Gate of God

Chapter 522

Chapter 522: She has feelings for him?

Chapter 522: She has feelings for him?

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Everyone in the crowd stared at Fang Zhengzhi. They were shocked to hear what Fang Zhengzhi just said.

"Your brother’s murderer? In front of you?"

"What is he trying to do?"

"Is he tired of living?"

"Isn’t he the murderer? Didn’t he kill the Crown Prince of the Southern Region?"

No one could understand what Fang Zhengzhi’s intentions were. He had already gotten himself out of the situation by using the name Fang Zhengzheng. Why he would step out at such a time and raise this issue was a mystery.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s expression darkened when he heard this. He knew exactly what Fang Zhengzhi was trying to do.


He couldn’t believe it.

The arrival of the Queen of the Southern Region was a big deal! Why would Fang Zhengzhi raise this issue right now and in this manner?

How could he be this audacious?!

The expressions of the other officials were equally contorted and ugly. Fang Zhengzhi had already been deemed a guilty man.

Now, Fang Zhengzhi was still alive and in the city. Why would he choose such a time to reopen this case?

Everyone’s eyes were on the verge of popping out of their sockets. They had a bad feeling when they saw Fang Zhengzhi step forward.

It was a feeling...

A feeling that eventually materialized. Fang Zhengzhi did bring up this issue! And he did so in front of the Queen of the Southern Region.

What were they to do now?

What was going to happen?

Wen Dabao wanted to go forward and stop Fang Zhengzhi. However, he was not Yan Xiu and he knew that he was in no position to stop anything.

Emperor Lin Mubai squinted when he saw Fang Zhengzhi appear. His golden robe danced in the breeze.

He was the leader of the Empire...

He was furious at the fact that his welcoming of the Queen of the Southern Region had been disrupted by one man. However, he contained his anger.

The reason was simple. He was the leader of the empire.

Every decision of his would be recorded in the annals of history. He had to wait, think, and consider his options...

Xing Yuanguo, Chi Hong, Ping Yang, and many others were waiting as well. Their expressions were all different, but they didn’t speak.

King Duan and the Crown Prince were waiting as well.

Silence. Pin-drop silence.

The breeze caressed everyone in the crowd.

Shan Yu didn’t speak.

Shan Yu remained silent throughout the entire time. It was almost as though she didn’t even see Fang Zhengzhi.

However, she was clearly staring at Fang Zhengzhi.

She had been looking at him from the moment he appeared. It was almost as if she wanted to see right through him.

Time ticked away...

Yet, no one made a sound. It was pin-drop silence.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong smiled when he saw that Princess Shan Yu didn’t move. Fang Zhengzhi may be audacious, but Shan Yu was no idiot.

The Southern Region...

They were a vassal of the Great Xia...

Without the support of external powers, the Southern Region would never have dared to betray the Great Xia Empire and antagonize him.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong didn’t think that Princess Shan Yu would do something that idiotic.

Princess Shan Yu had been smart to lay low and maintain the peace over the past year. Furthermore, if the Southern Region wanted to overturn the case...

They would not possibly pin their hopes on Fang Zhengzhi.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong shot a look at one of the officials behind him.

"Royal Guard, what are you waiting for? Arrest this audacious revel!" The official on the receiving end of the look understood the Crown Prince’s intentions instantly.

"I’m sorry, Young Master Fang!" Bai Qi grit his teeth. Just as he was about to strike, he saw a figure appear in front of him.

At the same time, a red light screen appeared from the ground.

It was like a crystal wall, but it was icy and hellish, almost as if it was made up of the souls of the fallen.

The Dao of Asura.

"Young Master Yan, today is a big day for the Emperor and the Southern Region. Are you not afraid that Prince Yan would be implicated as well?" Bai Qi’s arm trembled.

He didn’t dare to strike without the Emperor’s orders.

There were 3000 Yan Cloud Cavalry still camped out at the Ten Mile Lake with Yan Qianli.

"The Royal Guards should act like the Royal Guards!" Yan Xiu’s expression was just as icy as before.

Bai Qi was stunned but recovered quickly.

As the deputy commander of the Royal Guards, he did not report to the officials. However, he did have a responsibility to ensure that today’s event ran smoothly.

As such...

He stepped forward to stop Fang Zhengzhi.

There was nothing wrong with that. However, Yan Xiu’s words reminded him that neither the Emperor nor the commander had given any orders.

He released his grip on his spear.

Even though his spear was still held at Fang Zhengzhi’s throat, Bai Qi did not speak anymore.

"Deputy Commander Bai, what are you waiting for?" The official asked again.

However, Bai Qi ignored the official. He closed his eyes and stood his ground like a statue.

The crowd looked at each other in disbelief and confusion.

Why didn’t the Royal Guards arrest Fang Zhengzhi?

At that moment, Fang Zhengzhi chuckled. He didn’t hesitate any longer. He turned and looked at the Royal Guards around him.

Then, he began to walk back into the crowd.

The guards instinctively looked to Bai Qi for instructions. Bai Qi looked at the walls of the palace and the silent figure on the walls.

That was an armored figure. However, that person’s armor was clearly different from that of Bai Qi.


That was a lady’s armor.

The only lady’s armor in the 50,000 strong Royal Guards.

She was the only lady, and she was also their commander!

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s eyes glittered as he shuffled forward. He was not going to let this opportunity slip past.

"Father, are you really going to let him leave like that?" The Crown Prince prompted.

"Yes, your highness, this man is incredibly audacious! We cannot let him off scot-free!"

"Your Highness, please order his arrest!"

"Your Highness, please give the order!"

The officials followed the lead of the Crown Prince and fell to their knees.

King Duan felt rather conflicted. He could tell that Chi Hou was looking at him. However, when he thought about how Fang Zhengzhi had rejected him days earlier... josei

He decided not to step forward.

Emperor Lin Mubai turned behind and looked at the kneeling officials. His eyes glittered and he spotted someone out of the corner of his eye.

This was a figure who had stepped forward.

Emperor Lin Mubai was slightly shocked to see this figure.

However, his shock did not last very long. A figure in red lunged in front of him.

"Father, I am hungry! We have been standing out here for so long. Just start the banquet already! I am sure the Queen of the Southern Region is hungry after traveling for this long." Ping Yang pouted.

"Mm, Ping Yang is right. I am quite hungry as well." Emperor Lin Mubai ruffled Ping Yang’s hair.

When Eunuch Wei heard this, he immediately walked over to the kneeling officials.

"The time has come. Start the banquet!" A shrill voice echoed through the air and this command was repeated throughout the palace.

"Start the banquet!"

"Start the banquet!"


"Stop there!"

Just as the orders to start the banquet rang out, a voice echoed out from the top of the White Jade Stone Elephant. The officials looked at each other.

They heard this voice.

Everyone was slightly stunned as they turned to look at the figure atop the White Jade Stone Elephant.

At that moment...

The figure stood up from the dais and stepped out of her carriage. She walked forward and onto the head of the White Jade Stone Elephant.

The leather robe was wrapped tightly around her curvy body. Her beige skin glistened under the sun.

Her eyes were as dark as black gems.

She was not talking to Eunuch Wei or the officials. She was staring at the youth who was about to re-enter the crowd.

"Have you made preparations?" Shan Yu ignored the officials as she looked at Fang Zhengzhi.

When Shan Yu said this...

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s expression changed as he looked at Princess Shan Yu with daggers in his eyes.

All of the officials felt equally perplexed when they heard what Princess Shan Yu had said.

They had all heard about what happened in the Southern Region.

They were all extremely well informed. However, they simply chose not to reveal certain things.

That being said, they were all shocked to hear Princess Shan Yu ask such a question.

"Could there be unexpected developments?"

"Why would Shan Yu ask Fang Zhengzhi if he has made the necessary preparations?"

"What does he need to prepare for?"

The officials turned to look at Fang Zhengzhi with anticipation and panic in their eyes.

Their emotions were in turmoil.

Fang Zhengzhi stopped in his tracks, his blue long-sleeved shirt dancing in the wind. He shook his head lightly without turning back.


"If you haven’t even made preparations, how dare you appear here and question me? Aren’t you afraid that I would kill you?" Princess Shan Yu’s chest heaved in anger.

The Southern Region soldiers sprang into action when they heard this. They raised their spears and pointed them at Fang Zhengzhi.


"Kill him!"

Their roars filled the air.

"Stand down!" Another voice rang out from within their ranks.

Then, a skinny figure walked out from within the formation. He wore an exquisite red leather robe and he stared at Fang Zhengzhi.

He was Fiery Crow, the Settlement Chief of the Fiery Crow Settlement!

The Southern Region soldiers calmed down when they heard Fiery Crow’s command. They lowered their spears and stood at attention.

It was a quick series of events.

However, the crowd instinctively took a step back.

The Southern Region...

Home of the brave and the courageous!

Even though the crowd was slightly frightened, they were excited to see what would happen. All of them stared at the lady atop the White Jade Stone Elephant.

The Queen of the Southern Region, Shan Yu.

Everyone knew that even though Fiery Crow had given the order to stand down, the person who was behind that order was Shan Yu.

That being said, they couldn’t understand why Fiery Crow would stop the soldiers when Princess Shan Yu was clearly angered. What did Fang Zhengzhi do to piss off the Queen of the Southern Region?

Did she really have feelings for Fang Zhengzhi?

No, that can’t be!

If Princess Shan Yu had feelings for Fang Zhengzhi, why would Fang Zhengzhi kill Crown Prince Shan Ling?

Everyone was confused and lost.

After all, the Crown Prince had reported that Fang Zhengzhi was being escorted back to the capital after he had violated Princess Shan Yu.

He then killed Shan Ling in order to escape.

If that was the case, why didn’t Shan Yu just kill Fang Zhengzhi where he stood?

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