Game’s Dogma

Chapter 303

Chapter 303: Hibiscus

“I don’t get what you’re trying to say.” The person picked up the teacup from the side table and took another sip.

The standing person tightened his grip on his feather fan, so much that his fingers turned a bit pale. After a while, he sighed and said, “Nevermind. I wish to form a coalition.”

The teacup in the seated person’s hand trembled briefly. They both knew what this meeting was about, yet none of them was willing to make the first move. The one who spoke of the matter first would be at a disadvantage because he’d then be in the position of requesting an alliance.

“The prideful Chau Yu has been forced into allying with other alliances. Looks like Mask has made you truly anxious,” the person said calmly as if the world was under his control.

The person who was standing was naturally Chau Yu. With a stern face, he stated, “You are underestimating Mask. Perhaps you’ve never noticed because you always stood at the apex. Ever since I discovered him and attempted to recruit him, only to be rejected, I’ve been expecting this day to come. For that reason, I’ve tried to suppress his growth, but he turned out to be a diamond sword forged under great pressure.”

The seated person smiled. He trembled just now because hearing the prideful Chau Yu request something was almost unbelievable.

“Perhaps… you weren’t putting enough pressure on him.”

Chau Yu ignored the question and continued, “I’m sure you’ve heard about what happened yesterday. Provoked by that idiot Pulchriture, Evergrnad is now allied to Dragon Alliance officially. Although you’ve always looked down on the two cities formed by plebeian players, it has gotten out of my or your control already. Not to mention…” He grinned. “You, the high and almighty, ended up forming Myriad Blooms, didn’t you?”

“Let me make this clear,” the seated person lowered his teacup and said seriously, “I was not the one who formed the alliance. Those who are fearful but refuse to join your cause created the alliance and appealed to me to become their alliance master. There is a major difference between forming the alliance actively and passively.”

Chau Yu dismissed him with a wave of his hand and said, “Active or passive, the result is the same. Three cities, divided into four. You, me, Dragon Alliance, and Evergrand. Now that Dragon Alliance and Evergrand are allied, I honestly believe we cannot oppose them even if we join hands. At the very least, we’ll lose out in numbers. Quantity can overwhelm quality given there are enough numbers, not to mention they’re no weaker than us in quality.

“Putting aside Yim Ho who is now under Mask’s wing, Danting’s sudden emergence is also very alarming. He fought toe-to-toe against Tripurity, my best fighter. Three of the five inheritances went to Hades, Greenstone, and Chan Ka Lok too.”

The seated person seemed unbothered at all. He asked lightly, “Oh? Didn’t a fellow member of your alliance, Handsome Scholar, receive an inheritance? Also, are inheritances really that important?”

Chau Yu’s gaze flickered; Drako Yau wasn’t the only one who could guess the NPCs’ identities. “Have you read Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils written by the ancient author Mr Kam? Chan Ka Lok’s inheritance is likely Six Meridians Divine Sword. I’m sure I don’t need to say much about such a top-tier inheritance.”

The seated person stiffened momentarily before scratching his chair’s armrest. “First, the five inheritances might have ended up in different hands if not for my absence due to urgent matters. Second, even Six Meridians Divine Sword is not invincible.” 

Chau Yu stayed silent. He was a prideful person, but the person across the room was even more so than he was. The person’s pride was well-justified though; he indeed had the talent to back it up, or else he couldn’t have occupied the first place on the guild rankings for almost a year.

Changes in guild rankings were a common occurrence. However, before the fall of Tigeroar, the top two guilds had never changed hands. Of course, only the top guild remained unmovable now.

Traceless Floreal was the top guild in the game all year round. The man who established such a dominating guild was none other than the man who was pissing Chau Yu off despite his admiration for the man’s feats, Hibiscus.

Chau Yu looked straight into Hibiscus’ eyes and snickered. “Truth be told, I despise you people.”

“Oh?” Hibiscus kept his courteous smile and asked, “You said ‘you people’, not just ‘you’. What do you mean by that, pray tell?”

Chau Yu suppressed the urge to blast the calm bastard with his beam and yelled, “You assholes who think you’re high and mighty are nothing but fools!”

“Mask took less than half a year to rise from an ordinary nobody! Even though you think Yoda is just a lowly city where ordinary players linger around, it is exactly this lowly city that has become the top commercial city. Gold coins can be converted into combat strength, items, equipment, inheritances, skill books, and many more. In terms of money, even both our alliances are no match for Dragon Alliance!” Chau Yu swung his feather fan forcefully, trying to fan away his rage and stress. “Now, Evergrand, another powerhouse, has joined hands with Dragon Alliance. They’re not an enemy we can go against alone! Yet you self-important bastards still believe the lies you tell yourselves, thinking that those lowly ants can never throw you off your divine seats! Hibiscus! Has being the top-ranked guild for so long blinded you?”

“If we count in alliances, your so-called top-ranked guild is just a turd! No, not even a turd!” Chau Yu roared as he glared at Hibiscus coldly, as if the top-ranked guild master was a pitiful bug.

Hibiscus squinted his eyes and returned a dangerous gaze, but Chau Yu paid no heed to it.

“I’m not done speaking! You arrogant bastards who still don’t feel the sword pressed onto your necks think that a so-called alliance can save your asses? Myriad Blooms, it’s a befitting name for an alliance that lacks unity and cooperation! You people claim to have formed an alliance, yet you all are still suspicious of one another! Even now!” Chau Yu pointed at himself and continued, “I am the guild master of Empyreal Spire, alliance master of Empyreal Alliance! I swallowed my pride seeking a coalition, and this prideful farce is what you give me in return?”

“Hibiscus! When will you finally open your eyes!” Chau Yu roared so loudly that his voice reverberated in the conference room, shuddering the walls.

Hibiscus scratched his armrest with heavier and quicker strokes. Still, his voice was as calm and graceful as ever as he answered, “Back then, we split Empyreon into two and each ruled on our own. Myriad Blooms has no constitution of any sort and rules without active ruling. On the other hand, you rule with an iron fist.

“Empyreon is home to tigers and dragons who refuse to serve under others. The coalition you’re asking for clashes with Myriad Bloom’s fundamental ideology. This… is something I need to consider at length.”

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