Gate of Immortality

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Test

" I am serious." Yang Shi said. The middle aged man took a deep breath and nodded. " Fine, Deposite 100,000 Gold coins and register here." He nodded.

Yang Shi casually gave 100k gold coins and filled the form. Then he entered a room. He saw only six people there, together with an old man in a red robe. With a blazing fire emblem on his back. All seven of them looked at Yang Shi with surprise. " Who are you, Kid?" The old man in the red robe asked in confusion.

" Elder, I am here to take the exam." Yang Shi bowed as he replied politely. The elder's eyes widened, But he nodded. There were two middle-aged men around thirty years old, Three young men in their twenties, And only one young man of the same age as Yang Shi. He wore a pale yellow robe, with a fair and hubby face.

Some of them frowned, Looking at how young Yang Shi is. But the yellow-robed young man walked toward Yang Shi. 

" Brother, You are quite young to give the exam for Master rank Blacksmith." The young man in yellow smiled at Yang Shi. " Aren't You the same?" Yang Shi replied with a smile. " Well, Let me introduce myself. I am Huang An, The second generation- Most good looking-Most Talented-Young Master of Huang Clan." Huang An swung his hair backward.

The remaining people couldn't help but chuckle. Even Yang Shi found Huang An funny. But his attention went on the fact that This Huang An was from Huang Clan, One of the Four major clans of Azure Father Ancient Kingdom.

" Hmm, maybe I can build some connection with him." Yang Shi thought. " I am Yang Shi, Just a rogue cultivator." Yang Shi replied.

" Ahaha, Brother Yang Shi, Since you have come here to give the exam for Master Rank blacksmith, You are sure no rogue cultivator." Huang An laughed. Yang Shi smiled but didn't respond.

" Let me tell you something, Brother Yang. The test here is very difficult. This is my third time here, But I hope I will pass this time." Huang An sighed.josei

" Hmph, It's my seventh time here, and I am still not very confident. How can you think that you could pass in the third try?" One of the middle aged men snorted.

" Well, Senior Hong Yun, what's the problem with being confident? It's not like everyone is like you." Huang An shrugged. " You brat..." Hong Yun got triggered, But then, The red robed elder interfered.

" All right, Everyone. The exam will start in a few minutes. There shall be three stages of the exam. First stage- You have to answer the question of question papers. There are 50 questions in it. Each shall be worth two marks. The total marking of this exam is 100. You will have five hours to complete the first stage."

" Note that there is an additional question paper on the wall. The questions there are more difficult than the question paper you have, But each question on the wall will give you ten marks. It's your choice to attempt it or not, We are not forcing you." The red robed elder explained the rules.

A female attendance came and distributed the papers to all the examinees.

" The time starts NOW." The red robed elder spoke. All the people crazily ban to flip their question paper. Yang Shi hurriedly scanned his paper. The more he looked, The more he furrowed his brows.

" No, This can't be. How is this possible?" Yang Shi almost blurted out. " I should re-read them." Yang Shi looked at the questions again. Then he took a deep breath and started to answer his paper. " Fuck, Could it be that Hong Yun was lying? These questions are far too...easy." Yang Shi muttered under his breath.

The expression Yang Shi was displaying now could be easily misunderstood by thinking that he is having a hard time, But in reality, He found these questions quite amusing.

" Well, I should start answering then." Yang Shi's eyes sparkled as he started to write answers. He scribbled across the paper but after some time, He slowed down.

" No, I have to write slowly. I don't have to shine brightly, Cause the tallest tree face the strongest wind." Yang Shi thought. " But how am I supposed to suppress my brilliance, Which is shining like a sun in midnight sky?" Yang Shi mumbled.

" Anyway, I will just take my time." Yang Shi thought. Unfortunately, The question was so easy for Yang Shi that he almost filled them in ten minutes. " Hold down, I am too fast." Yang Shi thought to stop for a while, but he almost completed 90% questions on the paper.

" Sigh, The side effects of being a genius." Yang Shi sighed as he looked at his fellow examinees. Some of them were scratching their hairs, some of them biting their pens furiously, But their writing speed was very slow.

" Ok, I should circulate my Internal energy to pass the time." Yang Shi closed his eyes as he started to circulate his Internal energy. He had completed the Bone Forging stage and reached Meridian Opening Stage. But he felt that he would need a few months to complete Merdian Opening Stage.

All he needed to open his meridian, Which would make his Internal Energy revolve at a faster rate. He also needs to temper his meridian, Make it sturdy enough to withstand the impact of raging tide like- Spiritual Qi and Internal Energy of Yang Shi.

Of course, there is a shortcut for this. He needs to find a fruit called Hundred Tempered Blood Roots. It would allow him to break through the Meridian Opening Stage in one go. But it would be difficult to find such a thing here.

Yang Shi opened his eyes after two hours. Then he wrote the remaining answers and looked around him again. Everybody had a serious look on their faces. Yang Shi couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment.

Then he looked at the questions on the wall. He stood up and walked toward it. Other examinees took a deep sigh as they looked at Yang Shi with pity.

" Poor boy, He must be quite depressed now." Hong Yun sighed. All of them saw how Yang Shi had closed his eyes. He couldn't have answered the questions and might be thinking hard about it.

Yang Shi must have lost all hope and wanted to try out the questions on the wall. Sadly, He didn't know that those questions are nothing less than monsters.

" These questions..." Yang Shi looked at them.

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