Gate of God

Chapter 556 A Dramatic Change in Identity

Chapter 556 A Dramatic Change in Identity

Flame Capital City, within a rustic and elegant compound.

A white figure could be seen in the courtyard, filled with the fragrance of flowers. Under the illumination of the moonlight, a long shadow could be seen.

"Young Master!" A figure walked towards the entrance of the courtyard and immediately knelt down.

"Is it all prepared?" The white figure slowly turned around and stared at the figure who just entered the courtyard. The white veil on her face fluttered ever so slightly.

"Young Master, everything is ready. However, there was a fire at the Crown Prince Residence tonight. Domain Chief Ying Feng is worried that it may affect our plan. Hence, he sent me to ask for Young Master’s opinion," The figure said.

"Hm... it is normal that Domain Chief Ying Feng will have this worry. Has the issue been thoroughly investigated?" The white figure nodded before asking.

"The security alert around the Crown Prince Residence is high. There are more guards than usual after the fire. Hence, despite plating spies in the Crown Prince Residence way beforehand, we have only found a few things. First, there were two spots that caught fire, with the majority of the damage being done to the study room. Secondly, the secret chamber that was revealed underneath the main study room was instigated by a few letters Fang Zhengzhi claimed to have picked up. Lastly, no one knows about the specific details of the letter, although the Emperor was infuriated upon seeing the content."


"Yes, from what I know, the content of the letter should have direct connections with the secret chamber underneath the study room. Fang Zhengzhi claims that he found those letters on the site. However, I believe that Fang Zhengzhi had prepared the letters way beforehand, and took the chance to present it to the Majesty. Although..."

"Although what?"

"Although the Majesty had found the secret chamber according to the content of the letter. He did not enter the secret chamber and conduct an investigation. This was akin to not punishing the Crown Prince despite concrete evidence that he was in cahoots with some courtiers. He simply let him go scot free. Hence, from my perspective, Fang Zhengzhi’s plan must have failed!"

"Failed?" The white figure started thinking after hearing those words. After which, the figure then shook her head and said, "Many a time, things that seemed to have failed on the surface might be very successful. Perhaps there are still some things we have not realized. You mentioned that Fang Zhengzhi found more than one letter, am I right?"


"A few letters... I understand now! You can stop the investigation into the case. How is the situation over at Ten Mile Lake? Is Yan Qianli still at Ten Mile Lake?" The white figure nodded and continued asking.

"Yes, based on what I have investigated, Yan Qianli should be returning to the capital after staying at Ten Mile Lake for three days. However, no one knows why she had not returned to the capital." The other figure then answered.

"It seems like an accident will happen for our plan this time around," The white figure then closed her eyes and frowned slightly.

"Then... should we still continue on our plan?"

"Yes. Do everything as per normal. No plan can be perfect. There is bound to be some accidents. I do not mind this one bit," The white figure shook her head and said.

"Yes! Then I will report back to the Domain Chief!" The figure then nodded before leaving.

The white figure then once again opened her eyes and lifted her head to look at the bright moon and glimmering stars, "Fang Zhengzhi, both of us have chosen the "sparrow" role this time around. However, who will be the true sparrow?"

She sat down elegantly and strummed the Chinese instrument delicately, immersing herself in the melodious tune.

It was not a long distance from the Crown Prince Residence to the palace. However, Fang Zhengzhi had been walking for a full 30 minutes and they had not reached their destination.

The reason was simple...

The Emperor Lin Mubai was walking very slowly.

How then, can Fang Zhengzhi walk fast?

Of course, Lin Mubai was not really walking. He was seated comfortably in a huge carriage. Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu, Ping Yang and the rest were also on this same carriage.

It was extremely spacious and decorated with luxurious statues. Even with the six of them in it, there was still plenty of space.

"Father, do you have something to say? Why did you call everyone in?" Ping Yang blinked her eyes and stared at Lin Mubai, who was keeping his eyes half-closed.

"Of course!" Lin Mubai opened his eyes and stared at Ping Yang. Following which, he patted Ping Yang lightly on the head and cast his glance at Fang Zhengzhi, saying, "Fang Zhengzhi, speak. What do you want from me?"

"A mansion hundred over square miles in area!" Fang Zhengzhi immediately said without any hesitation.

"Hundred over square miles? Are you trying to build a palace?" Lin Mubai stared at Fang Zhengzhi in shock before gritting his teeth and said, "Alright, I’ll allow it. However, Flame Capital City do not have such huge land space for you. You find your own place and I’ll send people over to build it for you!"

"It would be for naught if I merely have the residence. I need servants who can clean and serve me in the residence," Fang Zhengzhi added.

"Rest assured. Since I have already promised you a residence, I will definitely give you servants and a cook as well. It comes as a package!" Lin Mubai could feel his wealth slowly depleting.

"I also want to abolish tax for the Northern Mountain Village and the other eight villages within a ten-mile radius from it!"

"I can understand that you would want to abolish tax for the Northern Mountain Village. After all, that is where you were born and raised. But why the eight villages within a ten-mile radius as well?" Lin Mubai was perplexed at the request.

"Because I can!" Fang Zhengzhi calmly replied.

Lin Mubai was dumbfounded and gritted his teeth while he said, "Alright then, because you can. I will promise you all of that. Do you have anything else you want?"

"Nothing else." Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.

"No more? Are you sure? I have such a big secret in your hands. The notorious Fang Zhengzhi only wants a mansion and some tax-free shenanigans from me? I was already prepared to part with a huge proportion of my wealth. Are you sure you are going to let me go so easily?" Lin Mubai said in disbelief.

"There is truly nothing else I want," Fang Zhengzhi once again shook his head.

"Alright then, since you are done, I will promise you all this on one condition!" Lin Mubai smiled as his eyes gleamed.

"I will not do anything too troublesome!" Fang Zhengzhi seemed to have predicted Lin Mubai would have a request. He did not seem surprised.

The Emperor?

All who were able to sit on the throne were considered a dragon amongst men. That meant that they were extremely shrewd and intelligent!

Since he had already promised to part with a mansion more than hundred square miles in area, why would he not request something from Fang Zhengzhi as well?

"It won’t be troublesome at all," Lin Mubai gave a mysterious smile.

"Then please speak."

"It would be enough for you to know this fact. I am tired and wish to return to the palace now. I will send my instructions to Ping Yang Residence a few days later. You guys may return as well." Lin Mubai did not intend to continue the conversation. He merely stared at Fang Zhengzhi then at Ping Yang.

"Father, will third brother..." Ping Yang opened her mouth to speak as her pair of clear eyes sparkled with worry.

"One can forgive a sin committed by the heavens, but not one committed by himself! I only hope that he learns his lesson from this incident!" Lin Mubai spoke as his face was overwhelmed with worry.

"Then..." Ping Yang was slightly hesitant.

"It is late. Let’s all go back and rest," Lin Mubai said.

"Then, we will be going!" Ping Yang nodded and stopped asking.

Yan Xiu and Nangong Mu did not say anything as well. In fact, they kept silent the moment they boarded the carriage.

Similarly, Wen Dabao also fell silent the entire time. He had an incredulous look on his face. This was because he still had not figured out what exactly happened.

Didn’t the Emperor say to accompany him for a walk?

Was this all?

Furthermore, why did the Emperor bestow Fang Zhengzhi with a mansion hundred square miles wide in area? He even abolished tax for the Northern Mountain Village and many other villages. He even thought that these requests were too little?

What was going on? Might it be due to the letters?

Those letters...

What exactly did they contain?

Furthermore, what did Ping Yang’s words meant? What did the Emperor mean as well? What did he mean by one could forgive a crime committed by the heavens, but not one committed by oneself?

Wen Dabao stared at Ping Yang, then at Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu and Nangong Mu.

He was completely confused.

Two days later.

Law of Dao Imperial Examinations had officially begun.

These two days could be said to be the busiest two days for Flame Capital City. There had been many interesting happenings that filled the teahouses and restaurants with unending discussion topics.

However, on the official date of the Imperial Examinations, all the focus was still rightfully turned back onto the most prestigious examination in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Since early morning.

The Flame Capital City was in a lively and busy state. Countless students planning to sit for the examinations stood waiting at the entrance of the Imperial Academy, waiting to enter the examination grounds.

Nangong Mu, who was dressed inconspicuously, also stood within these candidates.

He did not make any attention-grabbing actions. However, he still attracted lots of attention and became the topic of discussion the moment he appeared.

"The last time, Nangong Mu got the top three in the Theory Examination. However, he was unlucky in the Combat Examination as he met Fang Zhengzhi, resulting in his disappointing overall results. Nangong Mu should be able to clinch the top place this time around!"

"I don’t think that would be a problem. I’m just curious how much Nangong Mu had grown in two years?"

"Two years ago, Nangong Mu had already reached the pinnacle of the Heavenly Reflection State. Could he have reached the Supernatural State by now?" josei

"I don’t know... After all, it is too difficult to progress from the Heavenly Reflection State to the Supernatural State. Alas, he is Nangong Mu, the brother of the prodigy Nangong Hao. No one knows."

"That’s right. After all, he is Nangong Hao’s brother!"

The candidates discussed softly within themselves. However, no one dared to approach him, only observing him from afar.

At that moment, three other figures also appeared from afar.

They were Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu, and Ping Yang.

The still looked the same. However, the situation this time was different from the Imperial Examinations two years ago. Fang Zhengzhi’s appearance immediately caused the prospective candidates to make way for him.

"It’s Fang Zhengzhi!"

"Why is he still here? Didn’t he already pass the Imperial Examinations?"

"Perhaps, he is only here to see Nangong Mu."

All the candidates stood at two sides of the Imperial Academy and stared at the three of them with a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

Fang Zhengzhi did not care about the discussion going on within the candidates.

He then walked towards Nangong Mu and stared at the closed front door of the Imperial Academy before pouting in dissatisfaction.

"Open the door!" Fang Zhengzhi shouted at the guards on two sides of the entrance.

"Open the door?"

"He is telling the Imperial Academy guards to open the door?"

"Are you kidding, who does he think he is?"

Everyone was shocked upon hearing Fang Zhengzhi’s words. They then started looking at him with a condescending look on their faces.

However, the moment the guards heard Fang Zhengzhi’s words, they exchanged glances before quickly opening the door of the Imperial Academy.

"Lord Fang, please!" The guards shouted with respect after opening the door.

The scene was clearly observed by all the candidates. They looked at the scene with widened eyes and dropped jaws, unable to react to the situation.

Fang Zhengzhi, on the other hand, did not hesitate and entered the Imperial Academy immediately.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"He went in?"

"Why can he enter? I thought the Imperial Examination had not yet started!"

"What is going on?’

The candidates stared at one another with a perplexed expression.

But the truth was that...

Fang Zhengzhi had entered the Imperial Academy.

Furthermore, he entered it through the front door righteously, together with Yan Xiu and Ping Yang at his side. He also experienced no obstructions at all.

After a moment, the sound of a gong came from the inside of the Imperial Academy.

All the candidates seemed to be rudely awakened from their thoughts as well. They stopped thinking about Fang Zhengzhi and started recollecting their thoughts.

At that moment, the door of the Imperial Academy opened from the inside.

Two lines of guards swiftly walked out from the Imperial Academy. Dozens of Imperial Academy Invigilators clad in black robes followed after.

After which...

Everyone was once again dumbfounded.

Apart from the guards and the invigilators, there was one more person walking in the middle of this huge congregation. He was wearing a brand new black Imperial robe with a dazzling "Li" word carved on the chest area.

He was also holding a golden scroll on one hand.

"Fang Zhengzhi!"

"He... might he be..."

"How can this be!"

"Fang Zhengzhi is the Chief Examiner for this Imperial Examination?"

All the candidates stared at Fang Zhengzhi with widened eyes. They had never expected such a thing to happen.

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