Genius Warlock

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

The Holy Paladins' England branch was more complicated than expected, and far from the efficient building structure unique to Landa.

Its purpose was defense and security rather than convenience.

After climbing down the stairs and winding around, they finally arrived in front of a door.


The servant who had guided Oliver spoke. It was a thoroughly closed-off place without a single window.

"Go in," urged the servant who had guided him.

"I understand, thank you for your guidance."

The servant snorted at Oliver's polite greeting. Somehow, the people here seemed to have short tempers.


Upon entering the room through the thick iron door, Oliver immediately noticed a crude table and chairs situated in the empty space. Sitting at the table was a man whose face he recognized all too well.

"Hello, Sir Elton. It’s been a while."

Oliver warmly greeted the Paladin, who sported a luxuriant beard and mane reminiscent of a lion. The middle-aged man had a robust build and sharp eyes, giving him the aura of a two-legged lion.

The last time Oliver had encountered this man was during his interrogation by city official Paul Carver after miraculously surviving an encounter with Puppet in the contaminated zone. At that time, the man had accompanied Joanna and interrogated Oliver once again.

Although less than a year had passed since that event, it felt like a lifetime ago to Oliver.

‘Um, a lot has happened.'

The Paladin spoke slowly, his voice measured. "Do you recall my face?"

"Yes… But I don't see your colleague with you today."

The colleague in question was none other than Joanna, yet she was nowhere to be found. Elton's expression soured slightly at the mention of her absence, suggesting that the question had hit a nerve. Despite relying on magical items and other powers to conceal his emotions, Oliver could discern a faint hint of Elton's displeasure.

"Why do you ask?"

"I just noticed a change from before. I apologize if my question made you uncomfortable.."

Oliver immediately said, disregarding the matter. Elton still had an unpleasant expression, but he didn't ask any further. He wasn't particularly curious.

"Sit down."


Oliver took a seat at the table opposite Elton, memories of his past interrogation flooding back to him.

"May I ask the reason behind your investigation of warlocks?"

The Paladin casually sorted out the documents and spoke.

"Let me tell you the rules here. I ask the questions, and you answer. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Good. What's your name?"

Oliver found himself subjected to the same line of questioning as during his initial interrogation. Elton was uninterested in the answers, instead searching for any inconsistencies or vulnerabilities he could exploit.

As the tedious exchange continued, Oliver grew increasingly bored and began to wonder why they were putting him through this ordeal.

It struck him then how fortunate he was to live in a world where he could ask questions and seek answers, and he shuddered to think of a reality where such a luxury was denied to him. How long could he endure in such a world?

"During our last conversation, you mentioned that you had no involvement with Puppet. Is that still true?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Then, may I ask how you make use of the corpse dolls?"

Elton asked sharply, his emotions flaring.josei

"We have received a report stating that a warlock, who utilizes a glutton bag capable of holding a human-sized object, is using corpse dolls. From what we understand, you are the only Solver in this city known to use such a glutton bag. Can you refute this information?"


Oliver had an epiphany about the wisdom of Forrest's advice.

He had warned him against using the Bigmouth and corpse dolls in front of others, and now, as soon as he had violated that rule, he found himself facing a problem.

"It’s true. As far as I know, I am the only one using a glutton bag of that size."

"Can you provide an explanation regarding your use of corpse dolls? Are you going to say you could use them from the beginning?"

"No, that is not the case. I discovered a book about corpse dolls in the contaminated zone, which allowed me to learn how to use them. I only used materials I found from discarded corpse dolls."

"Are you expecting me to accept that explanation?"

"But it's the truth."

Oliver brazenly told a half-truth. While it wasn't entirely false that he had acquired the ability to use corpse dolls through a book he had found in the contaminated zone, but it was a lie that he had only used recycled corpse dolls.

The statement was genuine, but despite that, Elton was unable to apprehend Oliver.

The reason for this was unknown, but Oliver took note of the situation and refrained from provoking the paladin, recognizing the futility of doing so.

"I am sorry for using the corpse dolls. However, I would like to request that you take into account the fact that I only repurposed materials from pre-existing corpse dolls."

As expected, the paladin couldn't push any further. Instead, he looked for something else to hold against him.

"I have one additional inquiry."

"Sure, please proceed."

"In our previous conversation, you mentioned that you encountered Puppet and were defeated. However, when I visited the location where Puppet was said to have appeared, I discovered evidence of a fierce battle. It didn't seem like the aftermath of a one-sided defeat. Are you aware of any explanation for this?"

Elton dangled a bait before Oliver, and it was evident from his emotional state that he was looking for a way to incriminate him, regardless of whether he had any concrete evidence.

Oliver, sensing the hostile intent, shifted the conversation to a different topic that piqued his personal curiosity.

"Since you went there, did you happen to see it? The traces of human experimentation done by the wizards?"


Despite there being no sound, it felt as though something heavy had fallen on Elton's ears, and a chill ran down his spine.

It was undoubtedly just his imagination, but the atmosphere had become as cold as ice.

For a moment, there was a deep silence, until finally, Paladin Elton broke it by speaking.

"…As far as I recall, it was my responsibility to ask the questions?"

"I apologize for my behavior. I was simply curious. Did you witness any signs of human experimentation, or are you feigning ignorance?"

Paladin Elton gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw tightly. The flood of emotions within him, a mixture of anger, embarrassment, regret, and anguish, made him look as imposing as a real lion. The tense silence hung in the air like a heavyweight.

The warlock and the paladin stared at each other across the table, their gazes locked in a fierce exchange that seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

"If my question was too difficult, there's no need for you to answer. Frankly, I didn't have high expectations."

An utterly insolent remark. Although Oliver harbored no ill intentions, the remark was more malicious than any form of ridicule.

In response, Elton spoke up, "Don't go spouting off without any knowledge, Warlock.."

"Paladin. A defender of the human world on behalf of God and a protector of humanity. A being that upholds the teachings of the Holy Father and preserves order… that much I know."

"How dare a Warlock speak of our God?"

"No, I do not possess enough knowledge to discuss Him. I have read the scriptures, but they are intricate to grasp fully. Nevertheless, I hold Him in high regard. He appears to be a magnificent being, even if my understanding is limited."

The scene was a peculiar one. Oliver spoke of God with a hint of admiration and respect, but his tone was vastly different from that of an ordinary person.

To most humans, God was an untouchable entity, and there existed an insurmountable distance that could never be bridged, no matter how much they admired or worshiped. However, for Oliver, that distance did not seem to exist. It was as though he spoke of someone he had long promised to meet, someone with whom he was incredibly familiar.

Although his attitude could be considered potentially blasphemous, it appeared so natural that even the paladin did not consider stopping him for a moment.

The paladin regained his composure and said,

"Be careful what you say. Don't just throw around talking about our God like that."

"I am sorry. I was merely responding to the question, but if it offended you, please accept my apologies."

The paladin's frown deepened as he regarded the warlock before him. He had completely lost control of the conversation, and despite his recollection of Oliver as an impressive individual, the warlock now seemed vastly different from how he remembered him a year ago.

The paladin couldn't help but wonder if the change was due to the child Oliver had secretly met. As the conversation lapsed into silence, Oliver patiently waited for the paladin's next question.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Time passed without any significant purpose, and the sound of a non-existent clock echoed in the background. As the unproductive minutes ticked by, Oliver tentatively spoke up.

"Sir Paladin, if you have any questions…”

"… It might sound like an excuse, but…"

The paladin's sudden interruption caused Oliver to furrow his brow in mild confusion.

After a momentary pause, the paladin resumed speaking with unwavering patience and determination.

"The world is a complex place, Warlock. The Parter Church is a centuries-old institution of great size and complexity."


"That is precisely why, on occasion, we must make compromises with the world."

"Um, I see… I understand."

Oliver found himself uttering an insincere "I understand" for the first time in his life. He couldn't quite pinpoint the reason behind it, and the thought of delving into the matter seemed bothersome to him.

All he wanted was for the moment to pass quickly. However, the paladin resumed speaking once more, drawing Oliver's attention back to the conversation.

"Individuals who refuse to compromise may eventually falter."

"Um… Sir Paladin? I don't think it's necessary to remind a mere warlock like me…"

"… Like Joanna."


"We're not blind or deaf. We are not oblivious to the dark and unsavory aspects of this city. However, as members of the Church, we cannot act solely based on our personal sense of justice. Doing so could lead to our detachment from the case and even the loss of the opportunity to resolve it."


"Joanna had claimed that the wizards were carrying out atrocious human experiments and had advocated for an inquiry to her superiors for several months. Subsequently, she was relocated to a different location. This was after she had encountered you."

"…Were you aware of our meeting?"

Oliver refrained from denying the accusation. He recognized the paladin's heightened emotional state, and knew that a frivolous lie wouldn't suffice in this situation.

Moreover, he was genuinely curious about Joanna's story.

"As I previously mentioned, we are not ignorant of what occurs around us. While I may not know the specifics, I was aware that you were meeting her at the temple."

"If I may inquire, why did you not pursue it further? After all, I am a Warlock."

"Because I had faith in her. I believed that she had valid reasons for her actions."

Sincerity laced Elton's voice as he expressed his trust in Joanna. It was clear that he had an unwavering belief in her character.

"However, subsequent to your last encounter, she appeared to be in distress and was battling inner turmoil. As I mentioned previously, she persisted in her demand for an inquiry into the Landa wizards, but ended up being ostracized. Consequently, I am curious to know the nature of your conversation."

"Why are you curious?"

"She was a remarkable kid, and she also happened to be my partner."

After a moment of contemplation, Oliver parted his lips to speak.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

"Thank you for guiding me."

As Oliver concluded the interrogation, he ascended from the underground and stepped onto solid ground.

The servant guiding him gave him a curious glance, but Oliver maintained his composure and extended a polite bow, showing his courtesy.

"Hey, I'm glad you're here. You came faster than I expected. Did everything go smoothly?"

Forrest was waiting in the hallway when he caught sight of Oliver's safe return. A wave of relief washed over him, and he couldn't help but show genuine happiness on his face. It was evident from the emotional state that he had been worried about the unexpected situation.

"Yes, there was nothing notable. Were you waiting in the corridor?"

"That's right."

"Shouldn't you have waited in the car?"

"I figured if I waited here, it would show that I was worried about you. But, hey, what's wrong? Your face looks a little weird."

Oliver touched his face.

"Is there something unusual about my appearance?"

"Uh, not that, but… Well, maybe it's just my mistake, but what's going on?"

"No… Nothing happened. Let's go out first."

"Uh, I guess I wasn't being very considerate."

As they walked towards the car, Forrest turned to Oliver and inquired, "Hey, just so you know, it's a bit of a trek to get from District A to District T. You got anything going on tonight?"

Oliver glanced at his watch and calculated the time in his head. Based on their current location and the traffic, they would likely arrive at District T between 4 PM and 4:30 PM. However, he also had the commitment to teach black magic in District X at around 6 PM.

"The timing is a bit difficult. Is this related to work?"

"Hey, come on now, don't be like that. You think I'd give you work to do after a long day? You're in charge of the Fighter Crew, and I want to make sure you're taken care of. I'm here for you until the job is done, and then we can catch up again. That's just how I roll, you know?"

"…So why are you doing this?"

"Hey, would you be up for grabbing a bite to eat together? Just to be clear, I'm not hitting on you or anything. I just have something I want to talk to you about, and I figure it's always nicer to chat over a meal, you know? So, what do you say?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Well, let's save it for dinner. I just think it's better to talk over some food. Trust me, you'll see what I mean."

After hesitating for a moment, Oliver nodded. Having a meal with someone right now might not be a bad idea. His heart felt that way.

"What do you want to eat?"

"…Ice cream."

"Ice cream?"

"Yes, I have a slight craving for it."

"Cool, there's this hotel nearby that has the best ice cream. We should totally check it out. Uh… What's going on?"

Forrest inquired, noticing Oliver come to a sudden halt and gaze into the distance.

If Forrest's perception wasn't deceiving him, Oliver's stoic expression, which typically remained unchanged, seemed to falter momentarily, as though he had just witnessed something unexpected.

After a momentary silence, Oliver spoke up, "Mr. Forrest."

"What is it?"

"Maybe we should part ways here? I will arrive at the restaurant by the scheduled time. I'm really sorry."

(To be Continued)


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