Gate of Immortality

Chapter 136

Chapter 136: Old Ghost's reward

Yang Shi's mind was blank as he gazed through the window. The evening was deepening as the stars slowly appeared. He sighed as he uttered one word, " Fuck." " Young Master, What happened?" Bai Ruxue could see the change of mood of Yang Shi. " Nothing, It's just some urgent work has come." Yang Shi said with a low voice. His face was quite conflicted, Bai Ruxue could see it. She hugged Yang Shi from behind, " Young Master, It's maybe really an important task, You should go and see it."

" Are you driving me away?" Yang Shi tsked. " Why would I? I will wait for you." Bai Ruxue leaned forward as she kissed on his cheek." Yang Shi could feel her hot breath, but firming his mind, He got up and dressed. " I will skin the Old Ghost if he doesn't have any good reason to summon me." Yang Shi mumbled as he jumped out of the window and blended in darkness.

" Young Master..." Bai Ruxue mumbled as she sighed in disappointment. She bit her fingers as she picked Yang Shi's robe and inhaled its smell.

Wearing a bronze demon mask, Yang Shi hurriedly went to the stronghold of Blood Moon Hall. He saw some familiar figures. " Yoh, Isn't it's Evil Shadow?" Someone called his name. Yang Shi saw it's a middle aged man. His clothes were shabby as he held a wine gourd. " You are?" Although every one of them is an assassin, Yang Sho doesn't know many of them. " You can call me, Forest Lurker." The middle aged man smiled. " Well, You have saved some members of our Blood Moon Hall and killed those Traceless Ghost Pavilion's bastards. So, We all know about you." He laughed.

" Haha, It's their misfortune they met me, Even if one of them used a Swift Movement Talisman, I still killed him." Yang Shi laughed as he boasted a little. " Where is Old Ghost?" Yang Shi asked. " He? He is in that room. He expected you will ask about him. He is waiting for you." Forest Lurker nodded. Yang Shi saw a crimson door, with a crescent moon insignia on it. Yang Shi went and opened it. It was a narrow and dark pathway, like a damp cave. After some time, he saw the exit.

His eyes went wide as he saw something amazing. Initially, he thought it would be a dark and gloomy room, but he never imagined he actually traveled to a whole another place. It was a large courtyard, with lush green woods and a pond. A huge white mansion in front of him. The moon has already risen, shining its light on the vegetation. " The heck, Where am I?" Yang Shi frowned as he went to the mansion. " Well, You are always on time." Old Ghost walked out as he greeted Yang Shi.

" What's the matter?" Yang Shi didn't delay as he asked immediately. " Why are you getting impatient?" Old Ghost laughed. " Oi, I just came here running, abandoning my important task. Old man, I will break your legs if you called me for something insignificant." Yang Shi raged. " Hey, hey, Calm down. Let's talk inside." Old Ghost turned around as he entered the manor. Yang Shi followed him in. It was a luxurious manor, with bright lanterns illuminating the interior.

Old Ghost sat on a chair and indicated Yang Shi to sit in front of him. Yang Shi sat leisurely as he looked at Old Ghost. " Tea?" Old Ghost asked. " Although I would prefer wine, but tea is fine." Yang Shi said. " Good, I have prepared some Cloudmist Tea. Let's enjoy it." Old Ghost smiled, and with a snapping of his fingers, a table with teacups appeared. Yang Shi wasn't too surprised about this. After all, Old Ghost is an Origin Core Realm expert.

The tea was slightly blue in color, with mist rising on it. Yang Shi picked it as he sipped slowly. He felt all of his worries and anxiousness drifted away as his mind became calm and peaceful. " Great tea!" Yang Shi exclaimed. " Of course, This isn't something money couldn't buy." Old Ghost said. " And look! I am drinking it." Yang Shi added. Old Ghost's face turned stiffed as he gave a chuckle. " Whatever you think. I called you for your merits for saving White Fangs and killing Traceless Ghost Pavilion's assassins." Old Ghost said.

" Honestly, Even if I wasn't there, Your black-clothed apprentice could have handled the issue." Yang Shi said. " Although he could have, White Fang and all would have died till then. And by no means, We could have killed Red Li." Old Ghost said. " It seems you guys are deeply embroiled in royal politics." Yang Shi scoffed. " Hmm, You have guessed quite a bit. But you are wrong in there. We are merely watchers, not die-hard supporters." Old Ghost said. "It's more like you are influencing the events, like the battle between puppeteers." Yang Shi laughed. " You can say so." Old Ghost didn't deny. White Fang's original name was Lu Xiao, Who was the steward of First Prince. Moreover, He is a powerful cultivator, nurtured by the Royal clan. On the other hand, Traceless Ghost Pavilion is from the Second Prince faction.

" I don't care what you guys are doing. I will never enter this shit." Yang Shi said firmly, " Well, Time will tell that." Old Ghost laughed, receiving a glare from Yang Shi. " Anyway, Since you have done so much, Your rank will rise to the Gold level." Old Ghost informed him. " And what benefits it brings?" Yang Shi asked in interest. " You can pry the information about the upper echelons, hidden things of history, or ancient legends. You know, knowledge is power."

" Secondly, You can browse through some cultivation techniques or battle arts. You can pick even Mythical grade techniques." Old Ghost added. But Yang Shi didn't show any sign of interest. After all, He had techniques that can be considered as techniques of Gods and Immortals. He was more interested in history, as he was seeing some anomalies in the present time. With a thought, he suddenly said, " I want you to give me some pointers on Heaven Saber Seven Arts."josei

" Oh, That's an interesting request. How much you have learned of Seven styles?" Old Ghost asked in interest. " First two, I have completed the mastery, about the third, I am still unable to execute it properly." Yang Shi vexed. " WHAT? You have mastered the first two stances and got a grasp of the third? It has roughly been two months." Old Ghost couldn't help but get astonished. But he quickly hid his expression and said, " Attack me with your full force." Old Ghost suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the courtyard.

" Alright." Yang Shi didn't hesitate as he drew out his Heaven Calamity saber. Since Old Ghost is an Origin Core stage cultivator, Yang Shi didn't hesitate to use his full power. He channeled the Metal qi from Gold Devil Seal to his saber. Yang Shi gathered all of his Spiritual qi and roared, " First move_ Gold Split!" The saber shone with a pale golden light as it zapped at Old Ghost. Yang Shi's arm thrummed as the movement of the saber became unpredictable as it slashed at Old Ghost from various directions.

" Not bad." Old Ghost nodded as he stood there motionless. Yang Shi felt his saber landed on a cotton cushion as not even the clothes of Old Ghost became crumpled. " Well, That's an Origin Core Stage cultivator." Yang Shi thought. " Indeed, The essence of the first move is sharpness.

" I am surprised that you can cultivate Metal qi and control it to this extent, giving your saber sharpness to cut through gold and jades. One can use a single slash or multiple slashes, it has no restriction. In fact, All basic saber movers can be fused with Gold Split." Old Ghost explained.

" Now, Show me the second move" Old Ghost shouted.

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