Genius Baby, Sweet Mummy

Chapter 104 Injuries

Chapter 104 Injuries

Closing the door, Di Chajie was stu

ed for a moment. Then, he turned his gaze to the computer.

The expression on his handsome face was ice-cold.

His slender fingers, however, were wrapped around the stem of the cup. Yun Hanxiao's drink had the flavor of Yun Hanxiao ?? Pink... milky... Sweet... Healthy... Clean... Di Chajie took a sip, no, he could not let Yun Hanxiao go freely.

Regardless of the reason, he wanted to keep this little girl for his entire life! Whether it was a trick or a flowery speech, he had to do it.

Yun Hanxiao was a little suspicious. She could not blame herself for not being used to Di Chajie rushing up to her today.

What was wrong with him changing his personality and becoming a good person?! Yun Hanxiao firmly shook her head.

Then, was he no longer interested in her? Probably.

What kind of man was Di Chajie, and what kind of woman had he not seen before?

How could he be infatuated with her forever?

Yun Hanxiao smiled faintly, and a trace of discomfort rose in her heart.

But she tried not to.

Ever since he moved here, he had been constantly giving psychological advice.

Di Chajie treated her like a new person.

After a long time, how could the porridge side dish compare to the attraction of the delicacies.

It was only a matter of time before he lost interest in her.

Because he was not strong enough, many things could only be wished for. On the contrary, it would only cause him to be harmed.

Therefore, he might as well not want it from the begi


If there was no hope, then there would be no harm and no disappointment.

However, ever since he gave birth to Shaoze.

His thoughts changed slightly.

Even if he didn't fight for it. He couldn't possibly stop such a talented son from fighting as well.

Therefore, her life had become more active because of Shaoze.

Only then would he make the decision to move into Di Chajie's home, and give himself a try, to see if Di Chajie could truly like his own brave, nearly reckless decision.

But now, after trying once, he had encountered a wall and retreated.

Yun Hanxiao thought for a while, then arched her eyebrows in a beautiful curve.

Forget it, he wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

Just like this, keep quiet and guard your heart.

Live a quiet life.

As long as a person's heart was still his, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Yun Hanxiao reached out a hand and pressed it against her chest.

Was her heart still her own? But at least it beat in her own chest.

Yun Hanxiao lowered her head, her gaze deep and calm ?? Mom, do you like him? " Shaoze toyed with Yun Hanxiao's hands.

After living here for almost two weeks, Shaoze felt that Di Chajie was indeed very good to his mother.

(Di Chajie's bootlicking had finally worked. Even children would like to be flattered.) Yun Hanxiao really couldn't stand this topic anymore tonight, but she still remained silent.

It was impossible to see the expression in the darkness, or judge the mood.

After a while, Shaoze said, "It's his birthday in a few days. Mom, I need to tell him, who am I?" Yun Hanxiao lowered her head, looked at her son, and said with a gentle voice: "En, alright, I feel that Di Chajie is a good father." She had never doubted this.

Although Di Chajie was a little heartless towards women, he was indeed a very responsible man. josei

People also had their own style and limits when dealing with matters. They were the kind of men who looked very positive and positive.

As a person, there was nothing to be picky about.

Gentle, powerful, tyra

ical, full of protective desire, generous, first-rate. This kind of man was more than enough to be Shaoze's father.

Shaoze's face revealed a relieved smile, and he no longer spoke, thinking about what kind of surprise he would give Di Chajie.

"Shangguan Yueer is pregnant!" Di Chajie spat out a smoke ring, and said to Feng Tian.

"Is that for real? Fuck, Di Chajie, are you even human? You're already living with Yun Hanxiao, and you're still with Shangguan Yueer ??" Feng Tian rolled up her sleeves indignantly, wanting to beat Di Chajie up.

"No, it's not when I was with Little Xiao. It's almost two months now." Di Chajie did not look at Feng Tian, and continued speaking faintly.

Feng Tian calmed down and asked, "Then what do you plan to do?" Di Chajie shook his head, "What else can I do? Do you think I should let Yue'er beat this child up? No matter what, that is a life, I do not have the power to stop that life from coming. The only one with a bit of authority should be Shangguan Yueer himself. " Feng Tian sarcastically said: "That's great, you gave the authority to Shangguan Yueer, then she must be married to you." Di Chajie nodded.

Feng Tian raised her voice: "You promised her!" Di Chajie turned his eyes away, calm and in pain... Are you an idiot? How can you agree to that woman, what about Yun Hanxiao, and what about Shaoze? You still don't know, right, Shaoze is ?? " Feng Tian almost mentioned Shaoze's background in his anger.

However, she felt that it was impossible for an outsider like her to decide whether or not to reveal Shaoze's background.

That was what Yun Hanxiao and Shaoze were thinking.

Although she was watching from the side, she had the intention of watching him make a fool out of himself. She just didn't want to let Di Chajie have it easy.

But in this situation, when she saw that Di Chajie was going to marry Shangguan Yueer, and that he would suffer, she became anxious.

Di Chajie doubted: "What is Shaoze?" Feng Tian looked at Di Chajie and thought for a long time before finally replying shamelessly, "I forgot what I wanted to say. I'm going to die from your anger. "Oh, oh..." I remember now, I want to say that Shaoze baby's attitude has changed a lot recently. I think that he's treating you as his own father, if you do this, how disappointed would Shaoze be? Moreover, you brought Yun Hanxiao and her son into your house, so you must have already taken all the advantages that could be gained by now. Furthermore, you have married Shangguan Yueer, how can Yun Hanxiao endure this! Xiao Xiao has always lived a difficult life. Although she was very optimistic, looking at how such a young girl worked so hard to live, don't you have any sympathy? "Good, now you're ready to pat your ass and leave. What did you do earlier!" Di Chajie looked at Feng Tian and smiled slightly: "Seeing you protecting my little smile like this, and even putting aside the feelings between us for reading so many newspapers from a young age, I am truly happy." Feng Tian was so surprised with her boldness that she did not even know how to react to Di Chajie's words.

"It's really comforting to think of so many people liking her and protecting her." Di Chajie continued to speak in an indifferent tone.

Feng Tian's scalp turned numb, "Hey, you look like you're about to give me your last words. Are you trying to say that you want to marry Shangguan Yue'er, and let me take over Yun Wen Xiao. Let me tell you, Yun Hanyi is not that cheap. I already had this thought in my mind a long time ago, it's not something that you can let me do. Di Sha curled her lips, gave a faint smile and said, "I won't let you, I won't kill you." I'll let you take over that pile of finishing work! " Feng Tian screamed miserably, "Ah, ah ?? "No, boss!" "Di Sha turned her eyes to the window, wondering where her thoughts had drifted to.

It was another weekend, because the villa's garden was very large. Taking a walk to grow vegetables was fine, so Yun Hanxiao had been rather quiet recently. She only took her son to grow things in the garden during the weekend.

She was squatting there in a blue sweater, loose, with a new, casual languor.

Shaoze was also playing with the mud on his hands. Only at this moment would he not be afraid of getting dirty.

"Mommy, why can't we just let the cabbage grow slowly from a cabbage into a cabbage in the field? Why must we pull it out and plant it again?" Shaoze asked curiously. He moved the plant from its position to the right position and planted it.

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