Gate of Immortality

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Sneaking on the enemies

" Fuck, How did they left me behind this? They said there won't be any problem. I don't want to die here." a man muttered as he shivered inside a dark place. He could hear the sound of the raging battle. Even till now, the victor hasn't decided.

Suddenly, with a craking sound, Th darkness dissipated a bit. The man startled as he looked at it.

" Wh-Who are you?!!!" He asked fearfully. In front of him was youth standing, with a demonic mask on his face.

" My my, I didn't think you will forget me this quickly." The youth laughed as he removed his mask. " Bodyguard of Ye Zheng."

The man's eyes widened with horror as h looked at the youth. He was none other than Yang Shi. " Yo-You are Evil Shadow!!! HE-" The man screamed for help, but his scream died prematurely as his head fell from his neck.

*CLANK* With a soft noise, Yang Shi sheathed his half unsheathed Longsword. Yang Shi just used the first move of his sword technique- Fleeting Light.

" Not Bad. Its sharpness is good." Yang Shi nodded. He collected Soul Nourishing Grass. He came outside and saw two corpses, which he kicked to the side. They were the ones protecting Number One. He collected Soul Nourishing Grass and left.

This person's nickname was Number one, One of the three bodyguards of Ye Zheng. He was the second person whom Yang Shi had assassinated in Misty Tower City. He made Old two drunk, So he must have forgotten his face. Yang Shi killed the third bodyguard, So only this person can identify Yang Shi as Evil Shadow.

After killing the man, He hurriedly escaped from there. As he used his celestial view, He saw there are a total of seven people from Traceless Ghost Pavilion. Four are fighting directly, and the other three are archers who are lurking in the darkness. But it seems those three are waiting for something. And from their clothes, It seems they are just working with Traceless Ghost Pavilion to kill Lu Xiao and his group.

All three archers are one kilometer away from the battlefield. So unless someone uses their unique eye technique, finding them from here is very difficult. " Hmph, Distance isn't even worthy of mentioning. I need to get rid of the trio." Yang Shi muttered as he used his Starlight Burst.

" Hmm, Why do I feel something isn't right here." Yang Shi again surveyed the area with his Celestial View but found nothing. He swiftly merged in darkness as he dashed toward the first archer.

That archer was hiding on a tree. He was looking at the battle from far, But he startled as he looked bellow. " Huh, I saw some movements there!" He became alerted as he nocked his bow. " How is there!" He shouted as he looked around his surrounding. Suddenly, He felt a jolt from behind as the tree shook like an earthquake.

" Damnit, What the hell1" As he lost his balance and fell down, he shot a fir arrow towards the sky clearly, a distress signal.

" Really? You bastards really annoying me." A cold voice spoke as the person unsheathed his sword. " Do you think you can kill me?" The falling archer sneered as he adjusted his falling pose. He took out his arrow and used it as daggers to fend off the Yang Shi.

" Fuck off." Yang Shi didn't wasted his time as he used his sword technique. The archer was horrified but alas, he couldn't do anything. Yang Shi's sword flashed as the archer's body cut into dozens of pieces.

But Yang Shi didn't lose his vigilance. He quickly to the bow from the archer and nocked an arrow. Using his Celestial View, he aimed at the second archer and released it. Yang Shi saw that the moment this archer shot the distress signal, The other two archers already knew his location. So Yang Shi wanted to take down at least one of them instantly.

*PLUFF!* With a muffled noise, the arrow pierced the heart of the second archer in the dark. But then, The Yang Shi felt his hair stood on its end with the feeling of incoming danger. Yang Shi saw three arrows shooting at him from behind. The arrows were in a triangular formation, which is difficult to dodge.

*Fuck, It's a sneak attack. But at least, You think I can't dodge this?" Yang Shi's mind ran furiously as he used his sword to block the incoming arrows. " Starlight Haze!" Yang Shi's sword turned blurred as it created many afterimages. He successfully dodged the first two arrows and tried to hit the third arrow. But to his surprised, the arrow split into two as its speed increased. One aimed at his heart, and another aimed at his head.

" WHAT!!" Yang Shi's eyes widened. If he tried to block one, another would pierce him. Yang Shi's eyes turned firm as he blocked the first arrow. As the second arrow about to hit him, suddenly it deviated from its path.

*SHOOOSH* Yang Shi saw an unknown arrow hit the arrow that was headed toward him. Yang Shi became surprised, but not wasting his time, He quickly held the bow, nocked an arrow, and pulled the strings to his limit.

*SHOOU* The moment he released the arrow, it disappeared from the sights. *PLUFFF!* Even before a blink of an eye, the arrow pierced the head of the third archer. The arrow dug halfway into his skull, so he died instantly. He died so abruptly that he himself doesn't know.

Yang Shi wiped his sweat as he looked in the direction where the mysterious arrow came from. Using his Celestial View, He saw a black-clothed figure standing faraway in his opposite direction. Holding a silver bow with a mysterious pattern on it, The figure looked at where Lu Xiao and the red masked person of Traceless Ghost Pavilion is fighting.josei

" Isn't he is the same person who is with Old Ghost that day? Ah, He lost to me in Archery. It seems like he also works for the First Prince." Yang Shi thought as he nodded with gratitude while looking at him. He didn't know if that person saw him or not, But Yang Shi got up and went to finish the battle.

There are only four people remained from the Traceless Ghost Pavilion and three from Blood Moon Pavilion. Nonetheless, Lu Xiao himself handling two on his own. The red masked person and another felt pressure from Lu Xiao.

" Nether Gale Panther, Darkwind Storm." Lu Xiao roared as he unleashed his trump card. Black colored wind gathered around him as his speed grew explosively. " DIE, YOU BASTARDS." He roared as he charged at the red masked figure.

" Red Li, You attack and I will support. Piercing Thorn!" A gray-robed man shouted at the red masked man as he dashed at Lu Xiao, holding a sword. Lu Xiao jumped as his sword drowned with the black colored wind. He furiously attacked the man charging at him.

The Red Li nodded as he pulled out more than a dozen needles." Lightning Needles.". He shouted as he threw all of them at Lu Xiao.

" Yoh, Not so fast."

A lazy voice startled the Red Li.

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