Gate of God

Chapter 670 Tian Xing

Chapter 670 Tian Xing

The Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples were not surprised that others would come to the pavilion because today was a special day. It was already proven to be no longer surprising to some.


There seemed to be many of them?!

As they stared at the moving black cloud, the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples exchanged looks. They stared at each other as they saw the same thought in each other’s eyes.

"They’re from the Nine Pinnacles Mountain!"

"There are at least 300 of them!"

"While there are more disciples from the Nine Pinnacles Mountain, why will they send 300 of them all at once?"

The Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples looked at the black shadow on the beasts, as well the insignia of the Nine Pinnacle on the riders’ chest. They naturally guessed their identity.

However, they did now know what their aim was.


At that moment, this word flashed in everyone’s mind.

Then, all of the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples looked at Chi Guyan, but just for a short moment.

At that moment, sword light flashed.

A few hundred disciples already got into position to unleash their sword formation.

None of them asked how did Chi Guyan offend the Nine Pinnacles Mountain because there was no need. All they needed to know was that Chi Guyan was one of them and the favorite disciple of Pavilion Leader Mu Qingfeng. She earned all of their respect. That was all that they needed to know.


The roar of these beasts got closer and closer, reverberating in the sky above the Heaven Dao Pavilion. However, they did not come down. Instead, they continued to circle in the sky above.

"Eh? What’s wrong with the Heaven Dao Pavilion?" A voice of surprise came from the sky. Then, a figure appeared before the sword formation.

It was a middle-aged man clad in big, black robes. His long hair hung loosely over his shoulders. However, nine exquisite braids of hair could be seen on his head. Every single braid of hair was adorned with a golden ornament.

He had slightly thick brows, big eyes, and a tall nose. His lips were thick and he did not appear too special.

Furthermore, compared to Mu Qingfeng, this middle-aged man was much younger.

However, when the disciples of the Heaven Dao Pavilion saw this man, they gripped their swords even tighter. This was because this man exuded a horrifying suppression from his body.

It was like a tall mountain, and just as heavy.

At that moment, there was no anger on the man’s face. Instead, he seemed to be smiling. The heavy suppressive aura continued to press down on all of them.

Leader of the Nine Pinnacles Mountain.

Tian Xing.

"Leader Tian, why did you come to the Heaven Dao Pavilion with so many of your guys?" One of the disciples who stood at the front of the sword formation stepped with some difficulty as he ’greeted’ him.

"It’s a small matter. I heard that Chi Guyan was injured in the territory of the Nine Pinnacles Mountain and hence, I feel apologetic. I came here to apologize to Pavilion Leader Mu, as well as to bring Chi Guyan back to the Nine Pinnacles Mountain for rest and recuperation, in case others say that I don’t treat my guest well," Tian Xing smiled slightly and replied.

"Bring sister back to Nine Pinnacles Mountain to rest?" When the disciple from the Heaven Dao Pavilion heard this, he appeared surprised. After all, this entourage did not seem like one who was here to apologize. josei

Furthermore, if we took 10 000 steps back...

The Heaven Dao Pavilion and the Nine Pinnacles Mountain never had a good relationship. Why would a disciple from the Heaven Dao Pavilion who got injured at the Nine Pinnacles Mountain be invited back to rest by the leader himself?

However, he could not ask any more questions.

This was because his rank was too low.


He could only take a step back and looked at Mu Qingfeng, who stood behind the sword formation.

"Ask Leader Tian to come over," Mu Qingfeng said. However, as he said that, he could not help but frown.

He naturally knew the reason why Tian Xing was here.

Among everyone in the Heaven Dao Pavilion, he and Yuer were the only ones who knew where did Chi Guyan went and what she did.

However, none of this was important anymore.

Importantly, the Nine Pinnacles Mountain was here.

Furthermore, they came in such a formation. At the moment, while Tian Xing was all smiles, the ’cloud’ had yet to descend.


The sword formation formed by the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples quickly made a path.

Tian Xing did not find it strange. He slowly stepped forward and through the sword formation. His long black robes billowed in the wind gently.

Soon, Tian Xing stood in front of Mu Qingfeng.

Then, he looked at Fang Zhengzhi, who was still in Mu Qingfeng’s arms. However, his gaze swept past him as he looked intently at Chi Guyan.

"I’m truly apologetic for letting your beloved disciple get injured in my territory. It’s a mistake on the Nine Pinnacles Mountain’s part!" Tian Xing bowed and said. Then, he continued, "However, please don’t worry. We come today with sincerity. I have already sent someone to tell the Black Moon Island to the three Sages there to pluck the Thousand Years Fire Herb and turn it into a pill. Once you head toward the Nine Pinnacles Mountain, your injuries will heal completely!"

"Thousand Years Fire Herb?!"

"The Thousand Years Fire Herb of the Black Moon Island?"

"How... how can this be possible?"

"Leader Tian actually wants to use the Thousand Years Fire Herb of the Black Moon Island to atone for his sins? Did I hear wrongly? That’s one of the supreme treasures of the Nine Pinnacles Mountain!"

When the disciples of the Heaven Dao Pavilion heard this, they were all shocked.

They could all tell Tian Xing’s journey here today was not done in goodwill. However, if he did not come with good intentions, why did he pluck the Thousand Years Fire Herb?

Was this a joke?

No one thought that.

This was because it was the Leader of the Nine Pinnacles Mountain, and among the five sects, Tian Xing had a good name...

For the sincerity of his words.

It was obvious. If Tian Xing said all these, it would all happen. Furthermore, Tian Xing said all these in front of the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples in the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

"Leader Tian, there’s no need to be so generous. Guyan’s injuries are not serious and it’ll recover in a few days if she rests in the Heaven Dao Pavilion. There’s no need for all these troubles!" Mu Qingfeng did not look at the shocked disciples. All he did was to reply while shaking his head.

"That’s where you’re wrong, Pavilion Leader Mu. ’The five sects stem from the same root.’ This was something you said. Hence, why do we need set the distinctions between us so clearly? I will honor my words. Since I said that I will use the Thousand Years Fire Herb to heal her, I won’t be stingy with it. Please don’t worry and hand her over to me for care. In one month, you can collect your disciple from me at the Nine Pinnacles Mountain. If she’s injured in any way, you can take my life as punishment!" Tian Xing smiled and persisted.

When the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples heard this, they all furrowed their brows. They did not know what he had in mind.

Taking 300 disciples all the way to the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

Just to atone for a wrongdoing?

Furthermore, he promised once more to use his Thousand Years Fire Herb to heal Chi Guyan. Why did this whole thing appear fishy?

Where in the world would something this good take place?

One had to know that the Thousand Years Fire herb was an unparalleled healing treasure. It had a great amount of heaven and earth essence. Even a small bite would benefit one greatly.

Shock, suspicion.

This was what all of them were thinking.

However, to Mu Qingfeng, Tian Xing’s words were like thorns in his heart. He opened his mouth but he was unable to speak.

Just like what Tian Xing said...

He said the phrase, ’The five sects same root’.

As for the Thousand Years Fire Herb...

He naturally knew that Chi Guyan had it. If she did not have it, Tian Xing would not take 300 of his disciples here. Furthermore, he would not dare proclaim that he would use it to heal her wounds.

Hence, because he knew all these, he could not open his mouth.

Mu Qingfeng did not fear the Nine Pinnacles Mountain. However, he said to consider the notion of ’five sects from the same root’.

If Tian Xing came so that he could force Chi Guyan to surrender the Thousand Years Fire Herb or mention the issue of her stealing the herb, the issue would be easier to resolve.

He could provide compensation, or they could fight.

However, Tian Xing decided not to use this method to ’spare’ the Heaven Dao Pavilion, or to resolve this issue. His objective was scarier than what Mu Qingfeng had imagined. He used the words ’five sects same root.’

In other words...

Mu Qingfeng had no way of admitting that he knew Chi Guyan went to the Black Moon Island to steal the Thousand Years Fire Herb.

If he admitted it, it would be tantamount to discarding the notion of ’five sects same root’. People would no longer trust him. Likewise, the Nine Pinnacles Mountain could use this matter to rally the other four sects to crush the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

However, if he did not admit it...

How could he reject Tian Xing’s goodwill?

There was no way to do so.

Mu Qingfeng was silent. Just like what Chi Guyan said, she brought trouble for him. Furthermore, this was more problematic than what he had imagined.


At that moment, one could hear a beastly roar in the distance.

It came from the north and was extremely clear and loud. Compared to the beasts of the Nine Pinnacles Mountain that the disciples were riding, it appeared even wilder.

Mu Qingfeng slowly raised his head and looked northward. In the northern sky, three black dots were slowly expanding in size.

"Tian Xing, you..." Mu Qingfeng’s expression changed. This was an expression that rarely crossed his face. Even when Fang Zhengzhi used Dragon Dances Eight Realms, he did not betray this expression.

"I found some witnesses too. I fear that Pavilion Leader Mu may worry. I believe that with the Yin Yang Pavilion, the Fu Xi Valley, the Ling Yun Tower, as witnesses, Pavilion Leader Mu would finally let me bring Chi Guyan back to the Nine Pinnacles Mountain for treatment, right?" As Tian Xing looked at Mu Qingfeng, his smile became even wider.

Everyone knew Chi Guyan’s position in the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

No one knew why would Mu Qingfeng instruct Chi Guyan to do such a thing. Of course, if Chi Guyan was not a disciple of the Heaven Dao Pavilion, and a disciple of the Nine Pinnacles Mountains instead, Tian Xing did not know what steps he would take to protect her.

Would he take 300 disciples and bash his way into the Heaven Dao Pavilion?

Would he wage a bloody war here?

Tian Xing never thought about all these.

This was because ever since the Nine Pinnacles Mountain was established, it had never faced such a challenge whereby someone would kill their way to its door.

Following that, three Sage State cultivators were then injured, and the Thousand Years Fire Herb, which they had been guarding for countless years, was stolen. On top of all these, half of the Black Moon Island sank!

No one could endure the pain of losing so much carefully-planned territory...

How was this different from a stab to the heart?

Tian Xing came today because he wanted to return the ’gift’ to the Heaven Dao Pavilion. You sank my island, so I would demand a piece of your flesh, particularly a piece from your heart.


The beastly roars got nearer.

Three shadows dropped down from the sky.

Two men and one woman.

One was old, one was middle-aged, and one was young.

The one in the middle was old. He had a white beard and his grayish-white robes had the ancient words ’Fu Xi’ stitched on it.

To his right was a middle-aged man, who wore a white robe inside and a black robe over his white robe. On his black robe, there was a Yin-Yang Diagram.

To the left of the old man was a young woman.

She wore purple robes around her and her long black hair came all the way to her waist. On her head, a flower made from green bronze adorned her hair. It did not appear extravagant but simple.

When the mountain wind blew, it did not ruffle her hair. She stood there quietly like a painting. However, she exuded a regal look.

If Fang Zhengzhi were conscious, he would recognize the woman as the one who brought Ping Yang away in the Flame Capital City...

Ling Yun Tower, Cang Yue.

The three of them landed and stood not too far away from Tian Xing.

The moment they landed, they all greeted Mu Qingfeng and Tian Xing. Then, two of them looked in surprise at the chaotic state of the Heaven Academic Altar.

One of them cast her gaze...

Squarely on Mu Qingfeng.

To be precise, she looked at Fang Zhengzhi, who was still in his arms.

Naturally, Cang Yue was the one who looked at him. Her expression did not change. However, a light flashed in her eyes.

However, it passed quickly and she looked elsewhere.

"Pavilion Leader Mu, I heard that your beloved disciple was injured in the Nine Pinnacles Mountain. Leader Tian was deeply regretful and hence, he plucked his Thousand Years Fire Herb to heal her. He invited ’Gu Yuan’ all the way over here to be his witness. Is this true?" The old man in the center said after he surveyed his surroundings.

"Elder Gu spent much effort to come all the way here to the Heaven Dao Pavilion," said Mu Qingfeng. He did not reply to Gu Yuan directly.

"It’s a small matter. While the five sects reside in separate corners of the world, we all come from the same roots. Leader Tian sets a good example today. I’m deeply impressed!" When Gu Yuan heard his words, a wide smile crossed his face.

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