Gate of Immortality

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: Elder Sister's Friend

" Isn't this is Elder Sister's violet sword?! Why do you have it? WHO ARE YOU?" Liu Jiang's expression changed as he pulled out his sword.

" Hey, hey! Calm down, boy. You are too hot tempered." Yang Shi shook his head. He was trying to explain but the actions of Liu Jiang stopped him." Give me answer, bastard!" Liu Jiang charged at him. Yang Shi's eyes turned cold as he just raised his hands.

*CLANK* He grabbed the sword of Liu Jiang like grabbing a stick. " Wha-" Liu Jie was stunned as Yang Shi snatched the sword from him. " Listen here, brat! I am your sister's friend. Her sword was broken during the duel with brother Mo Yi so she gave me this sword to repair." Yang Shi shouted angrily.

Yang Shi almost lost his cool as he was trying to reason with Liu Jiang. " Ah! Uhh, So you are elder sister's friend?" Liu Jiang stopped as he asked slowly. " Of course, Why do you think I still have her sword? And What could I have done to your sister? Isn't she is in Liu Clan" Yang Shi had urged to strangle him

" Ah! Yes!" Liu Jiang nodded. " It' just my mood wasn't good now, so I acted hastily. I hope brother can forgive me." Liu Jiang smiled awkwardly.

" Here, take this sword. I have turned it into a high tier Spirit grade weapon. But yeah, although it's not a quasi True grade weapon, it's not far away from it." Yang Shi said as he passed that sword to Liu Jiang. Yang Shi could forge a Quasi True grade weapon, but enhancing a middle tier Spirit grade weapon to quasi True grade is still difficult for him as he lacked some crucial materials.

" Ah, Brother is a blacksmith?" Liu Jiang asked in surprise. " Hehe." Yang Shi smirked as he showed him his master grade Golden Fire emblem. " Wha- YOU ARE A MASTER GRADE BLACKSMITH?!" Liu Jiang almost jumped from shock.

" Wha- stop shouting. You almost scared me!" yang Shi took a step back as he was startled. " But you are so young." Liu Jiang's eyes sparkled. " Of course, I am an one in a thousand year genius." Yang Shi said proudly.josei

" COUGH* Liu Jiang coughed awkwardly. He never thought such a thick skinned fellow was his sister's friend.

" Anyway, I have another deal for you." Yang Shi smirked.

" Deal?" Liu Jiang became confused.

" Don't you want a pill cauldron and refine Floating Cloud Pill?" Yang Shi chuckled.

" Ah1 Yes!" Suddenly Liu Jiang realized. Yes, This person in front of him was a master grade blacksmith.

" Brother knows how to forge pill cauldrons?" Liu Jiang asked with surprise. " Don't ask too many questions. Do want cauldron or not?" Yang Shi retorted. " Yes1" Liu Jiang nodded.

" First, give me the broken pieces of Master Zhuo's cauldron. I am sure you have them after the cauldrons exploded. Secondly, Just deliver a message to Mo Yi. Tell him that Yang Shi already arrived in Azure Wind City." Yang Shi smiled.

" Ah, so brother's name is Yang Shi. Ok, I will deliver brother in law the message." Liu Jiang laughed.

" Come back after doing all these things and get your cauldron from me." Yang Shi nodded.

" Fine." Liu Jiang handed him a few broken pieces of metal as he rushed back to Liu Clan.

" Hmm." Yang Shi looked at the broken pieces as he became thoughtful.

" Can I have a room for forging?" Yang Shi showed his badge as he asked a person from the treasure hall. That's where he can get all kinds of things available in Golden Fire Alchemy Hall.

" Ah! You are a master grade blacksmith? Sure, You can have a resident here." The person there nodded as he handed a seal to Yang Shi. It was the key to his residence.

" Thanks." Yang Shi smiled. All the sects and clans, every powerful faction, the least they lacked are properties. For example, This alchemy hall was actually speared across more than a kilometer.  Every kind of facility has been built there. There is also a large herb garden, the main source of herbs of Alchemy Hall.

More than two thousand people live here. Yang Shi followed the path as he reached a house. It was more like a villa, with facilities including a pill refinement and forging room.

Yang Shi entered the forging room as he took out his forging table. Then he took out the broken caludron pieces as he began to heat them with his Spirit Fire. The piece became red like blazing sun as Yang Shi infused his Metal qi in it.

" Hmm, Cold Iron, Hundred Year Jade Metal, ah, Deep earth quartz. These materials are still good, if not the best. But using Cold Iron to forge a low tier Spirit grade cauldron isn't good." Yang Shi stroked his chin.

For rank one and two pills, one would need a Mortal grade cauldron. For rank three and four pills, a Spirit grade cauldron is a necessary item. Yang Shi can deduce the composition of metals used in a cauldron by looking at its broken pieces by infusing his metal qi in them. 

" Hmm, But why did it explode while concocting Floating Cloud Pill? But wait....THAT'S IT!" Yang Shi suddenly understood. " It's Deep Earth Quartz." Yang Shi slapped his thigh.

Commonly, Cold Iron is material for making Mortal grade weapons, but Master Zhuo used it with Deep Earth Quartz to make a Spirit grade cauldron to save money and resources. Deep Earth Quartz isn't a metal cauldron makers generally use.

People might not believe it, but Deep Earth Quartz is stopping the pill concoction of Floating Cloud Pill. The main ingredient of Floating Cloud Pill is Nether Tree Root. When it melts in the cauldron, its essence comes into the contact of Deep Earth Quartz. It couldn't handle the corrosive element of Nether Tree Root, so it explodes.

" Oh well, Let's make a cauldron." Yang Shi ignited his smelting furnace and took out his Sky Breaking Hammer.


Yang Shi's hammer fell like a rainstorm on the metal piece. Creating a cauldron requires twice the amount of metal as forging weapons. And it requires more strength.

Yang Shi was hammering a metal piece that looked like a watermelon. It was his first time making a cauldron, so he was excited.

Time passed as Yang Shi immersed himself in forging.


" Aiyaa, My little darling. That grandson of Mo Xiong! Once he comes here, I will spank his butt." A old man shouted as he gently patted on the head of Liu Jie.

" Grandpa, If you say such things about Brother Mo, I will not talk to you. Hmph!" Liu Jie pouted.

" Pei! That Mo Yi, I don't what he did to you. Didn't always despised him, why you are getting affectionate to him?" The old man was startled.

" When did I despise him?! Grandpa, don't slander me." Liu Jie blushed as he rebuked.

" Elder Sister!" A shout startled both of them.

" Xiao Jiang! You came back?" The old man asked.

" Yes, grandpa. Sister Jie, I have brought a present 

for you." Liu Jiang grinned.

" Huh, since when you started to bring presents? Tell me, did you stirred up some trouble?" Li Jie's eyes became sharp.

" Elder Sister, Can you stop doubting me." Liu Jiang smiled helplessly. Then he took out the violet sword as he passed it to Liu Jie.

" Ah! This sword! Didn't I give this to brother Yang? How did you get this? Wait! Brother Yang arrived here?" Liu Jie became startled.

" Brother Yang? Xiao Jie, who is Brother Yang?" The old man asked curiously.

" He was the friend of Brother Mo. He is also a master grade blacksmith." Liu Jie said.

" Master grade?! Interesting." The old man became a bit surprised but he composed himself.

" Ah! This sword is now a High tier Spirit grade weapon." Liu Jie became pleasantly surprised as he slashed in midair.

" Hmm." The old man took the violet sword from Liu Jie's hand as he checked it. " Mm, not bad. The craftsmanship is very good. Hmm, it seems he used very few ingredients to forge this." The old man chuckled. 

" It's because I wanted to preserve its appearance. If brother Yang used other metals, it would have looked different." Liu Jie hurriedly said. " Indeed, your brother Yang is a skilled blacksmith." The old man approved.

" Elder Sister, I have to leave now." Liu Jiang said.

" Why?" Liu Jie asked.

" Brother Yang said that if I informed Brother Mo Yi that he has arrived here, he would give me medicinal cauldron." Liu Jiang laughed.

" Cauldron? You blasted another one?" Liu Jie sighed. " Wait, Can he also forge cauldrons?" The old man asked. " He was confident. I feel Brother Yang will definitely give me a cauldron." Liu Jiang said.

" Don't worry. You go back to brother Yang. I will inform brother Mo." Liu Jie waved her hands.

" Aww! Elder Sister is the best!" Liu Jiang became happy as he hugged Liu Jie.

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