Gate of Immortality

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Balance

Yang Shi was pretty surprised by the change in his pupils. After awakening the Azur Lotus and Crimson Lily as primordial spirits, his eye changed into purple color. But it wasn't pure purple. It was a chaotic mixture of Azure and Crimson in his eyes. And now, The crimson color has increased, making his eyes like Fire crystals. Yang Shi looked handsome, but there was a hint of wickedness and tyranny in his eyes.

Yang Shi looked into his Dantian. He was astonished as h saw the Crimson lily has become two times bigger than Azure Lotus. The lily was giving off a red aura, which was more than before. At the same time, the lotus's aura looked dim.

" Eh? Could it b that Crimson lily grew and now suppressing the Azure lotus? Now I remember, It got the first level up by my Spirit fire. The lily devoured all the spirit fire, making it its own. It seems it got another boost by the Gold Devil Seal!" Yang Shi murmured. " Fire and Metal, Two Yang elements. If the Crimson lily gets power from the Yang element, then the Azure Lotus must need Yin Element Like Water and Wood." Yang Shi deduced.

Yang Shi felt he needed to understand more, so he took Jin Yu and went to an inn. Yang Shi sat cross-legged as he mediated with his Tai Chi martial art.

" In this world, Mortals can borrow the power of Heaven and Earth and raise cultivation. With enough power, They can break the limits and achieve mythical powers and endless longevity."

" However, there wasn't any spiritual Qi on Earth. Martial artists could never borrow the power of heaven and earth. They can only excavate the potential from their own body. Only by constantly refining their body with arduous training of decades, they can use Internal Energy." Yang Shi mulled.

" But, Was anything there was inferior to here? Sure, They didn't have flying swords nor sabers that can multiply while attacking. But their understanding of weapons was fart better. "

Using one sword to create many sword shadows, Using a dagger to kill a dozen. Without any supplementary energy, They could control Yin, Yang, and five elements to a small degree. Tai Chi was a common yet marvelous martial art. Controlling Yin and Yang to nourish the body and spirit without spiritual qi is very amazing. Although there wasn't a strong presence of Yin and Yang in Earth, Tai Chi can be used as a powerful cultivation method in the cultivation world.

Yang Shi revolved his Internal Energy as he closed his eyes. He moved his arms and legs in a strange rhythm. He clenched his fist as he punched forward. Then he opened his palm and pulled back. He summoned the Yang energy from his Nine Saints Extreme Yang skeletons as a white koi fish appeared behind him.

" Yang. Heat and Fire." Yang Shi muttered. Jin Yu's eyes went wide as she saw Yang Shi is making a palm strike in thin air. " Shit." Jin Yu spat as she made a hand sign. Yang Shi didn't use any fire technique, yet the air surrounding the palm combusted as flames appeared.

*RUMBLE* As if a clap of thunder, Yang Shi made five palm attacks at once. Jin Yu became more and more astonished. Yang Shi retracted his palm as he muttered again, " Yang, Hardness." He made a fist and raised his arm. Jin Yu hurriedly clapped her palms as a golden light spread on the floor. It seemed like the white koi fish came into being as it circled around YangShi's fist.

*HAAAA* Yang Shi shouted as he punched the floor. His fist landed on the golden light, but no sound came. Jin Yu sighed in relief. If she hadn't used her dense spiritual qi as a shield, The whole inn might have destroyed by that punch.

Yang Shi's facial expression relaxed as he retracted his fist. He made another movement with his arms. " Yin, Cold, and Water." Yang Shi muttered. Along with the white koi fish, a black koi fish began to appear. But before it could take the full shape, it became distorted as it vanished.

Yang Shi's eyes snapped open as he vomited a mouthful of blood. Jin Yu hurriedly came as she asked, " What happened? Are you alright?"

" I am fine. Just suffered some internal injuries. But it's small." Yang Shi chuckled. He used his Celestial view and looked at his body. He could see a bright white gas evaporating from his body. " Heh, My Yang energy has become so potent that it's materializing in space. No wonder my Qi became rigid as I tried to control the Yin energy." Yang Shi smiled bitterly. " Ah, So my Yang physique is the reason I can't open the Immemorial Evil Yin Vein." Yang Shi's eyes sparkled.

" Hmm, I will settle this after I went to the capital." Yang Shi thought. " Hey, Aren't you hungry? Let's eat something." yang Shi laughed. " Hehe, If you hadn't remembered me, I would have died from hunger." Jin Yui giggled.


" Heavens! Are you telling the truth?" A person shouted.

" I swear on my mom. It's true. Li Han and Li Mei died tragically." A bearded man hurriedly said.

" Old uncles, Did something happened?" Yang Shi asked curiously. " Li family's patriarch has two sons. The elder son has got enrolled in Golden Sun Sect last month. His name was Li Kun. Li Han was his little brother. Li Mei was also the daughter of a Li clan elder. Since both of them dead, Li Family will go crazy now." The beardy man sighed.

" Oh, Then we should leave now." Yang Shi laughed as he paid the bill and left the inn along with Jin Yu. After some time, dozens of guards entered the inn.

The innkeeper and others became astounded as they recognized the guards from their uniform. " Esteemed Captain of Li family guards, What brings you here?" The innkeeper cupped his fist.

" Have you saw a young man with a little girl?" The guard asked coldly. " This...They just went out." The innkeeper hurriedly said. He never thought that Yang Shi and Jin Yu are the suspects. The guard's eyes gleamed as he and his soldiers rushed out.

" Block the entrance and search the whole town. We must find out the culprit." The Li clan captain roared.

Yang Shi didn't mind the changes happening in the city as he sat on a roof. He was still thinking about the Crimson Lily and Azure Lotus. After rummaging the memory of the Samsara Emperor, Yang Shi finally managed to get some clues.

" Lily of Emotions and Desires is a heavenly treasure. But if not controlled, I will become a demon who knew nothing except Anger, Lust, and Greed. Only Heaven Purification Dao Lotus can suppress it. But on the other hands, constantly raising the Heaven Purification Dao Lotus has its own demerits." Yang Shi said.josei

" Just like Tai Chi, Everything must be in balance. Controlling Yin and Yang, controlling Lily and Lotus. I will try to get some water attribute treasures and techniques." Yang Shi concluded.

" Since I have already stirred trouble, Why not meet the little Missy?" Yang Shi gave an evil chuckle as he leaped across. " Hehe, It seems someone is bathing." Yang Shi mused as he became interested.

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