Gate of God

Chapter 1046 - Attracting Monsters and Dealing Damage!

Chapter 1046 - Attracting Monsters and Dealing Damage!

Chapter 1046: Attracting Monsters and Dealing Damage!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Ok, sister Yan!”


Both Ping Yang and Yan Xiu nodded after hearing Chi Guyan.

Yan Xiu’s Dao of Asura was extremely sharp by nature. It contained the properties of wind, so it was naturally the best for him to take on the position of the wind.

Meanwhile, Ping Yang’s Blazing Qilin Spear contained unadulterated fire due to its bloodline. Therefore, the Fire position was the most advantageous one for Ping Yang.

Neither of them was unhappy about the arrangement.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t know why Chi Guyan trusted Yun Qingwu. However, since she was willing to believe her, he wouldn’t oppose her decision.

“Thunder position, huh?” Fang Zhengzhi held his Traceless Sword tighter. His sword moves, such as Dragon Slayer Slash, were all in the form of lightning, so Thunder position was indeed the perfect choice.

The Killer Formation of the Four Elements was completed.

All four of them were strengthened by the formation. On that point, it seemed like Yun Qingwu actually wanted to kill the four ancient beasts.

“Let’s go. Senior Meng Tian can’t keep going for much longer!” Fang Zhengzhi stopped hesitating. This was the first time he had prepared so much treasure for a battle, so he couldn’t help being a little restless.

“Die!” Ping Yang grabbed a red Holy Stone of the Four Elements and initiated the attack. The flame on her body soared and there was even a hint of golden radiance flickering in the flame.

Fang Zhengzhi knew that that was the power of the Holy Stone of the Four Elements.

With the additional power that the Holy Stone provided, Ping Yang was almost on the same level as Yan Qianli and the rest, so she was definitely a decent source of combat power.

Yan Xiu didn’t say anything.

He simply grabbed the green Holy Stone and joined the battlefield. The coldness on his expression was like a blizzard while the strong wind grazed his body.

Fang Zhengzhi nodded at Chi Guyan. Then, they grabbed the purple and blue Holy Stones respectively and quickly followed after the other two.

The Human Alliance and the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race were naturally shocked to witness that.

“Fang Zhengzhi is joining the fight!”

“Chi Guyan and Yan Xiu too!”

“Can the four of them handle Hun Dun and Tao Tie?”

“I hope so!”

There was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the Human Alliance’s disciples. After all, Fang Zhengzhi, Chi Guyan, and the few others were their last bit of hope.

Four of them against two ancient beasts.

Boom! A bolt of lightning came crashing down.

Fang Zhengzhi appeared between Meng Tian and Tao Tie. He held Meng Tian’s shoulder with one hand while pointing Traceless Sword towards Tao Tie’s wide-opened mouth with another.

“Screw off!” His words were simple and straightforward.

“Ho, feeble human, how dare you disrespect me?!” Tao Tie roared angrily, sending a massive air blast and a fearsome aura towards Fang Zhengzhi and made his hair flutter.

“I’m sorry!” Fang Zhengzhi immediately lowered his head.

“Hmm?” Tao Tie was startled.

In fact, even the Human Alliance and the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race were stumped and failed to react.

‘I’m sorry?’

‘Did Fang Zhengzhi just apologize to Tao Tie?’

‘What the hell!’

While these thoughts went through their minds, a ball of snow-white powder landed on Tao Tie’s face.


The entire world fell silent.

In the meantime, to everyone’s surprise, they saw Fang Zhengzhi raising his right leg and whipping Tao Tie’s head with a sweeping kick.

Boom! The loud bang could be heard thousands of miles away.

“Did you see that, Ping Yang? Take note, that is the best position to sucker-punch someone!” Fang Zhengzhi turned around and blinked at Ping Yang.


The world fell silent once again.

However, they heard another sound soon enough.

“Watch out!” It came from none other than Meng Tian, who was standing behind Fang Zhengzhi. That was because one of Tao Tie’s sharp claws was already heading towards Fang Zhengzhi.

It was incredibly fast!

Its claw drew near to Fang Zhengzhi’s face in an instant.

That was because he had failed to send Tao Tie flying with his sweeping kick.

“You are sly enough, but it’s a pity that you are too weak!” Tao Tie bellowed. It had already gotten a taste of Fang Zhengzhi’s strength through his kick.

He was far weaker than Meng Tian.

There was no way he could hurt it.

Whoosh! Tao Tie’s claw landed on Fang Zhengzhi, and a ruthless expression appeared on its face as it said, “Sly human, go to...”


‘Hell’ didn’t come out of Tao Tie’s mouth because it sensed that something was wrong, as Fang Zhengzhi’s body was disappearing before him.

‘An after-image?!’

In that split second, Tao Tie thought of evading.

However, Fang Zhengzhi felt so weak just now since he couldn’t even put a scratch on it even though he hit it while it was standing still. ‘Evading? Is there really necessary?”

After just a slight moment of hesitation, Tao Tie felt a tremendous force on its head. Furthermore, it was so acute that it felt a chill down its spine.


Tao Tie dropped from the sky and crashed into the ground heavily like a huge cannonball, creating a massive crater.


This was the third time that the world went silent.

That was because everyone was completed dumbfounded. They couldn’t even believe what they were seeing. ‘Did Fang Zhengzhi just dropkick Tao Tie onto the ground right after joining the battle?!’

That was right!

With a single kick!

However, as compared to just now, Tao Tie, to everyone’s surprise, couldn’t stand its ground at all. Its massive body crashed right into the ground.

“Am I... Very Weak?” Fang Zhengzhi had already jumped to the side after landing his attack. He held his sword in one hand while carrying Meng Tian, who was severely injured, in the other.

“You... You did that... On purpose?!” Tao Tie shook its head. It obviously knew how powerful the blow was.

The two kicks came from the same person, yet they differed massively in power.

In that case, there was only one possibility – Fang Zhengzhi was pretending to be weak just now.

“You did that to save him? I see!” Tao Tie finally understood what was going on after it saw Meng Tian in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand.

When Fang Zhengzhi kicked it the first time, it actually defended itself with all its strength. After all, it saw right through Fang Zhengzhi’s sneak attack.

If Fang Zhengzhi had used his full strength on his first kick, it definitely wouldn’t have ended up in the current position.

As for the second blow...

It was too careless.

“Senior Meng Tian, give me five and swap with me!” Fang Zhengzhi ignored Tao Tie and slapped Meng Tian’s palm, indicating that he could leave.

“...” Meng Tian glanced at his hand, then at Fang Zhengzhi’s smile. He couldn’t calm himself down at all.

After all, he was the mighty Sagely Battle God.

‘What the hell was ‘give me five’?!’

‘Is this a children’s fight?!”

Meng Tian wanted to shout into Fang Zhengzhi’s ears. However, he didn’t actually do that because he saw the people standing in three other directions.

Chi Guyan, Yan Xiu, and Ping Yang!

They were each covered in a different colored radiance. Deep-blue, jade-green, and fire-red.

“So he was buying time for the three of them to get into their positions.” Meng Tian realized his motive. The sneak attack and the act were not just to rescue him, but also to buy time for Chi Guyan, Yan Xiu, and Ping Yang.

Fang Zhengzhi killed three birds with one stone!

He boosted the morale, got everyone into position, and rescued Meng Tian!

‘Although this kid seems extremely shameless and also less capable than Chi Guyan and Yun Qingwu in strategizing, he is definitely the ‘wittiest’ in the world!’ Meng Tian exclaimed inwardly.

He first met Fang Zhengzhi in World of the Sage, and this could barely count as their second meeting. However, he knew quite a lot about Fang Zhengzhi.

“Senior Meng Tian!”

“Meng Tian is... Why did he get hurt?!” At this moment, they heard a man and a woman’s voices. It was Qian Yu and Emperor Lin Mubai, who came back to the mountaintop from the foot of the mountain.

Qian Yu was surprised by Meng Tian’s appearance.

Lin Mubai, on the other hand, was more surprised by Meng Tian’s injuries and Fang Zhengzhi’s presence, and he exclaimed, “Eh? Fang Zhengzhi?! How did you... Guyan too?! Ping Yang as well... Why did you guys...”

“Your Majesty, could you shut your mouth first? By the way, dear auntie, could you help me bring Senior Meng Tian down so that he could be treated and get some rest?” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t expect Qian Yu and Emperor Lin Mubai to show up at this moment. It really ruined the mood a little.

‘The atmosphere is supposed to be tense!’

‘Is it so fun to mess things up?’

“...” Lin Mubai’s expression changed. After all, he was the emperor of the powerful Great Xia Dynasty.

His ‘Prince Cang’ actually pointed at his nose... And asked him to shut up!

Did he care about his pride at all?

Lin Mubai was furious, but he still kept his mouth shut obediently because Qian Yu was pinching his arm tightly.

It hurt so much that he winced, but he didn’t dare to make a sound.

When Fang Zhengzhi saw that, he suddenly remembered the phrase ‘Like mother like daughter’. Ping Yang probably learned that trick from Qian Yu.

Luckily, he educated her well. josei

He had managed to get rid of Ping Yang’s bad habit before it was too late, or else, he would probably be the one wincing right now.

While he was feeling lucky, Qian Yu approached him.

“Is he really Meng Tian? Sagely Battle God Meng Tian?”

“Free replacement if he isn’t the real deal!” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“Mubai said that we’d definitely win this battle with Senior Meng Tian around, and we just have to enjoy the show. Now it seems like... He isn’t a big deal.” Qian Yu pursed her lips.

Meng Tian’s face was black!

It was incredibly black!

It seemed like ink could fall off his face.

On the other hand, Fang Zhengzhi wasn’t surprised by her tone at all. He was being a jerk and shifted the focus to another aspect of what she had said, “Mubai? Have you rekindled the old flame between you and the emperor?”

“You little brat, I... Sigh... How did Ping Yang fall for you?” Qian Yu was pissed, but she still carried Meng Tian away quickly.

“Auntie, you’re actually still young. You’d totally make another baby with his majesty!” Fang Zhengzhi shouted loudly at Qian Yu while she was leaving.

Qian Yu instantly jolted and she shot Fang Zhengzhi a fierce glance.

On the contrary, Lin Mubai seemed joyous. As he watched Qian Yu moving towards him, he purposely coughed and exclaimed, “Yu Er, I actually feel that that brat is kinda right. We are very young indeed...” I

“Shut up!”


“Humans, how dare you look down on us!” Both Tao Tie and Hun Dun were enraged after hearing the conversation between Fang Zhengzhi and Qian Yu.

Such disrespect!

The four ancient beasts stood right before them.

Yet, these puny little humans dared to talk about making another baby? Did they think that the four ancient beasts were just for show?

“I wouldn’t dare!” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head. He nonchalantly swang Traceless Sword, looked at Tao Tie with a serious expression and said, “We wouldn’t dare to look down on you. We’re just ignoring you!”

“Human, you’re courting death!”


Tao Tie and Hun Dun charged towards Fang Zhengzhi simultaneously. Both of them were bursting with rage and swore that they would kill Fang Zhengzhi first.

Under normal circumstances, Fang Zhengzhi would run away. However, he wasn’t going to do that this time because he wanted to divert Tao Tie and Hun Dun’s anger towards himself.

To put it bluntly, he was pulling aggro.

In layman’s terms, he was generating hate so that Tao Tie and Hun Dun would focus on him.

He was the strongest amongst the four of them. In that case, he obviously couldn’t get Yan Xiu, Ping Yang, or Chi Guyan to pull aggro.

The three of them could only focus on dealing damage if he had generated enough hate.

This was simple logic. Anyone in his previous world that had any experience with games that required teamwork knew about it extremely well.

“Die!” Ping Yang attacked Tao Tie when she saw it moving. She flicked the Blazing Qilin Spear and generated a flame that covered the entire sky.

Yan Xiu also moved.

He opened his Silver Blood Fan and a bloody radiance started spreading. There was even a powerful wind that expanded Ping Yang’s flame constantly.

The wind could add fuel to a fire.




The sky-full of flames and bloody radiance crashed onto Tao Tie and Hun Dun. However, it didn’t draw any of their attention.

That was because they were completely focused on Fang Zhengzhi.

“Come and get me, you dumbasses. I’m standing right here, and I definitely won’t move!” Fang Zhengzhi looked at the two ancient beasts disdainfully while the Rebirth Plate appeared above his head.

Red, blue, green, silver, and black lights lit up on the Rebirth Plate and spun ceaselessly, covering his entire body.

At the meantime, Chi Guyan also moved.

Tens of thousands of starlights appeared in the sky. A gigantic Milky Way that was as blue as the ocean descended from the sky like a waterfall. It carried tens of thousands of streams of sword radiance.




Countless sword radiance fell on Tao Tie and Hun Dun, turning in spots of blue light. Even though they were ancient beasts, they couldn’t ignore such an attack.

Roar! Tao Tie turned towards Chi Guyan with a chilling expression. After all, he felt threatened by her attack.

“Eh? Chi Guyan doesn’t seem to know how to control aggro.” Fang Zhengzhi knew that if this went on, Tao Tie and Hun Dun’s attention would be drawn to Chi Guyan instead. Without much hesitation, he yelled, “Screw you monsters! Kill me first if you two idiots got any balls! You freaking call yourselves the four ancient beasts? I think you should change it to four ancient chickens. Female chickens!”

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