Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 258

Chapter 258: Eulogy of the Prince 33

It had been three days since I left Golden Camellia and I finally arrived at the Saintess Celine harbor. I used a smaller ship and hid inside my room to avoid suspicion from Golden Camellia to Great Arctyr, I slid the curtain and looked outside, the harbor in the capital city of Great Arctyr was identical to the one in Dionde City.

Saintess Celine City itself was double the size of Dionde City, because Golden Camellia was geographically a medium-sized country at best, while Great Arctyr was a quite big country.

'And Sun Kingdom is twice bigger than Great Arctyr and triple the size of Golden Camellia, but we got invaded and defeated by Golden Camellia, then got colonized for years. Shameful.'

I know that it was stupid to take things of the past, because Sun Kingdom was thriving after that tyrannous queen and all her underlings were executed. And then, Sun Kingdom struck gold, literally. Father said that the Sun Kingdom discovered gold and diamond reserves after they warded Golden Camellia off the country.

But it needed a strong Sun King to stabilize again, that was why father searched for my whereabouts for years, not giving hope at all.

'When it is my time to be the king, I can give Milord twice, thrice the amount of wealth he has in Golden Camellia. But what is the use of it anyway,' I snorted displeased, 'What is the use of all the golds when I can't be with him, I would rather melt the gold with all the countries in this world.'

'If I can't be with Milord, then I will not let anyone in this world be happy with their spouse,' these dark thoughts had lingered in me for a while. After I went berserk during that Winter Feast Massacre in Dionde City, I discovered that my back had a sun emblem.

And that sun emblem was the source of all these dark thoughts in my head. I felt different as my conscience started to depart from me slowly, and I naturally felt less human emotion. My gaze would start to blur slightly if I didn't think of Milord for a while. As if, without Milord, there would be no sun in me.

'But I don't want to scare you, Milord, I know that you hate violence the most. But these thoughts in my head are uncontrollable unless you are by my side. Milord, is it allowed for me to be greedy? I am now a Crown Prince, but I feel nothing but emptiness, because you are not with me.'

Knock. Knock.

"My Prince, it's me, Adah," the man outside said. I let him in and Adah, my spy immediately kneeled in front of me, "My Prince, I'm sorry for my failure to protect Milord, I am too weak."

I snorted, I folded my hands on my chest and asked, "What is the news about Milord? I heard that you have a message for me."

"Yes, My Prince. I was going to return to Golden Camellia after I got the message from Milord. But my colleague said that you are going here, so I halted my trip…" Adah gulped, he glanced for a split second at me and then lowered his head again, "My Prince, this is Milord's message for you, I love him truly, but my duty involves the lives of many people. I hope he understands."josei

My brain had to take a minute to process the message from Milord. I could feel my chest start burning and then the sun emblem on my back started to heat up, "Milord said that, are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure," as Adah raised his head to face Ramuja again, he instantly regretted it. Because Adah got petrified by fear, "M—My prince! Please control yourself."

I looked down at Adah and scoffed, "I will meet Great King Tuskan first, and then I will meet Milord. Go tell Great King's shadow guard that Crown Prince Rama wanted to see him to talk about private matters," I ordered.

But Adah seemed to be very worried, "M—May this subordinate suggest, My Prince, please don't lose control once you meet Milord or Great King, because you might…"

"Because I might massacre everyone here?" I laughed loudly and then showed a mysterious smile at Adah, "I will try. Now go before it's too late."

Adah didn't dare to say anything anymore and then disappeared from my room. I looked at the window again, I could see the magnificent white castle on top of the hill, towering above the city. I clenched my fist, I had so many dark thoughts in my head, but whenever I remembered about Milord's sad and happy face, these dark thoughts dissipated. I laughed mirthlessly.

'Ah, Milord. What to do, I don't want to be like Charles, the man you hate the most. But the world feels so empty and bleak without you, I'm afraid that you'll see me losing control, and you will hate me…'


I got an immediate answer a few hours after I dispatched Adah to Great Arctyr Palace. Adah returned to the ship with an anxious expression, "Speak," I said.

"My Prince, Great King said that he wants to meet you this night, and he wants it to be punctual, because Milord Aster already accepted his proposal, they will marry in secret two days from now," Adah reported.

I took a deep breath in order to calm myself. These thoughts were getting scarier as I tried to suppress the dark hue and the sun emblem on my back, "I will meet him at night."

Later at midnight, a medium sized carriage stopped in front of the ship, they bowed to me and then opened the carriage door. I entered hastily and the carriage ran through the Saintess Celine City. I looked left and right to see the appearance of this big city, feeling that my pride was hurt with such rich city, I snorted contemptuously, 'This and Dionde City, I will make the Sun City Capital twice as big and lavish than both of them combined, so Milord will feel comfortable when we rule the country.'

The carriage entered the big gate of Great Arctyr Palace and it took a while until the carriage stopped in front of a small courtyard, I frowned and then asked the coachman in front, "Great King wants to meet me here?"

"Yes, Your Highness, Great King said that he wanted to keep this a very important secret before the wedding day," the coachman replied honestly. The carriage door was opened and I was led inside the small courtyard.

When I entered the main room, Tuskan was already sitting at the sofa, solemnly waiting, he stood and greeted me. He offered his handshake and we sat face to face.

There was no one in this room except me and Tuskan, while Tuskan looked quite nervous, I was solemn and calm, because I already set the worst possibility in my head and already prepared the way to destroy Great Arctyr and Golden Camellia before bringing Milord back to Sun Kingdom.

Tuskan opened the conversation first, "I don't know why are you so calm, but I am nervous in here, because Aster have a wedding in the next two days," Tuskan said, "But this is all to protect Aster from the incoming attack from Charles. You see, Charles gave Aster a week to surrender, so Aster had to marry fast and in secret. After the marriage got recorded by the ministry, it would immediately give Aster the immunity and Charles would have to face the wrath of many nations in case he really wanted to invade Great Arctyr to take Aster back. That is my plan," Tuskan explained clearly and honestly.

I stayed silent, but I could feel that my gaze started blurring. I tried my best to hold on, so I didn't go berserk again.

Tuskan seemed to notice my change and he continued, "Crown Prince Rama, I investigated your past in Golden Camellia, your life with Aster and your affair with him. I know that you love him so much and Aster…" Tuskan casted his eyes down, he had a self-deprecating smile on his face, "I tried my best to move Aster's heart from you, because I think that you are a selfish, ungrateful man. And that opinion from me hasn't changed, even right now. I still think of you as a selfish, ungrateful man. While I am far better than you, I am a better marriage candidate for Aster, I will never cheat on him, I will never hurt him, and I will not force myself upon him. But you are the one that Aster loves, not me."

Tuskan raised his eyes and stared directly at me, "Crown Prince Rama, I want to propose something that you will not reject, this is the only way to strengthen Aster's position and give him absolute advantage over Charles. My plan is…"


After we discussed the plan, my opinion towards Tuskan turned upside down, I immediately had a deep respect for him. He even escorted me personally to Aster's room. He unlocked the door and then said, "Be gentle, Aster hasn't slept for days, he cried for days and ate almost nothing," Tuskan said and he closed the door.

I gazed at the thin figure on the bed, he was sleeping soundly. His body looked fragile and the tear marks were clearly visible on his eyelid. But Milord still hadn't lost his luster. Showered by autumn moonlight, he still had that divine beauty that cleared all that dark thoughts in my head. My firm and strong prowess dissipated immediately once I faced him like this. 

I tiptoed like a little kid and then kneeled in front of his bed. I gazed at Milord's face again, I whispered lowly, 'Milord, you are so thin, what to do…'

I looked at the half-finished bread on the table, I gently propped sleeping Milord on my embrace, I tried to be as gentle as possible, so he wouldn't wake up. Milord was now in my embrace, 'Look at that tear mark, Milord, if you cried too much, you will get wrinkles… I mean, I will still love you even if you get wrinkles, but you will be the one that complains over it...'

'Milord, why aren't you eating well? Is it because of me? I am happy because you are thinking of me, but your health is the utmost importance. You are a beauty, I—I mean, um… not like… a feminine beauty, but your have ethereal ambiguous beauty, I… I didn't mean to slander you as a sissy! You are far more manly than that. I swear! Y—You can also top me if you want to, Milord is still the strongest!'

I started to stutter in my whisper anxiously, I finally figured out that I might be stuck with this subservience forever with Milord. Even when I became the Sun King.

Milord hummed in his sleep and then sleep talked, "Ramuja… you… big… too big…"

I was shocked by Milord's sleep talk, I glanced down under Milord's belly and I saw something bulging. I giggled and tried to hold my laughter, even in this kind of dire situation, Milord actually had a wet dream.

I whispered directly at Milord's ears, 'Yes, Milord, please bear with it, it's already halfway through…'

Milord groaned and he moved around, his butt rubbed around my crotch. Although we were both fully clothed, it only gave even more stimulation on me. I took a deep breath to control my urge and kissed his pale lips gently, "Milord, I'm so excited for the day after tomorrow."

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