Genius Summoner

Chapter 1860 Lock You Up (1)

Chapter 1860 Lock You Up (1)

Chapter 1860 Lock You Up (1)

"Yun Feng" smiled ferociously and looked at the few contracted Magic Beasts in front of her. She licked the corners of her mouth with the tip of her tongue with an extremely evil expression. "If you want to stop me, just attack! I won't even fight back! Hahahaha, hahaha!" Her red eyes stared at Xiao Xi, who was curled up, with even more greed in them.

"Since I'm out, I won't let you go!" "Yun Feng" said hoarsely. She suddenly flipped her hand and a red aura shot out of her palm, rolling straight towards Xiao Xixi's body! The five contracted Magic Beasts instantly moved. There was only one thought left in their minds. They had to protect Moxi's soul no matter what!

"Hahaha, you think you can stop me? What a joke!" "Yun Feng" roared. The red gas suddenly sped up and bypassed the heavy interceptions, jumping to Xiao Xixi's side! He's mine!

"Swish…!" A gust of wind sounded and an unusually agile body suddenly darted to Xiao Xixi's side. Its slender body wrapped around Xiao Xixi, who was trembling in fear. Its little body darted again and instantly took Xiao Xixi away!

When "Yun Feng" saw this, her expression changed drastically! A ferocious look flashed through her face and she completely changed into a different person! The person whose body was occupied by Red-Eyed wasn't Yun Feng anymore, but a bloodthirsty Magic Beast in human clothes!

"Well done, Little Lei." Its agile body flashed back to Yun Qingchen's side. Little Lei nodded. Yun Qingchen wiped the blood at the corners of his mouth. The five contracted Magic Beasts immediately gathered around him. "We can't hurt Master's body. Even if we want to dodge, we can't dodge completely."

"That's right. Besides, how can we wake Master up?"

The five contracted Magic Beasts frowned. Their connection with Yun Feng was completely cut off because her body was occupied. The voices of the contracted Magic Beasts couldn't reach Yun Feng at all!

"Boohoo… Don't get close to me…" Xiao Xixi curled up and held Little Lei's slender body tightly with his little hands. Little Lei was almost suffocated by him. Yun Qingchen frowned and looked at "Yun Feng" in front of him. What exactly occupied his aunt's body? How could he wake her up?

Yun Feng's eyes were bloodshot. "You can save it once, but you can't save it a second time!" She suddenly moved the tip of her foot and "Yun Feng" instantly disappeared!

"Be careful! Red-Eyed's strength is unpredictable!" Lan Yi roared. Yun Qingchen frowned. Red-Eyed? Was Red-Eyed also a kind of Magic Beast?

"Qingchen, your mission is to take care of Moxi's soul," said Lan Yi in a low voice. Yun Qingchen nodded. The bodies of the five contracted Magic Beasts flashed slightly and immediately protected Yun Qingchen in the middle. The five contracted Magic Beasts looked in different directions vigilantly. "I won't let you take it away! Absolutely not!" Yaoyao roared and a hoarse laugh suddenly came. "That depends on your ability!"

"Red-Eyed, don't underestimate us!" Er Lei shouted furiously as silver snakes all jumped out of his body. The five contracted Magic Beasts looked determined. This time, they wouldn't let Moxi's soul be damaged no matter what. Absolutely not!

"Let's fight!" Lan Yi roared as five beams of light suddenly burst out of the bodies of the five contracted Magic Beasts! Five God King Level auras surged over at the same time. Yun Qingchen stood in the middle and felt the huge aura and the power of the Magic Beasts. His heart couldn't help but tremble slightly! Those were his aunt's contracted Magic Beasts, friends who accompanied her in life and death!

The battle where they swore to protect Moxi's soul had already begun! There was a fierce battle outside, but where Yun Feng's soul was, it was dark and endlessly quiet.

Yun Feng's consciousness drifted. She was a bit confused and wasn't awake at all. She only felt that she was constantly floating. She wasn't unfamiliar with such a feeling. When she first came to this world, her soul was also like this, until it was attracted by a beam of light and became Yun Feng right now… Where exactly was she right now?

"Yun Feng, Yun Feng!" A familiar voice with inexplicable anxiety sounded in her ears. Yun Feng's consciousness returned slightly, but she didn't wake up completely.

"Yun Feng, wake up!" A powerful sound wave rushed into Yun Feng's ears. Her consciousness, which was still extremely chaotic just then, suddenly woke up. Everything was especially clear!

"Na Xie?" Yun Feng suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the endless darkness around her. She was a bit confused. Where was she?

"You're finally awake." Na Xie's voice was obviously relieved. Yun Feng was a bit confused. She rubbed her forehead. "Where am I… I remember…" Yun Feng's expression suddenly changed. The scene before she lost consciousness appeared in her mind. Xiao Xixi accidentally let Red-Eyed out!

"That's right. Your consciousness was forcibly suppressed by Red-Eyed. He's the one who's controlling your body right now."

"How is that possible? He can only occupy my body with my permission. This time…"

"Yun Feng, his restraints have already been removed." Na Xie's voice was extremely heavy. Yun Feng was shocked! Removed? "You mean… the chains that restrained him have already been removed?" josei

"It's not completely unlocked, but part of it has already been unlocked. He's more cunning than you think. He can accumulate energy by swallowing Beast Souls. The more he swallows, the more energy he'll get. He's swallowed a lot of Beast Souls right now. Coupled with the unconscious help of the outside world, he's already removed a part of the restraints. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the ability to suppress your original consciousness forcibly."

Yun Feng frowned. It wasn't that she hadn't thought that swallowing Beast Souls could increase Red-Eyed's own energy, but no matter how many Beast Souls it swallowed right now, it wasn't enough for Red-Eyed to get out of control in her opinion! Obviously, Red-Eyed must be hiding something! Now, it had broken part of the restraints. What a cunning Magic Beast!

Red-Eyed was occupying her body right now. Then, Moxi's soul… "Oh no!" Yun Feng cursed softly. Red-Eyed had always fed on Beast Souls. He definitely wouldn't let go of Moxi's soul right now. Once it swallowed Moxi's soul, her Second Brother… would be hopeless!

"Things aren't as bad as you think. Luckily, your few contracted Magic Beasts are all outside. If they weren't here, Moxi's soul probably wouldn't be here right now." What Na Xie said made Yun Feng much more relaxed. Once it occupied her body, everything about her would certainly be sealed, just like Meatball. It was impossible for it to come out.

"I want to take back my body! This is my body! How can I let him occupy it casually?" Yun Feng clenched her fists fiercely and looked up. "Na Xie, help me."

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