim Ho.

It was undoubtedly the effect of Chan Ka Lok’s legendary sword. For Bloodless Bladester, Crimson Bladed Curved Jade had granted him spectral speed, while Divine Martial Sword had granted Danting overwhelming strength and destructive force.

Chan Ka Lok’s Hallowed Martial Sword was one that enhanced attack speed. Its passive effect buffed his attack speed by fifteen per cent, while its active effect further buffed it by fifty per cent, making it a sixty-five per cent when it was activated. For that brief moment, he was like a bike that could go as fast as a maglev train; it didn’t last long, but long enough for him to turn things around.

The Hallowed Martial Sword also had the effect of seeing through all things that were hidden from the human eye. In other words, Pulchriture had always been visible to him. Everything, ranging from her lurk, Shadowstrike and Forced Lurk, to her Shadow Clone, was crystal clear. He was the one in control of the battle; the opening he showed was intentional as well. Only that way could he bait Pulchriture into exposing herself when she attempted to deal the final blow.

At that very moment, he activated Hallowed Martial Sword’s active effect and used Mono-yang Finger, sealing his victory. In terms of combat planning, he was no weaker than Pulchriture by all means.

Such a disgrace! I lost to that piece of trash!

Pulchriture vanished the next moment. Rather than dying, she chose to log off right away. She felt too shameful to stay behind.

Chan Ka Lok returned to his seat near the Evergrand players calmly. Back when he stepped up to fight, the crowd had sent him gazes of pity. After all, Pulchriture had a  notorious reputation, and no one thought he could win. However, those very gazes had turned into ones of admiration and flattery. Some Evergrand guild masters also smiled at him in an attempt to curry favour with him.

A single battle meant the difference between heaven and hell—Chan Ka Lok found those changes nauseating.

“Good. Does anyone still wish to step up?” Sir Duen asked upon seeing that no one was making a move.

Silence was the answer. With a chuckle, Sir Duen declared, “Very well. I declare…”

“Ahem…” A low cough from somewhere far away interrupted him. It wasn’t very loud, but it reverberated throughout the patio, striking obedience in the NPCs who had been acting haughty. They became good children in front of the owner of that cough. Even Sir Duen and Sir Hui had stern looks on their faces.

“Old Sir, what brings you here? It’s windy out here, please be careful.”

An aged man trudged towards them at a surprisingly quick pace, his voice sounding closer with every step. “I’m old with a foot in my grave. Might as well use my last breath to search for a nice doll to inherit my techniques.”

Before they knew it, the old man with a wrinkly face was already standing in the centre of the sparring ground. Despite his aged body, he stood straight with vigour. His eyes seemed murky, but at closer inspection, they appeared to be ever-changing and all-inclusive.

“Greetings, Old Sir Cheung!” All the NPCs greeted him loudly.josei

Apparently, this old man had a high standing among them; even Sir Duen and Sir Hui, the two “leaders”, didn’t receive such treatment.

“Ohoho… Everyone’s so lively,” Old Sir Cheung said with a few coughs. He was as weak as a tree that was about to topple over. He then looked at Sir Duen and Sir Hui who were sitting at the main seats and asked, “My last wish is to find a suitable successor. Will you grant me my wish?”

“Old Sir Cheung is being courteous. Of course we will do as you say,” Sir Duen replied politely with a heavy look and saluted.

“You have this old man’s gratitude.” Old Sir Cheung turned his gaze towards the players. “You dolls, fight me. I guarantee that the person who defeats me will inherit one of the five inheritances.”


The players were stirred up by his words. They were fervent about receiving an inheritance but weren’t blinded enough to rush right in. Seeing that Sir Duen and Sir Hui had nothing to say about the old man’s claims, they were now certain that they acknowledged his offer with silence.

No one was confident that they could get an inheritance after witnessing the battles of the likes of Danting and Tripurity. However, the old man who looked like he might die at any moment was giving them a final chance.

Among the high-spirited crowd were a handful of calm minds. Man-of-Steel asked in excitement, “Spire master… Should we give it a go?”

Chau Yu snickered and looked at where the Dragon Alliance players sat. Mask and his subordinates remained seated calmly; some might have experienced moments of greed at the old man’s tempting offer, but they dismissed those thoughts instantly.

Look at my… pawns.

The disparity in subordinate quality was far too much, and that thought only infuriated Chau Yu further. “Give it a go? Can’t you see that the NPCs that have been looking down on us don’t even dare to say anything in front of that old man? Go make a fool of yourself if you want to, don’t ask for my opinion!”

After a while, someone finally couldn’t hold himself back and entered the sparring ground.

“Old sir, please show me your techniques!”

The player was a familiar one—Wai Kiu, the crazy swordster who once lost to Drako Yau and gained the Tempest Swordsmanship inheritance through hard work.

Inheritances were differentiated into several tiers. Idyllic Poet’s Phoenix Ring was naturally a top-tier inheritance, while Tempest Swordsmanship was only of the mid-tier. Wai Kiu had made it into the first-rate players not only because of his inheritance; his swordsmanship and technique were excellent to begin with, and his inheritance was a good complement.

Wai Kiu thought, If I can get a top-tier inheritance, I can catch up to that masked man!

Seeing Wai Kiu volunteer to be the first, some players were frustrated that they lacked the courage to do so.

“Oho, come at me.” Old Sir Cheung chuckled. He simply stood there without any stance or preparation.

Wai Kiu unsheathed his sword and yelled, “Pardon me then!”

His sword whirled up fallen leaves from the ground with a gale as it cut horizontally towards Old Sir Cheung. With a smile, Old Sir Cheung took a step back and barely evaded the sword.

Crescent Arc!

Wai Kiu had fully displayed his capability of incorporating his techniques into the game’s skills. The attack utilised a technique from Tempest Swordsmanship, but it activated Crescent Arc at the same time, making the spectators nod in astonishment.

An arc of sword aura shot from his blade and pursued Old Sir Cheung through the air. Old Sir Cheung swung his right arm and knocked down the arc with his dangling sleeve, making it look as easy as swatting a fly.

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