Gate of God

Chapter 622 Unmatchable Fight with the 3 Sages

Chapter 622 Unmatchable Fight with the 3 Sages

"Breaking all thirteen pieces of the Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet can get me out of this spell?" Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yun Qingwu, and let out a bitter laugh.

That was an easy and straightforward method.

To break the spell, he had to destroy the tablets.

It was neither the Calligraphy Tablet nor the Memorial Tablet, but the Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet. Furthermore, it was thirteen of them.

That was totally crazy!

The Heavenly Dao Pavilion test was starting in about half a month’s time. How was it possible to break thirteen Heavenly Dao Sage Tablets within that time?

Not only was it impossible, there wasn’t a tinge of hope left for him.

The difficulty of breaking the thirteen Heavenly Dao Sage Tablets was as difficult as entering the Sacred State. One must know that destroying one piece of the Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet was equivalent to taking one step into the state.

Thirteen pieces?

What was she thinking!

If he had never tried it before, he would still have a bit of hope. But he had tried it before, in fact many times a year.

Hence he knew that it would be difficult to destroy the Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet.

Six years old.

It was then when he destroyed the Illustration of All Creation. It was indeed an arduous path. josei

The Illustration of All Creation could be compared to the Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet from a certain level, but obviously the former was just one of the many in the world.

The Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet was not just a Tablet.

In fact, Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet could be described as a Creation, one that is made from nature.

To be exact...

Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet would be made up of the mountains, rivers, the earth, flowers and many more. They all belonged to the nature.

How to destroy it?

There was no way to break it.

One piece of Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet was equivalent to one scenery. But it would be absurd to understand the whole nature just by looking at one part of the scenery.

Moreover, it was not just one piece, there were thirteen pieces.

"This spell is set by you, so I have another way, and that is to kill you!" Fang Zhengzhi thought that he must sound murderous. Hence when he looked at Yun Qingwu, his eyes portrayed a tinge of coldness.

"Kill me?" Why don’t you try it, you’ll never know?" Yun Qingwu looked at Fang Zhengzhi calmly, her tone still sounding as casual as ever. She was not afraid about life and death.

Fang Zhengzhi remained silent.

In fact, since the Battle of the Southern Region, Fang Zhengzhi knew that it was difficult to negotiate with Yun Qingwu, as she was never afraid about life and death.


It cannot be said that Yun Qingwu was not afraid of anything. Just like the way how she valued justice, if he had the chance to make her feel threatened, he would have a slither of opportunity to escape.

But the problem was that Fang Zhengzhi had already used that method earlier, and Yun Qingwu managed to slip away from his grip.

Which made everything awkward.

He was unable to catch her, his threatening didn’t work, and their negotiations failed. Must he really stay here to break all the 13 pieces of Heavenly Dao Sage Tablets?

"Are you sure you don’t have other requests? How about a pretty guy? Like me, I can give you my body for seven days? You can step on it for 7 days, however you want to treat it! No? Ten days? How about ten days? Half a month, half a month is possible right!" Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yun Qingwu with anticipation.

"Shameless!" Yun Qingwu barked at him after pausing for a second. Then she disappeared from the ground, vanished in the air.

"Whatt....? She ran away?! Didn’t you say we were supposed to be trapped in here together?" Fang Zhengzhi felt as though his future instantly went dark.

He was about to try his last resort, which was to disturb Yun Qingwu continuously until she could not endure any further, thereby releasing him.

But, Yun Qingwu, actually ran away?

How could this game continue?


Half a month’s time, flew past quickly.

The news of the missing Fang Zhengzhi spreaded from the Northern Mountain Village to Huai An County, and lastly, the Flame Capital City. Everyone was aware of the disappearance of the Cang King.

Huai An County’s men had all been selected, and together with half of the River of Trust Province’s men, they travelled from the Northern Mountain Village to the Cang Ling Mountain...

Looking everywhere to search for him.

But there was no trail of him at all.

In the Fang’s household, Qin Xuelian felt as if time had slowed down. Each day felt like years. She had not seen Fang Zhengzhi much since Battle of the Southern Region.

Now, Fang Zhengzhi had returned to the Northern Mountain Village and was anointed as the Cang King.

But suddenly, Fang Zhengzhi went missing again, how could Qin Xuelian endure this? She fell sick on the bed, becoming skinnier and weaker day by day.

Fang Houde had been using the time to lead the men in locating Fang Zhengzhi. He had also looked haggard from all the days when he had to return home and take care of Qin Xuelian.

"Your Lord, still no signs..."

"FIND! You have to find it, he can’t just leave like this, he must be just nearby!" Wu Yuer rarely shouted at her subordinates, but she too couldn’t control her emotions any longer.

Half a month had passed by.

Still no signs of Fang Zhengzhi, and he seemed like he just vanished into thin air. He was nowhere to be found. It was not just the Northern Mountain Village that was searching for him, the entire Northern Lands and the River of Trust Province participated in the search too.

But, there were still no news of him at all.

Where could he be at?

Wu Yuer had considered of the fact that Fang Zhengzhi might have concealed some information from her. But she knew that Fang Zhengzhi would never keep any secrets from Qin Xuelian and Fang Houde.

Something must be wrong.

But who else could have hurt Fang Zhengzhi? Who could be so powerful to not leave Fang Zhengzhi a chance to escape? Not a single trail of him was left behind?

Wu Yuer had a few possibilities in her mind, but she rejected all of them eventually.

The Four Sages, certainly had the level of strength.

But, the Four Sages would never attack Fang Zhengzhi. One of them was his master and it was equally improbable for the other three to do the same . Then, who else could it be?

The Northern Barbarians?

They had all retreated and given that the Demon King had been defeated by Fang Zhengzhi, it was impossible for the Northern Barbarians to attack at this moment.

Then who else could it be?

The Demon Race!

That could be possible as Wu Yuer had already went to investigate on this. But the stronger one from the Demon Race who was powerful enough to take down Fang Zhengzhi had not even left the Blood Shadow City.

Moreover, Wu Yuer knew that the Demon Race had gotten the thirteen pieces of Heavenly Dao Sage Tablet from the Great Xia Dynasty. It would not be wise for them to risk the tablets and attack the Great XIa Dynasty.

Wu Yuer felt as anxious as ever.

Nightfall soon arrived and the moon rose up again. Day by day passed by really quickly, and all the men slowly returned from the searchings, shaking their heads in dismay.

"Zheng’er, my Zheng’er... Cough..... Where have you been?" Qin Xuelian was looking pale as tears trickled down her wrinkly face, dripping on the ground.


While the whole Great Xia Dynasty was searching for Fang Zhengzhi, the bright moon shone brightly on the bright blue ocean.

A demon looking white figure flew across the sky, its wings spreading out along with the wind.

Above the broad ocean, there were blocks of small islands, each made up from pile of black sand. The moonlight shone on it, making it looked spooky.

Black Moon Island.

It had its name originated from the block of stone located at the top of the volcano mountain. It shaped like a crescent moon, and stood upright at the tip of the entrance of the volcano, allowing countless spurts of lava to exit the volcano.

It looked strange but it had a few thousand years of history.

Just at that moment, a pink figure leapt off the top of the demon, slicing through the air like a knife as it landed gracefully on the edge of a cliff.

It was light, and soundless.

The pink dress shone brightly under the moonlight, and it looked as magnificent as ever. Contrasting the rows of black stones, it resembled a bright rose, stunning everyone who had their sights on it.

Her black hair resting on her waist level, while a white cotton belt showcased her perfect body shape. Her succulent eyes looked calmly at the surroundings, spots of star light shining in her eyes.

Nobody stood up to ask.

However, just when she had just landed, the pitch dark Black Moon Island ignited like a fire, creating a line of crushed stones in its path.

On the sides of the pathway, there were lines of Tablets.

One of the tablet wrote "Black Moon Island" while the other had a drawing on it. It was a drawing of nine huge Three Legged Black Cauldron assembled together.

The lady made a bow in front of the drawing, then she walked away slowly, disappearing into the side of the cliff.

A few moments later.

A small stone house, which was made up of black volcanic stones, erected in front of the lady. It was about five feet tall and had a few floral printed designs engraved on it.

Nine bulbs of light decorated the front of the house, revealing three black stone doors.


The black stone door on the most right opened, and a youth exited. He was clothed in black with two long spears at his back, and he walked towards the lady.

"Master said that a special guest is coming, may I know where did this special guest come from?" The young lad stood there and bowed.

"The Great Xia." The lady answered.

"The Great Xia?" The young lad frowned his eyes. Once again he asked politely, "Master said that you are a special guest, and I’m guessing you’re not just as simple as the Great Xia. What are you looking for, special guest?"


"May I know what kind of medicine are you looking for?"

"Thousand Years Fire Herb."

"Special guest asked for the Thousand Years Fire Herb?" The young lad’s expression changed slightly after hearing that, as he scanned around the lady’s body, "Do you know that it is a treasure in my Black Moon Island?"

"Hmmm, yes I know." The lady nodded calmly.

"And what do you have in exchange for this?" The young lad spoke again after remaining silent for a moment, his tone as formal as before.

"A bottle of Snow Mountain Spirit." The lady replied as she took out a crystal clear bottle, and there was blue light coming out from it.

"Snow Mountain Spirit?" The young lad stared at the bottle on the lady’s hand, as he frowned, "Since a special guest has requested, I shouldn’t let her waste her trip. While a bottle of Snow Mountain Spirit has its value, we are only willing to trade it for an ounce of the Thousand Years Fire Herb, what do you think?"

"I want a bundle of it."

"A bundle?! You do know that there is only that bundle of Thousand Years Fire Herb left in the Black Moon Island right? Even if you have ten bottles of Snow Mountain Spirit on your hand now, I wouldn’t exchange that for it!" The young lad expression had a drastic change in his expression.

"Then I’ll do you a favour." The lady spoke again.

"A favour? What does the favour refer to??" The young lad’s eyebrows looked as dark as ever.

He had no idea of this lady’s identity.

But he remembered his master’s word, that it was rare to have special guests around here, hence he had decided to treat the lady politely.

Although, it did not mean that he feared her.

A bottle of Snow Mountain Spirit and a favour, in exchange for the Black Moon Island’s precious Thousand Years Fire Herb. If such news were to spread around, Black Moon Island would never be a respectable region.

"I can agree to one of your any condition, and I’ll certainly fulfil this condition." The lady continued talking.

"Your age......I think you are not even eighteen years old yet right?" The young lad began looking at her doubtfully.

"Seventeen." The young girl nodded her head.

"Hehe..... The people in Black Moon Island are always agreeable in all sorts of negotiations. But special guest, you don’t seem to be making sense here. You’re 17 years old, do you really think you can do something for us?" The young lad’s tone changed and looked at her suspiciously.

"Since that’s the case, then make your move." The lady did not continue any further, as she kept the bottle back in her clothes, and stared silently at the young lad.

"Make a move?! Are you sure you want to fight?" The young lad froze for a second, as he was certainly frustrated by the lady’s words, but he couldn’t react in time when she said that she wanted to fight.

A 17 years old lady came all the way to the Black Moon Island, and asked him to fight? That sounded inconceivable.

Did she not know about the island had three personnel with strong Sacred States?

Fighting three of them all by herself?


It should be, fighting six of them all by herself?

Because all three of them had a disciple each. Why would a lone lady be so daring to speak like this?

And it all came from the mouth of a 17 years old lady.

That was impossible.

"Yes, I don’t have much time, you can all attack at once." The lady nodded calmly, as her expression still looking as stable as ever, just like the water in the river.

The moon hung up high in the sky.

The bright moonlight spilled on the lady, and she looked brilliant from the golden sparkle, her body resembling the shimmering stars in the sky...

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