Gate of Immortality

Chapter 170

Chapter 170: Black Crow's Prowess

" So, after Patriarch get wind of their intention, they called a secret meeting. They decided to attack them first. Patriarch was intelligent. He used Lan Zhu as bait and sent him to the Li family. Lan Zhu's nature was already known by the whole town. So, Patriarch used him as a distraction as he gathered force in dark. The Li family was naturally got hooked by Lan Zhu's proposal. But then, our family attacked them."

" Actually, the reason they were being cautious was you, young noble. Without knowing your origin, they hesitated to make move on us immediately. Haha, Those bastards thought Lan Zhu was going to betray Lan Family and help them instead. Hahaha, Lan Zhu bought us enough time to strike them"

" It was a fierce fight. Especially the cultivators from the Golden Sun Sect, their battle techniques were frightening. Patriarch held three strange daggers as he sneaked attacked one of them. With the help of that dagger, one cultivator died. Miss held a longsword as she battled two of them. Strangely, whenever an attack came at Miss, it got blocked by some invisible wall." The middle aged man told the story with excitement. His spittle was flying everywhere as he described the bloody battle.josei

Yang Shi smiled as he listened to him. " It seems Lan Xiaozi really liked the Dark Twilight daggers. As for Lan Yue, I never thought she would able to master Radiant Guard this fast. Thankfully, she really saved the day." Yang Shi thought as he remembered he had gifted her a Spirit grade weapon. He didn't think it was the right choice back then.

" The battle lasted for a dozen hours, in the end, we managed to kill all of them. But yes, we also had numerous casualties. We have burned their bodies. There are no traces. But the sect..." The middle aged man frowned. " You don't need to worry about that. Tell me, what robes those disciples were wearing?" Yang Shi asked after a thought. " Uhh, they were wearing white clothes, with a sun emblem on their back." The middle aged man replied. " Oh, they are just outer disciples." Yang Shi breathed in relief. If they were Inner disciples, things might have turned worse.

" The Sect really doesn't care about outer disciples. But still, It seems I need to ensure things." Yang Shi pondered. He remembered that he also killed a bunch of Inner disciples as he acquired Bloodfire Fruits. The sect might start investigation in the Eastern Mountain area as they lost too many disciples there. " It seems I have to go to Azure Wind City and make things clear." Yang Shi made a mental note.

" You don't need to worry. For now, assimilate the wealth of the Li family and try your best to grow. I will send you some capable blacksmiths. They will help you in every regard." Yang Shi stated. " I am in a bit of a hurry, so I can't go with you. Nonetheless, tell Lan Yue to send the message to this place, and I will able to receive it at the fastest speed." Yang Shi gave him an address. It was a secret location of Blood Moon Hall. With it, Yang Shi can get the message quickly.

" I see. I just hope young noble will visit us soon. Lady misses you." The middle aged man said with an embarrassed tone. Yang Shi startled as he gave a warm smile. " Heh, it seems there is a change of plan." Yang Shi slapped his thigh. " Little Crow, come out." He shouted. " Kaww Kaww." with cawing, a black crow came flying as it sat on Yang Shi's shoulder. " Little Guy, can you able to fly fast enough?" Yang  Shi teased it as he rubbed under its beak. " Caww!" The crow flapped its wing as it nodded. " Are you able to carry me and this man?" Yang Shi asked. The crow nodded again.

" Then, Let's see whats you are capable of!" Yang Shi shouted. The crow flew off as it landed on the ground. Then its body started to inflate as its size grew. After it reached its maximum size, Yang Shi felt he was like a cycle in front of a truck. Yang Shi nodded as he jumped on its back. It was soft and mushy, Yang Shi mumbled. " Come, Jump on it." Yang Shi looked at the middle aged man as he shouted. The middle aged man already became dumbstruck as he looked at the crow's size. " Heavens! It's even larger than those beasts of Eastern Mountain." He awed.

He hurriedly climbed on its back and sat behind Yang Shi. The crow shook its body as it flapped its wings. " Don't disappoint me." Yang Shi muttered as he closed his eyes. Suddenly gusts of cold wind blew past his face as he opened his eyes. His surrounding was moving quickly as he became amazed. He could see he was flying! " Holy! Its speed is greater than my Starlight Burst." Yang Shi exclaimed. Within a few breathes, the crow left the Firmament City as it flew to the Eastern Valley Town.

Yang Shi felt he was flying a jet as he laughed loudly. In his past life, he had never sat in an airplane, but today, his dream was fulfilled. No, not even traveling in an airplane would have this fun. Yang Shi could feel the clouds hitting his place as he could see miles ahead. " Eh? Why are  you so silent?" Yang Shi turned around and the middle aged man trembling violently as he tightly clutched the feathers of the black crow. He seems on verge of passing out. " Haha, it seems you are afraid of heights." Yang Shi chuckled. " No- I mean, we are going too fast." The middle aged man nervously laughed. 

Just within an hour, the group reached Eastern Valley Town. With Yang Shi's speed, he would take an entire day to reach there, while the black crow arrived there in one hour. Yang Shi was amazed by its speed. " Haha, I wonder how much your speed will be after you become a Demonic Beast." Yang Shi chuckled as he caressed the head of the crow. The crow nodded as he cawed in happiness. By then, there are town guards circled around the big crow. They were frightened by the appearance of such a flying beast.

" Soldiers! Stay in formation." The captain shouted as they warily looked at the crow. " Wait1 Wait1 Its' me!" The middle aged man shouted as he waved his hand. " Eh? Isn't he Lan family's butler?" The guards became astonished as they looked at the tiny figure of that man above the back of the black crow. " Don't attack! It's a tamed beast of young noble Yang!" the butler shouted. " Young noble Yang?" The guards became confused. " Yes! Young noble Yang. W-wait! Where did he vanish?" The butler became surprised as Yang Shi wasn't there. He didn't know when Yang Shi left.

Meanwhile, Yang Shi used his Starlight Burst as he quickly reached a courtyard. He silently opened the window and jumped into that room.

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