Gate of God

Chapter 513

Chapter 513: Forced through

Chapter 513: Forced through

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"I can’t possibly be more free than yourself Prime Minister. You choose not to stay in your residence and instead choose to come all the way here. Are you thinking of taking the Minister of Law position... before it is decided?"

King Duan had sparred with Yu Yiping many times in the courts. He could hear the provocation in the tone so he decided to do away with the formalities.

When everyone heard this...

All of them looked at each other. In the courts, these barbs were usually traded in a more civil manner. Such outright confrontations were rare.

After all, these were two high ranking and powerful men.

One was the Left Prime Minister and the leader of the other officials. The other was King Duan, the sixth son of the Emperor and the commander of the army and city guards.

They were both powerful and respectable men.

But now...

These two men were trading barbs in front of countless spectators without bothering to hide their intentions under some niceties.

"I am the leader of the officials. Now that there is no Minister of Law, it is only right for me to come and take a look at how things are, especially with all that has happened tonight." Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping squinted. He knew that things were going to be ugly today.

However, he had no other choice. He was hiding men in the back of his carriage. If he lost out now...

The consequences would be disastrous.

"There is nothing wrong with that. However... may I know what you asked whilst you were here?" King Duan nodded lightly.

"I never expected King Duan to be so concerned with the affairs of the Ministry of Law. However, I think you should be more concerned with how something like that could have happened today? Were the city guards too relaxed? Or are they just incompetent?" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping didn’t back down.

"Haha... you don’t have to bother about how I manage my soldiers. Why don’t you mind your own business?"

"Since that is the case, why are you meddling in mine?" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s voice was icy. He waved to the carriages behind him, "Let’s go!"

"Hang on!" King Duan was not going to let Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping leave so easily. He stopped them even before they could move.

At that moment, city guards rushed up and lowered their swords at the throats of the drivers.

"King Duan, what is the meaning of this?" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s expression was solemn.

As the leader of the officials, he wielded great power! He answered only to one man, but he still didn’t have any control over the soldiers or the army.

"Prime Minister, I cannot stop you from leaving, but I need to check the carriages first!" King Duan replied.

"Your Highness, you want to search my carriages?"

"Are you hiding something inside that you are afraid I will find?"

"Hahaha... your highness, of course there is nothing of that sort inside. However, shouldn’t you give me a reason why you want to search the carriages?" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping chuckled.

"Simply because I am the commander of the city guards and want to ensure the safety of the city. Is that reason enough?" King Duan retorted.

"Of course it is. However, can I interpret that as you suspect that I would do something to harm the city?" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s expression was icy.

"It is just a routine check, why do you need to read so much into it? Men, open up the carriages and search them!" King Duan was not about to fall into the trap. He didn’t want to continue arguing with Yu Yiping.

"How dare you!" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s glared icily at the men.

"What’s wrong? Are you feeling guilty? What are you hiding inside these carriages? Or are you hiding felons that you just broke out of the prison?" King Duan squinted as he looked at the carriages.

"King Duan, you have to be careful of what you say. What would you do if there is nothing in these carriages?" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping clenched his fists.

"If I can’t find anything, I will apologize to you in front of everyone! Are there any more concerns?" King Duan had already made up his mind to search the carriages tonight.

After all, he was almost certain that these carriages were where they hid those assassins. There was no way he was going to let them go.

"Apologize to me in front of everyone? Okay then. You don’t need your men to do it. You can even search the carriages yourself if you like!" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping nodded and opened up the doors to the carriages.

At that moment...

Everyone’s eyes looked inside the carriage.

King Duan looked into the carriage as well. The carriage was completely empty.

King Duan was slightly confused.

Were they not inside the carriage?


Something was wrong! If they weren’t in the carriage, why would Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping leave now? Had he already killed them in jail?

King Duan dismissed that thought.

If the criminals had died in the prison it would be a good thing for him. After all, Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping had been there at night.

That would make him one of the suspects in the murder investigation.

If he knew this, so did Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping!


There was no way Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping could have ordered their deaths inside the jail. He would try to get them out, perhaps even out of the city.

What happened after that was up to Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping.

"How is it? Have you had a good look, your highness? Do I have anything hidden inside the carriages?" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping closed the doors.

It was a small movement, but King Duan noticed it immediately.

To many people, opening and closing the doors was a small thing. However, King Duan was able to sense that Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping was hiding something.

"I think that that look was insufficient! Men, tear open the carriages!" King Duan ordered, his gaze icy.

"Stop! King Duan, even though I am only a Prime Minister and lower ranked than you, I believe that I should still be accorded some respect. If you want to rip apart my carriage, you will have to do so over my dead body!" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s expression was solemn.

It was extremely humiliating for Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping to have his carriages ripped apart.

The crowd nodded their agreement when they heard this.

"Ripping open the carriages is too much!"

"Even a king shouldn’t do that to a Prime Minister!"

"This concerns Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s honor and reputation. King Duan has already checked the carriages and there was nothing inside! He is just making things difficult for Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping.

Even though the crowd kept their volume down, King Duan still heard everything they said.

King Duan could choose to ignore the crowd.

However, he did not dare to check Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s carriages if he had to do so over Yu Yiping’s dead body.

At least...

Not right now...

However, he did not want to let Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping leave like that. He could tell from Yu Yiping’s expression...

The assassins were in the carriages.

What was he to do now?

King Duan clenched his fists. He didn’t want to let Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping off without searching the carriages but he knew that it was virtually impossible for him to search them thoroughly.

It was a stalemate.

The city guards blocked Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s way. No one dared to advance but they didn’t retreat.

Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping raised his head and looked at the guards and the crowd. He squinted, his eyes glowing icily.

"Your Highness, you’ve already checked the carriages. Shouldn’t you offer me an apology?" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping smirked.

He shouldn’t be antagonizing King Duan now, but he knew that King Duan wasn’t going to let him go without a fight.


He might as well fight it!

The greater the commotion, the better! He wanted the entire city to see how King Duan was bullying him!

Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping looked at the servants behind him.

When they saw the look on Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s face, they understood what they had to do immediately.

"King Duan is a bully and is abusing his power!"

"He stopped the Left Prime Minister at the gate and asked to search the carriage! When he found nothing, not only did he not apologize, he wants to rip apart the carriages! There is no law and order here!"

"Even a king cannot be that unreasonable!" josei

The servants began to holler at the top of their lungs.

The other servants also took the lead and began shouting at the top of their lungs.

Not only were they screaming...

Some even tried to run out!

The scene was now quite chaotic as the city guards tried to rein in the escaping and shouting servants.

King Duan’s expression was extremely dark and solemn.

He knew what these servants were doing. They were effectively trying to force his hand. If word got out that he tried to make life difficult for the Left Prime Minister and tried to rip open his carriages, the Emperor would definitely come down hard on him.

What was he to do?

Was he really going to let Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping leave just like that?

King Duan was extremely bitter. He knew that the men were inside but he had no way of proving it.

"King Duan, it’s alright if you’re still unwilling to offer me your apology. I will wait till the Emperor is back and take it up with him! Right now... we’ll be leaving!" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping smirked and waved to his servants.

At that moment, the servants felt a wave of relief.

The other servants also heaved a sigh of relief and returned to their carriages.

"Raise!" A voice echoed through the air.

Then, the four carriages were raised and they charged towards the city guards without hesitation.

The city guards turned to look at King Duan, waiting for him to give the order.

King Duan wanted to speak, but he couldn’t find any words. His lips twitched and his eyes glimmered icily.

The four carriages came in front of King Duan.

At that moment, the four carriages began to shake violently, almost as if the servants were unable to keep them still.

"What’s going on?"

"Are the servants drunk?"

"Is there really something inside the carriages?"

"Is there really something inside the carriages?"

The crowd began to guess as they looked at the shaky carriages.

When King Duan saw this, his eyes brightened and he drew his sword, "There are assassins hidden in the carriages! Force them out and protect the ministers!"

"Yes, sir!" The city guards were initially stunned by the command but they reacted quickly.

At that moment, the city guards sprang into action without any hesitation, surrounding all the carriages.

"Stop them!" Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping bellowed from inside the carriage.

The servants around the carriages reacted instantly and drew their weapons. However, they were no match for the city guards.

There were almost 1000 city guards.

The city guards went around the servants and stabbed their spears at the carriages.



The sounds rang out in succession and the four carriages exploded like a blooming flower, the remnants spewing in all directions.

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