Genius Warlock

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Beep, beep, beep, click!

Oliver turned off his alarm clock, put on his gloves, and then his apron.

After which, he used a hook with a handle to lift the corpse from the container.

Soon, three bodies lined up in front of Oliver.

The first was the corpse of a doctor, the second the corpse of a Warlock, and the third the corpse of the Mattel employee, the one who tried to break into Oliver's basement and was killed.

After more than six hours of processing, all the bodies were in good condition.

The Mattel employee's corpse had a rotten part and had to be removed a lot, but it was still pretty good.

"I don't want to use it for a long time anyway."

Judging so, Oliver lifted the body and placed it on the table with great struggle.

"I need to exercise…"

Oliver muttered about the familiar but unfamiliar physical labor and looked at the book he put on one of the stands of the table.

Oliver first brought a scalpel, cut the important parts as written in the book, and then opened the gap to examine the bones inside.

Fortunately, there were no broken bones.

Using a sprayer, Oliver sprayed the bone-strengthening coating and sewed the cracks, followed by putting a special adhesive made by mixing human flesh and chemicals with black magic.

Surprisingly, the cracked flesh clung together as if nothing had happened.

By repeating this process several times, Oliver completed all three bodies.

His back was already stiff and his shoulders and arms were throbbing, but he continued to work without stopping.

As the deadline for the job drew nearer, he realized how important it was to have a corpse doll assistant.

He thought it would be better to suffer now and secure a solid assistant.

Oliver, who had made up his mind, began to join the bodies as he had designed in advance.

First of all, the body of the Warlock, which will be in the center, was raised on the experimental table, the flesh around the shoulder was cut using a scalpel, and the arm was neatly separated from the shoulder using a joint removal tool.


Oliver looked at the neatly pulled arm area and looked at the notes in the book.

This seemed good enough.

Oliver pulled out the other arm in the same way, then picked up the modified surgical saw, placed it on the outside of the collarbone, and began cutting it vertically to the waist.


As it turned out, Oliver cut off the wrong side from what he should have done first, but he dismissed it as practice and continued cutting with the surgical saw on the outside of the collarbone on the other side.


After cutting it like that, Oliver repeated the process for the other two bodies in the same way.

The two arms were pulled out in the same way, and the neck and shoulder were cut with a surgical saw.

Oliver put the unnecessary parts in a special bag and examined the six arms pulled out and the three cut bodies.


Oliver, who was checking the next step while reading the book, decided to attach the body first.

With the body of the Warlock as a center, the doctor was joined to the left and the Mattel employee to the right. Each cross-section of the shoulder was tightened and fixed with a special nail, tied with copper wire, and elasticized with adhesives to prevent fractures.

After shaking the body to see if it was fixed properly, Oliver tied the chain hanging from the ceiling pulley to the body and raised it.


The heavy body, fastened to the chain, stood up limp like a drunken man.

Oliver took some copper wire he had bought from the black market, and as the book said, he put it through each corpse's spine, then screwed it into the other corpse.

Warlock and Doctor.

Warlock and Mattel employee.

Mattel employee and Doctor.

According to the Book, this was the only way the corpse dolls could be made to move without confusion.

After plugging in all the wires and connecting them, Oliver pulled both ends of the body of the Mattel employee and the doctor to each other and joined them together before deciding to attach the arms. Since it was cylindrical, it almost fell down.

He decided to attach the arm's part to the location necessary for the work based on the Warlock's torso.

Two on each shoulder and two on the lower chest.

Oliver first brought a drill-like machine.

He used a silvery metal instrument, like a surgical saw, to carve out the flesh in the region where he had chosen to clip it in.


The metallic sound of digging out flesh and bones resounded horribly in the basement.

After drilling out all six holes, Oliver wiped off the sweat with a towel and pulled out six metal joint tools to be used in the corpse.

He then picked up the joint tool and pushed it as hard as he could into the hole dug in.

He dug a small hole on purpose, so it was tight, but just in case, he put more glue and nails to fix it.

Oliver put the joint tool in the other five holes equally, then put the pre-pulled arm, and put an additional nail into it to make sure it doesn’t come off.

As a result, the form was roughly captured.

"Whoa. . . ."

Oliver wiped his forehead with his hand holding a hammer, and then examined the three bodies combined, the Corpse Doll Helper 1.

It wasn't exactly what he thought, but it was satisfactory enough.

Oliver immediately brought equipment and parts and began to attach the detailed functions of Helper 1.

A storage box for surgical tools and medicines, a tank to store mana, emotion, and Life-force, and a metal pipe for extracting and using them.

In addition, guns, blades, and hydrochloric acid sprayers were also installed to prepare for possible situations.

The work was easier than he thought because he got the hang of it faster than expected.


After Oliver finished the finishing touches, he took off his apron and breathed out, wiping his whole body.

It was longer and more tiring than he thought, but he finished it well somehow.

Oliver looked at the clock. Fortunately, there was still time.

"I'm glad I won’t be late.”

With that remark, Oliver went to the desk and took out a test tube.

It was a test tube with First Child.

"First. Please.”

Oliver opened the lid of the test tube with a whisper.

Then First squeaked and went into the head of the corpse doll Helper 1.

Soon, the corpse doll flinched.

After a while, Helper 1 raised its head with difficulty, as if First had taken control of the body.

The other two heads moved awkwardly, too.

‘Um, with the body attached, it doesn't seem like a big problem with a few heads. Will it be okay if there are many?’

Oliver thought as he observed the moving Helper 1.

In time, First looked at Oliver with three heads and screamed, as if he had completely taken control of the corpse doll.


Although it was close to a strange cry of unknown meaning, Oliver could roughly understand the meaning of the words.

"You want me to unlock the chain?"

"Kyakyah…! Kyaaaa…!!”

First affirmed by nodding the three heads.

Oliver released the chain that tied it as requested.

With the sound of the chain falling down, First stood awkwardly like a man with prosthetic legs, moved a few steps, and began to talk about improvements.

"Kyakyah. Kya. Kyakya. Kyakyakayh".

Three of the six hands pointed to the leg.

Oliver knew what it meant.

According to the woven body, the legs were also adjusted in the direction of each body, making it uncomfortable to walk. In fact, it looked unnatural because the steps of the six legs were different.

"Um… I'll improve on this later. Is there no problem with the other parts?”

First moved his arms around and shook his head as if he didn't know yet.josei

"All right, then, let me know if there's a problem later. I'll make improvements.”

First nodded with a strange sound as if he liked the new corpse doll.

"Um… First, if you don't mind, could you help me? I'm sorry to have you work right after you got well, but I don't have time. Can I ask you?”

Oliver pointed to the clock and asked.

First nodded joyfully with three heads.


⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Making a helper corpse doll did not seem like a bad idea.

Although it took a considerable amount of time, money, and effort, the work gained tremendous speed after making it.

To some extent, the corpse dolls [Warlock], [Sniper], and [Rag] damaged by Duncan were all repaired before the scheduled time and even renovated.

Helper 1 was strong thanks to the combination of the three bodies, so First moved the corpsed doll at ease, while the surgery and work skills were also better than Oliver, so honestly, it was enough to just give instructions.

Nevertheless, Oliver did not leave all the work to Helper 1, he worked together.

It may be convenient to leave it to Helper 1, but Oliver's skills won't improve at all, and Oliver's improvement was essential to making a better product.


The taxi that was running slowed down with a small sound and stopped at the side of the road.

The taxi driver, who looked like a weasel, carefully turned his head to the back seat and opened his mouth.

"Sir… We have arrived at the destination you mentioned."

He said with an uneasy look, as if he was anxious just to be near District X, which was a crime zone.

Oliver nodded and took out his wallet to pay the promised money.

"As I said, it's double. I'm sorry for pushing you. It was a close call, but thanks to you, I was able to come without being late. Thank you."

"Haha… Don't mention it…"

The taxi driver nodded awkwardly and received the money, and as soon as Oliver got off, he hurriedly turned the car and left.

Taxi drivers also appeared to have different personalities.

After the taxi left, Oliver entered the entrance to District X.

‘How many times have I been here, I don't think it's been that long.'

Oliver thought about it.

The first time was when he visited with Joseph, and then another time after he left the family to meet Joseph. Next, there was Murphy's request, when he met Joe, and now. In total, it seemed like he visited four times.

He seemed to have visited quite a lot, but nevertheless, the gaze of the people hiding and watching throughout buildings and alleys did not decrease.

A wary and malicious stare.

It was not like he minded it, but it felt amazing.

The remnants of the Kell Liberation Army, which Oliver was targeting now, were hiding here in District X, and Oliver couldn't understand how they could hide in such a place where strangers were extremely wary.

Oliver might have had trouble finding anyone in this place.

"As expected, it was the right thing to accept the help from Joe.”

Joe, who Oliver met at the black market three days ago, guessed what job Oliver was doing and offered to help him.

He asked to let him join, to be exact.

Although this kind of work was lucrative, he asked Oliver to let him in because he did not have a good chance of getting the job due to credit and other factors.

Instead, he said that he would take responsibility for the search that Oliver had difficulty with.

– What should I say… You look weak in that area.

Joe spoke cautiously as if it were not an insult, and Oliver accepted it immediately.

As Joe said, the search was unfamiliar to him.

As soon as permission was granted, Joe offered to increase the number of participants by two more.

Half of the total reward would be Oliver’s share, while the other half would be for himself and his friends.

Oliver immediately accepted this as well because he thought it would be impossible for him to search all of District X alone.

"Is this the right place?"

Oliver muttered looking around.

It was a residential area, and the red buildings, which were narrower than other areas, were suffocatingly closer.

Even a third of them were only in the form of a wall because construction was not completed.

Oliver couldn't figure out why it was not completed.

He didn't specifically know where he was, but as he was walking around looking around, someone suddenly talked to Oliver.

"Here you are."

As he turned his head, he saw Joe standing in front of a dusty red house.

Behind Joe stood Twin pistol Sam, who he had seen in the Contamination Zone, and a large, fat, dark-skinned teenager.

Oliver looked at them and greeted them.

"Um, Hello."

"…Yeah yeah. Shall we go inside and talk?”

Joe opened the door and suggested.

(To be Continued)


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