Game’s Dogma

Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Three Gods, Four Generals, Five Palaces

The red-haired young man took no chances and went straight with his ultimate skill. It was a grappling skill that granted him total immunity to all control effects and stuttering from receiving damage. Once he got hold of the enemy, the skill would automatically slam the enemy onto the ground for a thirty-strike combo. In other words, players caught by the skill would be immobilised for five seconds and receive a barrage of fists.

While Drako Yau knew almost everything about the basic classes because he supervised their creation, he knew little about hidden classes. Having briefly seen every hidden class in Chris’ hut, he learned a fair bit about their hidden skills, but that brief while wasn’t enough for him to memorise all of them.

Drako Yau’s spear pierced the red-haired young man, but he continued his charge like a bull and threw Drako Yau to the ground forcefully. With a buzz and a bright red flash, Street Fighter’s animation of thirty punches began. He rained down punch after punch onto Drako Yau who lay on the ground.

How is this possible… The red-haired fighter thought in disbelief; every single punch had been parried or blocked.

Although Drako Yau was bound to the ground, he quickly unequipped his spear and freed his hands to defend against the incoming punches. Five seconds went by soon enough, and he immediately got onto his feet and thrust his spear with great force.

Snowy Doorstep!

The red-haired fighter was still in the recovery period after casting Street Fighter and was swept away by the frosty spear. It was Drako Yau’s turn to thrust him rapidly with a combination of skills and basic attacks. From the moment Drako Yau broke free from Street Fighter, the battle was already decided.

The red-haired young man turned into a white glow and vanished from the wasteland. Drako Yau then heard the system’s voice in his head which said, “Killed an enemy player. Received 100 Merit.”

He ignored the notification and looked up, enjoying the scene of a flowery sky.

The freckled young man fled for his life. As an intel collector from Heavenly Handlers, he was mediocre at combat at best. His duty was to gather as much intel as possible and report it to the higher-ups, so his red-haired comrade quickly decided to buy time for his escape.

Every intel collector was a valuable resource. Even on the East server, intel collectors were far and few, with Judge Chui and Clairaudiencer being the few famous ones. Combat players were easily replaceable, but intel collectors who were part of Heavenly Handlers were an indispensable force. Many guilds invest loads of resources to level up their intel collectors and gave them equipment for the sake of nurturing them.

“Hah…” The freckled young man could no longer move his legs as he gasped for air, the red alert flickering at the corner of his sights. “I’ve run so far… They won’t get me here, right?”

He stiffened the moment he turned around. A skyful of flowers and a man standing atop the flowers greeted him. Their eyes met, and the levitating man returned a gentle smile.


He saw a sonic boom in the air before something struck his chest. Staggering backwards, he glanced at his chest to find a finger-sized hole. More whizzes were heard as the symphony of death resounded in his ears.

As the white flash dissipated, only the man in the air remained. The man who kept his smile even as he killed someone.

Drako Yau stayed where he was. After a while, Hibiscus walked towards him and they entered a silent staredown.

Hibiscus broke the silence and said, “That’s it for today.”


“We will fight again the next time we meet.”


Hibiscus smiled before turning on his heels and left as his grand clothes embroidered with flowers fluttered in the wind, turning him into a waving sea of flowers.

Dakki ran over and asked with a complicated look, “Who won?”

“It’s a draw,” Drako Yau said monotonously via his Necklace of Deceit. “Both of us will have a heavy price to pay to decide the victor. This is a dangerous place, proven by the players from the West we just met. A minor slip up and someone might swoop in for the kill.”

Drako Yau hung his spear onto his back and continued towards the distant silhouette.



Several dozens of people stood along both sides of the spacious hall in the palace. At the very end of the two lines of people was a person seated in the elevated leader’s seat. A red-haired young man and a freckled young man stood before him.

A spark of rage kindled within the freckled person as he said somewhat childishly, “Do you not believe my words?” 

Hearing him, the seated person also flared up and yelled, “I am just asking for a confirmation. What sort of attitude do you think you’re showing here? Fenny! Don’t think you can be so arrogant just because you’re in Heavenly Handlers and the Divine King favours you! I am the palace master, please show some respect!”

The young man named Fenny showed no fear as he glared into the palace master’s eyes.

“Please respect others before you demand respect! I am an inner sect member of Heavenly Handlers with the detection skill Discern maxed out! Although both of them were wearing anti-detection items, I am sure about their aura! You are the one who humiliated me. Even if this gets to the Divine King, I will still state my case as I have nothing to fear!

“Also, I am only attached to the Five Palaces as per the Divine King’s orders. Know that I am not your subordinate as I am also qualified to contact the Divine King directly. Please realise that you have no right to command me. Why would I report to the Five Palaces if not because the Three Gods and Four Generals are all in the Warring Wastelands?”

“You!” The palace master stood up in rage.

Fenny still held his head high, refusing to take a step back despite knowing that the palace master could easily kill him if he wished to.

After a while, the palace master suppressed his fury and sat back down, then asked, “What do you plan on doing now?”

Fenny had expected this outcome. He calmly said, “I know the Four Generals left behind a way to contact them. This is something we have to inform the Divine King.”

“Is that necessary?” the palace master asked with a frown.josei

Fenny recalled the rolling mist and the red-haired young man’s descriptions. With a stern look, he said, “I suspect that one of them is the masked man the Divine King spoke of.”

“Really?” Even the palace master got serious. After all, the Divine King had spoken in person about the masked man; they couldn’t afford to be careless. “I’m sure you know that contacting the Divine King is no simple matter. You have to contact the Four Generals, who will then contact the two Holy Priests in the wasteland via special means. The Holy Priests will be the ones who contact the Divine King. Neither you nor I am enough to bear responsibility if this turns out to be fake intel.”

“I will bear responsibility!” Fenny said decisively.

Inheritance—Heavenly Demon Monostrike

Description: Legends say that the Heavenly Demon is most proficient with the sword. After realising the truth behind all swords, it ditched all unnecessarily complicated manoeuvres into one strike.

Skill type: All Falls Before the Heavenly Demon Monostrike, Monostrike of Death and Soul Rend.

Cultivation requirements: Receive the Heavenly Demon Monostrike Skill Book, sword or katana wielder.

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