Gate of God

Chapter 672 Black Jade Stone Statue, The Best in the World

Chapter 672 Black Jade Stone Statue, The Best in the World

"Sister Guyan’s trip was to the Black Moon Island?!"

"It seems so... but, isn’t the Black Moon Island protected by three sages? I heard that the three sages are rather strong, and share a great sense of camaraderie!"

"But Tian Xing said that sister..."

The disciples glanced at each other, and saw a look of deep ast

onishment from each other’s eyes.

It’s not that they didn’t trust Chi Guyan, rather, it was almost impossible to accomplish what she had allegedly done.

Yet it seemed like that was the truth.

Just one person?

Breaking into Black Moon Island alone, stealing Nine Pinnacle Mountain’s ten-thousand-year treasure, the Thousand Years Fire Herb, seriously injuring the three sages and even sinking the entire Black Moon island...

had Chi Guyan sister become that strong?

Even up till this moment, it was hard for them to believe.

Yet, they also started to understand why Tian Xing had brought three hundred Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciples here, and what he had meant earlier.

Using the Thousand Years Fire Herb to heal Chi Guyan’s injuries was just an excuse.

Even if Tian Xing really did that, after a month, if Heaven Dao Pavilion were to get her, they would definitely pay a heavy price.


The three hundred odd Nine Pinnacle disciples had already landed.

In fact, a group of twenty men landed right in front of Chi Guyan, blocking her path as she tried to leave. These twenty disciples had fury in their eyes as they had overheard Tian Xing, Chi Guyan and Mu Qingfeng’s conversation.

She had gone too far!

She who had stolen the supreme treasure, hurt people, sunk the island, and still had the audacity to get Tian Xing to yield. As a Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciple, how could they let this rest?

"Kill!" They yelled coldly.

More than twenty Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciples started attacking Chi Guyan as Tian Xing had already ordered them to strike. Their anger was already stoked.

The other Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciples also started taking action.

Like enraged cocks, they beat their arms and headed straight for the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples with no hesitation.

"Kill!" The Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples also started to react, forming sword formations by the hundreds, and their swords beamed as they ran straight towards the Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciples.

Too far?

There was no such thing as too far.

Chi Guyan was a member of the Heaven Dao Pavilion - that meant that she had her reasons for doing what she did, period.

This was a showdown between the Heaven Dao Pavilion and the Nine Pinnacle Mountain.

As for Fu Xi Valley Elder Gu Yuan and First Disciple of Yin Yang Hall Wan Lei who had come to bear witness, they gave each other a look and smiled lightly.

Bear witness?

No one would travel such a distance simply to be present as witnesses.

They had come to witness, not just anything simple, but to witness the outcome of this battle. As for whether the outcome of the battle would be a persecution of the Heaven Dao Pavilion by the other four sects based on moral grounds or a huge loss for both the Nine Pinnacle Mountain and the Heaven Dao Pavilion, it didn’t matter.

What mattered was...

That they fought!

Cang Yue directed her gaze to Chi Guyan, and at Fang Zhengzhi who was in her arms, and did not speak a word, but simply observed quietly.

The twenty odd Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciples were displaying apparent fury now.

Even though they knew that Chi Guyan was heavily injured, they did not hold back, and each move was meant to kill.

Yet, how could the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples let the Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciples get their way?

Almost exactly at the moment that more than twenty Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciples striked, an equal number of Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples appeared to fight them off, and beams of cold sword light blocked the attacks on Chi Guyan.

It was a mess.

However, not everyone was tangled in the fight.

For instance, there were at least ten people from the Nine Pinnacles Mountain who weren’t participating, and those Sage State disciples who previously rushed towards Fang Zhengzhi also weren’t moving.

It was also as if they had a sense of camaraderie...

Even Nangong Mu didn’t pick up his sword, and was only fixing his gaze on Chi Guyan, with a glint in his eye.

"Tian Xing, this is the Heaven Dao Pavilion, you can’t win!" Mu Qingfeng had stopped using honorifics for Tian Xing, and instead addressed him directly by name.

"Hand Chi Guyan over, or else I’d continue fighting even if it means huge losses on both sides!" Tian Xing had a look of unusual coldness, and edged closer and closer to Chi Guyuan.

"You should know that that’s impossible!" Mu Qingfeng’s footsteps slowed with Tian Xing’s, but his body was between Tian Xing and Chi Guyan.

"If that’s so, then we have nothing to talk about!"

"Then let’s not talk!"

"Sure, Old Man Mu, you forced me to do this!" as Tian Xing spoke, an enormous black shadow appeared on his hand.

It was a statue.

A statue made entirely of huge black stones.

It was wearing heavy armor that was flapping in the wind, but weirdly, the statue looked exactly like Tian Xing.

"Tian Xing, you..." Mu Qingfeng’s face changed as he saw the statue, and he subconsciously let go of Tian Xing’s palm and ran as fast as he could towards Chi Guyan.

However, it was too late.

The moment the statue appeared, Tian Xing’s body disappeared and the statue came to life, charging towards Mu Qingfeng who was rushing to Chi Guyan.

"Since you don’t want to hand her over, I’d get her myself!" Chi Guyan heard a sound behind her and a shadow slowly creeped up on her.

It was Tian Xing.

His black robe fluttered lightly.

In the moment that Tian Xing appeared, his one palm was already on Chi Guyan’s shoulder. His speed was so fast that one could barely make out his actions.

Spots of light started appearing on Tian Xing’s head. They were from the nine gold ornaments in his hair, each shining brightly.

"Tian Xing, don’t you dare!" Mu Qingfeng’s tone was urgent.

However, he did not move forward, because the black statue had blocked his path, and fist was in his face.

"A ’Black Jade Stone Statue’ from the Sage State for an opportunity to catch Chi Guyan, the Heaven Dao Pavilion sure is generous!" The First Disciple of Yin Yang Hall Wan Lei exclaimed as he watched the black statue with its fist aimed at Mu Qingfeng.

"As long as Chi Guyuan is caught, the Thousand Years Fire Herb will return to Leader Tian. As for the loss of this Sage State Black Jade Stone Statue, with Chi Guyan in his hands, even if Leader Tian asked for two statues, I’m afraid Pavilion Leader Mu would have little choice but to hand them over!" Fu Xi Valley Elder Gu Yuan smiled lightly as he listened to Wan Lei’s words.

"Yes, Chi Guyan is the key to this battle!" Yin Yang Hall’s Wan Lei also smiled. In fact, while smiling, a faint white light concentrated on his hands. "Leader Tian, I’d come help you!"

As Yin Yang Hall’s Wan Lei’s voice was heard...

People moved as well.

In that instant, he passed through the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples around him, and passed through the crowd like a flash, making a beeline for Chi Guyan. josei

"Hurhur... he’s still young!" Fu Xi Valley Elder Gu Yuan remarked as he watched Yin Yang Hall’s Wan Lei bolt towards Chi Guyan, and his smile grew wider and wider.


In this moment, a loud boom was heard, and then a meteor-like radiance also emerged from the debris.

Ten thousand stars shined brightly.

Under the bright sun, they only shone more brightly.

Only, this radiance did not last for long, lasting only for an instant. A figure slowly emerged, her long pink dress dancing with the wind.

It was a beautiful sight, only, a trace of red could be seen blossoming.

That was fresh blood flowing from the shoulder.

Chi Guyan’s condition was obviously not ideal now. Her extremely pale face seemed rather tired, and blood was still flowing slowly from the corner of her mouth, but she was biting her lips tightly, seemingly having no intention of letting go of Fang Zhengzhi, who was still in her arms.

In this instant...

A shadow rushed towards her once more.

Of course, Tian Xing didn’t expect to take Chi Guyan down with just one blow although she was heavily injured. After all, she had ruined his entire island alone, thus he would never underestimate her.

"Was she only slightly injured? Even while carrying someone, she was still able to use her powers to dodgy them. She really is the Chosen One!" Tian Xing gazed at the blood stains on his hand, slightly dazed.

However, he had no intention of stopping.

Shifting shape, Tian Xing charged towards Chi Guyan once again. He had to seize this opportunity - once he had Chi Guyan, he would be in control again.

"Leader Tian, Wan Lei is here to help you!" At this instant, a sound came from behind Tian Xing. Clearly, Wan Lei was not far away.

Tian Xing said nothing.

He knew only too well what Wan Lei was thinking.

At a time like this, if he ordered Wan Lei to fall back, or turned to greet Wan Lei, he would be wasting his breath. Since Wan Lei had already took action, he was sure to have a reason to not fall back.

The five sects had fought, both openly and in secret, for so many years...

As a member of the Yin Yang Hall, Wan Lei would never let this battle between the Nine Pinnacles Mountain and Heaven Dao Pavilion end so quickly. Wan Lei was joining the battle as a distraction, to buy Mu Qingfeng more time to escape, giving Mu Qingfeng another chance to continue fighting with Tian Xing. Tian Xing was very clear about Wan Lei’s plans.

Thus, he did not care about Wan Lei, and stretched his arms towards Chi Guyan’s shoulders instead.

In this moment, a white figure appeared behind Tian Xing. The snow-white scholar’s robe fluttered in the air, and in the figure’s hand was a sword, a sword that gleamed like white snow.

Nangong Hao.

No one knew when he came to Chi Guyan and Tian Hang’s side.

That is because, his appearance did not incur any sound or movement, such that even his sword was translucent; almost transparent.

He pulled his sword out without making a sound.

This was Nangong Hao’s "standstill" technique.

Do nothing and everything is done. Complying with nature and all things, he could become one with the wind, with the rain, and naturally, with the air as well.

He brought his sword down in a swift motion.

However, it did not chop right into Tian Xing, but instead, only rubbed against the side of Tian Xing’s body, missing him by just the slightest bit, cutting a hole in his clothes instead.

Such a result seemed rather surprising.

Or perhaps it wasn’t so surprising after all.

After all, Nangong Hao was trying to attack Tian Xing, the leader of the Nine Pinnacles Mountain, one of the most powerful beings in the Holy Region. Besides Mu Qingfeng, who could really stop Tian Xing?

Tian Xing was extremely fast.

His gaze was fixed on Chi Guyan throughout, and he was seemingly unfazed by the sword. Even when it ripped his clothes apart, he did not move his gaze.

Close, very close.

Chi Guyan was very pale, but her eyes still shone as brightly as a glittering night sky, with starlight flickering in her eyes. She bit her lips tightly, with unparalleled determination on her beautiful face.

No more retreating.

This opponent was Tian Xing, after all.

An opponent who could fight with Mu Qingfeng as an equal, Tian Xing.

"Coagulate!" a soft cry came from Chi Guyan, followed by a faint shadow appearing behind her. It was a woman, a woman with long, jet-black hair.

Like Chi Guyan, the woman’s eyes were very bright.

With exquisite facial features and a terrifying aura, she exuded a godly presence, as if she were the most regal being in existence, so regal that one was unable to generate any remotely dirty thoughts about her.

In the moment that the woman appeared, Tian Xing’s body seemed to have dropped into a huge quagmire, and his actions became extremely slow.

"No doubt, you are the world’s number one bloodline. Chi Guyan, you are the Chosen One. Even though you took my Thousand Years Fire Herb and sunk my Black Moon Island, I don’t want to kill you. You just need to cooperate with me and stop resisting, I assure you that I will treat you like a distinguished guest. Your blood yet to fully awaken; you are not my opponent. Just leave with me, ten years from now, if you want revenge, just look for me!" Tian Xing’s tone was cold, and as he spoke, he also took a step forward.

"Ka, ka, ka!"

The sound of something being torn could be heard around Tian Xing, and Tian Xing continued stepping forward.

"Coagulate!" Chi Guyan cried again, causing a fresh blood to gush from the side of her mouth.

Her pale face was now turning bluish-purple, and her tightly bit lips couldn’t stop trembling, to the extent that even the shadow behind her threatened to dissipate.

"Chi Guyan, it’s useless, given your current capabilities, trying to stop me forcibly is just asking for it!" Tian Xing’s body moved again, and the "ka, ka, ka" sounds were heard once again.

Only, this time, his body wasn’t as unaffected. Instead, it continued to move at a very slow place, as if he were crawling in mud.

This caused Tian Xing’s face to change ever so slightly.

"Chi Guyan, are you courting death, linking the Small Dimension to your blood?" Tian Xing could not understand why Chi Guyan was sacrificing so much just to delay such a little bit of time.

That is, until...

he saw a glittering, dancing flash of light, vibrant red light that made one’s heart tremble; even the bright sun hanging in the sky could not compete with that flash of red.

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