Genius Warlock

Chapter 344

Chapter 344


A colossal serpent composed of earth and sand surged towards Oliver, emitting an eerie scream that gave it an almost lifelike presence.

And it wasn't just one; there were a total of five.

These earth serpents appeared to be infused with both mana and Life-force, moving with a natural grace reminiscent of real snakes.

Of course, Oliver's human-faced snakes, crafted by his powers, moved just as fluidly as Theodore's serpents.

"Will you assist me?"

When Oliver requested aid, his human-faced snakes, conjured from the frozen lake's waters, engaged the earth serpents on his behalf, either entwining with them or snapping their jaws in confrontation.

Crunch! Screeeech—!! Bang!!"

The colossal serpents, a fusion of earth and ice, coiled and battled in a scene reminiscent of a hellish arena.

But the conflict didn't end there.

With seemingly boundless mana at his disposal, Theodore continued to conjure additional earth serpents. He brought forth three more, infusing them with both mana and emotion.

Within the serpents' bodies, mana and emotion blended, creating a single, foreboding energy that swelled ominously beneath their scales, casting a menacing, dark-red glow.

It appeared as though they might burst forth at any moment.

[Breath of Fury]

Accompanied by Theodore's incantation, the three serpents expelled a combination of mana and emotion from their bodies, releasing a magma-like torrent of black light.

The eruption wasn't merely powerful and scorching; its most menacing aspect lay in the toxic nature of the magma.

As some of the molten substance landed in the nearby forest, it stained the grass and trees black and melted them away. The lake, too, boiled where the magma touched, darkening its waters.

Even the emitted smoke carried a sense of menace.

Meanwhile, Oliver harnessed frost mana, merging it with the immense reservoir of the lake's mana, which he had infused with emotions of sorrow.


The ice, saturated with the emotion of sorrow, not only froze the surface of the lake before Oliver but also erected a massive ice barrier that counteracted the magma.

Anger transformed into sorrow, and flames into ice.

Due to their opposing properties, the toxic magma failed to inflict significant harm and was subdued.

It was a stroke of luck. If Oliver hadn't intervened, the lake would have transformed into a toxic swamp, and the surrounding forest would have been reduced to ashes, creating a highly disadvantageous battleground for Oliver.

The battle with Theodore exceeded any scale of combat Oliver had ever experienced.

A lapse in judgment could prove fatal.

Oddly enough, Oliver didn't entirely despise this moment. He felt a profound sense of accomplishment commensurate with the danger.

To manipulate emotions in this way… It was genuinely enjoyable.

‘It's similar to Pilgaret making… Mixing different emotions for synergistic effects…'

Oliver recalled his first attempt at blending different emotions within a Pilgaret.

It had been truly fascinating and awe-inspiring.

Although the present and past situations were entirely distinct, it was intriguing how they were connected.

Oliver resolved that if he survived this battle, he would document this discovery. He then channeled the power he had drawn from the lake, directing it toward a wall where magma and ice had conjoined.

The immense force fractured the wall, composed of mingled ice and magma, splitting it into hundreds of fragments. These shards hurtled toward Theodore in a massive onslaught.

It was an attack of a scale Oliver would never ordinarily attempt, but it became feasible thanks to his absorption of the lake's mana.

Indeed, he considered himself fortunate.

To discover such a lake while facing an opponent like Theodore, possessing both abnormal mana and physical prowess, was truly serendipitous.

The enormous boulder infused with mana advanced relentlessly like a bullet, its every impact shattering Theodore's sand-snakes like fragile sandcastles.

Yet, Theodore, the wizard, effortlessly repelled it.

"How laughable!"

He concentrated mana into both hands, imbuing them with shockwave magic. Clashing his fists together, he unleashed a shockwave that shattered the incoming rock into pieces.

Not stopping there, he clashed his fists once more, releasing a wide-ranging shockwave toward Oliver.

[Shock Wave]

In the realm of pure magical force, a seemingly basic shock spell stood as a testament to its exceptional sophistication and the staggering amount of mana it consumed, defying the boundaries of common sense.

The vast, fan-shaped shockwave that erupted not only shattered the serene surface of the lake but also disintegrated the serpentine creations of both Theodore and Oliver as it closed in on Oliver.

Its scope was so extensive that avoidance was futile, prompting Oliver to mount a counterattack.

[Out Cry]

Concentrating the augmented power of his meticulously enhanced black suit onto his visage, Oliver unleashed a shockwave capable of harming his adversary both internally and externally.


The fan-shaped shockwave unleashed by Theodore clashed with Oliver's linear shockwave, tearing through Theodore's release like an overwhelming torrent.

It wasn't a matter of sheer strength but rather a disparity in focus.

The lake's surface churned like a cauldron of boiling oil, and fine droplets of water ascended skyward in a reversed rain-like fashion.

These fine droplets formed a mist that enveloped the surroundings, prompting Oliver to once again concentrate his energy on his visage.

[Out Cry]

Accompanied by an odd expression manifesting on the facial section of his black suit, Oliver unleashed another shockwave, even more potent than before.


Theodore, undeterred, stood his ground. His multitude of arms coalesced into a colossal fist, merging numerous spells and black magic, and met Oliver's shockwave head-on, nullifying its effects.

It was a shockwave that could overwhelm even a seasoned warrior in an instant.

However, such power was justifiable given the spell's immense potency.

When numerous arms sprouted, it wasn't merely an increase in mana; the complexity and precision of the spell escalated, amplifying the already monumental magical force.

Theodore appeared far from fatigued and promptly employed multi-layered mana to exert pressure on Oliver.

[Ptah’s Assistant]

Theodore summoned multiple mechanical arms around Oliver, reminiscent of those he used for self-repair.

Crafted from magical particles, these arms possessed a slender yet menacing appearance, combining the qualities of a needle and scalpel, equipped for effortless repair or disassembly.

As expected, these slim, menacing appendages approached Oliver with a malevolent intent, with the specific purpose of disassembling and destroying.

The mechanical arms converged from all directions, making evasion nearly impossible. Oliver countered by emulating Theodore.

[Ptah's Assistant]

Oliver tapped into the reservoir of mana within himself, sculpting a spell in the air centered around his being. Multiple magical circles materialized, giving rise to his own set of mechanical arms.

Oliver's mechanical limbs surged forward, clashing with Theodore's approaching arms. Soon, the multitude of limbs subdivided into two factions, tearing into each other much like the earlier confrontation between earth and humanoid serpents.

However, this time, the emphasis was on agility and precision for disassembly and dismantling.

The mechanical arms of Oliver and Theodore reached a standstill, prompting Theodore to initiate another maneuver. He summoned a magic circle encircling Oliver, launching magical projectiles aimed at Oliver's mechanical arms.

Unwavering, Oliver mirrored Theodore's actions, crafting a floating magic circle to target Theodore's mechanical limb.

Various enchantment circles materialized in the air, firing magical projectiles at one another. This resulted in magical bullets hurtling towards the lake and the airspace, creating explosive displays resembling water columns and fireworks.

Amidst this chaotic spectacle, Oliver had previously erected a magical barrier around himself to deflect damage. However, it seemed Theodore deemed this precaution insufficient.

While channeling his mana, Theodore surged towards Oliver, closing the distance between them.

Upon spotting Theodore's approach, Oliver manipulated the lake beneath him to create separation.

Engaging Theodore in close combat felt overwhelmingly perilous.

Maintaining distance for a magical duel remained tenable, thanks to Oliver's ability to draw from the lake's mana. Nevertheless, close-quarters combat stood as an imprudent option due to the glaring disparities in physical prowess.

Even if Oliver had absorbed the lake's mana and possessed comparable quantities of mana, the disparities in stored emotions, Life-force, and, most crucially, physical strength were too profound.

‘But I still have to do something. I can't inflict enough damage with just mana…'

"I won't let you go."

Theodore, swiftly closing the gap by running on two legs, relentlessly pursued Oliver, creating turbulent waves in the lake as he advanced.

Drawing upon the mana and life force within him, Oliver manifested a serpentine creature with a human visage that burst forth from beneath Theodore.


This human-faced serpent soared skyward, piercing through the waves manipulated by Theodore, lifting him into the air, and opening its maw in an attempt to consume him.

However, in less than a second, Theodore morphed his arm into a tentacle-like form and ruptured the serpent, freeing himself.

But Oliver was prepared as well.

[Breath of Obsession]

Oliver summoned two additional human-faced serpents and, much like Theodore, commanded the serpents to expel a mixture of obsessive emotions and mana.

Black ice crystals, resembling an avalanche, hurtled towards Theodore, freezing everything in their path, while Theodore attempted to counter with a flame of greed.

However, his efforts proved futile.

The black flames Theodore conjured failed to neutralize the snowstorm infused with obsession, ultimately being repelled. Theodore started to freeze as he was directly struck by the snowstorm.


Burning his own life force and emotions, along with his physical form, Theodore managed to rid himself of the encasing ice, then swung his multiple tentacle-like arms once more.

This was Theodore's unique approach.

His tentacle arms, reshaped as a form of attack, combined mana and emotion as if numerous wizards and warlocks worked in unison. They moved with broad strokes, paying little heed to the biting cold, and demolished the human-faced serpent.

Anticipating Theodore's counter, Oliver submerged himself in the lake to take cover. However, Theodore compressed his extended tentacle arms into a colossal fist and struck not Oliver but the very lake itself.


A colossal shockwave emanated from the lake's center, dispersing its waters in all directions and sweeping through the surrounding forest.

It was akin to a tsunami and an earthquake combined.

As Oliver attempted to evade the assault by submerging himself in the lake, he lost balance in the sudden turbulence, getting carried away. Not only that, he was propelled out of the water, along with a towering pillar of water, as the lake reconverged to its center.

His body was at the mercy of the intense turbulence.

As he involuntarily resurfaced, he found himself face to face with Theodore's fist.


Desperately, Oliver encased himself in water, attempting to use it as a cushion, but his efforts proved futile.


When Theodore's fist collided with Oliver's watery shield, not only did the barrier rupture like a water balloon, but Oliver himself was sent hurtling into the distance.

Even the black suit he had been wearing shattered into pieces.

Although he had expended a significant amount of energy when using "Out Cry" earlier, he had augmented himself with an artificial soul… Oliver couldn't help but be astonished by the overwhelming difference in firepower.

The only significant blow he had landed on Theodore thus far was when he had retreated to the lake, dismembered himself using portal magic, and hurled corpse dolls into the breach and detonated them.

‘Ah, there's one more thing…'

In that moment, Oliver recalled a black magic charm he had temporarily forgotten.

Just as he attempted to rise and regroup, another surge of turbulence carried him away.

Theodore was manipulating the lake's massive reserves of mana, creating a vortex centered on himself, intent on pulling Oliver in to deliver the finishing blow.

Oliver, now stripped of his shattered black suit, struggled to resist using his own mana, but Theodore's power was overwhelming, rendering his resistance a futile delay tactic.

Furthermore, Theodore summoned multiple magical circles in the air to fire magic bullets and lightning, forcing Oliver into a purely defensive stance.

His intentions were clear, and Oliver found himself inexorably drawn into the heart of the vortex, barely maintaining his balance in the treacherous currents.

Theodore leisurely enlarged his hand, enveloping it in an array of spells, and attempted to capture Oliver. At that precise moment, Oliver deployed a magical barrier, thwarting the aerial magical circles, and began to chant.


With that invocation, Duncan—the corpse doll Oliver had concealed in his clothing using shrinking magic—emerged, triggered by the pre-set mana, returning to its original size.

"Fourth" contained within a test tube reacted, and Duncan's form absorbed it, hurtling toward Theodore.


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