Gate of Immortality

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: I will Teach?

Hazy Dream Grass, as its name implies, it's a sedative type medicinal herb. It's only a grade one herb, with pretty much no use. Yang Shi bought it because he got a strange idea in his mind. These Hazy Dream Grass can be concocted into a special elixir, which has an astonishing effect on meditation.  Yang Shi laughed smugly as he thought about another thing. He remembered his past on Earth. He was a heavy chain smoker and drinker. His life was very gray, so he couldn't help but became an addict.josei

After looking at the Hazy Dream Grass, Yang Shi realized that he never smoked here, after coming into this new world. " Hahaha, I wonder how this will taste like? Anyway, I should try." Yang Shi chuckled as he put it into his spatial ring. Soon, he reached his familiar Golden Fire Tower. The moment he entered, he suddenly felt the surrounding people were greeting him with some respect. " Eh? What happened here?" Yang Shi became pleasantly surprised. " Has my standing got higher?" Yang Shi chuckled in his heart.

" Uncle Bo! How are you?" Yang Shi greeted the old man, who sat in the mission hall. " Haha, Brat Yang, you are back." Uncle Bo chuckled. " Has something happened here?" Yang Shi asked with curiosity. " Well, You gave everyone here a big surprise, when you actually finished the commission of a Quasi True grade demonic halberd. Normally, even a Master Blacksmith can't be sure to make a Quasi True grade weapon in their first time, but you did it. Haha, there are many commissions posted here, for Master Yang. Guess, your popularity has been kicked off." He laughed.

" It seems, I can smell money." Yang Shi cackled as he heard from Uncle Bo. " Hah, Beware from this fame. Otherwise, someone might kidnap you and make you a weapon forging machine." Uncle Bo sighed." Hahahaha, if some fool wants to offer their blood to my saber, they can surely come." Yang Shi sneered. " Ah yes, Elder Lin was trying to find you. You should meet him when you are free." He reminded. " I am tired from today's work. I will meet him after rest." Yang Shi nodded.

Yang Shi went back to his residence and lied on his bed. Unknown to him, he suddenly thought about the night with Ruxue. Thinking about her flawless body, Yang Shi felt an evil fire came to life in his lower abdomen. " Mmm, We didn't enjoy much as we are both occupied to awake our physique. Fufufu, I should spend a lot of time with her in the future." Yang Shi fantasized about Ruxue's sensual moans with her bouncing tits.

" You!!! What the hell are you thinking? Stop sullying my innocent mind." Jin Yu screamed in his mind. " Heh, lass, that's why you shouldn't peek into an adult's mind." Yang Shi laughed at her response. Jin Yu was resting in her golden egg, when she saw Yang Shi was giving a lecherous smile. Since they are bound by a contract, she tried to see what Yang Shi was thinking. And indeed, what she saw, was enough to let her have goosebumps. Although she was a divine beast, she didn't remain in human form long as she got sealed in the golden egg. Her memories were locked in her bloodline, but, there wasn't anything much about the intercourse between men and women. " How can a girl can feel both pain and pleasure at the same time? She is crazy?" Jin Yu thought.

Yang Shi sighed in relief. At least for the time being, Jin Yu won't peek into his mind. " I should teach her about these adult stuffs someday. No, wait, she is still a child. Let her grow a bit." Yang Shi wondered how Jin Yu would look after she grew up. After resting for a while, Yang Shi got up and took out a wok. He filled it with Silver rock sand, a hard, sand like ore. Then with a flick of his finger, he set a small fire and began to heat it. The temperature was enough only to heat the Silver rock sand, not melt it. Yang Shi plucked a handful of Hazy Dream grass and threw it in the wok. He used the rock sand to roast the green leaves of Hazy Dream Grass. If any other Blacksmith saw that, they will definitely scold Yang Shi. Who uses precious materials like Silver rock sand to roast some low quality herbs?

" Well, let it get dried completely." He didn't dry all the grass. He kept half of them and plated in his garden. He hoped to grow them in his garden. " I wonder why Elder Lin wanted to talk with me?" Yang Shi thought as he went to talk with Elder Lin. He had a good impression regarding this elder, as he was helping Yang Shi from the start. Yang Shi reached his adobe as he saw Elder Lin was sitting in his courtyard. " Elder Lin, you were looking for me? Yang Shi cupped his fist as he asked politely. " Yang Shi! You are here. Indeed, I was looking for you. First of all, congratulation on making a Quasi True grade weapon. Having such talent in Blacksmithing at such young age, you can be considered as genius." Elder Lin praised.

" It was only a stroke of good luck. I will continue to work harder and refine my art further." Yang Shi nodded calmly. " Neither arrogant nor lazy. He is indeed a bright star among his peer. " But, I hope Elder Lin can minimize my fame. As you see, My cultivation is still low and I don't want to attract unwanted attention." Yang Shi scratched his head. " I see. Don't worry, I will do whatever I can do." Elder Lin nodded. It wasn't uncommon that good seedlings like Yang Shi got roped into some other faction. There are also some evil groups, who forcefully make such Alchemists or Blacksmith only to make things for themselves. They are like a gold egg laying hen for them.

Golden Fire Tower is like an academy, who gives the degree certificate. After getting their recognization, most blacksmiths and alchemists leaves and went to find their own fortune, after working in Golden Fire Tower for a while. Various clans and sects value masters of supplementary paths greatly. So this is like a dangerous boon. If someone doesn't have a strong background or strength, they can't live in this dog-eat-dog world.

Yang Shi didn't want to rise to fame quickly, not at least before he reaches the Eighth stage of the Primordial Spirit Realm. " Elder Lin, you still haven't told your reason to call me." Yang Shi asked. " Ah yes. One of our teaching elders- Elder Lao has left Golden Fire Tower. He suddenly had an urgent task and went to the neighboring kingdom. Well, We are having a shortage of Master grade blacksmiths. So, I wonder If you can work as a teaching elder for a few days." Elder Lin scratched his head.

" Eh? You meant I have to teach the disciples of Golden Fire Tower?" Yang Shi uttered in surprise. " Yes." Elder Lin nodded. " Well, It's not that I am not ready, but, what will I get from it?" Yang Shi gave a crafty smile. Looking at his greedy smile, Elder Lin sighed. " Why do I feel this brat will rip us off." He thought inwardly. " We will let you enter the third floor of our library and let you choose two manuals of blacksmithing. In addition to that, you will get a chance to train in our Blazing Flame Hall."

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