Gate of God

Chapter 707 Solving, Another Dimension

Chapter 707 Solving, Another Dimension


In the Divine Rain Pond, amidst the Fourth Heaven.

Around seven to eight Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples were looking at the Battle Illustration above their foreheads respectively. In contrast to their bewilderment and uncertainty as before, it seemed as though they had not noticed Fang Zhengzhi.

Afterall, Fang Zhengzhi had been waiting at the Fourth Heaven for quite a period of time, resulting in them losing their excitement and interest in the challenge.

Obviously Fang Zhengzhi did not pay any attention to the surrounding disciples.

His vision was fixated on the ever changing Battle Illustration, and it felt as though he had sunk into another dimension.

In reality, there was only one dimension in Fang Zhengzhi’s mind.

And that was a battlefield, a bloody battlefield.

Fang Zhengzhi had seen bloodbath during a war before. There was the sea of red during his time in the Cang Ling Mountain, the intense battle in the Flame Capital City, and especially at the Southern Region.

The sight of countless troops from the Demonic Army, the Southern Region Army and the Great Xia Army clashing with one another. In that battle, the soil was stained red in blood. Hundreds and thousands of lives were lost.

It was a ruthless sight.

However, be it any one of those battles, they paled in comparison to the much more brutal battle in front of him.

Or so to say.....

The battle in front of him cannot be described by just the words brutal.

Because, mountains of corpses piled up against each other, one layer over the next. The blazing fire engulfed the bodies, emitting a bloody smell in the air.

And in the middle of the battlefield.

There were still countless figures slashing and attacking one another. Every silhouette carried a pair of blood red eyes, and it seemed like they had fallen into insanity.

Madness from the massacre.

"AH!!" Miserable screaming sounds reverberated throughout the air, as the blood red eyes turned their attention towards Fang Zhengzhi, and it seemed as though they had discovered a new prey.

"Eh?" Fang Zhengzhi wanted to shout, but he realised that he was unable to even open his mouth. There was no sound emitting from his throat.

Just at this moment.....

The figures rushed towards him.

Up close, Fang Zhengzhi could clearly see that the cold steels of their weapons were stained in fresh blood.

"Kil!" Shouts could be heard.

Shaking the sky.

Fang Zhengzhi wanted to extend his hands to slap those things dead.

However, he did not know why he was unable to raise his hands up. His body felt as though there was no energy left to move.

What was happening?

Fang Zhengzhi had a change in his expression, and he prepared to make his escape.

But similarly it was merely manifested in the pure feeling of hope, as his feet felt as though they were nailed to the ground. He was unable to dodge, let alone run.

"Ci La!" The figure who had first reached Fang Zhengzhi raised his spear up, sending the blood stained spear piercing through Fang Zhengzhi’s body.

Very painful!

Excruciatingly painful!

"I....." Fang Zhengzhi wanted to ask him a sentence, such as, your attack was so vicious, does your sister know about this? However, looking at his facial expression, Fang Zhengzhi immediately kept his question.

Because, its facial features were too hideous looking. It was distorted in nature, coupled with the thick black hair and scale-like skin, as well as the protruding tip at his forehead.


This was not a species that Fang Zhengzhi had seemed to recognise.

Hence, it was not too appropriate for him to ask about his sister. Afterall, Fang Zhengzhi’s taste should not stoop to the level of a monster.

"How painful..... No, I should be at the Fourth Heaven of the Divine Rain Pond! Why am I here suddenly? Where is this place? Inside the picture?" Fang Zhengzhi shook his head vigorously.

He tried to tell himself that it was all part of his hallucination.

But the excruciating pain felt too realistic. His energy was even affected by it, and it felt as though the spear had really pierced into his body.

How could this be?

The Fourth Heaven.....

Could it be that everyone was seeing the same image as me?

"Ci La!" Before Fang Zhengzhi could continue pondering about the situation, a second spear had already pierced into his body.

Excruciating pain could be felt once again.

At this moment, a murderous intent started boiling inside Fang Zhengzhi’s heart, resembling that of a burning bundle of dry wood.

Furthermore, what was even weirder was that.....

Fang Zhengzhi felt that the murderous intent belonged to him, or rather, the murderous intent had always been hidden inside his body.

"Kill, kill all these things!"

"No, these are just hallucinations. I cannot kill, once I kill I will fall into the trap!"

Two different voices floated in his mind simultaneously. These two different desires were fighting with one another within himself.

At this moment, a third spear pierced towards him.

"Ci La!" The excruciating pain, resembled the tumultuous sea waves. His murderous intent was even more intense than ever, and it felt as though it was about to devour his entire body.

The Fourth Heaven.....

The Fourth Heaven!

What exactly was it?!


After enduring piercings after piercings, his body started quivering uncontrollably, and his facial expression was one of ferocity.

More importantly, Fang Zhengzhi’s body contained a murderous intent, which was unbeknownst to him.

This had also resulted the surrounding Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples to feel a little bewildered, as all their eyes laid vision on Fang Zhengzhi.

"Eh? What happened to his fellow?"

"Did he give up, just because he cannot pass the Fourth Heaven?"

"Maybe! I have heard that other than the Battle Illustration, the Fourth Heaven also tests one’s innate desires and resolute character. While this fellow is gifted, but he is still young, and lacking in experience. Furthermore, he was brought up in a village, so his perseverance must not be strong!"

"Makes sense, his heart is unsteady. This type of occurrence is common to those who have attained their skills too quickly!"

The Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples looked at Fang Zhengzhi’s situation, and murmured among themselves softly. Thereafter, they did not bother him any longer.

Afterall, they all knew that.....

Although the middle three Heavens were testing one’s character, but with the Heavenly Descent Dew, there should not be any big obstacle.

At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi’s body stopped palpitating.

Next, his ferocious expression gradually calmed down, just like the spring bamboo shoots after the rain.

Fang Zhengzhi’s head slowly raised up, with his mouth slightly opened, allowing the dew from the horizon to drop into his mouth.

"Di gu!" He swallowed the dew in one mouth.

Next, Fang Zhengzhi’s revealed a smile on his face, and he felt like the seedlings which had finally experienced rain after a long drought.

Very splendid, very satisfied.

At the same time, golden symbols started lighting up around Fang Zhengzhi’s body. More symbols started to appear.....

"What was happening?!"

"This fellow, what happened?"

"Is this Baptism by the Holy Words?" josei

"How can it be?! Wasn’t he already baptized by the Holy Words before?"

As the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples saw the situation in front of them, their vision shifted away from the Battle Illustration, and towards Fang Zhengzhi. They were all shocked.

While Fang Zhengzhi seemed as though he did not hear the comments from the surrounding disciples.

He merely smiled as he raised his head, looking at the still ever changing Battle Illustration. His eyes at this point of time had became completely transparent.

Weirdly transparent.

What was even weirder was, in his pair of eyes, there was a picture which was exactly identical to the Battle Illustration that was above his forehead.

Even the changing transitions were identical.

"Oh so it’s like that, I understand, I finally understand!" Following the fluctuations in his eyes, Fang Zhengzhi could not help but let out a scream of excitement.

And this sound, upon falling on the ears of the disciples, caused them to feel even more bewildered and astonished.

"This fellow really understood it?"

"Impossible? He did not understand after staring at it for so long. Only after such a short duration did he manage to understand it? I don’t believe!"

"You don’t have to believe it. Even if he had really understood it, is there a need to be this excited? Afterall, Senior Chi Guyan had already reached the Seventh Heaven! This fellow still has to catch up to her?"

"Brother Xia your words seem to make sense! Furthermore, after understanding it, he still needs time to solve it!"

After looking at Fang Zhengzhi, the disciples once again gave out a disdainful look. Next, they continued on their unfinished business, which was to look at the Battle Illustration.

Just at this moment.....

The majestic voice resounded through the horizon again.

"Fang Zhengzhi has entered the Fifth Heaven!"

Fang Zhengzhi has entered......"


Silence, shock.

The disciples, who were originally supposed to observe their own pictures, seemed as though they were just struck by lightning.

Their expressions all turned sluggish.

"Cannot be? So fast? Did he not just say that he had understood it?" The disciples could not react in time upon hearing the news.

Because, everyone seemed to have understood that understanding and solving were two completely different concepts. Afterall, everything required these two processes.

How could it be so quick!

What have this fellow done?!

The disciples looked at one another. They felt like catching up with him to ask him, how he could have been so quick.

But, Fang Zhengzhi’s body had already disappeared, how could he answer their questions?

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