Gate of God

Chapter 633 Shocking, And Depressing

Chapter 633 Shocking, And Depressing

"Average strength?! YOU...." Kong Qing stared at the figure who appeared in front of him. He could not figure out how this person actually poisoned him and sneaked up onto him. Moreover, he was still looking so calm and peaceful after doing all these to him.

That made him felt as though he had been defeated without much difficulty.

How shameless could one be?

Kong Qing was furious, because the person’s words seemed to have insulted him, and at the same time bringing shame to the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

Nonetheless, he still made it a point to observe the figure standing before him. The person looked young, and he guessed that he was just around the age of 17-18 years old. But he was sure that the person was not one of the 32 participants in the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test.

He appeared, even though he wasn’t part of the selection test?

Who was he?

Was he one of the disciples in the other forces?


The Heaven Dao Pavilion had been established for many years. The other forces would never choose such an important day during the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test to settle their grudges.

"What are you....." Kong Qing was aware that he would be killed straight away if he shouted out for help. Hence, he attempted to lower down his volume since he only wanted to know the reason for the person coming here.

The young man did not give him the chance to complete his sentence and struck him at the top of his head using the rod before he could even open his mouth to say anything.


Then, Kong Qing, though full of willingness, lost consciousness.

It was just like how he had chased the Sixth Prince of the Radiant Moon Empire away earlier, as no matter how unwilling he was, ultimately he had to stumble away with his injuries-filled body.

Little did he know that retribution would come so fast.

"I was expecting a vigorous resistance, but looks like I have overestimated you." Fang Zhengzhi shook his head and kept the dented steel rod.

He then applied a layer of crystal looking soft product on Kong Qing’s face. He pat and rubbed it. His actions weren’t gentle, yet they were meticulous.

The skill of disguise.

That was indeed an advanced knowledge.

Over the years, Fang Zhengzhi had picked up a few useful techniques in the Shadow Sect. Some of them were poisoning, the skill of disguise, as well as tn the act of camouflaging.

Of course, while poisoning an "expert" such as Kong Qing, a simple fragrance would not suffice. But that was not a problem for him at all, since the Heavenly Oasis Saint was a guru in the medical profession.

And Fang Zhengzhi, who was constantly "active" around the Heavenly Oasis Saint, had naturally more or less "scooped up" some stocks for future use.

There was a good saying.

No matter how strong one was, one would still be afraid of a kitchen knife.

To always be prepared, was never wrong. Moreover, Fang Zhengzhi already had "The Vast World" with him, so he needn’t worry about not having enough storage space.

After a few moments.

Fang Zhengzhi had finished making the human skin mask, before stripping Kong Qing of his clothes. He then wrapped Kong Qing up into a big dumpling and threw him aside.

Everything was a success, as Fang Zhengzhi touched the coat that was worn by the disciples in Heaven Dao Pavilion. The long white coat was very comfortable and even had the words "Heavely Dao" printed on it. It seemed very majestic.

"Hehe, Heaven Dao Pavilion, here I come!" Fang Zhengzhi grinned as he looked at Kong Qing who was thrown at a corner.

Fang Zhengzhi had suffered throughout these few days, when he was rushing for the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test. Those were the days where he had been through the worst.

But in the end he was still late for it.

The "Review and Registration" period was already over as soon as he had reached the foot of the Heaven Dao Pavilion Mountain. The selection test had already begun.

In order not to alarm anyone, he decided to come up with this plan.

Take a nap.

Because, indeed, he had yet to close his eyes for a few days already.

But he did not expect that the moment he entered the small wooden house, Kong Qing would rush inside. Furthermore, it seemed like he was trying to take a shower.

How could Fang Zhengzhi, a proper seven-foot man, tolerate watching someone showering in front of him?

Therefore, he sprung into action. josei


There was Kong Qing lying on the ground.

In fact, it was not all Fang Zhengzhi’s fault, as he did not intend to attack Kong Qing.

He was only thinking about knocking one of the participants unconscious.

But there seemed to have a slight change in the situation, although Fang Zhengzhi couldn’t help but feel satisfied with the end result.

It was a selection test.

Isn’t being the "examiner" better than the "candidate"?

Fang Zhengzhi did not regret his decision. He had yet to consider the consequences if the Heaven Dao Pavilion were to know about this matter.

He had never thought about being a disciple of the Heaven Dao Pavilion. After all, they would never "favor" him judging his current situation.

The Heaven Dao Pavilion would never favor him?

Then why would he crack his head just to squeeze into the Heaven Dao Pavilion?

Furthermore, he only had less than four months to live. That meant that it was the most appropriate period for him to take risks.

As the saying goes, who would go to hell, if I don’t?

He was too lazy to consider about the consequences of his actions. He could not even keep his own life, let alone think about offending others.

He would even rob all the precious treasures in the Heaven Dao Pavilion if given a better opportunity. Although, the precondition was not to be killed on the spot.

After the preparations, Fang Zhengzhi was preparing to leave for the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test as a disciple. But just as he lifted up his leg, a roll of scripture fell off and landed on the ground.

"What is this?" Fang Zhengzhi casually picked up the roll of books and flipped its pages. Very quickly, he flashed a bright smile.

It seemed like Kong Qing had spent a great deal of effort preparing for his hosting of the upcoming selection test. He had collected the previous questions for the past Heavenly Dao selection tests on the book.

Of course....

There were only questions without answers.

In other words, it was almost impossible to get any answers from the questions in the book.


As Fang Zhengzhi was reading the scripture in the wooden house, there was a enormous beast flying above the Heaven Dao Pavilion across the sky, making a loud howl in the air.

"The Crown Prince of the Radiant Moon Empire Sage has arrived!" A low deep voice came out from outside the door of the Heaven Dao Pavilion. A disciple wearing the Heaven Dao Pavilion coat took three steps towards the door.

The door of the Heavenly Pavilion was certainly not any ordinary door, as it was a human-shaped statue carved from two white jades.

The statue on the left had long white hair, and was clothed in a broad white long robe, with a green sword on its back.

The statue on the right looked young. He had sharp eyes and an indifferent expression. With a sword tucked at his waist, he was clothed in a white long scholarly robe and seemed extremely elegant.

As the disciple of the Heaven Dao Pavilion took three steps in front of the two statues, two figures leaped from the sky. One had a head full of white hair, dressed in a golden robe while the other figure looked middle-aged.

"Your Highness and the Crown Prince, the Pavilion Leader had been waiting in the Heaven Academic Altar for a long time!"

"Great, please lead the way." The middle-aged man nodded his head after listening to the disciple’s words. He immediately realised something, "Oh right, has my sixth brother arrived at the Heaven Dao Pavilion? He is slightly more gifted than me, but just a little delicate..."

"Crown Prince, are you asking about the Sixth Highness?" The disciple asked.


"I’m so sorry, the Sixth Highness was a little too rash earlier and was already eliminated from the selection test. He was disqualified from participating in the test!"

"This....I’m.....No, my sixth brother has just attained the Rebirth State, his power has long met the conditions of the Heaven Dao Pavilion. Moreover, the selection test hasn’t even started?!"

"Power is one condition for the acceptance of being a disciple in the Heaven Dao Pavilion. But aptitude and potential are the better indicators of measure for this test. Moreover, the selection test had begun the moment one stepped into the mountain of the Heaven Dao Pavilion. Now, Crown Prince, if you have no other questions, please allow me to leave for the Heaven Academic Altar!" The disciple finished his sentence and left, walking towards the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

"Ugh...." The Crown Prince and the Highness of the Radiant Moon Empire made eye contact with one another and heaved a loud sigh at the same time. However, they did not continue the conversation, and they walked quickly to catch up the young man who was already walking towards the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

At this moment, another disciple from the Heaven Dao Pavilion walked out from the two blocks of statue. He looked up, gazing at the black figure above the horizon.

"Your Highness and the Xian King of the Great Xia Dynasty have arrived!"

"Greetings emissary!"

"Your Highness, Xian King, the Pavilion Leader has been waiting at the Heaven Academic Altar, please follow me."

"Sure, trouble you emissary to bring me there." Lin Mubai nodded his head as he glanced at Lin Yun, who was behind him, then walked into the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

But Lin Yun turned around to look behind him.

Feeling the cool air at the peak of the mountain, as the strong wind blew across at times. His brows were slightly wrinkled, but he quickly recovered and followed closely behind Lin Mubai to enter the Heavenly Pavilion.


In the Heaven Dao Pavilion, inside the Heaven Academic Altar.

There was a piece of crystal clear black stone monument rooted in front of the gigantic white monument. Numerous dense golden characters flashed on the black stone monument, exuding a touch of brilliance.

Surrounding the white stone monument, there were several Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples standing up straight. They were carrying their long swords, holding onto their scriptures. They kept quiet, looking solemn and cold.

Under the stone chair, the square tables carved by four white jade stones were arranged side by side, and each side of the square table had three chairs carved of white jade.

Lin Mubai and Lin Yun were sitting side by side around the square table. There were also a few other people sitting around the table.

"Pavilion Leader, the Highness and Princes from the states have all arrived. The selection test had already begun, but..." One of the disciples walked down gingerly from the stone chairs and said.

"Guyan is not back yet?"


"No problem, tomorrow is the day of the arrival of the Heavenly Prophecy. I believe Guyan will be able to reach on time." The old man shook his head and signalled the Disciples to retreat.

"Yes Your Highness." The Heavenly Dao Disciples bowed and moved back once they saw his hand sign.

The old man stood up at the same time. He was barefoot, and wearing a long white dress. He scanned around the surroundings and flashed a smile.

"Mu Qingfeng, pardon me for the poor hospitality."

"You’re being polite, Pavilion Leader."

"I believe that you all are aware of the changes from the previous Heaven Dao Pavilion. Please stay around after the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test."

"May I check if you Pavilion Leader are talking about the arrival of the Heavenly Dao Prophecy?"


"Although the chosen one, Chi Guyan is a part of the Great Xia Dynasty, but since the Heavenly Dao Prophecy is a big matter for us, it involves the stability of the future of our countries. Therefore, how could we miss this great matter?"

"Hmmmm, indeed it involves the matters of our countries....." Mu Qinfeng nodded and looked up at the horizon.


Fang Zhengzhi had spent 30 minutes reading the whole scripture before walking out of the small wooden house.

It was noon, and the sun was harsh and direct.

Everyone had became more obedient after looking at what had happened to the Sixth Highness of the Radiant Moon Empire.

None of them dared to interrogate "Fang Zhengzhi" as to why he had spent so much time inside the small wooden house.

They only stood up quietly, waiting patiently.......

"Brother Kong Qing!" The three Disciples in the Heaven Dao Pavilion greeted him politely, as Fang Zhengzhi walked out of the wooden house.

"Yes." Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head and waved casually. As a "senior", he should have an attitude of a senior.

He did not continue any further, as he scanned around at the remaining 31 "elites". Very quickly, he realised that an indifferent Yan Xiu was standing among the crowd of people wearing the uniform.

He was almost determined to go towards Yan Xiu.

But he managed to swallow down the words before they came out from his mouth.

What’s the most important value between friends?


Fang Zhengzhi knew that he could trust Yan Xiu, but he did not think that Yan Xiu would need his help to pass the Heavenly Pavilion Selection test. And that would be a lack of trust, if he were to step in to help.


What else could he do now?

Fang Zhengzhi would choose to stay low if he were to disguise as a prince participating in the test. But now that he was of a different status, surely he cannot put on a similar act? At least he had to do something shocking or depressing.

Such as, eliminating everyone?

And left with Yan Xiu?

Following this method, it cannot be said that he was trying to help Yan Xiu?

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