Gate of God

Chapter 979 - The Truth Behind Dao Hun’s Death

Chapter 979 - The Truth Behind Dao Hun’s Death

Chapter 979: The Truth Behind Dao Hun’s Death

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“If I don’t speak... Dao Hun will die...” Dao Xin clenched her fist and kept silent. She had too many questions and doubts regarding Fang Zhengzhi’s question.

That was because she did not expect Fang Zhengzhi’s question and was not mentally prepared at all.

Why was “Meng Tian” interested in Yan Xiu’s memory?

Dao Xin did not understand how two people who were not related could be linked together. Moreover, Yan Xiu’s status was not prominent amongst the Human Alliance.

“You don’t have much time to think.” At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi’s voice was heard again before he started counting down. “Three!”




“Haha, Senior Meng Tian, I think you misunderstood. What’s wrong with Yan Xiu’s memory?” Dao Xin started laughing when Fang Zhengzhi counted to one.

“It seems like you are not concerned with Dao Hun’s life.” Fang Zhengzhi turned to look at Dao Hun and a long sword appeared in his hand.

“I am sure the Yin Yang Hall and the Human Alliance know my answer to the question regarding if I am concerned with Dao Hun’s life. However, I seriously don’t understand you, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Yan Xiu’s memory, so why are you talking about his memory being sealed or removed?” Dao Xin but her lips as she saw the long sword in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand.

Evidently, she was taking a gamble.

She was not gambling about whether Fang Zhengzhi knew about Yan Xiu’s memory as the answer was obvious when Fang Zhengzhi asked the question.

Dao Xin was gambling about the relationship between “Meng Tian” and Yan Xiu.

She did not know whether the two of them were related but after recalling how Yan Xiu attacked “Meng Tian”, she had a feeling that it was slightly different from the sneak attacks by Dao Hun and the elders.

Yan Xiu was indeed powerful. However, as compared to Dao Hun?

He was still lagging behind.

However, the truth was that Yan Xiu had defeated “Meng Tian” with a slap and got Dao Hun back from “Meng Tian” on his own.

It was unbelievable.

This only proved a point...

“Meng Tian” was showing mercy to Yan Xiu earlier on.

Dao Xin could not figure out why he showed mercy but she was sure that it was related to that person in the Northern Mountain Village.

“Was it because of that sword?” Dao Xin had a relatively good understanding about Fang Zhengzhi and she knew that he once had the chance to get the sword that belonged to Sagely Battle God Meng Tian during the Imperial Examinations in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Fang Zhengzhi and “Meng Tian” came to some agreement because of a Sword?

Although these were merely her guesses, they were built upon evidence after connecting “Meng Tian’s” actions to these guesses.

Of course, the most important thing was the situation now.

“Meng Tian’s” question surprised her so much that she felt a strange feeling of crisis. She felt that everything would end once she revealed the answer.

Not only would she be unable to save Dao Hun, but also may risk “losing” Yan Xiu.

Then, she would really end up in a desperate situation.

However, if one looked at it in another manner...

At least the person who was genuinely in control of Dao Hun’s life was still temporarily Yan Xiu. Even if “Meng Tian” wanted to attack, he had to defeat Yan Xiu first.

Dao Xin’s was relatively intelligent and she knew the lesson of “placing one in a dangerous situation and one will fight to live”.

Therefore, she was taking a gamble.

She was gambling about how “Meng Tian” would not kill Yan Xiu so easily since he asked about Yan Xiu’s memory. Therefore, Dao Hun, who was in Yan Xiu’s hand, would be safe.

Fang Zhengzhi frowned because he already knew the answer.

Dao Xin was gambling with him.

He knew that Dao Xin was hard to deal with all along but did not expect him to be so hard to deal with. josei

Dao Xin was able to keep her cool even though Dao Hun’s life was in a risky situation. This meant that Dao Xin was a rather impressive woman, or rather, a terrifying one.

However, unfortunately, Dao Xin used too much of her intelligence on trying to reap benefits for herself and Yin Yang Hall instead of considering from the point of view of the Human Alliance.

If she used her intelligence correctly, her powers would be comparable to Yun Qingwu.

“The ancient saying goes, one who is born with ‘beauty’ will have a short life... Dao Xin, you are indeed beautiful. Although your beauty is not conventional beauty, it should still be considered as one. If I am not wrong, you are taking a gamble that I won’t dare to kill Yan Xiu, am I right?” Fang Zhengzhi looked up slightly at the beautiful scenery nearby and sighed.

“I... don’t dare to! I feel that since Senior Meng Tian wants to prove your identity, you shouldn’t kill innocent people. Even if there are misunderstandings, you can afford to clarify them. Dao Hun is not only the Hall Master of the Yin Yang Hall but also the current Alliance Leader of the Human Alliance. Even though he was a little rash in his actions and was disrespectful to you, he had a good intention as he only wanted to clarify your real identity...” Before Dao Xin could complete her sentence, she saw Fang Zhengzhi wave to her.

Then, she heard an exclamation of excitement.

“You are right, indeed, I won’t kill Yan Xiu!”

“You won’t kill Yan Xiu, indeed...” Dao Xin’s expression didn’t change but she felt excited. Before she was able to complete her sentence, she saw Fang Zhengzhi charge towards her with his sword.


Dao Xin’s expression changed. Although Fang Zhengzhi was not fast, the coldness on his sword blade was enough to send chills down her back.

“I won’t kill Yan Xiu, but that doesn’t mean I won’t kill you!” His cold roar echoed in the sky and his overwhelming killing intent surged towards Dao Xin.


The purple bolts of lightning fell on the mountain rocks and made loud sounds.

The speed at which Fang Zhengzhi charged towards Dao Xin was not very fast but he did it in an extremely ferocious manner that made Mu Qingfeng and the rest shudder.

“No, Senior Meng Tian!” Mu Qingfeng dashed out. He did not know if he should act at this moment but he knew that if “Meng Tian” really killed Dao Xin, then the identity of “Meng Tian” as a monster or demon would be confirmed. Even if it was not confirmed, he had to live by the name of a cruel murderer.

After all, Dao Xin did not do anything bad to “Meng Tian”.

Moreover, “Meng Tian” did not kill Dao Xin because of minor disagreements. That was something that Mu Qingfeng could not understand.

However, in reality...

It was also the point which Dao Xin has neglected.

Dao Xin had never expected “Meng Tian” to attack her as she did not think she made any comments that were disrespectful.

However, regardless of whether she believed it or not, “Meng Tian” had charged towards her with a killer intent that was fixed on her.

Wait a minute!

Why was he moving so slowly despite his capability?

Wait a minute!

Meng Tian was waiting for someone...

Waiting for someone who would definitely not bear to see her die and would definitely save her!

“Xiu, stay back!” Dao Xin manages to react immediately but it was too late as there was already a pitch black abyss on the ground directly ahead of her.

Yan Xiu had arrived!

When he saw Fang Zhengzhi charge towards Dao Xin, Yan Xiu attacked immediately as he would definitely not sit back and do nothing.

“Don’t you dare hurt her!” Yan Xiu’s figure dashed out of the black abyss. He opened the blood-red fan with silver linings in his hand and a Bloody Landscape illustration appeared in the sky.

Towering mountains, blood-red streams, every mountain and rock looked like they were stained with blood.

If they only talked about the killing aura, Yan Xiu’s killer aura when he revealed the Bloody Landscape illustration was comparable to that of Fang Zhengzhi’s. The two killer auras made cracking sounds as they collided with each other.

At this moment, Mu Qingfeng had arrived.

Using his finger as the sword, he stood between Yan Xiu and Fang Zhengzhi with a complicated expression. However, he was extremely careful with his finger sword.


The sword that Fang Zhengzhi had struck was immediately withdrawn. The tip of the sword was pointing to the back while the blade collided with Mu Qingfeng’s finger sword.

A powerful airwave soared in the air.

The powerful force caused Mu Qingfeng to move back without being able to defend himself. His body collided with Yan Xiu behind him.

At this moment, a sneering voice was heard.

“Pavilion Master Mu, thank you for helping!”

“Helping?! What helping?!” Mu Qingfeng was shocked. He knew that that was the voice of “Meng Tian” but could not understand what he meant by the so-called ‘helping’.

However, he figured it out very quickly.

That was because, after the collision of “Meng Tian”‘s body and his finger sword, his body flew back like a stream of light. Meanwhile, the long sword that he had withdrawn earlier on was accurately aimed at Dao Hun’s throat.



Mu Qingfeng’s voice was heard at the same time when the sword cut Dao Hun’s flesh. However, no matter how loud he had shouted, it was useless.

Fang Zhengzhi’s sword had already penetrated Dao Hun’s throat.

In front of the ten over elders of the Yin Yang Hall and the various disciples of the Human Alliance; the sword acted like a silvery soul-seeking specter and penetrated through Dao Hun’s throat completely.

Blood gushed out like arrows.

“How... how was this possible?!”

“Senior Meng Tian he.... he really killed Dao Hun?!”

“Sagely Battle God Meng Tian, the hope of the future Human Alliance has killed the Alliance Master Dao Hun? How... why did that happen?!”

The disciples of the Human Alliance widened their eyes in disbelief.

Everything happened too quickly. From Dao Hun’s attack at Fang Zhengzhi to how Fang Zhengzhi subdued Dao Hun with one shot to Yan Xiu seizing Dao Hun...

It was a strange turn in the event.

Nobody could understand what had happened.

However, at this moment, “Meng Tian”‘s sword had already stabbed Dao Hun’s throat and his blood splattered in the air.

Crack! The mask on Dao Hun’s face cracked open and fell on the ground like pieces of metal.

The face behind the mask was revealed.

It was a beautiful face that did not belong to this world. The eyes were like a mountain, lips were red and teeth were white. However, that face looked extremely familiar.

That face was the exact same face as Dao Xin.

The only difference between the two faces was that this face was slightly older. There were some wrinkles at the corner of the eyes.

Dao Hun...

Is a woman!

A woman who looked identical to Dao Xin!

Boom! The purple bolts of lightning struck the ground and hit Dao Hun, causing her eyes to widen and her body to tremble.

Her throat was penetrated by the sword.

Although this injury would not kill a sage, it would be a completely different story if a sage’s head was severed.

After all, no matter how powerful one’s healing ability was, one could not heal a severed head.

Dao Hun was aware of this.

However, she was even more aware of the fact that she had no strength to resist. She could not escape from Fang Zhengzhi’s sword and hence, her life was in Fang Zhengzhi’s control.

One’s life was filled with ups and downs.

Just a moment ago, she was the well-respected Hallmaster of the Yin Yang Hall and a moment later, she was almost about to die.

She was unwilling to die.

Extremely unwilling.

She wanted to vent her anger but she could not speak at all because her throat was penetrated by the sword. She could only stare at “Meng Tian” who was in front of her.

If she could, she really wanted to lift up the black cloth on “Meng Tian”‘s face and take a look at his real appearance.

However, the only sound she could make now was the sound of agony.

“Mmm... mmm mmm...” Dao Hun raised her right hand with the last bit of her strength and grabbed onto the long sword in her throat.

Meanwhile, the surrounding disciples of the Human Alliance, elders and disciples of the Yin Yang Hall were completely stunned.

Dao Hun was a woman?!

A woman who looked identical to Dao Xin!

What was exactly going on?

The disciples of the Human Alliance was shocked by Fang Zhengzhi’s determination to kill Dao Hun but they were also stunned by the real appearance of Dao Hun.

Not only were the disciples of the Human Alliance unaware of this, but even the elders of the Yin Yang Hall were in a state of confusion.

Dao Hun did not hold the title of the Hallmaster of the Yin Yang Hall for a very long time.

However, it was not a short period of time too. Although Dao Hun had interacted with the disciples and elders of the Yin Yang Hall all these while, nobody knew that Dao Hun was actually a woman.

Why was she a woman?

Wait a minute!

Dao Hun was definitely a man when he assumed the position of the Hallmaster of the Yin Yang Hall!

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