Gate of Immortality

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: The Duel Begins!

" Ahaha, Brother Yang is flattering me." Mo Xiang's face stiffened as he tried to pull back his arm. But Yang Shi's palm was like an iron claw, which didn't let it go. " Hey? Will you guys going stand here forever? Let's go inside." Liu Jie finally said. " Sure." Yang Shi released his palm as he entered. Mo Xiang retracted his arm like lightning as he caressed his palm. It was swollen as it turned purple. " Fuck, What was that?" He frowned as he looked at Yang Shi.

" Young Master!" Bai Ruxue exclaimed as she saw Yang Shi. " Haha, Did you miss me?" Yang Shi laughed as he pulled her by holding her waist. " Ah! What are you doing?!" Bai Ruxue blushed as she scowled in a low voice. " There are so many watching us." " So what?" Yang Shi chuckled. With his move, he showed everyone including Mo Xiang, " Fuckers! Bai Ruxue is mine!" Mo Xiang's face turned ugly as he glared at Yang Shi with anger in his heart. " Oi, Brother Yang, You are really a role model of youths." Mo Yi gave him a thumbs up.

" Hmm, Brother Mo, I guess it's the time." Yang Shi said. " Of course, Let's go to the arena." Mo Yi nodded. Mo Clan mansion has its own arena, where the younger generation can spar. Mo Yu wore a white robe, with his Sky Incineration Sword on his back, he stood on the arena with a proud face. Liu Jie smiled as she also went up to the arena. She wore a purple dress, along with a flexible longsword which gave off a dim purple light. At some point, Mo Shan appeared as he stood back from the crowd.

Yang Shi got up on the arena as he stood in the middle. " Ladies and gentlemen, Today is the day when Our Brave Brother Mo Yi and Beautiful Sister Liu Jie would engage in a duel. Are you excited about this battle?" Yang Shi raised his voice. " YESSS!!!" Everyone shouted back. " Alright! 3,2,1, FIGHT!" Yang Shi shouted as with a backflip, he came back to the ground.

Mo Yi and Liu Jie roared as they released their Primordial Spirits at the same time. A Heavenly Horse wrapped in golden flames clashed with the Purple Moon Beast. " Liu Jie, take my Clan's special technique - Flaming Stallion Punch." Mo Yi roared as a faint image of the horse's leg overlapped on his arms. He threw his punch like a cannonball. " Moon Shield, Block!" Liu Jie clapped her palms as the Purple Moon Beast behind her created a light shield, which blocked the punch from Mo Yi. Nonetheless, it trembled violently after the impact.

" Hmph, March of Beastwave, Thousand Horse stomp." Mo Yi's arms became invisible as it threw numerable punches at the same time. It was like a Gatling gun. His palms were bent downwards as he punched in horse stance. " HONG HONG HONG HONG" The air boomed around him as he didn't stop. Finally, He broke the shield of Liu Jie. " Heh, Falling Leaf stance." Liu Jie laughed as her figure distorted. Mo Yi had thought that after breaking her shield, she will be vulnerable, but the moment her shield broke, her figure slowly dispersed. Mo Yi felt a sudden alarm. He stomped his feet ad soared in the air.

A flexible longsword stuck on the ground, where he was standing originally. " Damn, You cunning woman!" Mo Yi couldn't help but curse in his mind, Thankfully, His intuition from his Primordial Spirit saved him. Liu Jie's figure fluttered like falling leaves of autumn. It has no pattern. " Hmph, Competing with agility? It's just that I have also learned a new technique." Mo Yi laughed.

" Rampaging Stallion Movement Art." The stallion behind Mo Yi neighed as he dashed at Liu Jie. In contrast to Liu Jie, who was moving like a falling leave, Mo Yi's steps were forceful, as if crushing the ground under his feet. " Thousand Horse stomp." Mo Yi again used his special move. Liu Jie used her movement technique to dodge it, but Mo Yi suddenly grinned. " Fell for it." Mo Yi's punch suddenly stopped midway as he raised his foot to kick at Liu Jie.josei

*BOOM!* Liu Jie's facial expression turned serious as she stopped moving and used her arms to block the kick. But his kick was fierce, Liu Jie got blasted back. The audience hissed in reaction. Yang Shi shook his head as he smiled wryly. " Mo Yi will do anything to win. After all, It's the battle of his dignity." Mo Yi's movement technique wasn't only focused on agility but also the explosiveness of legs. Like the hoofs of a stallion, his kicks can break any obstacle.

" Hmph, It seems you have improved greatly from last time. But if you are thinking that you are able to defeat me, then forget it. Limpid Water Split." Liu Jie took a few steps back as her flexible sword lashed out. Her sword moved like a mountain stream, fast yet clear. " You are not the only one with the sword." Mo Yi harrumphed as he finally pulled out his Sky Incineration Sword. " Sword Barrage." He shouted. The sword moved fast and blocked the snake like the sword of Liu Jie.

* DING DING DING DING* Crisp metallic sound filled the arena as their sword clashed countless times. After every clash, their sword became more violent. At a point in time, Mo Yi began to laugh loudly. Strangely, Liu Jie also started to laugh. " Hahaha, Finally, You have grown some backbone." Liu Jie let out a satisfied smile. " Let's determine victory in one move." They both shouted in a union.

" Purple Shadow Phantom Slash." Liu Jie shouted. Her purple moon beast seemed to be fused in her flexible sword. Suddenly, the arena filled with purple mist, and everything became hazy." Mo Yi became alert as he saw Liu Jie's figure seemed to merge in the mist. " KATCH!" Suddenly, Mo Yi turned to sideway, but a shallow cut appeared on his left shoulder. Similarly, a cut appeared on his thigh. Mo Yi became flustered as he tried to block those attacks, yet the best he could do was to dodge.

" If you are using mist to hide, then I will burn it. Sky Incineration Sword- Cloud Incineration Slash" Mo Yi bellowed. His sword turned bright as his Blazing Stallion primordial spirit exploded with flames. The purple mist churned as it slowly began to burn. A crescent flame blade shot from his sword and charged in a particular direction. " Damn!" Suddenly, an anxious cry sounded from there. One could see the arena clearly as the purple mist got burned. *BOOM* With a loud sound, the flaming slash finally hit Liu Jie, Breaking her Moon Shield. She got blasted from the ground as she flew back. Looking at her, it seems her injury wasn't light.

" Shit!" Mo Yi's expression changed as he stomped his foot on the ground and lept at Liu Jie. With his powerful stomp, he soared in the air and grabbed the falling Liu Jie and laned on the ground, like a hero saving a beauty. " Marvelous!" Yang Shi couldn't help but clap loudly. Seeing him, Others began to applause for their Young master. " Jie Jie, Are you ok?" Mo Yi asked worriedly. " Scoundrel. You won!" Although Liu Jie's hair became a bit messy, her smile was enchanting. Holding her in his hand, Mo Yi's expression became gentle and also a bit nervous. Out of sudden impulse, Mo Yi kissed Liu Kie on her lips.

" Ah!" Suddenly, the entire bustling audience became silent. The audience's faces turned red. The Elders of Mo clan couldn't help but cough violently. Some awkward coughs could be heard. Even Mo Shan's face turned weird. Liu Jie's mind turned blank by this sudden turn of events. She came back to her mind and pushed back Mo Yi. Mo  Yi also came back to sense as he looked at the trembling Liu Jie. " Jie Jie, I....It wasn't on purpose-" Before Mo Yi could finish his words, Liu Jie's figure moved as it charged at Mo Yi.

Mo Yi used his arms to block any attack, but to his surprise, Liu Jie hugged him tightly.

" Husband..." She said softly in Mo Yi's ears. Mo Yi felt his body jolted from lightning.

" ...Ah..."

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