Genius Warlock

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

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Having heard the answer, Forrest nodded silently.

He seemed to want to give more advice in his emotional state, but knowing Oliver, he refrained from speaking unnecessarily.

The people of this city all pretended not to care, but they were quite considerate.

"Ah… But won't you be harmed because of me, Mr. Forrest?"

Oliver asked belatedly.

"Are you talking about me?"

"Yes, you said Mr. Shamus has amassed a huge fortune and has a lot of subordinates, didn't you?"

"That's true. Even the directors of the crime firm are on their toes these days."

"So, if anything goes wrong, won't you also be targeted, Mr. Forrest?"

"Hmm… Thanks for your concern, but that's quite a dismissive statement. Do you really think I wouldn't have prepared that much?"


Oliver sighed.

He was definitely right. Forrest had been in this business longer than Oliver had been alive.

Worrying about him was certainly presumptuous.

Oliver apologized immediately.

"I'm sorry. I've only heard stories of how great Mr. Shamus is… and he's very active, enough to attack us."

"I'm not denying that. But I'm no ordinary broker either."

He was right.

Currently, Forrest was the middleman connecting the crime firm and the fighter crew. Even Shamus wouldn't dare touch him carelessly.

"….And even if something happens, it's just because I’m not capable of working with you, so there's no need to worry."


Oliver questioned the odd response that came out of nowhere.

Forrest wore a cold but thoughtful expression.

"I'm just saying, just in case. There are people who get complacent because they have a bit of power."

"You’re not exactly, complacent."

"Worrying about others in this business is complacency. I shouldn't be saying this, but this business is very dirty and fierce. Most people are self-centered. Worrying is an excessive behavior. Even if…"

Forrest paused for effective communication.

"….Even if you die, it's just paying the price for entering this business. Don't feel sad or unfair. You should be prepared to pay the price if you enter dangerous places. So, don't carelessly worry about others."

Oliver quietly nodded.

Upon calm examination, everything Forrest said was right.

Both Oliver and Forrest were people who chose to enter this business. They always had to be prepared to pay the price.

"Thank you for your advice. I think I was distracted."

"As long as you understand now. Don't worry about other things, just focus on your work. People who worry about others are not as welcomed here as those who just do their job well."

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind."

"Good… In that case, I'll get the word to Carver right away tomorrow. He probably won't start the mission right away, but it's good to prepare in advance. They won't be relaxed over there."

Oliver agreed.

Carver maintained his composure with his unique rationality and coolness, but he didn't take this matter lightly.

He wouldn't hurry, but as soon as an opportunity arose, he would proceed with the task ruthlessly. josei

Oliver had to prepare to match his actions.

‘I need to adjust the schedule and reinforce the forces… I guess I have to apply for a vacation again.'

As Oliver was organizing his tasks in his head, Forrest spoke again.

"If it's okay with you, I'd like to negotiate something. Is that okay?"


"Yes, Carver said he would do this and that, but in the end, it means he won't do anything immediately. I think we might be able to get something if we do well now."

"Yes, it's okay… Ah, then, can you ask him to look into that in advance?"

"Pater Church personnel?"

"Yes, there's someone I’m curious about."

? ? ? ? ? ?

Forrest accepted Oliver's words.

‘Okay, it's not easy, but it's not hard either. I'll try to get that first.'

Oliver, satisfied with the words, got up from his seat and exited the restaurant immediately.

He had finished his work, and it was already late.

However, he didn't go straight home.

Oliver caught a taxi running late into the night, tipped it, and visited a black market that professionally handles weapons.

It was a place that handled various weapons, from ordinary to military-grade and homemade modified weapons.

Having learned about a few other black markets as a reward for successfully training the Fighter Crew, Oliver visited the place and immediately ordered weapons like bombs, firearms, and acid sprayers.

‘The stun and smoke grenades used by Mr. Founder… Depending on how they're used, they can double the combat power of the corpse doll, especially close-combat ones like Duncan… I should also upgrade the corpse doll-sniper's gun.'

Oliver, who usually planned various ways to increase his power, took the opportunity to order everything at once.

Of course, that wasn't the end.

After ordering weapons, Oliver, despite his tired body, visited another black market.

It was a black market that handled various things, such as antiques, stolen goods, and counterfeits. Recently, it was one of the places Oliver frequently visited.


"Ah, you're here?"

A bald clerk in a suit greeted Oliver.

He was an employee working at this black market, mainly dealing with books.

He handled not only general books but also valuable ancient texts, black magic and magic books, and even Books about Demons.

"Has ‘that book' arrived?"

‘That book' referred to the Book about Demons. Even though they handled the item, they did not specify it due to its exceptional danger and instinctive fear.

The clerk shook his head.

"No, it hasn't. The dealers say it will be hard to find for a while."

Oliver was disappointed.

"Is that so?”

"Yes… You have to buy it somewhere else or find it anew, which isn't easy. Have you already read the book you bought last time?"

The book the clerk was referring to was the translated diary of a madman who traded with a demon.

He was a man from the central continent, and despite being filled with inexplicable speech, it cost 70 million, which honestly was not a satisfying purchase.

‘The content is hard to understand, and the book from Mr. Edith is not helpful either.'

When he talked about this, the clerk apologized.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"No, it's not your fault. I bought it knowing the risks," said Oliver.

Indeed, the clerk explained before Oliver bought the book.

Just because it's a black market doesn't mean you can easily buy a Book about Demons.

First of all, it's hard to get a proper item, and even if you get one, it's bought out by the collector's market, which is only allowed for those high-ups.

The fact that Oliver, a warlock, could openly buy it like this was possible thanks to the reputation he had built in Landa.

"Getting a proper item from my line is a bit difficult because people of director's level get them first… If you wish, I can talk to the director for you."

After thinking for a moment, Oliver shook his head.

For some unknown reason, he felt that would not be a good idea.

Although there would be no problem if they approached him first with a request from there, he thought it would be too entangled if he approached them first for personal matters.

While it was true that he wanted the Book about Demons, it wasn't exactly urgent.

So, Oliver politely declined.

"No, it's fine. Can you take care of it if you find a good item? I'll match the price as much as possible."

"Yes, of course, I will."

"Thank you."

After finishing his business, Oliver finally went home and immediately fell asleep……

Beep beep beep beep beep! Beep beep beep beep beep! Beep beep beep beep beep!

As soon as he closed his eyes, Oliver opened them again. He was sure he had slept for a few hours, but it felt like it hadn't even been a minute.


Turning off the alarm Oliver got up from his bed.

To shake off his sleepiness, he stretched to loosen up his body, turned on the radio, exercised lightly, and then took a shower.

Then he started preparing a simple breakfast.

-Knock. Knock.

Just when the food preparation was done, there was a knock at the door.

Oliver tilted his head and went to the door.

He didn't have anyone who would visit his home, so he wondered who could have come.

The front door opened smoothly, and Oliver looked at the man at the door and asked.

"……How did you know I live here and why did you come? Elder."

"I always strive to burden me disciples, mate. Can I come in? It smells like food."

? ? ? ? ? ?

"…..You're not begrudging brekkie to an old bloke, are ya?”

Merlin, who had polished off a steak, a thick sausage, black pudding, three eggs, three pieces of bread, baked beans, fresh salad and apple, orange juice, and coffee, asked out of the blue.

Looking at him, Oliver replied.

"No, I was just wondering how you knew where I live and was watching you."

"Didn't I tell ya before? I don't spare any effort to burden me disciples. It's the joy of me life."

Due to the thick wall of magic, Oliver couldn't tell if Merlin was saying it sincerely.

However, for some reason, even if he was sincere, it didn't seem strange.

"By the way, do ya usually eat this much? That's quite a lot for brekkie."

That was true.

Oliver's food intake was quite significant, just that no one pointed it out.

He wasn't particularly gluttonous, but he could eat as much as necessary.

He had never left any food because there was too much of it.

"I guess? Just, I was told I should have a hearty breakfast."

"I'm sorry. Are ya unable to eat 'cause of me?"

"No, it's okay. Apples and bread and milk are enough……. But may I ask why you came?"

"You're the one who said ya wanted to meet me, ain't ya?"

"Ah……. That's true, but I thought you had some urgent business coming here all of a sudden."

"Well, it's not wrong. I have some business far away."

At the unexpected words, Oliver asked.

"Are you going far?"

"Yes, surprised?"

"Honestly, I’m surprised. It was so sudden."

"I agree. But, I have an urgent matter."

"Oh…… Can I ask where you are going?"

"It's a personal matter, so it's difficult to answer. I don't like it when blokes show interest in me……. Please restrain yaself."

"……? I apologize?"

At the incomprehensible words, Oliver apologized, tilting his head.

Merlin chuckled slightly, swallowed his food, and opened his mouth again.

"……Anyway. I came ‘ere today to tell ya that I'll be leaving for a while. I dunno how long it'll take, but I thought it would be polite to tell ya in advance….. Why did ya wanna meet me?"

"Ah……. I had a few questions."

"What is it? Spit it out quick. I'm plannin' to leave as soon as I finish me meal."

At the sudden proposal, Oliver looked at the half-eaten breakfast.

There were quite a few questions to ask, but it didn't seem like he could ask many.

‘Is it fortunate that he came to see me anyway?'

Thinking as positively as possible, Oliver quickly asked his question.

"Have you heard about my teaching method?"

"I have. From Kevin. It's the one that indirectly gives ya a feel of it, right?"

"Yes, that's right. Is it okay to teach the students with that?"

"There's no reason why not."


Oliver asked again, surprised at the straightforward answer. He thought it wouldn't be possible because of Kevin's reaction.

Merlin added a condition.

"Just don't abuse it, and use it minimally. And if anyone asks about it, say ya learned it from someone. Say it's a technique from the desert or the far East."

"Ah……. Do they have something similar there?"

"No. Just sayin' it's a technique from the desert and the East makes it look like somethin's there, doesn't it?"

Hearing another unexpected answer, Oliver tilted his head.

"Elder……. So, you really don't know any similar technique?"

"I could answer that, but would that be okay? I'm almost finished eatin'."

Merlin pointed to his almost empty plate. Indeed, most of the plate was clean.

"Please eat more slowly."

"I don't listen to me disciples, especially temporary ones……. Don't look at me like that. It hurts an old bloke."

"I apologize. Uh, um……. Can I ask about the World Tree then?"

"Do ya wanna know if ya can predict the future with the World Tree?"

"How did you know?"

"I read the newspaper too. ABC Investment Company……. Isn't it noisy these days? I figured ya'd ask."

"I see……. Is it possible?"

"In theory."

Merlin answered briefly.

It was an unexpected answer, as he thought the answer would be impossible.

"But it's only in theory. There's no successful case yet."

"How is that possible? I thought about it, but even if there's a lot of information, it seems like there would be a limit to foreseeing the future since it's past information."

"Quite a sharp question. I could answer it directly, but I believe in self-directed learning, so I'll give ya this."

Merlin took out an old book from his possession.

It looked more like a personally bound book than a formally published one.

"World Tree…… Evolution?"

Oliver read along the cover of the book he was handed.

"It's a book that discusses one of the theories about the World Tree. It should be able to satisfy ya curiosity."

"Ah, thank you."

Oliver thanked him as he flipped through the book.

Surprisingly, it was a book written entirely by hand. When he mentioned this, Merlin nodded.

"That's why it's expensive. Normally, I should take money for it, but the food was so good, let's say I gave it for that."

"Is that okay?"

"Of course, ya cookin' skills are quite good."

At Merlin's compliment, Oliver thanked him and looked through the book again. He didn't know the contents yet, but instinctively knew it wasn't an ordinary book.

‘Maybe it'll be helpful in work…'

"Well, I should get goin'."

Merlin said, having finished his plate.

"Already, you're leaving?"

"I've finished me meal, what reason do I ‘ave to stay?"

Oliver looked back at Merlin.

"Oh, those eyes… Ah, just a moment."

Merlin stopped talking and fumbled for something in his possession.

"I must be gettin' old, to forget this."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just a moment… Ah, found it."

Merlin extended a bundle of letters.

"Here, these are for ya. They're letters that came for ya."

"For me?"

"Yes, why is there a question mark at the end?"

"Who would send me letters?"

Oliver asked genuinely. No matter how much he thought, there was no one he could think of who would send him a letter.

However, his questions were answered by Merlin.

"Who else but Rosbane and the other kids?"

? ? ? ? ? ?

"…So, I think I won't be able to come for a while."

At Elemental School Tower Gym, Oliver spoke in front of about thirty students.

What he was talking about was that he would be taking a break due to personal circumstances and wouldn't be able to attend classes for a while.

He didn't want to do this as he had a job to do, but he felt it was inevitable.

Fortunately, the students didn't seem too disappointed.

‘Is it really fortunate?'

Oliver thought, looking at the students, who seemed to lack any enthusiasm.

He had tried his best, but motivating people was not as easy as he thought.

"…The professor said he would find someone else, so there should be no problem with the progress of the class. Still, I apologize once again. I'm really sorry for neglecting my duties due to my personal circumstances."

The students nodded perfunctorily.

They didn't seem too interested.

But Oliver wasn't angry or displeased. It was his fault, after all.

As Oliver finished speaking, the students walked out of the gym as usual after class.

Among them was Felix.

"Student Felix?"

Oliver called out to him.

He had been walking out with the other students, but stopped and turned to look at Oliver.


"Do you have the next class?"

"…Why do you ask?"

"Are you busy?"

"I'm not busy, but what's it for?"

"I have a favor to ask. Could you help me for a moment?"

An employee asking a student for help. It wasn't unheard of, but it was rare. Felix frowned, contemplating whether to help.

"…What is it?"

After a moment of thought, Felix sent his friends off first and approached Oliver.

"Before you leave, could I check your mana flow one more time?"



"Is it meaningful?"

"I think it might be. I want to try an experiment."

"Experiment? Wha.., what is it?"

"Um…there's a method from the desert lands of the Far East."

"…Excuse me?"

Felix asked back with a completely puzzled expression, as if he had seen a quack doctor.

(To be Continued)


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