Gate of God

Chapter 596 Evil Demon, He Is An Evil Demon

Chapter 596 Evil Demon, He Is An Evil Demon

Known for his stubborn character, Western Liang King would not treat his senior Supernatural State seriously. Even Chi Hou, who was from the Divine Constabulary, had barely spoken anything to him.

However, this time, he showed no intention of speaking rudely to Fang Zhengzhi. It was of equal status and authority.

"ROAR!" King Xieluo bellowed in agony, cutting the conversation between the two of them. As a dignified Demon King, listening to them discussing how to kill him, was a disgrace, an act of ignorance.

With a loud roar, thick rays of golden light surged wildy towards the broken forepaw. The blood immediately stopped gushing out of the wound, and a new forepaw started emerging out with great speed.

"Let’s see how are you going to kill me!" King Xieluo’s eyes were filled with this gold and ferocious light, just like the water flowing down.

"His limbs grew back?!"

"That’s a crazy speed of recovery!"

The Mountain Breaking Army’s and the Yan Cloud Cavalry’s jaws dropped in surprise as they looked at how the fore paws grow back together.

Of course, they did prepare themselves for what was going to happen.

Especially since the opponent is Demon King.

But they still could not believe their eyes when they looked at how the paws grew back almost instantly.

On the other hand, Yan Qianli did not even bat his eyes for a second, and he still felt the anger rushing into him, but he had to calm down, because that is the only way to seek revenge for Prince Li of the First Rank.

He stared closely at King Xieluo with his bloodshot eyes, slowly moving his eyes up and down, mainly on the three positions, the head, heart and the abdomen area, but they do not seem to have the Demon Pearl.

Where was it hidden at?

Yan Qianli had his doubts, he was well aware that if he cannot locate the Demon Pearl, all his efforts would have gone to waste.

Besides, Fang Zhengzhi looked like he had no idea where the Demon Pearl was.

"I’m on it!" Fang Zhengzhi let out a soft cry, he began to spring into action, one step forward. A pair of crystal eyes could not even catch what he just did, but his body had already disappeared from the ground.

As magnificent as it seemed, a dragon ascended to the sky at the same time.

Only this time, the dragon did not swirl around in the air.

It rushed directly up on the cloud, over the horizon.

Disappearing into the thin air, it went totally silent.

"BOOOMM!" The thunder rumbled across the sky as the lightning bolted.

"Fang Zhengzhi, come down and let me see your real power!" King Xieluo looked across the sky, eyes darting from side to side with caution, as the blow that Fang Zhengzhi slashed using his sword did traumatise him.

He did not dare to belittle what Fang Zhengzhi meant earlier.

Glaring at Fang Zhengzhi soaring up the sky, he chose to let him go and wait, waiting for him to come again.

Yan Qianli also stayed in his spot, as Fang Zhengzhi has instructed that he will charge forward first, and Yan Qianli was perfectly clear on his role, that he would defend the rear.

An opportunity.

He would remain calm till they had started fighting and he would seize his opportunity.

Time was ticking away...

Both of them were still waiting, but Fang Zhengzhi, who flew up to the sky, was still nowhere to be seen, leaving them in a state of suspense.

"Huh? Are you not coming?" King Xieluo had been waiting for ages and he began thinking if Fang Zhengzhi would come down again. Where was he? The sword? Really? No response?

"Why is he not coming down? Is he going to take so long to come down with the sword?" Yan Qianli peered at the heavy rainstorm, feeling bewildered.

How could he rush up first and not have any response?

What is going on?


"Hiding in the clouds? What is this move again?"

"Did he run away?"

Standing from afar, the Mountain Breaking Army, the Yan Cloud Cavalry and the Northern Barbarians Army were gazing at the dragon that disappeared into the clouds, puzzled about the situation.

Rain continued to pour, the cold air brewed in.

Finally, King Xieluo started feeling strange, a golden light flickered in his eyes, and an idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

Could it be possible that the punk really ran away? Escaping in the battlefield was something King Xieluo would never fathom about, if it was for the other warriors.

But if it was Fang Zhengzhi....

God knows if he would take this chance to run away for good.

"He really escaped? This is too absurd, how can he just run away like this?" While the Mountain Breaking Army were reluctant to believe the situation, the cold hard truth remained in front of their eyes, that Fang Zhengzhi was gone.

"Fang Zhengzhi!" King Xieluo howled loudly, shaking the whole horizon, but the sky remained calm and still like a dead sea, with no response at all, "Damn it!"

After yelling at the sky, he could not wait any longer, in a swift, he charged up into the sky.

"Hmmm? Are you planning to go up there, it’s not so easy!" Yan Qianli glanced at King Xielo who rushed up to the horizon, the crimson red light in his heart began forming into a giant net.

He had no idea why Fang Zhengzhi would plan on charging up and not return.

I’m going up first?

Did the fellow mean that he will go up first?..

If it is really that case, he had to admit that the Fang Zhengzhi’s words were indeed unbelievable to the average person.

No matter what, he could never let King Xieluo go up, thus he gathered his red light and transformed them into a gigantic net, casting it over King Xieluo.


King Xieluo’s body hit hard on the net, but he did not have any intention of getting trapped in the net, he let out a wild grunt, widened his mouth and bit on the huge net surrounding his body.

Momentarily, there was a loud and sharp frictional sound, and a streak of weak red light began lighting up in the middle of the dark stormy night. The net also started to tighten up wildly, and looked like it might crack under the pressure of the bite anytime.

The sky broke into a roll of thunder, accompanied by a flash of lightning crashing down from the horizon.

Meanwhile, King Xieluo was using his full force to rip the giant net open.

Paying no attention to the pouring rain and the loud crashing sound of the lightning that seemed almost abnormal, a thunder bolt struck on the roof of his head.


The bright lightning came down almost immediately on King Xieluo’s brain.

Subsequently, a piercing high pitch screech resounded across the sky, leaving an echo in the air. Vibrant red blood began bursting out from King Xieluo’s head, blending in with the rain pouring down.

"Rawr....." King Xieluo was not slightly prepared at all, and all of a sudden his head was sliced open, with a cut so deep that the bone was almost visible . It was obvious from the wound... It was...

Caused by a sword!

Neither King Xieluo, nor Qian Yanli, the Mountain Breaking Army, the Yan Cloud Cavalry or the Northern Barbarians Army, could react in time for this.


The second bolt of lightning came crashing down from the horizon.


The bright lightning struck on King Xieluo’s brain once again, and what was even stranger was that it had struck on exactly the same position as the first bolt.

Not only did it worsen the initial wound, but it ruptured into small clots of flesh, combining with the rupturing blood, it decorated the bright red fog.

"Ao Wu!" King Xielo’s eyes obviously started to change, while he had a fast healing ability, but that did not mean he did not feel pain at all.

His brain was struck twice.

And even worse so, at the same place.

It would be impossible to say that he had no slight trace of pain at all.

Just as he was about to let out another cry, the third bolt came again, the position of the attack exactly identical as the previous two.

"No, it can’t be a lightning, it must be a sword lightning, a distorted sword lightning!"

"A distorted sword lightning? It couldn’t be....."

"The Returning Dragon, Fang Zhengzhi’s Returning Dragon, but how does it look like a bolt lightning!"

Standing from afar, the Mountain Breaking Army and the Yan Cloud Cavalry had seen how the third lightning bolt had struck down, they both reverted back into their senses, as they realised that it was not just a normal lightning, but a highly precise aim on the crown of King Xieluo’s head.

More importantly... josei

Even if it’s really just an accurate strike, it should do no harm on King Xieluo.

There was only one explanation, that would be the sword lightning, but why does the shape look similar to the lightning bolt?


Could it be.....

At that moment, an idea flashed across their mind, because recently, an incident happened right in front of their faces.

The Seven colour light alongside with the clouds formed into Seven light columns, sealing up the body of King Xieluo - this a tactic that made use of nature.

This method brought a whole new experience to most of the onlookers.

"Fang Zhengzhi borrowed the power of nature!"

"Similar to King Liqin, he capitalised on using the clouds, no... wrong, not only the clouds, even the lightning!"

"Using The Returning Dragon’s sword, and combining them with the lightning produced within the clouds!"

"Oh my God, this can’t be real? We had seen the same ritual done by King Liqin, but we had only just touched the threshold and he could already used the power?!"

"Evil Demon, He is the real Evil Demon!"

Be it the Mountain Breaking Army or the Yan Cloud Cavalry, or even the Northern Barbarians Army, all three of them were startled after harbouring that thought, because who had the courage to attempt that in reality.....

That was like seeing a tall mountain, a mountain that nobody can ever cross over.

This strength was not just any practical strength, but one with heart, with awakening - a type of internal strength.


The third bolt that merged together with the sword lightning finally struck, and without a doubt, landed on the top of King Xieluo’s head, splitting it open.

But this time round....

The open wound was not just pure blood and flesh, but there were visible bones, white and pale in colour.

"Ow wu!" King Xieluo’s golden light on his body rushed up to the top of his head once again, his massive body oscillating vigorously, as if he was trying to hide from the fourth bolt of "lightning" from above.

However, the giant net had restricted his movements, making it impossible for him to dodge any lightning, he could only struggle in vain.


The fourth lightning struck.

Followed by, the fifth, sixth, seventh and the eighth...



"Boom Boom......"

One after another, the sounds echoed throughout the night sky. It had astounded everyone, and by this time, King Xielo’s body no longer looked the same as before.

From the top of his head, his body looked as if it was about to be separated into two halves from the slice of the sword.

Even so, he continued resisting.....

Countless rays of golden light gushed to the open wound, resulting in an overwhelmingly fast recovery press. What a bewildered sight indeed.

Yan Qianli did not let go the net, he held onto the red-coloured net tightly with his fingers.

A trail of blood dripped from King Xieluo’s mouth. He was still struggling within the giant net, especially even after the sword lightnings were wedged onto the net. He was definitely injured.


He pressed on.

Because it was at that moment, that he finally understood what Fang Zhengzhi meant from his instructions "I charge up first, you defend the rear".

Charging up first, obviously, was self-explanatory.

As for defending the rear, it meant continuing suppressing King Xieluo.

Yan Qianli will be responsible to restrain King Xieluo, while Fang Zhengzhi will attack from above. This was what Fang Zhengzhi meant by "I charge up first, you defend the rear".

"Good lad, even if it means ending my old life, I will help you to hold him back!" Yan Qianli’s face showed a rare glimpse of praise, as Fang Zhengzhi’s performance lately had went beyond his expectation.

And now...

This only further bolstered his impression of Fang Zhengzhi.

"That will be the eleventh consecutive strike!"

"If this goes on, no matter who it is, even if it is the Demon King, shouldn’t he perish into thin air?"

"There’s a chance, really a chance!"

The Mountain Breaking Army and the Yan Cloud Cavalry could not help but let out their immense excitement. Despite the fact that they were one of the top from the Great Xia Dynasty’s elite soldiers, it was still the first time they had seen such an astounding spectacle.

"Did King Xieluo really lose?" Even though the Northern Barbarians Army were in disbelief, they could not help but felt a tinge of worry and concern for what had happened earlier.

Across the horizon, the lightning bolts relentlessly struck from above, landing hard on King Xieluo’s body.

Alas, King Xieluo let out a miserable cry, and the gold from his body disappeared. His enormous body split into half, his blood cascaded profusely across the horizon, and two halves continuously vibrated in the air.

"Is it a win?!" `

"The body split into half, even if it is the Demon King I don’t think it will grow back again?"

"At least it won’t grow back out immediately, this is a great opportunity!"

The Mountain Breaking Army and the Yan Cloud Cavalry saw this scene and shouted out in victory, for this was the first time they had seen such a glorious and spectacular win in battle.

"You did great, Fang Zhengzhi!". At this moment Yan Qianli was able to move again, since King Xieluo’s split body was unable to put up a strong resistance to his giant net.

He withdrew his hand from the net.

A pair of bright red spears suddenly each appeared on his two hands.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed into the giant net.

"Die, King Xieluo!", Yan Qianli roared, and simultaneously, a chilling breath of terror emerged wildly from his body.

The two spears from his hands did not stop, even for a moment.

Piercing through the air, he swiftly charged towards the splitted halves. (To be Continued)

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