Gate of God

Chapter 1048 - Lalala This Chapter Has a Wilful Name

Chapter 1048 - Lalala This Chapter Has a Wilful Name

Chapter 1048: Lalala This Chapter Has a Wilful Name

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios




The sound of powerful clashes could be heard constantly.

Nangong Mu slowly opened his eyes which were flickering with a golden radiance. The Tree of God in his eyes was so vivid that even the leaves could be seen clearly.

Then, he glanced around and saw Wu Yuer standing next to Yun Qingwu, as well as the four ancient beasts which were fighting ferociously.

At this moment, his body moved.

He wanted to stand up, but he soon spotted Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five and Fang Zhengzhi, who were fighting Qiong Qi and Hun Dun respectively.

‘Where is this?’

‘Weren’t I inside the Black Stone Palace beneath Heaven Dao Pavilion’s mountain?’

‘How did I end up here?’

Nangong Mu was a little puzzled. He didn’t know where the ferocious beasts that he saw came from. He also didn’t know where he currently was, until... He looked towards the sky and saw the three massive Gates of God.

The Gate of God of the Monster Realm was already opened.

The Gate of God of the Demon Realm was also opened. There was even a flickering radiance within the gate.

On the other hand, the Door of the Realm of God was still closed and dull. It simply stood in the air together with the other two gates.

“Heaven Zen Mountain?!” Nangong Mu froze and he was filled with disbelief. That was because Heaven Zen Mountain was extremely far away from Heaven Dao Pavilion.

It was possible to travel from the former to the latter within a short period of time.

‘Is this a dream?’

Nangong Mu shook his head as hard as he could. His head was hurting badly, and as a result, he felt weak and couldn’t exert any strength at all.

It felt like he was sealed.


‘This is a realistic dream.’

‘I’m here again. Big brother, you fought here, and you died here as well. However, up till now, I still couldn’t finish what you were destined to do.’

The corner of his eye became a little wet.

He never cried because he would never show his weak side to others. However, it didn’t matter since this was a dream.

“Big brother!” Nangong Mu cried, unable to accept the outcome. He hated his uselessness and his inability to remain calm.

If he was a little calmed, he wouldn’t have ended up like this.

“I’m useless and I couldn’t fulfill our family’s destiny. Father is dead, and so are you, big brother. I’m the only one left. Ah....” Nangong Mu roared at the sky.

He was venting his emotions, but he soon discovered that there were countless eyes watching him.



“Nangong Mu woke... He woke up?!”

Unlike Nangong Mu, who was filled with frustration and hatred, all the disciples of the Human Alliance were taken aback when they heard his angry cries.

‘Nangong Mu actually woke up at this moment?!’

“What?! Nangong Mu is awake? Hurry... Hurry up and take him down. Don’t let him near the Door of the Realm of God!” Wu Yuer also was also badly startled.

Most importantly, she knew that the fruit of the Tree of God was currently in Nangong Mu’s body. In other words, he had the key to opening the Door of the Realm of God.

That was a little frightening.

The consequences of opening the Gates of God of the Monster and Demon Realms were obvious enough.

Under such circumstances, they could never allow Nangong Mu to open the Door of the Realm of God. Otherwise, this world might become a living hell.

“Yeah, stop him now!”

“Wait a minute, if Nangong Mu really has a way to open the Door of the Realm of God, does that mean that we could deal with the four ancient beasts?!”

“Are you suggesting that we should fight the Monster Race with the human masters in the Door of the Realm of God?!”

“That’s right!”

“No, that’s a definite no!”

The Human Alliance was about to take Nangong Mu down when they heard Wu Yuer. However, different opinions soon started to appear.

“Do you guys want to destroy the world? We must never let Nangong Mu open the Door of the Realm of God!” Wu Yuer was anxious and she was on the verge of starting a fight.

“Listen to Sect Leader Wu!”

“Take Nangong Mu down first!”


The people of the Human Alliance glanced at each other. Although they had different opinions, they still chose to listen to the orders because of Wu Yuer’s overbearing attitude.

“Take Nangong Mu down!” All of Human Alliance’s disciples rushed towards him with their swords drawn.

However, they stopped simultaneously as soon as they got close to Nangong Mu.

That was because he stood up.

Furthermore, he was walking towards them. His eyes were still teary and he clenched his fists extremely tightly.

“He just stood up?!”

“Does he still have his power?”


The disciples of the Human Alliance took a couple of steps back subconsciously because they had been truly shocked by Nangong Mu’s strength when he was in the Black Stone Palace.

They weren’t sure at the moment if Nangong Mu was truly harmless.

“Dream... This is a dream. I, Nangong Mu, would never surrender. Are you trying to control me? Try me!” Nangong Mu started yelling and charged crazily towards them.


He was sent flying.

That was because one of the disciples attacked Nangong Mu out of desperation. He threw a punch and blew him away.

Thump! Nangong Mu dropped onto the ground.



All of the Human Alliance’s disciples looked at each other.

The disciples who attacked him was even staring at his right hand with disbelief. Words could hardly describe how stunned he looked.

“I defeated Nangong Mu? I... I really defeated Nangong Mu. Hahaha... I’m too powerful!” That disciple’s astonishment slowly turned into excitement.

“Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five has restricted Nangong Mu’s power!”

“Nangong Mu is just like a normal person now. He can’t fight back at all!”

“No wonder!”

“Brothers, it’s time for revenge. Although Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five said that we cannot kill him, but we could beat him up until he’s half-dead!”

The disciples quickly realized what was going on. No one hesitated anymore and they came to the same conclusion just by glancing at each other.

‘Beat him up!’

‘Beat this traitor of mankind to a pulp, to the point where he cannot take care of himself!’

Rumble! After they rushed towards Nangong Mu, punches started falling onto his bodies like raindrops. All of the Human Alliance’s disciples wanted to vent their anger.

“Don’t kill him. Keep your weapons!” Wu Yuer remembered Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five’s words when she saw this, and she asked the disciples to restrain themselves.

“Relax, Sect Leader Wu. We know what to do. We would never kill him!”

“That’s right!”

“We should break his limps first so that it’s easier to restrain him!” josei

“Relax, Sect Leader Wu. We’d take care of Nangong Mu!”

The disciples of Human Alliance replied as they continued to deliver a beating to Nangong Mu.


“Bam bam bam...”


Punches fell onto Nangong Mu’s face, arms, and legs, like raindrops in a thunderstorm. None of the Human Alliance’s disciples showed him any mercy.

That was because they saw Nangong Mu as a traitor in their minds.

A traitor to the Human Alliance.

He disguised himself as one of the Gods of the Monster Race, Chou Qi, and fought against the Human Alliance. How could they see him as anything other than a traitor?

“Beat him, break his legs!”

“Break his hands too!”

“We can do anything as long as we don’t kill him!”

Human Alliance’s disciples went mad. They were too frustrated and they needed to vent their emotions. Nangong Mu became the only target that they could go after.

He was an easy target who was completely incapable of fighting back.

“Bam bam bam...” Punches didn’t stop falling. However, to the disciples’ surprise, they didn’t manage to break Nangong Mu’s hands and legs like what they had expected.

“What’s going on?!”

“Why can’t we break his legs even after all that?”

“It seems like his physical body is still incredibly strong even though his powers have been restrained!”

“Brothers, don’t hold back. This guy can really take a beating. Exert all your strength! We must break all his limbs!”

“Bam bam bam...”

Their clamoring and the sound of punches landing on Nangong Mu painted a bizarre picture atop Heaven Zen Mountain.

Nangong Mu curled up into a fetal position.

He wanted to stand back up, but it felt like he had lost the strength in his arms and legs completely. They couldn’t support his body against all the punches.

“Why?! Why do I still feel pain in a dream!” Nangong Mu yelled angrily. He couldn’t accept this, and his heart was burning with anger.

‘Nangong Nobles’ mission...’

‘Has failed!’

Even in his dream, he couldn’t fight back and had to succumb to the Human Alliance’s disciples violent beating.


Endless hatred!

The golden radiance in Nangong Mu’s eyes flickered. However, it seemed to be restrained, so it could only protect his body instead of getting out.

“Ah... This isn’t a dream. This is Heaven Zen...”


As soon as Nangong Mu opened his mouth, a punch landed on his face and forced his mouth shut.

Then, more punches started rapidly attacking his head and his body. Furthermore, they were getting stronger and stronger. Some of them even used their Origin Energy.

“Bam bam bam...”

“Damn it, this fellow is too tough!”

“Yeah, even my hands are getting sore. This won’t work. We must use our weapons in order to break his legs!”

“Brothers, help me raise his legs up. I will break them for him!”


The Human Alliance’s disciples began their next plan and forcefully dragged Nangong Mu up from the ground, and they lifted his left leg.

In the meantime, several disciples took out their weapons.

There was a hammer which was covered in iron nails, as well as a black iron pole. All of them were heavy-duty weapons that could even crush metal with a single blow.

“Big brother...”

“I’m useless. I’m getting beaten by this kind of guys and I can’t even fight back!”


“I’m unfilial for killing you, and I’m disloyal to the family for failing to complete our mission. I am even going to die here...”


Nangong Mu kept mumbling before eventually roaring with anger.

As his voice was heard, the hammer that was covered in iron nails landed on his left leg and broke it.


“Have we finally broken it?”

“This guy is too tough. We have to use our weapons!”

“Yeah. Let’s switch to another leg. We’ll break both of his legs and see if he could still do anything bad in the future!”

The Human Alliance’s disciples were all relieved when they saw Nangong Mu’s leg breaking. Then, they lifted his other leg.

Nangong Mu gritted his teeth tightly.

He was simply venting his anger by roaring because he couldn’t accept the final outcome. However, he was screaming or shouting due to the pain from his broken leg.

That was because he was on the verge of despair.

His power had been restrained. Even if he wasn’t in a dream and even if he really went back to Heaven Zen Mountain, what could he do?

He could no longer complete his family’s mission.

“Stop it, all of you!” At this moment, they heard someone’s voice. Then, a person rushed into the crowd and bumped the disciples who were about to break Nangong Mu’s other leg away.

“It’s Yan Qing!”

“Yan Qing, the monster of War Pinnacle Empire?!”

“Yan Qing, although you’re Sect Leader Wu’s personal guard now, you are still a member of the Human Alliance. Moreover, do you remember when Nangong Mu’s brother, Nangong Hao, stabbed you in Heaven Dao Pavilion back then?”

“Why are you helping him?”

The disciples all took a step back subconsciously after they identified the person who rushed in because Yan Qing was a human-shaped monster.

“Nangong Mu, are you ok?” Yan Qing ignored the disciples around him. He just bent down and touched Nangong Mu’s twisted and broken leg.


His broken leg was reattached just like that.

“Yan Qing, what are you doing?! Do you want to become a traitor to mankind as well?” The disciples of the Human Alliance started questioning him when they saw that.

“His life belongs to Fang Zhengzhi. Before Fang Zhengzhi gives the okay to kill him, none of you can hurt him! Furthermore, his power has been restrained, so he’s harmless!”

“Yan Qing, we could only ensure that he’s harmless after we break his limbs!”

“Screw off! I’ll kill you if you utter another word!” Yan Qing simply yelled at them coldly before helping Nangong Mu off the ground.



Human Alliance’s disciples fell silent instantly.

On the other hand, Nangong Mu laughed, albeit painfully. There was blood on the corner of his mouth and his clothes were long torn to shreds. However, he was still laughing, so much so that his body was trembling.

“Yan Qing, let go of me!”


“Hehe... Are you trying to mock me? I, Nangong Mu, have failed. Nangong Nobles’ mission could never be completed. What’s the point of me living?”

“No, you’re wrong. Nangong Nobles’ mission is nothing like what you’ve imagined!”

“Hmm?! What did you say?”

“I’m not too sure. However, when I was protecting Sect Leader Wu in the tomb of Emperor Huang Xuanyuan, I actually heard Fang Zhengzhi saying that Nangong Nobles’ mission isn’t becoming the ruler of the world. Instead, it is actually bringing Emperor Huang Xuanyuan back. Do you understand? Bring Emperor Huang Xuanyuan with your ‘Heaven-Receiving Door’!”

“Hahaha... Bring Emperor Huang Xuanyuan back?! Yan Qing, do you think I’m a fool?!”

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