Game’s Dogma

Chapter 298

Chapter 298: Sworn Brother's Longing

Sir Duen wasn’t enraged by the player who doubted his decision. He was as calm as ever—not a feigned calmness, but rather an innate quality. His voice and movements were simply soothing.

“I suppose you have forgotten about what I have said before. We only choose successors based on their compatibility. Once we set our eyes on you, you’ll become a successor even if you lose your only fight.”

“If you really demand an explanation…” Gentleness melted away from Sir Duen’s eyes, replaced by a domineering glare. “Because we do what we want. We can choose anyone as long as we want to. Do you understand?”

The player on the receiving end of the glare staggered a dozen steps back, knocked over a table, and fell to the ground. He seemed oblivious to everything as his terrorised eyes were fixed on Sir Duen.

Sir Duen’s glare lasted only a brief moment. He said gently, “Alright. Please head down the mountain then. The five chosen players can stay behind.”

As if heeding his command, a gate of light appeared in the centre of the patio. It was a teleportation array that looked just like any other in the game.

Sir Duen’s firm stance left everyone with no room for debate. Although they were disappointed, the quest wasn’t completely fruitless. Drinking the Divine Tea was already a great reward worthy of an encounter quest.

As players left through the teleportation array one after another, Drako Yau suddenly said, “You guys should leave first. Dumbgirl, Greenstone, and I will stay behind.”

“Boss is gonna ditch us again.” Idyllic Poet curled her lips.

Drako Yau found it difficult to go harsh on this demanding queen, so he explained, “I have things to do here, so does Dumbgirl. Go level up first, you all should realise how many elites there are in this game, right? Don’t be careless. Levels are also part of your strengths.”

Zephyrwolf waved his arm and said, “Alright, gotcha. Level up it is.”

In no time, only seven players remained on the patio. Some players were confused to see Mask stay behind, but they still left in the end after remembering what Sir Duen said. There could only be five successors, and even he couldn’t give Mask an inheritance through the backdoor. Well, it had more to do about the player who seemed utterly terrified after voicing his disagreement though.

“What keeps you here?” Sir Duen asked with a warm smile, yet his intention of dismissing Drako Yau was clear.

Drako Yau replied, “Sir Duen, Sir Hui, big brother Kiu sends you his regards.”


“Quest completed: Sworn Brother’s Longing.”

The system notification confirmed Drako Yau’s speculation. It wasn’t too difficult to guess, truth be told. A handsome man with a piercing way of the sword whose surname was Duen—he could only be the one and only Duen Yu, a master swordsman of the Dablit Guaif’s Duen clan. The other man who wore elegant clothes despite his bald head was clearly the martial arts master who had once been a monk and ended up being forced into becoming palace master of the Spirit Vulture Palace, Hui Chuk.

Back when Dumbgirl received Kiu Fung’s inheritance, she also received the quest, though it was left dangling because they never had the chance to encounter these two people. He naturally wasn’t going to let the opportunity go to waste now that they were right before him.

Hearing the words “big brother Kiu”, Sir Duen and Sir Hui—or rather, Duen Yu and Hui Chuk—showed elated looks. “You’ve met big brother Kiu?”

Their IDs changed from Sir Duen and Sir Hui to Duen Yu and Hui Chuk at that moment.

Drako Yau clasped his hands and replied, “Indeed we have. Dumbgirl is big brother Kiu’s disciple.”

“Big brother’s disciple?” Duen Yu and Hui Chuk put on weird expressions as they stared at Dumbgirl.

Dumbgirl might not be the smartest girl out there, but even she felt uncomfortable when the two masters stared at her for so long. She ran and hid behind Drako Yau.

Duen Yu sighed and said, “Looks like big brother also knows that a disaster will soon befall the world.”

“Amitabha,” Hui Chuk murmured. “We’re doing the same, aren’t we?”

The NPCs all turned silent, leaving the seven players baffled.

“Alright, let’s get back to what we have to do first. Tai On.”

Tai On stood up upon being called. He walked towards Hades and patted his shoulder. “Young man, you’re not bad. Hey, don’t look at me like this, I’m way older than you… Ugh… It’s not the time to lament now. You’re suitable for my inheritance, will you become my disciple?”

Hades nodded. “Yes, master.”josei

Tai On chortled and said, “Good, good! Sir Duen, Sir Hui, I’ll leave first.”

Duen Yu nodded at Tai On, who returned a salute before leaving with Hades. After Tai On left, a muscular man left his seat and went to Handsome Scholar. He wasn’t as friendly as Tai On though.

“I’m your master from now on. Follow me!”

Handsome Scholar smiled bitterly; it seemed his master was a grumpy one. Still, he followed the muscular man and left the patio, not before he sent Mask a glare of challenge.

Drako Yau, Greenstone, Fong Sai Yuk, Chan Ka Lok, and Dumbgirl were the only players left. As for the NPCs, only Duen Yu, Hui Chuk, and the two beauties remained.

Duen Yu smiled and pointed in a certain direction. “Young ’un, Old Sir Cheung’s house is over there. This is a fateful encounter, please cherish it.”

Greenstone glanced at Drako Yau, who nodded at him, then strode towards Old Sir Cheung’s residence with large steps.

Another person was gone.

Chan Ka Lok and Fong Sai Yuk exchanged glances. Although Fong Sai Yuk had a much calmer temperament now, he was still a young man after all. He pointed at himself and asked, “Sir Duen, what about us?”

“Ohoho.” Duen Yu laughed. “The two of you shall be our disciples.”

Duen Yu sized up Chan Ka Lok and appeared to be satisfied. “You are a righteous one, and your comprehension of the sword isn’t low as well. You’re well-suited for my clan’s style. Now, I shall grant you an opportunity.”

A sword aura shot from Duen Yu’s index finger into Chan Ka Lok’s forehead between his brows. The next moment, Chan Ka Lok disappeared from the spot.

Hui Chuk also smiled gently and said, “Young man, although you’re not the best fighter, steady disposition and perseverance are what I see in you. I will now teach you Six Solar Palms of Mount Heaven. I hope you will use it for righteous deeds in the future.”

Hui Chuk lightly thrust his palm out and sent a mini palm aura into Fong Sai Yuk’s forehead. Like Chan Ka Lok, Fong Sai Yuk vanished immediately afterwards.

Drako Yau was startled. Turns out these two are the ones who benefited the most.

He had no idea who Old Sir Cheung might be, but he knew a lot about Duen Yu and Hui Chuk. Six Meridians Divine Sword of the Dablit Guaif’s Duen clan connected the mind, allowing the practitioner to attack with his fingers over long distances with powerful aura strikes. As for Divine Vulture Palace’s Six Solar Palms of Mount Heaven, it was the pinnacle of Mount Heaven Sect’s palm techniques. Its palm strikes were bold and forthright while also bearing swiftness.

Drako Yau recalled Duen Yu’s words. Instead of the strongest player, he was looking for a suitable successor. Considering how righteous of a person Chan Ka Lok was and his decent swordsmanship, he was indeed compatible with Six Meridians Divine Sword. Fong Sai Yuk, on the other hand, was a good learner despite his young age. It was understandable for Hui Chuk to choose Fong Sai Yuk as his successor based on his character description in the novel Drako Yau had read.

Why not Yim Ho? Others might not know, but Drako Yau was certain that they saw Yim Ho’s Divine Dragon Jade and decided that he wasn’t suitable for inheriting another style.

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