Gate of Immortality

Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Damsel in Distress

" Why the hell you gave him the healing pill? You didn't intend to kill him in the first place?" The golden egg hurriedly asked Yang Shi. " Foolish girl, If I intended to kill him, then why I would disguise myself? I left him alive precisely because he has seen my face." Yang Shi snorted.

" Additionally, I have fed him a sleeping pill. He won't wake up for five days, and to reach his sect, he would take more than a week. And I have lit a beast repelling incense in a corner, so he won't die before he wakes up." Yang Shi explained.

" Tsk, quite cunning, aren't you? But why you delayed his time of returning?" The golden egg asked again. " Who knows how many days will take to find a place with abundant spirit qi?" Yang Shi rolled his eyes. " Hehe, don't worry. Once I come out, I will help you as much as I can." The golden egg said proudly. "You better." Yang Shi grinned slyly.

Yang Shi climbed up a tall tree and used his Celestial Vision again. Unfortunately, he couldn't find a thick stream of spiritual qi. As he was thinking to go deeper, the golden egg suddenly warned him. " Don't go any deeper. There are more Ancient beasts than you can think. We shouldn't go there for now." The golden egg said with some thought. " Well, don't worry, I will find such a place." Yang Shi chuckled.

Yang Shi felt this the first time he left the human habitation for such a long time. Although training in the forest is good, Yang Shi felt a little weird for not seeing any human for almost a month. And the first group of humans whom he met was killed by him.

" Well, I guess, Time to leave Eastern mountain for now." Yang Shi stretched his body as he used his Starlight Burst. Although he loved to walk down on the forest road, he used Starlight Burst to increase his proficiency.

One could see a ghostly figure running in the deep wood. Its speed was so fast that it disappeared from eyesight in a blink of an eye. In fact, Yang Shi was enjoying this speed. He felt he was a racing car, reaching the speed of 300m/h.

" Ahaha, such speed. I am afraid that even Ninth stage primordial spirit realm cultivators won't able to catch me." Yang Shi's laughter echoed. Moreover, Yang Shi knew that this is just minimum speed. Cultivators in higher stages of cultivation can traverse millions of kilometers in one step or cross the worlds in one jump. Like every cultivator, Yang Shi also wishes to fly among the clouds and cross the space.

" Like a carefree immortal, like floating cloud and flowing water..." Yang Shi hummed as he dashed down. He could feel the wild wind hitting on his face, which made him more excited. As Yang Shi was enjoying, a sudden cry surprised him.

" Eh? I think I heard a lady's shout?" Yang Shi stopped as he activated his Celestial view. From far, he could see the situation clearly. It seems a bunch of bandits trying to rob a carriage. There are over ten bandits, and one their opposite, there are only si soldiers. He could also see a girl and a little boy there.

" Haha, Lan family guards, leave behind you miss and young master, and we will let you go." A bandit laughed as he said.

" Bastards of Blackwind mountain, you dare to covert our young miss?!" One of the guards roared. " Haha, do you think we fear your Lan family? Your Lan family is doomed to face destruction. If your clan's old man couldn't make it, then you guys are done for." The bandit laughed as he slashed out his sword. The remaining guards began to fight fiercely even they knew they wouldn't last much longer.

" Miss, Please take the young master and run. We will stall them as much as we can." One guard struggled as he spoke to the lady beside him. The girl's face had turned pale as she hastily nodded. She grabbed the kid net to her as she ran to the opposite side.

" But elder sister..." The boy seemed unwilling, but he got dragged along by his sister. The girl was very fast as she ran desperately. " Guards of the Lan family, Fight to the death." A guard of Lan's family shouted as they charged at the bandits.

" Haha, foolish peoples. Brothers! Kill them all!!!" The bandits roared as they fought with the guards of the Lan family. Weapon clashed as both sides fought, but the bandit had the numbers, so they overwhelmed the guards very soon. However, the guards also tried their best to stall some time for their young miss.

" Wuuu, Sister, Are we going to die?" The little boy asked as he ran along with her sister. " Xiao Hai, Uncle Jang has sent the distress signal. Don't worry. Our family elders must be on the way. They will save us." The girl tried to smile, but the tears in her eye explained the situation.

Help? They are deep in the forest. Although their guards had already sent a distress signal, Who knows when the elders would arrive? And even if they arrive, fending off these bandits in this deep forest isn't easy.

" At worse, I will hide Xiao Hai and try to lure the bandits away. After ensuring the safety of Xiao Hai, I will just commit suicide." The girl gritted his teeth.josei

" Tsk tsk, A beautiful girl desperately trying to save her little brother from evil bandits. It such a sad scene." A voice startled the brother-sister duo as they suddenly stopped. Especially the girl, As she felt that someone said it just right to her ears.

" WHO?!!!" the girl became alerted as she pulled out a short sword from her waist. the little boy was also scared by the sudden voice.

" Little Miss, Would you like to make a deal with me?" The voice came again, and this time, it came from her behind. The girl turned around and saw a young man was standing. The girl's eyes widened in surprise, as there was no one a moment before.

The girl pointed her sword at the young man and asked vigilantly, " Who are you? Why are you obstructing us?"

" Well, Well, do you really want to waste your time in chit chat? The bandits will reach here in few minutes." The young man smiled. Listening to that, the girl's face turned pale.

" Then why the hell are you obstructing us?" The girl asked angrily. She also looked back to see if bandits are coming.

" Hmm, Do you really think you can escape from them? Oh wait, don't tell me you are thinking of committing suicide to prevent them from tarnishing your purity?" The young man said with some thoughtful expression. The girl was shocked again as the young man spoke her intentions. She took a deep breath and asked, " What do you want from us?"

" Haha, Just one question. Do you guys want to live?" The young man asked with a smile.

" Yes. Can you help us?" The girl nodded. Somehow, she felt that this young man can help her. The smile of the young man became wider. " Are you willing to pay a small price for it?" The young man asked again. The girl frowned after hearing such a condition. " What is it?" She asked with some hesitation.

" Wonderful! Even in this situation, you still wanted to know the bargain, eh?" The young man laughed. " Hehe, nothing much, Just one kiss for saving both of you life."

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