Gate of Immortality

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Clash of Aura

" Well, It's time for us to return to the Main clan and take back what's ours. Heh, I still remember that day, those scornful looks of my peers. I will let them taste regret." Mo Yi snorted. " That's the matter of future. Currently, you should spend some time with Sister Jie." Yang Shi sighed. " Yes, It's time for celebration after all. We will ride on these flying demonic beasts and leave tomorrow evening." He informed Yang Shi. " Fine, It's ok for me." Yang Shi nodded. 

The atmosphere was cheerful. Everyone was talking about the battle of Yang Shi and Mo Xiang. They are totally fascinated by Yang Shi's prowess. After that, no one dared to mess with Bai Ruxue. Yang Shi had lunch in the Mo Clan mansion, then he went back to Golden Fire Tower. " That fellow should have reached." Yang Shi thought. Although the Elder of Demonic Sound Palace and Mo Clan is currently in conflict, It doesn't mean the entire sect was his enemy. Since he could get Dark swamp spirit fruit, Yang Shi won't let this chance go waste. 

" What? He didn't come?" Yang Shi was astonished. " It's not like that. He asked you to go to his abode." Elder Chen replied. " Damn, Does he think he is some kind of noble? Please, Have some respect to Master grade Blacksmiths." Yang Shi sneered. " He already knows about it, in fact, because of the inconvenience he caused, He had given us a Sky Enchanting pill in advance."

" Oh?" Yang Shi chuckled. He suddenly felt the matter wasn't simple as he thought. " They want to deal with me? No, I haven't caused any harm to them. Secrecy? That may be the reason." Yang Shi thought. " Where he asked me to come?" Yang Shi asked. " Verdant Bamboo Mansion." Elder Chen's eyes turned strange. " Verdant Bamboo Mansion... Wait, That small bamboo garden beside City Lord's Manor?" Yang Shi was a little shocked. The mansion was in the aristocratic area, which seems to be controlled by some powerful forces.

" He gave you this black token. Take it and show it to the manor guards, they will let you in." Elder Chen said. " Ok." Yang Shi nodded as he took the black-colored token from Elder Chen. He used Starlight Burst to reach his destination quickly. It only took time for half an incense stick to reach there. Just like its name, It looked like a small bamboo forest in the middle of the city. One can barely see a small wooden house in the center. It was concealed in a good manner. 

" Halt! Who are you?" Suddenly, with loud shouts, guards rushed around Yang Shi. There are a dozen of them, and each is at Primordial Spirit realm. " Quite a strong lin up." Yang Shi raised his brow, " I am Master Blacksmith, Yang Shi. I came to meet your lord." Yang Shi shouted as he showed them the black token.  josei

" This- Young master's token. Dear guest, please." The guards suddenly withdraw their weapons as they opened the gate. Yang Shi nodded as he went inside. It was serene inside, with a light breeze and cicada chirping. The bamboos were planted with great care, emitting freshness. 

Yang Shi saw an opening, with a stone table and two chairs, facing oppositely. On a chair, a black-clothed young man sat. His eyes were closed, but Yang Shi suddenly felt alarmed after looking at him. The black clothed young man's face was quite handsome, but Yang Shi could feel the cold aura around him. He wasn't like any orthodox sect disciples but looked more mature.

" Ah, Master Yang looked younger than I imagined." The black clothed young man smiled he opened his eyes. Yang Shi could see the trace of evilness in those eyes. " It looks like he is also practicing some kind of eye technique." Yang Shi thought inwardly. " How should I address this young master?" Yang Shi cupped his fist. He already had some rough guesses about him. " Haha, How can I call myself a young master? Master Yang's reputation is bigger than me." The youth shook his head. " Haha, I wonder if my title is really big compared to a Core disciple of Demonic Sound Palace?" Yang Shi chuckled.

The youth's eyes narrowed, but he still smiled. " How did you know that?" " Well, You really don't look like an Inner disciple. Your aura, cultivation doesn't match." Yang Shi said frankly.  Indeed the youth in front of him wasn't the one who went to the Golden Fire Tower. He was the person who actually wants the Demon Halberd and armor.

" Master Yang is really extraordinary. To able to discern this much at such young age. Haha, Allow me to introduce myself. I am Feng Xiao, Core disciple of Demonic Sound Palace." Feng Xiao cupped his fist. " I see, Brother Feng." Yang Shi nodded. " Brother Feng has quite refined taste, to have Verdant Bamboo manor as abode." Yang Shi's tone was a bit strange. " Haha. Although I am from a demonic sect, It doesn't mean that I only live in the dark and gloomy place." Feng Xiao smiled. Yang Shi laughed awkwardly. " So, Why Brother Feng has to come personally?"

" As you already know about the matter of armor and the halberd, I wished to personally meet the person who claims to able to forge it." Feng Xiao smiled. " As I thought, Your description about the halberd was lacking a bit. It seems Brother Feng has gotten some blueprints?" Yang Shi chuckled. Feng Xiao's eyes narrowed as suddenly, a formless aura gathered behind him. It was if an evil gaze cast down on Yang Shi. It felt like Feng Xiao suddenly became a demonic entity.

" Hmph." Yang Shi snorted as he also released his Slaughter Aura. A thin red aura appeared behind him as it repelled the evil aura of Feng Xiao. Feng Xiao felt Yang Shi's aura changed drastically. He looked like a primordial beast with an intense aura of blood and battle. Feng Xiao was astonished. " Such thick killing intent! How many people he has killed? No, It's more than killing intent?" He almost lost his composture.

After a thought, he retracted his aura. Yang Shi also did the same. Smiles on their faces didn't lessen a bit, as nothing had happened at all. " Master Yang able to discern so much from so little details impressed me." Feng Xiao sighed. " When I saw the description of the halberd, it indeed looked like something was amiss." Yang Shi nodded. " But, I don't think the blueprint will help you anyway, because everything important was already known by you." Feng Xiao shrugged.  Yang Shi smiled but didn't believe it.

" Anyway, I will pay you the price I have commissioned if you make the halberd I have instructed." Feng Xiao said. " But I have a condition." Yang Shi said. " What is it?" Feng Xiao frowned. " I want a Dark swamp spirit fruit." Yang Shi said. " Drak swamp spirit fruit." Feng Xiao frowned. He knows about that spirit fruit. It was the main ingredient in Dark North Elixir, which can heal Fire or Yang type injured. It was very beneficial for Demonic path disciples. But it was still a higher grade 2 elixir. " I can give you Dark Swamp spirit fruit." Feng Xiao nodded. " I also want to browse through the blueprint you got." Yang Shi added.

Feng Xiao's face twitched. " This fellow is sure greedy." He thought inwardly. " Well, You can think about it after you saw the halberd." Yang Shi smiled. Feng Xiao sighed in relief,  but suddenly stopped as he heard Yang Shi, " So are you ready to see it?" " What? Could it be..." Feng Xiao was astonished as he saw Yang Shi pulled out a long wooden box. Feng Xiao was slightly agitated as he opened it. With a resplendent glow of silvery light, Feng Xiao saw an exquisite halberd. With black vein-like patterns making a bizarre flower on the blade.

" This..." Feng Xiao felt with mouth became wide as his saliva almost dropped on the ground. " So, How is it?" Yang Shi smiled.

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