Gate of God

Chapter 508

Chapter 508: Cooling

Chapter 508: Cooling

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

This was not from shock or terror. It was something from deep within Yan Xiu’s body.

Then, Yan Xiu’s body began to shiver and red mist began to circle his body. It felt like he was on the verge of breaking down.

"You..." Yan Xiu’s gaze turned icy as he grit his teeth.

"What’s happening?"

The crowd didn’t understand what was happening when Yan Xiu’s expression changed. However, they understood it soon after.


Their expressions changed as well.

They felt a chill shoot up their body from the base of their feet. It felt as though they were being frozen in a block of ice.

It was too cold.

It was so cold that they couldn’t move. In fact, it felt as though their blood and muscles had frozen over too.

"What’s happening?"

This turn of events had shocked them all. Their eyes were on the verge of popping out of their sockets as they glared at the chuckling Southern Region messengers.

They finally understood why Yan Xiu’s powers would disappear in that instant. Just like Yan Xiu, they felt the energy being drained from their bodies.

"Were we poisoned?!"

"How dare they poison us?"

"When did they..."

None of them could figure out when or how they had been poisoned. However, the fact was that they had been poisoned.

Ping Yang’s expression changed as well, her eyes filled with rage as she bit her lip. "How dare you poison me in the capital?!"

"Your Highness, there must be some misunderstanding. We would never dare to poison you!" One of the messengers smiled and shook his head when he heard Ping Yang.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Ping Yang didn’t believe a single word.

"That’s up to you. We do not owe you an explanation." The Southern Region messenger smiled and looked at Fang Zhengzhi. "Fang Zhengzhi, you will meet your maker tonight!"

"Is that so? You already said something similar once before." Fang Zhengzhi chuckled scornfully and stood up.

The Southern Region messengers tightened the grip on their swords when they saw Fang Zhengzhi stand up.

Everyone wanted to know if Fang Zhengzhi’s cultivation had been ruined. Even though that was extremely likely, no one had confirmed it...

In the event that his cultivation had not actually been ruined, he would be a force to be reckoned with now!

"Ahhh!!! Save me! Help me!" Fang Zhengzhi’s voice cut through the air just as the messengers were considering that possibility.




The Southern Region messengers looked on in surprise and amusement when they heard Fang Zhengzhi scream for help so unabashedly. The crowd fell to their knees when they heard it.

"He still hasn’t changed!"

"He should still try to have some dignity even if he’s really scared!"

"He went from being so arrogant to screaming for help within moments?!"

Everyone was speechless when they heard Fang Zhengzhi scream for help. This was such a drastic change!

"There are Southern Region messengers here who poisoned the guests! They’re planning to kill next!"




"Why aren’t you all going? Don’t forget that this is the capital! There are definitely many guards patrolling the city!"

Fang Zhengzhi ignored the looks of disdain on the faces of the crowd. He continued to scream for help.

"The capital... so what? Hahaha..." one of the Southern Region messengers couldn’t help but chuckle.

"Are you afraid now?" Fang Zhengzhi continued.

"Scared? Hahaha... we are so scared!" The messenger chuckled. Then, he turned to the people behind him. "Shut the door!"

"Yes!" The other messengers ran to the back and locked the doors to the Seven Star Lane.

"What are you all doing? This is the Seven Star Lane! You can’t kill in here!" One of the waitresses tried to stop them from locking the door.

"Scram!" The Southern Region messenger sent the waitress flying.

All of the other waitresses shuddered at this sight and ran towards the middle of the room, screaming as they did so.

This caused the crowd to frown.


They felt that there was something not quite right with the actions of the messengers.

After all, even though Fang Zhengzhi’s actions were slightly cowardly, it was probably the best course of action right now.

This area was famous for its entertainment and fun.

However, it was also the most heavily patrolled area in the capital. There were way too many altercations here. Fights could break out over women, money, even poems or words said!

As such...

It would be extremely weird if there weren’t any guards patrolling the area.

Yet, despite Fang Zhengzhi screaming for so long, there was no sign of any guards arriving. No one even came over to see what the commotion was about.

This was extremely suspicious!

More importantly, the messenger had asked for the Seven Star Lane to be locked up. This was not something that they would usually do.

They wouldn’t have found it strange if the messengers had killed Fang Zhengzhi on sight. However, for them to lock the doors and try to kill Fang Zhengzhi after he had screamed for help was abnormal.

Fang Zhengzhi was right, this was the capital!

Where were they getting their courage and confidence from?

"No one is here even though I’ve been screaming for ages... I guess... there is no hope." Fang Zhengzhi shook his head and sighed as he looked at the locked doors.

"You can give up now! You will definitely die today!" The messenger replied icily.

"That’s impossible! The security in the capital has always been great! Why didn’t anyone come to save me?" Fang Zhengzhi whined bitterly.

"Haha, yes, the security in the capital is great, but it is a pity that this is the Seven Star Lane!" The messenger smirked.

"Oh, so you do know that this is the Seven Star Lane?" The fear disappeared from Fang Zhengzhi’s face and it was replaced by a smirk.

"What do you mean?" The messenger was stunned to see Fang Zhengzhi smirking. He had a bad feeling about this.

The fear that was on Fang Zhengzhi’s face had disappeared completely.

On the contrary...

He seemed very confident.


Why would he be confident?

The doors were locked and there were no guards outside! Yan Xiu was also immobilized! Shouldn’t he be despairing?

He must be acting! He can’t possibly be that confident!

Just as he was thinking about it, he felt a chill down his spine. It was a cold, sharp aura. It was almost like an icy spear.

"Oh no!" The Southern Region messenger was in disbelief. He wanted to dodge to the side, but he realized that his legs were being held down.

He looked down.

His expression changed instantly.

There was a red whirlpool beneath his feet that was keeping him rooted to his spot.

"Dao of Asura!"

The Southern Region messenger knew exactly what the red whirlpool represented. However, he couldn’t figure out why he would be trapped by the Dao of Asura.

Was Yan Xiu not poisoned?

If he wasn’t...

What was with his expression just now?

The Southern Region messenger really wanted to find out what was happening, but this was not the time for that. A ray of red light shot towards him.

It was so quick that he couldn’t respond in time.


The blade fell...

His arm fell to the ground, blood spewing from the open wound and splashing on the ground.

It wasn’t over.

There was a blade that had pierced his chest. This was a blade pushed through from the back and blood dripped from the blade.

"What... what’s happening?" The Southern Region messenger stared at the pale Yan Xiu and the sword in his back.

He never expected that this would happen.

He was in control! What was happening? Why was Yan Xiu unaffected? Who had stabbed him in the back?

Were all the other messengers dead?

What happened?

The Southern Region messenger turned to look behind him. His eyes widened. There was a lady behind him.

She was an ordinary looking lady.

Most importantly, he recognized this lady. This was the person who he had sent flying moments ago. Yet, she was now standing behind him.

She had a sword in her hand. A sword that she had used to stab him.

"Weakling." The lady said derisively. She was calm and cold, a far cry from the panicking lady she was moments ago.

The expression of the Southern Region messenger changed.

Even though he didn’t live a life of luxury or riches, he had always been respected as a Rebirth State cultivator.

Since when was he ever considered a weakling?

Yet now, a waitress had just called him a weakling.

The Southern Region messenger was bitter. There were waitresses standing behind all of the other messengers. These were the ladies who were panicking and running for their lives moments ago.

Seven Star Lane!

It was impossible not to understand what was going on by now. However, he didn’t understand why the Seven Star Lane would involve itself in this. josei

"Hahaha... what do you think of my acting skills? Not bad huh?" Ping Yang’s voice echoed through the room as she beamed.

"You? Passable. I thought Yan Xiu’s was better." Fang Zhengzhi’s mouth twitched.

"Oh please, I was clearly the one who confused them." Ping Yang pouted.

"I think that I acted better as well." Yan Xiu spoke up. His tone was calm and icy, almost as though he was an independent third party.

"..." Ping Yang was stunned. Then, rage filled her face. "Yan Xiu, when did you become as shameless as him?!"

"Yan Xiu is merely stating a fact. Didn’t you think that his pale look was very convincing? They all bought it!" Fang Zhengzhi replied.

"That’s because they are dumb!" Ping Yang wasn’t about to admit defeat.

"You were... acting?" Ninth Prince Lin Yun wanted to stand up, but he had no energy to move.


Not poisoned?

What was happening? He had drunk the same wine and had the same food as Yan Xiu and Fang Zhengzhi. They were even seated at the same table!

Why was he poisoned when they were unaffected?


Fang Zhengzhi and Ping Yang ignored the rest as they continued to bicker. They didn’t even care about the Southern Region messengers.

Wen Dabao’s jaws dropped in disbelief.

He was not alone.

No one in the crowd could understand what just happened? How did things change so quickly? Were they not poisoned?

Hos is that possible?

The crowd looked at each other in confusion. They were all paralyzed and had the energy drained from their body. Why was Yan Xiu unaffected?


What did they mean by acting? Could it be that they knew these people would come tonight and try to poison them?

How is that possible?


Furthermore, why would they discuss acting skills in such a tense scenario?

Most importantly, why would the Seven Star Lane interfere? Did Yan Xiu and Ping Yang set up an ambush here? Or did the Seven Star Lane want to prevent a scene here?

Countless questions floated through the brains of the crowd.

However, there was no one to answer them.

The only sounds left in the Seven Star Lane were the voices of Fang Zhengzhi and Ping Yang. The continued to bicker about whose acting skills were better. The expressions of the Southern Region messengers grew darker by the minute.

"Are you guys done?!" The Southern Region messengers couldn’t take it any longer. They had been ignored for the past 10 minutes! There was no way they would take that lying down.

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