Gate of God

Chapter 631 Do Not Burn One’s Bridges

Chapter 631 Do Not Burn One’s Bridges

Fang Zhengzhi looked at his mother attentatively, who was seldom this persistent. Her face was tired, yet filled with anticipation.


He sighed.

"Zheng’er, you.....You agree to it?" Qin Xuelian’s pale face instantly had a tinge of excitement on it.

"Mother, it doesn’t matter if I agree to it, Wu Yuer did not give her consent on this." Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head before shaking it immediately.

"Don’t you worry about this matter, I have talked to Wu Yuer about it, and she agreed!" Qin Xuelian answered as though she had predicted what Fang Zhengzhi had wanted to ask.

Fang Zhengzhi finally understood what had happened during the past 20 days when he was away.


Wu Yuer, that brat, actually agreed to it!

That girl agreed even without knowing what were the betrothal gifts about? That did not seem to match the greedy character of Wu Yuer.

This couldn’t be right, there must be some motives behind it.

Fang Zhengzhi did not think that Wu Yuer would put herself in such a disadvantage. But then again, all these were not that important after all. The crucial part here was that he really couldn’t bring himself to marry Wu Yuer.

"Mother, I know you’re dying to have a grandchild, but certain things......can’t be rushed." Fang Zhengzhi looked at the door subconsciously and realised Wu Yuer hasn’t yet to return. He couldn’t help but felt strange.

"Why aren’t you rushing? Yu’er has already agreed to it, and I have already settled the gits and marriage vows. Just a few things to settle before everything, I won’t care about the mistresses you want to marry in the future." Qin Xuelian sounded very unwilling.

"Mother, have you forgotten that I’m already the Cang King now?"

"What do you mean? You will no longer listen to mother now that you have become the King?" Qin Xuelian’s expression sunk when she heard his words, as she started breathing harder.

"I didn’t mean that, mother. What I meant was......I need to send my regards to the Emperor in the Flame Capital City." Fang Zhengzhi had no intention in lying to Qin Xuelian, but he had only one solution now.

"Send regards?" Qin Xuelian asked.

"Yes, Mother, think carefully. I just rejected an arranged marriage from the heavens, wouldn’t it be rude for me to marry Wu Yuer straightaway?"

"This..." Qin Xuelian froze and remained silent.

"But of course, I can understand how you feel about having a grandchild. How about this, I will get up early tomorrow, travel down to the Flame Capital City and explain all these to the Emperor?" Fang Zhengzhi tried asking.

"Zheng’er has his point, his status is different now, as he’s already a King. It’s only right to ask for permission about his marriage!" Fang Houde nodded his head immediately once he heard that.

"You’re saying that I know nothing about all these basic manners? Of course I know Zhenger’s status is very different now, but..." Qin Xuelian hesitated.

"Mother, I won’t need that long to travel from the Northern Mountain Village to the Flame Capital City. Just a couple months." Fang Zhengzhi finally saw a ray of hope shining after he heard Fang Houde "helping" at his side.

"Fine, I will agree to you going to the Flame Capital City, but you have to promise me one thing. Marry Wu Yuer once you’re back from there!" Qin Xuelian spoke after thinking for a long time.

"..." Fang Zhengzhi felt bitter but he knew that he had to agree now, in order to prevent her from worrying once he left. "Okay, I agree!"


"Since you have agreed to this marriage, aren’t you supposed to settle the dates before you go?" Just as Fang Zhengzhi’s voice died down, a figure holding on to a red silk began walking in.

"Wu Yuer!" Fang Zhengzhi’s expression changed as he saw Wu Yuer walking in.

He did not need expect Wu Yuer to be eavesdropping outside. That was just too unexpected, and what did she mean by settling the marriage first?

Did she not catch his hint of trying to "pacify" Qin Xuelian?

"Yuer is right!" Fang Houde nodded quickly.

"Hmmm, come here quickly, there are some things in this box, come and choose. See if there’s anything that you like, I would like to give to you as your marriage gift." Qin Xuelian seemed a little surprised that Wu Yuer had suddenly appeared in front of them, but she flashed a smile immediately.

In her heart, she felt that the words Wu Yuer had said earlier meant that Yuer had "loyalty". She would alway remain loyal and married to Fang Zhengzhi as his wife, hence Qin Xuelian naturally felt very delighted to hear that.

"Thank you aunty." Wu Yuer heard the words and leaped happily towards the wooden box. Her bright eyes looked into the wooden box as she flashed a smile.

But when Fang Zhenghi saw this, he felt even worse than before.

He finally managed to get these five treasures out of Wu Yuer. While it did not amount to corruption, but he had put in a lot of effort for them.

For every piece, Wu Yuer would suffer from insomnia for half a month.

But now.....

The five treasures were lying right in front of Wu Yuer.

And Wu Yuer had been eavesdropping outside for a very long time. At this point, he knew that Wu Yuer would definitely choose the most precious pieces out of them.

But alas, he had underestimated Wu Yuer.

"Aunty, Yuer love all these five antiques! Thank You Aunty!" Wu Yuer said while she tried to be "sensible" by thanking her.

Fang Zhengzhi froze.

Qin Xuelian had the same expression as well but smiled after that, "Good good, since Yuer likes all of these, then you may have all these as your gift, since Houde and I won’t get to use them. Why not you take all of them, there is also a stack of money..."

"Mother, I would want to have some time alone." Fang Zhengzhi could feel this bleeding heart. He knew that Wu Yuer had always been very "evil", but wasn’t that just too much?

He had spent one year to dig out the five treasures from the Shadow Sect, but all these were about to be taken away by Wu Yuer without any effort?

What on earth!

Indeed, that lady was full of motives!

"Go ahead." Qin Xuelian waved at Fang Zhenghi before pulling Wu Yuer towards her and said, "Yuer, you can stop calling me aunty from today onwards!"

"Yes, mother!" Wu Yuer nodded her head "coyly".

"Wu Yuer, don’t burn one’s bridges!" Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes seemed a little red.

"Mother, he just bullied me!" Wu Yuer turned towards Qin Xuelian, as if she was "wronged".

"Zhenger, don’t you be so fierce to Yuer. You think you can be so arrogant now that you become the Cang King. I’m the one who have chosen Yuer, if you do anything bad to her, don’t expect me to be nice!" Qin Xuelian hugged Yuer immediately once she heard that.

"...." Fang Zhengzhi had a look at Qin Xuelian then at Wu Yuer, as well as the quiet Fang Houde. He wanted to say something, but nothing came out in the end.

What happened to the mother-in-law and wife quarrels?

Why did it turn out to be like a war ganged up by them against the son instead?

Hold on!

Something seemed wrong.

Wu Yuer was definitely not his wife.


Crap, Wu Yuer took his five pieces of treasures and even stole his 80 thousand silvers.

No way! I need to get them back!


The night was cold as the moon hung up high.

Although the spring night wasn’t cold, but Fang Zhengzhi’s heart felt cold inside, as if he were inside an igloo.

"Are you going to pay the interest for the things you took?" Fang Zhengzhi gave Wu Yuer a black face, who had just changed into a colored silk dress.

Wu Yuer was looking very pretty. Especially with the little red dot on her forehead and her slim waist, as well as a pair of attractive eyes.


Fang Zhengzhi had always known that Wu Yuer was not so easy to deal with. She looked innocent but was skilled in stabbing people from behind.

For example now, he still couldn’t figure out why he had lost to her. Or rather, for the next round, how could he protect himself?

It was impossible to do so!

In just an instant, she had taken his collateral away from him.

Taking advantage of Qin Xuelian by making her feel anxious about having a grandchild, that "stab" was just too superb.

"What kind of interest do you want?" Wu Yuer touched her chin gently as she tilted her head, as her pair of eyes looked at Fang Zhengzhi. She blinking softly to catch his attention.

"When I leave tomorrow, please act well for me." Fang Zhengzhi, saw her flirtatious moves and told himself that he would never fall into her trap.

"Okay." Wu Yuer agreed almost immediately.

"Then there’s nothing else." Fang Zhengzhi nodded as he turned around. But before taking a step forward, he turned back around again, with a serious expression on his face.

"Rest assured, I took back what I’m supposed to, so naturally..."

Wu Yuer stared at Fang Zhengzhi’s serious expression and tried to explain patiently. But she was stopped before she could finish her sentence.

Because she felt something strange on her chest.

She looked down and saw a hand pressing right on her chest. Furthermore, it seemed as though it was aggressively pinching her, causing her eyes to be opened wide in disbelief.


She felt as though she was striked by lightning.

The warmth coming out from the hand was so prominent, just like a furnace burning in her heart, causing her body to tremble.

It was an angry tremble.

"This is the interest!"

The initial serious face evoked a smile. And as the sound disappeared, so did the figure that was standing in front of Wu Yuer, leaving only the temperature remaining on her chest.


Second day came, it was morning in the Northern Mountain Village.

Driven by the realistic acting skills of Wu Yuer, the Northern Mountain Village villagers’ eyes turned watery instantly.

It was supposed to be a happy and joyous occasion to enter the capital to meet the emperor. Furthermore, the marriage was an even happier event that deserved celebration.

Hence, it shouldn’t be so depressing.

However, Wu Yuer’s reluctant expression and tears-filled eyes looked very sincere, as well as her heart-warming verses and poems.


"Passionate since ancient times. Parting, what a cold autumn festival!"

"Where can I get drunk tonight? A bank with willow trees, beneath the waning moon and cruel breeze."

"In the parting year, fine moments and beautiful scenes mean nothing to me."

"Though I have a thousand amorous feelings to confide, no sympathetic ear can I find."

Even though the villagers did not understand anything about the poem, everyone started crying when they looked at Wu Yuer crying as she recited the poem.

As for Qin Xuelian and Fang Houde, they were already unable to recognise Wu Yuer.

Fang Zhengzhi did not stay any longer in front of the village. Instead, he directed a middle finger towards Wu Yuer, "Sad parting? I almost believe her!"


Fang Zhengzhi paused for a while after stepping out of the Northern Mountain Village. He stopped at a corner as he looked up in the sky.

The sun rose up slowly.

The golden light shone from the sky and on the spacious road.

Half an hour later...

A figure suddenly appeared at a tree facing towards the Cang Ling Mountain, it was the same as the one outside the Northern Mountain Village, just that it was in an opposite direction.

"I’m here." Yun Qingwu walked out from behind the big tree, her black hair fell to the waist, as her pair of eyes stared at Fang Zhengzhi.

"Uh, yes I’m here." Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head.

"Why are you here?" Yun Qingwu asked.

"Because, one day’s time is up." Fang Zhengzhi answered.

"I see." Yun Qingwu stood up and nodded gently as she stared at the sky. Then shook her head again and said, "I didn’t think that you will come back."

"I also didn’t think that I’ll be back." Fang Zhengzhi smiled gently.

"Are you sure you won’t regret staying here?"


"The Pavilion test in the Heavenly Sage Pavilion is going to start soon, and it will take up till a month to reach there. Can you make it on time?" Yun Qingwu questioned again.

"I can save up about 3-4 days if I don’t travel down to the Flame Capital City." Fang Zhengzhi answered casually.

"3-4 days? You’ll still be late even if you can save 5 days. Nobody is allowed to be late in the Heavenly Dao Pavilion, and if I didn’t remember wrongly, you have yet to collect the test token."

"I have never mentioned about the fact that I’ll be attending the Heavenly Dao Pavilion test." Fang Zhengzhi chuckled.

"You’re not going to attend it?" Yun Qingwu stopped asking after that, but stared quietly in the sky, looking at the white clouds floating in the sky.


It was very long.

When Yun Qingwu finally withdrawn her gaze from the sky.

"I’m going to leave this box under your care temporarily."

"Box? What’s that?" Fang Zhengzhi looked at the black box with golden edges on Yun Qingwu’s hand, looking doubtful.

"The Heavenly Dao Sage Tablets, all thirteen of them." Yun Qingwu finished saying and placed the black box on the ground, as she turned and starting leaving.

"Why did you pass me the Heavenly Dao Sage tablets?"

"I said, it’s just temporary, I will come back to retrieve them four months later!" josei

"Four months later, before I’m dead? That doesn’t sound that bad, but do you really believe that I will return them to you?" Fang Zhengzhi grinned.

"Previously I did not, but I do now."

"Because I came back here?"


"Actually, I only came here to inform you that I’m leaving and you don’t have to wait any longer!" Fang Zhengzhi shouted at Yun Qingwu as she walked further away from him.

"Pa da!" Yun Qingwu’s legs bent as her body trembled, as though she had tripped on something, but that did not make her stop.

She disappeared into the forest moments later.


The Heavenly Dao Pavilion was built on the Mountains, on top of the sword peak.

The reason why it was referred to as the sword peak was not because of the fact that it had a sword on its peak, but because its cliff resembled a flat and sharp sword.

Other than that, there were countless beasts roaming around in the three-sided mountain forests.

That was a dangerous location. More importantly, there was no path. Be it the three-sided mountain forest or the sword-like cliff, there was not a road in sight.

Let alone the roads...

There was not even a single wooden pillar around.

But today, being an important day in the Heavenly Dao Pavilion due to the biennial event, at the foot of the Mountains, there were naturally many figures, all of whom were dressed very confidently.

Of course, there was a young man who looked the most confident, flying on the back of a soaring beast. His white robe swayed and danced in the air. The sun shone and revealed the Heavenly Dao wordings printed on his chest.

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