Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: Grand Duke Aster

A month after the death of Grand Duchess, radical changes happened in Grand Duchy Stormhil's region, including Dionde City and all the small towns around it.

Because of this devastating event, this year's winter feast would be held in the Dionde City main square in mid-January. and it was free for all citizens inside Grand Duchy Stormhill's region to attend. There would be food for all and it would also be the first time the citizens saw the new Grand Duke that would rule the region.

The previous lord, Grand Duke Harion had stepped down from the position a few weeks after the death of her wife, Grand Duchess Camille. Grand Duchess Camille's son had inherited all her belongings according to her last will, so did Grand Duke Harion.

Grand Duke Harion gave all his position in the Grand Duchy to his son, including almost all businesses and roles in politics. He only had one business that he ran from now, the logging business.

All these inheritances from Grand Duke and Duchess made the new lord, Grand Duke Aster, as the richest individual in the entire Golden Camellia Empire, probably also one of the richest in the continent.

He was also very young, at the tender age of seventeen, he had ruled the economic center of a great empire.

But of course, it was not a smooth sailing process.


"In the name of the Sacred Camellia, Hereby, I declare Aster di Arlingdon as my successor of Grand Duchy Stormhill. May Golden Camellia flourish with his presence."

Grand Duke Harion recited the oath and then put a silver crown with camellia shaped diamond on the left side of the crown. Rulers of a vassal region could only use silver crowns, because the gold crown was only for the Emperor and Empress.

Aster opened his eyes, witnessed by the elders of Golden Camellia and other important figures, he smiled at his dad. His dad smiled back at him, although he was still mourning, he looked much better now.

The loud claps from the audience filled the Lantern Palace ballroom. Aster observed the audience, he noticed almost every important figure in Golden Camellia existed there, only the royal family was absent and few others.

However, Aster's eyes darted on someone on the left side of the ballroom. He was standing there quietly, he clapped and admired Aster.

Aster's eyes went soft instantly, probably because soon, he could legalize his relationship with Ramuja and perhaps, go for marriage.

'I do this for you, for us.'

'So, look at me, because our road is arduous, but I persevered because of you. Ramuja, I wish you can stand beside me, soon.'

Aster shifted his attention to the audience and then said, "I am Aster di Arlingdon, the Lord of Grand Duchy Stormhill. You may call me Grand Duke Aster from now on."

Everyone bowed their heads with respect, because Aster was still one of the second highest rulers in Grand Duchy Stormhill after the Emperor. There were only around four houses with power only below the Emperor in Golden Camellia.

"I would like to thank honorable ladies and gentlemen for your willingness to attend my coronation. I had prepared the feast to fill your belly, please enjoy the party, thank you."

Aster ended the ceremony and people started chatting and eating the food. Some were dancing around with their partners. Aster was approached by few people, but honestly, he was only interested in meeting Ramuja right now.

Gaum blocked Aster's path and then told him, "Oh, it seems my darling Aster forgets about our relationship."

Aster gave a cold gaze to Gaum and said, "I do not forget, but a forgery should be hidden, because it is a shame. Please excuse me, I have something to do."

Gaum clenched his fist, 'A forgery?! He called our relationship a forgery?!'

Gaum held Aster's hand, he wanted to announce to the people here that he and Aster were a pair of lovers. But before he could say anything, Aster glared at him, and at that moment, he felt petrified to the bone.

Aster's beautiful eye gave the feeling of imminent danger that would come upon him if he persisted. Gaum was shocked with the sudden change of Aster. Aster changed from cold, soft beauty into an unknown monster like a flip of a coin.

"Let go." Aster said short and sharp.

Gaum let Aster hand, in fact, it was more that his hand couldn't move. His feet felt cold, although he was wearing thick padded shoes.

Aster walked off and left the hall.

"Are you chasing him?"

Gaum turned his head, the heir of House Utrah, Theo Utrah tapped his shoulder. Gaum and Theo were longtime friends, Gaum nodded reluctantly.

"Well, I wouldn't lie, I also got attracted to him, I think everyone does. Grand Duke Aster is mesmerizing, he gave off the aura of cold, untouchable beauty that made you crave for more."

"Are you going for him too?" Gaum asked.

"Me? Hahaha, why would I? I know I have no chance, so I can just admire him from afar. Well, I can find a male prostitute with a body similar to Grand Duke, although not as lustrous, covered the face with something, and then imagining that I actually took Grand Duke Aster to my bed."

"You… do that?" Gaum asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, you know, almost every man in here hired male prostitutes with body similar to Grand Duke Aster while imagining about him. He is so popular in the aristocratic circle, but he is untouchable," Theo said.

Gaum had a moment of silence, not because he wanted to do the same thing. That was gross and pitiful, but his desire to own Aster only increased, 'If I can get Aster in my hand, then my life will be perfect. Powerful position and an amazing wife…'

Gaum gazed longingly at Aster back until he disappeared from his sight.


Aster searched for Ramuja around until he found Ramuja alone in the corridor, leaning against the wall.josei


"Milord?" Ramuja frowned, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you discuss the future of the grand duchy with the nobles inside the ballroom?"

"That is unimportant, follow me."

Aster held Ramuja's hand and climbed the stairs to his room. Ramuja was flustered with his master's behavior. He was in a hurry and walked fast with that heavily decorated robe and the crown still on his head.

"Milord, please mind your step. We're climbing steep staircases."

"Quick! I want to show you somethi— wha!"

Aster stepped on the robe and fell backwards. Ramuja reacted fast and caught his Master in his embrace. Aster and Ramuja's eyes met, Ramuja smiled at him and said, "This servant is afraid that I have to carry you to your room, Milord."

Ramuja carried his master bridal style while gazing dotingly at Aster. He climbed the spiral staircases until he was in front of Aster's room. Aster didn't move his gaze from Ramuja's face, he could see Ramuja's deep eyes, thin lips, sharp nose, even his nostrils looked handsome for Aster.

'How could someone be so handsome…'  

"Milord, we're in front of your—"

Ramuja was surprised with gentle lips pecking his chin. Aster gave a small kiss in Ramuja's chin and then blushed.

"M—Milord, why did you--?"

"No idea, Nhn... I just want to do it," Aster said coquettishly.

Aster hopped off and opened the door, leaving Ramuja stunned silly. Aster pulled Ramuja's hand to come inside his room.

Aster sat Ramuja down on the sofa and then opened his drawer, he searched for something important that he kept for so long, until he forgot that it existed.

Aster scrambled around trying to find it, Ramuja stood up to help his master but Aster immediately commanded him, "Sit!"

Thus, Ramuja could only see Aster scrambling around his room to find something. Aster finally found the thing he had been searching for inside a dusty box behind his novel collections.

He opened it and kissed it dotingly.

'Back then, I thought this thing would forever stay inside this room, but now I can give this to someone I love…'

Aster returned back to Ramuja and sat beside him, "Close your eyes and open your hand."

Ramuja followed his master's order, he closed his eyes and opened his hand. Soon, he could feel something cold was placed in his hand.

"Open your eyes."

Ramuja opened his eyes to see what was in his hand.

"Milord… this…"

"Yes, my gold pin," Aster said proudly, "Someone can only have one personal gold pin, and it's only given to his spouse, usually after a marriage. But I can't wait for that long, please accept it, think of it as my gift for you…"

Ramuja observed the golden stringless harp with 'A' letter in the middle, he looked at his master because he was unsure if he deserved this, "Milord, this is too valuable…"

"It is, that's why I give it to you," Aster's cheek turned red, "Please don't lose it, you will break my heart."

"I won't!" Ramuja reacted sternly, "Milord, I shall never lose this! I will keep this with my life!"

Aster saw the seriousness in Ramuja's eyes. Aster's body turned hot all the sudden, he threw his weight to Ramuja and kissed him. Ramuja was taken aback slightly, but he cooperated with the kiss and soon, it turned into a hot kiss full of passion.

After the kiss, they were still embracing each other, sharing their warmth, Aster whispered in Ramuja's ear, "I love you, Ramuja. I really do."

'If someone dares to ruin our love, I will crush them to pieces and I will make sure their name disappears from this world. That's why… don't disappoint me, Ramuja.'

♥ ♥ ♥

Ramuja's heart beat like crazy, his master really loved him the same way he did to him, Ramuja nodded and whispered "Milord, I love you. I will always be with you."

'My cute Young Lord, you don't have to know about everything that has happened before, you should only know that I love you, I really do. My life, my breath is yours. That's why… don't abandon me, my cute Aster.'

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