Gate of Immortality

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Killing Guo Chun (2)

Yang Shi sighed in relief as he saw Master Zhu died. But suddenly, His expression changed as he saw that figure twitch. Master Zhu weakly squeezed his palm as he crushed something. Suddenly, the room rumbled as Yang Shi became alarmed. " Fuck! A formation?" Yang Shi's eyes grew heavy. " How the hell a puny character like Guo Chen has the assistance of formations? No, waIt's Its not a formation. " Yang Shi used his Celestial View as he looked around. suddenly, the atmosphere became misty as it obscured his vision.

" Hoho, I never thought that Blood Moon hall will send the Evil Shadow here." A hoarse voice cackled. It sounded like it was echoing in the room, unable to detect the source of the sound. " If someone from Heaven Protection Guild is only capable of this, Then I am really disappointed." Yang Shi shook his head. He conjured a ball of fire and tossed it behind him. The fire destroyed by an unknown force as a figure revealed in the mist. " Hah, To think you able to notice my location within my Seal of deviation so fast." It was a middle aged man with a cane in his hand. " Your rune disks are really powerful. It can easily obscure the five senses of normal people. But you should know about an assassin's intuition." Yang Shi sneered. However, in his mind, he was assessing the power of the middle aged man.

" Well, It was just a small test for you. Now, allow yourself to be captured obediently or die." That man's voice became cold. " Heh, old man, You are overestimating yourself." Yang Shi jumped back as he slashed his sword.  He activated his Gold Devil body and Sword Art of Stellar Night simultaneously.

" Fleeting light!" He infused his Metal qi in the longsword as he attacked that man.  The middle aged man's eyes became narrowed as he smashed his cane on the ground. " Triple fire storm." Suddenly, three huge vortexes of fire appeared out of thin air as it charged at Yang Shi.

" Fleeting Light, Circular cut!" Yang Shi made a circular slashed as he collided with the fire vortex. " Heh, Playing fire with me? Flaming shield." Yang Shi destroyed two out of the three fire vortexes. He summoned the flames of Crimson lily to create a blazing shield of flame to block the third vortex. It was from the Great Yang Solar Flame Art. Yang Shi has mastered the technique a long ago. Although it was an incomplete technique, Yang Shi can utilize it without any restraint. The flaming shield easily blocked the attack.

" Hah, It seems you have some strength. But here is all end, Heavenly Bound!" The middle aged man shouted as he raised his stall. Yang Shi's eyes became hazy as a blinding light shone. He suddenly felt his movement became sluggish. " What the hell is the battle technique?" Yang Shi frowned. " Its our guild's best imprisoning technique. Now allow me to get you." The middle aged man laughed as he walked to Yang Shi. " Impudence!" Yang Shi roared as he finally released his White Tiger Primordial Spirit. " War God Frenzy!" Yang Shi's eyes became crimson as he let out a bestial roar. With a stomp he jumped off from the ground. Then using his downward momentum, He unleashed the second stance- Starlight Haze." His longsword became hazy as countless streak of sword strikes fell on the middle aged man. " WHAT! How did he escape from my Heavenly Bound? Crap! Come forth my Rune Disks- Grand Protection Shield." The middle aged hurriedly chanted an incantation as four stone plates hovered around him. They shone with a white light as it made a shield to protect him. Yang Shi's sword slash fell like rain droplets as it clashed with the shield.

The middle aged man's Grand Protection Shield trembled violently, but it blocked the attack of Yang Shi. " Haha, You can only dream about breaking my Grand Protection Shield." The middle aged man laughed frantiaclly. Yang Shi felt his spiritual qi churning inside him. He stopped attacking and looked at the middle aged man. " This is like a small formation. I have to find the weak nodes in them." Yang Shi muttered as he used his Celestial View. Clutching his sword tightly he slowly said- Moonlight Slash. His longsword emitted a silver light as a huge silver light crescent descended on the shield. It came in a weird angle, concentrating at a single point.

*BOOM* The shield trembled more violently as cracks spread like spiderwebs. The middle aged smile froze as his eyes became wide. He hurriedly channeled all of his spiritual qi into the Rune disks, but unfortunately, Yang Shi's attack was faster and stronger. The shield broke apart with loud noise as the middle aged man blown back from the impact. Yang Shi also staggered as he went a few steps back. But with a wave of hand, Yang Shi roared- " Infernal Spikes." The ground erupted with a dozed flaming spiked with pierced the body of middle aged man. But it retracted immediately. " Because you are from Heaven Protection Guild, I am sparing you. But of course, only sparing your life." Yang Shi chuckled as he went and stole the storage pouch and four Rune disks.

Rune disks can be also called a formation created on small disks. These are instant-to-use formations. One need to spell the incantation, channel the spiritual qi and it will be a formation on a smaller scale. Of course, It's many times weaker than actual formations. And it also costs like hell. Yang Shi was very happy to get this thing. The middle aged man coughed a mouthful of blood out of rage as he fainted. Yang Shi remembered that Old Ghost had forbidden him to kill someone from the Heaven Protection guild, so Yang Shi only made him unconscious and left.josei

Thankfully, The room was around a corner, and the fight didn't attract any attention. But Yang  Shi felt something amiss as hurriedly went to the room of Guo Chun. He felt weird as he saw no guards around the room. He walked quietly as he reached the final room. But he didn't opened the door. He suddenly made a hand signal. Just after that, two arrows around his feet. He was giving Yanyu the signal. After getting her feedback, he was going to enter the room, when suddenly-" Since you have come, Don't hide anymore." A voice sounded behind the door. Yang Shi suddenly felt his muscle became tense as he jumped backward.

*BOOOOM* The door burst apart a terrifying red light assaulted Yang Shi. Yang Shi channeled Gold Devil Body and Flaming Shield to its limit, but still got blown by the impact. Yang Shi slammed back on the wall as he spurted a mouthful of blood. He saw a man wearing a beast fur coat coming out from the room. His broadsword was glowing with a malicious red light. " So you are Guo Chun. You are indeed very powerful. Yang Shi wiped his blood from his mouth." Heh, Scums of Blood Moon Hall really came. You guys really managed to block the Heaven Protection guild. Unfortunately, You will die by my hands now." Guo Chun sneered as he slashed at Yang  Shi. Yang Shi used his sword to block that attack. 

" Hah, Let's see how can you block. Monster Slaying Chop!" Guo Chun roared as a powerful aura erupted from his body. Yang Shi used his sword to block his chop. Yang Shi felt a mountain has crashed above him. Yang Shi's defense crumbled but he still withstood the impact. " Moonlight Slash!" Yang Shi didn't hesitate as he made the attack. Guo Chun sneered as he swung his broadsword. Yang Shi's Moonlight Slash was blocked by him. Yang Shi's face turned grim. It seems he really underestimated Guo Chun. " Fuck, Only if I am also at the seventh stage." Yang Shi cursed in his heart.

" Heh, Brat, You really have potential. Too bad, you are going to die today." Guo Chun laughed as he swung his broadsword again. Yang hi chuckled as he activated his Starlight Burst. His figure disappeared as Guo Chun's slash landed on empty space. " What?" Guo Chun became startled as he felt a murderous aura coming from his back. He bent his body as he collided with Yang Shi's longsword. Then, he gathered force in his left arm and threw a punch at Yang Shi. Yang Shi grimaced as he jumped backward.

" Damn, Using longsword in close combat is disadvantageous. Only if I had some good daggers." Yang Shi sighed. " This is all you can do?" Guo Chun sneered. Yang Shi smiled helplessly as he shot a fireball to the ceiling. It broke the roof and soared to the sky. " Hah, What are yo-" Guo Chun felt something wrong when suddenly, with a whistling noise, an arrow pierced his waist.

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